金州殺手 目录 歷史 兇嫌 小說 參考資料 外部連結 导航菜单The Five Most Popular Myths About the Golden State Killer CaseIn the Footsteps of a Killer原始内容Michelle McNamara's tantalizing roadmap for finding a long lost serial killerDNA Links '70s 'East Area Rapist' to Serial Killings / Evidence suggests suspect moved to Southern California原始内容Retired officer looking to solve 1975 cold caseThe mystery of the Visalia Ransacker won’t go away after 41 yearsWas Visalia the training ground?I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer原始内容Ep. 13 VR = EAR?The FBI Story 2016Solidot 亲戚的 DNA 帮助识别金州杀手Ex-Cop Arrested in Decades-Old Golden State Killer Cold CaseEx-Cop Arrested in Golden State Killer Case: ‘We Found the Needle in the Haystack’ISSN 0362-4331Golden State Killer: Ex-cop arrested in serial murder-rape cold caseUpdate: East Area Rapist suspect captured after DNA match, authorities sayISSN 0890-5738Media Advisory – Joseph DeAngelo ChargesAfter Cosby, California Ends Statute of Limitations on RapeTo Catch a Killer: A Fake Profile on a DNA Site and a Pristine SampleISSN 0362-4331Cold Case – EARONSDeAngelo Hunt's Collection of newspaper clippings about the Golden State KillerEAR/ONS magazineThe Original Nightstalker Map, Part 5aEast Area Rapist / Original Night StalkerEast Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker CasebookEast Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker CompositesEast Area Rapist and Bedroom Killer CasebookMap of the East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker / Golden State Killer CrimesTrue Crime DiaryGEDMatch: public genealogy database



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Original Night Stalker-East Area Rapist.jpg

  • 東區強暴魔

  • 暗夜尾行者

  • 維塞利亞劫掠者

  • 東灣強暴魔

  • 鑽石結殺手[1]




  • 12+ 謀殺

  • 50+ 強姦

  • 120+ 盜竊




金州殺手(Golden State Killer)是一位美國連環殺手,強姦犯和強盜,他從1974年到1986年[2][3][4]在加利福尼亞州犯下至少12起謀殺案,50多起強奸案和100多起盜竊案。他犯下罪行散佈在整個加州,並在不同地區獲得各種綽號,之後警察才確認犯人是同一個人。1970年代中期,他在加州中部城市維塞利亞被稱為「維塞利亞劫掠者」(Visalia Ransacker),在沙加緬度郡被稱為「東區強暴魔」,然後在南加州被稱為「暗夜尾行者」,並開始犯下謀殺案。



  • 1 歷史

  • 2 兇嫌

  • 3 小說

  • 4 參考資料

  • 5 外部連結



之後金州殺手慣以蒙面在半夜清晨闖入女性家中,用繩結綑綁被害人後加以性侵、強盜,並會以手槍威脅被害者生命。從1976年開始幾乎每個月都會發生數起同樣手法的案件,至1979年間至少就有將近50名婦女慘遭強暴。當時的連環事件集中在加州沙加緬度(Sacramento)東部地區,而被稱之為「東區強暴魔」(East Area Rapist),被害人年齡從13歲到41歲。



1986年,金州殺手將18歲女孩克魯茲(Janelle Cruz)性侵之後殺死,之後就銷聲匿跡,是他最後一次犯案。


2018年4月25日,美國加州沙加緬度郡警局經DNA調查比對後,查出真凶為現年72歲的前警察约瑟夫·詹姆斯·迪安杰洛(Joseph James DeAngelo)[11][12][13][14][15][16]但是,由於加利福尼亞州法律,2017年之前強奸案有消滅時效[17],現在不能以1970年代後期強奸罪來起訴犯人[18]




金州殺手的稱呼則是源自寫實犯罪小說《我將在黑暗中消失》(I'll Be Gone in the Dark),2013年,作家米雪爾·麥納瑪拉(Michelle McNamara)在《洛杉磯雜誌》上連載以此事件為藍本的小說《我將在黑暗中消失》,描述一名調查員和退休偵探追查「金州殺手」的故事。


  1. ^ McNamara, Michelle. The Five Most Popular Myths About the Golden State Killer Case. Los Angeles. February 27, 2013 [October 7, 2015]. 

  2. ^ McNamara, Michelle. In the Footsteps of a Killer. Los Angeles. February 27, 2013 [October 7, 2015]. (原始内容存档于October 20, 2017).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)

  3. ^ Lange, Jeva. Michelle McNamara's tantalizing roadmap for finding a long lost serial killer. The Week. March 19, 2018 [April 29, 2018]. 

  4. ^ Hallissy, Erin; Goodyear, Charlie. DNA Links '70s 'East Area Rapist' to Serial Killings / Evidence suggests suspect moved to Southern California. San Francisco Chronicle. April 4, 2001 [November 13, 2016]. (原始内容存档于October 20, 2017).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)

  5. ^ Garcia, Natalie. Retired officer looking to solve 1975 cold case (PDF). Visalia Times-Delta. 2007 [December 7, 2017]. 

  6. ^ The mystery of the Visalia Ransacker won’t go away after 41 years. fresnobee. [2017-12-03] (英语). 

  7. ^ Was Visalia the training ground?. Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register. [2017-12-03] (英语). 

  8. ^ McNamara, Michelle; Oswalt, Patton; Flynn, Gillian. I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer. HarperCollins. 2018: 88–91 [March 28, 2018]. ISBN 9780062319807. (原始内容存档于March 28, 2018) (英语). 

  9. ^ Ep. 13 VR = EAR?, [2018-04-23] (英语) 

  10. ^ Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI Story 2016 Illustrated. Government Printing Office. April 3, 2017: 62–63 [January 2, 2018]. ISBN 978-0-16-093735-4. 

  11. ^ Solidot 亲戚的 DNA 帮助识别金州杀手. www.solidot.org. [2018-05-26]. 

  12. ^ Ex-Cop Arrested in Decades-Old Golden State Killer Cold Case. NBC4 Washington. [April 26, 2018] (英语). 

  13. ^ Ex-Cop Arrested in Golden State Killer Case: ‘We Found the Needle in the Haystack’. The New York Times. April 25, 2018 [April 26, 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 

  14. ^ Golden State Killer: Ex-cop arrested in serial murder-rape cold case. NBC News. [April 26, 2018] (美国英语). 

  15. ^ Stanton, Sam; Egel, Benjy; Lillis, Ryan. Update: East Area Rapist suspect captured after DNA match, authorities say. The Sacramento Bee. April 26, 2018 [April 29, 2018]. ISSN 0890-5738 (美国英语). 

  16. ^ Media Advisory – Joseph DeAngelo Charges. Orange County District Attorney. April 25, 2018 [April 30, 2018]. 

  17. ^ Ford, Matt. After Cosby, California Ends Statute of Limitations on Rape. The Atlantic. [April 29, 2018] (美国英语). 

  18. ^ Arango, Tim; Goldman, Adam; Fuller, Thomas. To Catch a Killer: A Fake Profile on a DNA Site and a Pristine Sample. The New York Times. April 27, 2018 [April 29, 2018]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语). 


  • Cold Case – EARONS at coldcase-earons.com

  • DeAngelo Hunt's Collection of newspaper clippings about the Golden State Killer at Newspapers.com

  • EAR/ONS magazine – 188-page magazine of related photos and news articles (from Casefile)

    • The Original Nightstalker Map, Part 5a. casefilepodcast.com.  Map of the EAR/ONS crimes.

  • East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker. ear-ons.com. 

  • East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker Casebook at earonscasebook.com

  • East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker Composites at earons.wordpress.com

  • East Area Rapist and Bedroom Killer Casebook at sites.google.com

  • Map of the East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker / Golden State Killer Crimes

  • True Crime Diary at truecrimediary.com

  • GEDMatch: public genealogy database

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