
Showing posts from April 4, 2019

Concise way of “updating” element in nested collectionsCached empty collectionsMost concise Python radix function using functional constructions?Covariance in generic collectionsis there a more functionally idiomatic way of generating valid dates in f#?Creating a reusable C#.NET Oracle Query BuilderCounting items in categoriesTraffic Flow functional wayDetecting properly nested parenthesis using functional programmingSaving or updating to databseImplement array element swap in a functional language

Took a trip to a parallel universe, need help deciphering Can I ask the recruiters in my resume to put the reason why I am rejected? Facing a paradox: Earnshaw's theorem in one dimension If human space travel is limited by the G force vulnerability, is there a way to counter G forces? How can I fix/modify my tub/shower combo so the water comes out of the showerhead? Where does SFDX store details about scratch orgs? How to prevent "they're falling in love" trope Arrow those variables! What's the difference between 'rename' and 'mv'? Modeling an IP Address Would Slavery Reparations be considered Bills of Attainder and hence Illegal? How to draw the figure with four pentagons? Is it inappropriate for a student to attend their mentor's dissertation defense? 90's TV series where a boy goes to another dimension through portal near power lines What to put in ESTA if staying in US for a few days before going on to Canada

白鳥長久 生平 外部連結 相關條目 导航菜单武家家伝_白鳥氏

戰國武將1584年逝世日本遇刺身亡者 日本戰國時代安土桃山時代出羽國白鳥城谷地城白鳥義久村山市最上川谷地城中條長昌村山郡中條氏白鳥長國寒河江兼廣寒河江氏溝延氏白鳥義廣天童賴貞天童氏河北町溝延地區天文陸奥國伊達氏伊達稙宗晴宗天文之亂最上義守天正羽州探題義光天正最上之亂織田信長白雲雀出羽守最上氏會津四家合考山形城白鳥氏昭和 .mw-parser-output table.infobox captiontext-align:center 日語寫法 日語原文 白鳥長久 假名 しらとり/しろとり ながひさ 平文式罗马字 Shiratori/Shirotori Nagahisa 白鳥長久 (生年不詳-1584年7月19日)是日本戰國時代至安土桃山時代於出羽國的武將。白鳥城城主(後來把居城轉移至谷地城)。通稱 十郎 、 義國 、 武則 等。 生平 出身不明。父親是白鳥義久。以現今村山市最上川左岸為據點的國人領主。文武兼備的名將。從谷地城城主中條長昌繼承村山郡内的名門中條氏。叔父白鳥長國把長女嫁給寒河江兼廣,以及把次女嫁到寒河江氏一族的溝延氏而與寒河江氏同盟。還有叔父白鳥義廣的女兒嫁給天童賴貞而與天童氏同盟。以此來增強勢力,支配著除了現在的河北町外的溝延地區。 天文11年(1541年),在陸奥國雄霸一方的伊達氏當主伊達稙宗・晴宗親子鬥爭時(天文之亂),作為最上義守的援軍加入稙宗方。天正元年(1573年),於羽州探題最上義守‧義光父子在家督繼承問題相爭的天正最上之亂中,一開始時是義守方,但是見到義光方的勢力時,長久向雙方建議講和。長久成為和議的仲介者而獲得一定的地位,並且成為村山郡内的實力者。天正5年(1577年),向織田信長派出使者獻上名馬白雲雀,因而獲得出羽守(後來被最上義光奪取),在外交活動上有積極的行動。與信長締結關係而企圖安定領國,但是這些行動被以統一出羽的最上氏當主最上義光警戒著。以此為契機,義光決定無論以任何手段都要殺死長久(『會津四家合考』)。 天正12年(1584年),因為義光的邀請而前去山形城,在途中被謀殺。失去長久的白鳥氏陷入混亂,之後被義光攻滅。被長久的血浸著的「血染之櫻」( 血染めの桜 )故事直到昭和初期仍然在山形城内流傳,現今有首塚存在(但是這個故事是虛構的)。而且即使長久自身有許多傳説和逸話,但是因為缺乏史料,直到

How many spell slots should my level 1 wizard/level 1 fighter have?How many spell slots does a multiclassed Cleric (4 levels)/Fighter (Eldritch Knight) (1 level) have?Creating a Wizard at high levels: How many Spells should he know?How many spells can a wizard have in 4e, and how do they work?How many spell slots does a Warlock 19/Wizard 1 have?Can a multiclass Wizard copy (and then use) a spell of a higher level than their Wizard level alone would permit?Can I copy prepared Cleric spells that are also on the Wizard spell list into my spellbook?How many spell slots does a multiclassed Cleric (4 levels)/Fighter (Eldritch Knight) (1 level) have?Do wizards get bonus spell slots from intelligence?Can a multiclass Wizard/Fighter (Eldritch Knight) add EK known spells to the wizard spellbook?Multiclass Spellcaster: Do the involved classes share the same pool of spell slots?How many spell slots should an Arcane Trickster / Wizard have?

Fully-Firstable Anagram Sets Why doesn't H₄O²⁺ exist? Why doesn't using multiple commands with a || or && conditional work? In Romance of the Three Kingdoms why do people still use bamboo sticks when paper had already been invented? What is the word for reserving something for yourself before others do? Can a rocket refuel on Mars from water? How much of data wrangling is a data scientist's job? Does a druid starting with a bow start with no arrows? Anagram holiday Watching something be written to a file live with tail Is it legal for company to use my work email to pretend I still work there? Why can't we play rap on piano? Why is consensus so controversial in Britain? What killed these X2 caps? Forgetting the musical notes while performing in concert 90's TV series where a boy goes to another dimension through portal near power lines Why is it a bad idea to hire a hitman to eliminate most corrupt politicians? Why was the s