
Showing posts from April 18, 2019

How do I change colors in Zim (wiki editor) running on Kubuntu 18.10? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Kubuntu - cannot change fonts and widget style under sudo after upgrade to 11.10changing the color of the google search bar in the webpageHow to change theme colors?eclipse-dark and Ambiance-dark - how to change background color of current lineEnable 256 colors in Konsole (Kubuntu)Changing KDE's oxygen-gtk3 colors for tooltips (fixing Firefox 46)Disable system style for Firefox form input elementsDropbox Special Window Doesn't Appear?kubuntu 18.10 swapfileColor Templates Are Not Loading For Ardour5 In Ubuntu Studio 18.10

Can a new player join a group only when a new campaign starts? What's the meaning of "fortified infraction restraint"? Project Euler #1 in C++ Hangman Game with C++ Do wooden building fires get hotter than 600°C? How can I reduce the gap between left and right of cdot with a macro? Morning, Afternoon, Night Kanji ArcGIS Pro Python arcpy.CreatePersonalGDB_management Should I use a zero-interest credit card for a large one-time purchase? How would a mousetrap for use in space work? What are the diatonic extended chords of C major? How fail-safe is nr as stop bytes? What is "gratricide"? Significance of Cersei's obsession with elephants? What do you call the main part of a joke? Did Deadpool rescue all of the X-Force? How to react to hostile behavior from a senior developer? Illegal assignment from sObject to Id How does the math work when buying airline miles? Why wasn't DOSKEY integrated with COMMAND.COM? AppleTVs c...

吳羽文 參考 导航菜单编辑或修订

萬曆四十一年癸丑科進士明朝吏部主事明朝吏部郎中南昌人吴姓 江西承宣布政使司南昌府江西省南昌市溫體仁錢龍錫李邦華 吳羽文 ,字 長卿 ,江西承宣布政使司南昌府(今江西省南昌市)人,明朝政治人物,同進士出身。 萬曆四十一年(1613年)癸丑科進士,授吏部主事 [1] 。崇禎年間,...