锁链中的圣彼得皇家礼拜堂 参考 导航菜单51°30′31″N 0°4′37″W / 51.50861°N 0.07694°W / 51.50861; -0.0769451°30′31″N 0°4′37″W / 51.50861°N 0.07694°W / 51.50861; -0.07694"Chapel of St Peter Ad Vincula"Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex编编编编编编编编编编
St Augustine, HackneySt Augustine's Tower HackneySt John-at-HackneyChurch of St John-at-HackneySt Leonard, ShoreditchSt Leonard's, ShoreditchSt Mary, Stoke NewingtonSt Mary, Stoke NewingtonAbney Park ChapelAbney Park ChapelChurch of Good Shepherd, Upper ClaptonUpper Clapton#The Abode of LoveNewington Green Unitarian ChurchNewington Green Unitarian Church
英国圣公会伦敦塔亨利八世诺曼征服英格兰圣彼得耶路撒冷安妮·博林凯瑟琳·霍华德简·格雷托马斯·克伦威尔托马斯·莫尔约翰·费舍尔皇家教堂All Hallows Bread StreetAll Hallows-by-the-TowerAll Hallows Honey LaneAll Hallows Lombard StreetAll Hallows-on-the-WallAll-Hallows-the-LessAll-Hallows-the-GreatAll Hallows, StainingChrist Church, GreyfriarsCollege of Minor CanonsDutch Church, Austin FriarsHoly Trinity Gough SquareHoly Trinity the LessHospital of St Thomas of AcreOld St Paul's CathedralSt Alban, Wood StreetSt Alphage London WallSt Andrew-by-the-WardrobeSt Andrew, HolbornSt Andrew HubbardSt Andrew UndershaftSt Ann BlackfriarsSt Anne and St AgnesSt Antholin, Budge RowSt Audoen within NewgateSt Augustine PapeySt Augustine, Watling StreetSt Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange圣巴多罗买大教堂圣巴多罗买小教堂St Benet FinkSt Benet GracechurchSt Benet, Paul's WharfSt Benet SherehogSt Botolph, Aldersgate阿尔德盖特圣博托尔夫堂St Botolph BillingsgateSt Botolph-without-Bishopsgate圣布里奇教堂 (伦敦)St Christopher le Stocks St Clement, EastcheapSt Dionis BackchurchSt Dunstan-in-the-EastSt Dunstan-in-the-West圣埃德蒙堂St Ethelburga, BishopsgateSt Faith under St Paul'sSt Gabriel FenchurchSt George Botolph LaneSt Giles, CripplegateSt Gregory by St Paul's圣海伦主教门教堂St James Duke's PlaceSt James, GarlickhytheSt John the Evangelist Friday StreetSt John the Baptist upon WalbrookSt John ZacharySt Katharine CreeSt Katherine ColemanSt Laurence PountneySt Lawrence JewrySt Leonard, EastcheapSt Leonard, Foster LaneSt Magnus the MartyrSt Margaret LothburySt Margaret MosesSt Margaret, New Fish StreetSt Margaret PattensSt Martin, LudgateSt Martin OrgarSt Martin PomarySt Martin VintrySt Martin OutwichSt Mary AbchurchSt Mary AldermanburySt Mary AldermarySt Mary-at-HillSt Mary Axe, LondonSt Mary BothawSt Mary Colechurch圣马莉里波教堂St. Mary Magdalen Milk StreetSt Mary Magdalen, Old Fish StreetSt Mary MounthawSt Mary MoorfieldsSt Mary SomersetSt Mary StainingSt Mary Woolchurch Haw伍尔诺斯圣马利亚堂St Matthew Friday StreetSt Michael BassishawSt Michael, CornhillSt Michael, Crooked LaneSt Michael-le-QuerneSt Michael, Paternoster RoyalSt Michael QueenhitheSt Michael Wood StreetSt Mildred, Bread StreetSt Mildred, PoultrySt Nicholas AconsSt Nicholas OlaveSt Nicholas ShamblesSt Nicholas, Cole AbbeySt Olave, Hart StreetSt Olave, Old JewrySt Olave, Silver Street圣保罗座堂St Peter le PoerSt Peter, Paul's WharfSt Peter, WestcheapSt Peter upon CornhillSt Sepulchre-without-NewgateSt Stephen Coleman Street沃尔布鲁克圣司提反堂St Swithin, London StoneSt Thomas the ApostleSt Vedast alias Foster圣殿教堂卡姆登诸圣堂布鲁斯伯里圣乔治教堂原野圣吉尔斯教堂贝德福德街圣约翰礼拜堂圣潘克拉斯新教堂圣潘克拉斯老教堂托定咸宫路怀特腓会幕卡姆登圣米迦勒教堂霍洛威路抹大拉的马利亚教堂圣彼得意大利教堂卫斯理礼拜堂布朗普顿圣堂布朗普顿圣三一堂斯隆街圣三一堂诺丁山圣约翰堂诺丁山诸圣堂圣高隆巴堂 (伦敦)圣保罗堂 (昂斯洛广场)诺丁山圣彼得堂诺丁山会幕西达利奇诸圣堂肯宁顿圣约翰教堂西诺伍德圣路加教堂兰贝斯圣玛丽教堂罗瑟海斯圣玛丽教堂芬兰教会和海员布道会挪威教会萨瑟克殉道者圣乔治教堂都城会幕锁链中的圣彼得皇家礼拜堂圣约翰礼拜堂 (伦敦)西敏寺威斯敏斯特主教座堂玛格丽特街诸圣堂朗豪坊诸圣堂大理石拱门圣母领报堂Kilburn圣奥古斯丁教堂刑事法庭教堂丹麦圣克莱蒙教堂汉诺威广场圣乔治教堂皮卡迪利圣雅各教堂皮姆利科小圣雅各堂女王礼拜堂史密斯广场圣约翰堂威斯敏斯特圣玛格丽特教堂布莱恩斯滕广场圣母堂圣马田教堂河岸街圣母教堂科文特花园聖保羅教堂乌克兰天主教会圣家座堂俄罗斯正教会圣母安息主教座堂农场街教堂皮姆利科圣救主堂皮姆利科圣加百列堂萨沃伊礼拜堂希腊正教会圣索菲亚主教座堂瑞典教会
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锁链中的圣彼得皇家礼拜堂 | |
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51°30′31″N 0°4′37″W / 51.50861°N 0.07694°W / 51.50861; -0.07694坐标:51°30′31″N 0°4′37″W / 51.50861°N 0.07694°W / 51.50861; -0.07694 | |
位置 | 伦敦陶尔哈姆莱茨 |
國家/地區 | 英格兰 |
所屬宗派 | 英国圣公会 |
歷史 | |
奉獻 | 圣彼得 |
建築 | |
建築年份 | 1519–20 |
锁链中的圣彼得皇家礼拜堂(Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula)是英国伦敦的一个英国圣公会教堂,为伦敦塔的堂区教堂,位于盐塔内,目前的教堂由亨利八世建于1519–1520年,此处早在诺曼征服英格兰之前就已存在一个小礼拜堂[1]。其名称是指圣彼得在耶路撒冷被囚。
一些在伦敦塔处死的著名囚犯都埋葬于此,包括安妮·博林、凯瑟琳·霍华德、简·格雷、托马斯·克伦威尔[2]、 托马斯·莫尔和约翰·费舍尔等等。
^ "Chapel of St Peter Ad Vincula", Camelot International: The Tower of London (2007)
^ Bell, Doyne Courtenay. Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, Notices of the historic persons buried in the chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, J. Murray (1877), p. 109