Kahn's algorithms to arrange CouseScheduleCalculating strongly-connected components in a directed graph using DFSSorting AlgorithmsSort Algorithms in JuliaLeetcode 210. Course Schedule IIFind Eulerian Tour Algorithm - with multithreading and random permutations“The Story of a Tree” solved using depth-first searchtopological sorting to find the pre-requisite for coursesGenerating maze for complicated Hunt the Wumpus gameHash table solution to twoSumthe memory usage to “CourseSchedule” algorithms
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Kahn's algorithms to arrange CouseSchedule
Calculating strongly-connected components in a directed graph using DFSSorting AlgorithmsSort Algorithms in JuliaLeetcode 210. Course Schedule IIFind Eulerian Tour Algorithm - with multithreading and random permutations“The Story of a Tree” solved using depth-first searchtopological sorting to find the pre-requisite for coursesGenerating maze for complicated Hunt the Wumpus gameHash table solution to twoSumthe memory usage to “CourseSchedule” algorithms
I wrote a solution to Course Schedule II - LeetCode
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from
Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to first take course 1, which is expressed as a pair:
Given the total number of courses and a list of prerequisite pairs, return the ordering of courses you should take to finish all courses.
There may be multiple correct orders, you just need to return one of them. If it is impossible to finish all courses, return an empty array.
Example 1:
Input: 2, [[1,0]]
Output: [0,1]
Explanation: There are a total of 2 courses to take. To take course 1 you should have finished
Example 2:
Input: 4, [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
Output: [0,1,2,3] or [0,2,1,3]
There are a total of 4 courses to take. To take course 3 you should have finished both
courses 1 and 2. Both courses 1 and 2 should be taken after you finished course 0.
So one correct course order is [0,1,2,3]. Another correct ordering is [0,2,1,3] .
- The input prerequisites is a graph represented by a list of edges, not adjacency matrices. Read more about how a graph is represented.
- You may assume that there are no duplicate edges in the input prerequisites.
my solution
class Solution:
def findOrder(self,numCourses, prerequirements):
:type numCourse: int
:type prerequirements: List[List[int]]
#if not prerequirements: return True
# if numCourses == None and len(prerequirements) == 0: return True
L = []
in_degrees = [ 0 for _ in range(numCourses)] #index as node
#graph = [[]] * numCourses
graph = [[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
#Construct the graph
for u, v in prerequirements:
graph[v].append(u) #index as node
in_degrees[u] += 1
logging.debug(f"graph: graph")
logging.debug(f"in_degrees in_degrees")
Q = [i for i in range(len(in_degrees)) if in_degrees[i]==0] #collect nodes without pre-edges
logging.debug(f"Q: Q")
while Q: #while Q is not empty
start = Q.pop()#remove a node from Q
L.append(start) #add n to tail of L
logging.debug(f"L: L")
for v in graph[start]:#for each node v with a edge e
in_degrees[v] -= 1 #remove edge
if in_degrees[v] == 0:
logging.debug(f"indegree: in_degrees")
#check there exist a cycle
for i in range(len(in_degrees)): #if graph has edge
if in_degrees[i] > 0:
return []
logging.debug(f"L: L")
return L
class MyCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.solution1 = Solution()
self.solution2 = Solution2()
def test_bfs1(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [0, 1]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs2(self):
numCourse = 4
prerequirements = [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [[0,1,2,3], [0,2,1,3]]
self.assertIn(check, answer)
def test_bfs3(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = []
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [1,0]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs4(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[0,1],[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = []
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
Get a low score
Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 57.28% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
Memory Usage: 14 MB, less than 51.41% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
python algorithm
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I wrote a solution to Course Schedule II - LeetCode
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from
Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to first take course 1, which is expressed as a pair:
Given the total number of courses and a list of prerequisite pairs, return the ordering of courses you should take to finish all courses.
There may be multiple correct orders, you just need to return one of them. If it is impossible to finish all courses, return an empty array.
Example 1:
Input: 2, [[1,0]]
Output: [0,1]
Explanation: There are a total of 2 courses to take. To take course 1 you should have finished
Example 2:
Input: 4, [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
Output: [0,1,2,3] or [0,2,1,3]
There are a total of 4 courses to take. To take course 3 you should have finished both
courses 1 and 2. Both courses 1 and 2 should be taken after you finished course 0.
So one correct course order is [0,1,2,3]. Another correct ordering is [0,2,1,3] .
- The input prerequisites is a graph represented by a list of edges, not adjacency matrices. Read more about how a graph is represented.
- You may assume that there are no duplicate edges in the input prerequisites.
my solution
class Solution:
def findOrder(self,numCourses, prerequirements):
:type numCourse: int
:type prerequirements: List[List[int]]
#if not prerequirements: return True
# if numCourses == None and len(prerequirements) == 0: return True
L = []
in_degrees = [ 0 for _ in range(numCourses)] #index as node
#graph = [[]] * numCourses
graph = [[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
#Construct the graph
for u, v in prerequirements:
graph[v].append(u) #index as node
in_degrees[u] += 1
logging.debug(f"graph: graph")
logging.debug(f"in_degrees in_degrees")
Q = [i for i in range(len(in_degrees)) if in_degrees[i]==0] #collect nodes without pre-edges
logging.debug(f"Q: Q")
while Q: #while Q is not empty
start = Q.pop()#remove a node from Q
L.append(start) #add n to tail of L
logging.debug(f"L: L")
for v in graph[start]:#for each node v with a edge e
in_degrees[v] -= 1 #remove edge
if in_degrees[v] == 0:
logging.debug(f"indegree: in_degrees")
#check there exist a cycle
for i in range(len(in_degrees)): #if graph has edge
if in_degrees[i] > 0:
return []
logging.debug(f"L: L")
return L
class MyCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.solution1 = Solution()
self.solution2 = Solution2()
def test_bfs1(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [0, 1]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs2(self):
numCourse = 4
prerequirements = [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [[0,1,2,3], [0,2,1,3]]
self.assertIn(check, answer)
def test_bfs3(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = []
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [1,0]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs4(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[0,1],[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = []
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
Get a low score
Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 57.28% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
Memory Usage: 14 MB, less than 51.41% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
python algorithm
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I wrote a solution to Course Schedule II - LeetCode
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from
Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to first take course 1, which is expressed as a pair:
Given the total number of courses and a list of prerequisite pairs, return the ordering of courses you should take to finish all courses.
There may be multiple correct orders, you just need to return one of them. If it is impossible to finish all courses, return an empty array.
Example 1:
Input: 2, [[1,0]]
Output: [0,1]
Explanation: There are a total of 2 courses to take. To take course 1 you should have finished
Example 2:
Input: 4, [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
Output: [0,1,2,3] or [0,2,1,3]
There are a total of 4 courses to take. To take course 3 you should have finished both
courses 1 and 2. Both courses 1 and 2 should be taken after you finished course 0.
So one correct course order is [0,1,2,3]. Another correct ordering is [0,2,1,3] .
- The input prerequisites is a graph represented by a list of edges, not adjacency matrices. Read more about how a graph is represented.
- You may assume that there are no duplicate edges in the input prerequisites.
my solution
class Solution:
def findOrder(self,numCourses, prerequirements):
:type numCourse: int
:type prerequirements: List[List[int]]
#if not prerequirements: return True
# if numCourses == None and len(prerequirements) == 0: return True
L = []
in_degrees = [ 0 for _ in range(numCourses)] #index as node
#graph = [[]] * numCourses
graph = [[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
#Construct the graph
for u, v in prerequirements:
graph[v].append(u) #index as node
in_degrees[u] += 1
logging.debug(f"graph: graph")
logging.debug(f"in_degrees in_degrees")
Q = [i for i in range(len(in_degrees)) if in_degrees[i]==0] #collect nodes without pre-edges
logging.debug(f"Q: Q")
while Q: #while Q is not empty
start = Q.pop()#remove a node from Q
L.append(start) #add n to tail of L
logging.debug(f"L: L")
for v in graph[start]:#for each node v with a edge e
in_degrees[v] -= 1 #remove edge
if in_degrees[v] == 0:
logging.debug(f"indegree: in_degrees")
#check there exist a cycle
for i in range(len(in_degrees)): #if graph has edge
if in_degrees[i] > 0:
return []
logging.debug(f"L: L")
return L
class MyCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.solution1 = Solution()
self.solution2 = Solution2()
def test_bfs1(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [0, 1]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs2(self):
numCourse = 4
prerequirements = [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [[0,1,2,3], [0,2,1,3]]
self.assertIn(check, answer)
def test_bfs3(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = []
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [1,0]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs4(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[0,1],[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = []
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
Get a low score
Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 57.28% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
Memory Usage: 14 MB, less than 51.41% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
python algorithm
I wrote a solution to Course Schedule II - LeetCode
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from
Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to first take course 1, which is expressed as a pair:
Given the total number of courses and a list of prerequisite pairs, return the ordering of courses you should take to finish all courses.
There may be multiple correct orders, you just need to return one of them. If it is impossible to finish all courses, return an empty array.
Example 1:
Input: 2, [[1,0]]
Output: [0,1]
Explanation: There are a total of 2 courses to take. To take course 1 you should have finished
Example 2:
Input: 4, [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
Output: [0,1,2,3] or [0,2,1,3]
There are a total of 4 courses to take. To take course 3 you should have finished both
courses 1 and 2. Both courses 1 and 2 should be taken after you finished course 0.
So one correct course order is [0,1,2,3]. Another correct ordering is [0,2,1,3] .
- The input prerequisites is a graph represented by a list of edges, not adjacency matrices. Read more about how a graph is represented.
- You may assume that there are no duplicate edges in the input prerequisites.
my solution
class Solution:
def findOrder(self,numCourses, prerequirements):
:type numCourse: int
:type prerequirements: List[List[int]]
#if not prerequirements: return True
# if numCourses == None and len(prerequirements) == 0: return True
L = []
in_degrees = [ 0 for _ in range(numCourses)] #index as node
#graph = [[]] * numCourses
graph = [[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
#Construct the graph
for u, v in prerequirements:
graph[v].append(u) #index as node
in_degrees[u] += 1
logging.debug(f"graph: graph")
logging.debug(f"in_degrees in_degrees")
Q = [i for i in range(len(in_degrees)) if in_degrees[i]==0] #collect nodes without pre-edges
logging.debug(f"Q: Q")
while Q: #while Q is not empty
start = Q.pop()#remove a node from Q
L.append(start) #add n to tail of L
logging.debug(f"L: L")
for v in graph[start]:#for each node v with a edge e
in_degrees[v] -= 1 #remove edge
if in_degrees[v] == 0:
logging.debug(f"indegree: in_degrees")
#check there exist a cycle
for i in range(len(in_degrees)): #if graph has edge
if in_degrees[i] > 0:
return []
logging.debug(f"L: L")
return L
class MyCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.solution1 = Solution()
self.solution2 = Solution2()
def test_bfs1(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [0, 1]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs2(self):
numCourse = 4
prerequirements = [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [[0,1,2,3], [0,2,1,3]]
self.assertIn(check, answer)
def test_bfs3(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = []
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = [1,0]
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
def test_bfs4(self):
numCourse = 2
prerequirements = [[0,1],[1,0]]
check = self.solution1.findOrder(numCourse, prerequirements)
answer = []
self.assertEqual(check, answer)
Get a low score
Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 57.28% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
Memory Usage: 14 MB, less than 51.41% of Python3 online submissions for Course Schedule II.
python algorithm
python algorithm
asked 6 mins ago

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