哈迪塞屠杀事件 目录 背景 对屠杀的辩解 参考文献 导航菜单U.S. military mourns 'tragic' Haditha deathsCollateral Damage or Civilian Massacre in Haditha?'Worst war crime' committed by US in IraqDeath certifcates describe in horrific detail how Haditha civilians were killedPentagon sources: Civilians likely killed without provocationPicking up the Pieces in HadithaLawmaker: Marines killed Iraqis 'in cold blood'Pentagon Investigates Alleged Massacre in IraqMarines may face trial over Iraq massacreMarines and the 'massacre': a neighbour tells of aftermathHouse to Look Into Probe of Pendleton MarinesLocal marine injured Haditha talks of massacre存檔Father of Marine backs son's Iraq comradesUS braced for Haditha effectVideo Taken By Journalism Student Key as 12 Americans Face War Crimes Probe in IraqRadio interview with Aparisim Ghosh about HadithaHaditha and My Lai: Lessons from the Law of War Haditha: How did it happen?Setting the record straight on HadithaIraq rights group on Haditha denies rebel links美軍完成哈迪塞屠殺事件調查美當事士兵為"哈迪塞事件"辯護


美军伊拉克哈迪塞美國海军陆战队伊拉克游击战美伊战争遜尼派时代基地组织记者Taher Thabet平民联合国宪章海牙公约日内瓦公约战争罪行BBC[1]

2005 Marine Killings in Haditha.jpg

哈迪塞屠杀事件(又称哈迪塞事件,英文Haditha killings / massacre / incident)是2005年11月9日美军在伊拉克哈迪塞(Haditha,حديثة‎)涉嫌杀害平民的事件。



  • 1 背景

  • 2 对屠杀的辩解

  • 3 参考文献

    • 3.1 注释

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Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich

据互联网杂志《沙龙》杂志(Salon Magazine)报道,“对屠杀的遮掩从一开头就在进行。但是一个伊拉克新闻学学生在第二天用录像机拍下了满是弹洞,被血染红的屠杀现场。录像被通过一个伊拉克人权组织转给了《时代》杂志记者。记者就此事初次询问海军陆战队的时候,被对方的新闻发言人Jeffrey Pool上尉告知这是基地组织的造谣宣传。然而,当消息传到驻伊拉克美军的第二高官Peter W. Chiarelli将军那里,他决定对此事开始调查。”


伊拉克记者和人权活动家Taher Thabet拍摄的录像,以及一名美军用手机拍下的第二天现场照片[7]都被用来证明这些伊拉克人是未作反抗被有组织杀死的[2]美军官员用“处决式”来形容其过程[8]


2006年5月17日,美国国会众议员院John Murtha在新闻发布会上宣布,内部调查已经确定了上述指控[8][9][10]




一名在最初炸弹攻击中受伤的士兵James Crossen接受美国电视采访时,声称该地区的妇女儿童经常为反叛分子通风报信,包括美军车辆的数目,以便反叛分子在路上用炸弹伏击。当记者问他对被杀的村民有无感情,他说“没有,这些人里大概有一半是坏人,谁知道呢,所以我没想过...在这么遥远的地方,天又这么热...你简直就失去了控制,不关心发生什么了,我想就是这样的”[13]






  1. ^ U.S. military mourns 'tragic' Haditha deaths, CNN. Accessed June 1 2006

  2. ^ 2.02.1 McGirk, Tim. Collateral Damage or Civilian Massacre in Haditha?, 《时代》 Accessed March 19, 2006

  3. ^ "Battles rage across Saddam heartland where 70 Iraqis are killed by US forces", The Independent, June 14, 2003

  4. ^ Poole, Oliver. 'Worst war crime' committed by US in Iraq, Telegraph.co.uk. Accessed May 27, 2006

  5. ^ Death certifcates describe in horrific detail how Haditha civilians were killed, CNN. Accessed June 1, 2006

  6. ^ Pentagon sources: Civilians likely killed without provocation, CNN. Accessed May 27 2006

  7. ^ Ghosh, Aparisim. Picking up the Pieces in Haditha, Time online. Accessed May 30, 2006

  8. ^ 8.08.1 Miklaszewski, Jim and Mike Viqueira. Lawmaker: Marines killed Iraqis 'in cold blood', MSNBC (NBC News). Accessed May 17 2006

  9. ^ Bowman, Tom. Pentagon Investigates Alleged Massacre in Iraq, All Things Considered, National Public Radio Accessed May 19, 2006.

  10. ^ Goldenberg, Suzanne. Marines may face trial over Iraq massacre, The Guardian. Accessed May 27 2006

  11. ^ Hamdani, Ali and Ned Parker, Marines and the 'massacre': a neighbour tells of aftermath, Times online. Accessed May 29 2006

  12. ^ Perry, Tony. House to Look Into Probe of Pendleton Marines, Los Angeles Times. Accessed May 20 2006

  13. ^ Video: Local marine injured Haditha talks of massacre 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2006-09-04., May 30 2006

  14. ^ Alicia Caldwell, Father of Marine backs son's Iraq comrades, May 31 2006

  15. ^ BBC News, US braced for Haditha effect, 20 June 2006


  • Video Taken By Journalism Student Key as 12 Americans Face War Crimes Probe in Iraq, Editor & Publisher.

  • Radio interview with Aparisim Ghosh about Haditha, Democracy Now!.

  • Haditha and My Lai: Lessons from the Law of War , JURIST.

  • Haditha: How did it happen?[永久失效連結]

  • Setting the record straight on Haditha

  • Iraq rights group on Haditha denies rebel links[永久失效連結]

  • 美軍完成哈迪塞屠殺事件調查

  • 美當事士兵為"哈迪塞事件"辯護

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