Does this mortgage calculator adhere to good coding style or is the Listener class too cluttered? The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InIs this a good implementation of the Factory Pattern?Is this a good implementation of a thread-safe singleton using the observer pattern?Is this Sudoku a good use of the Fluent Builder Pattern?Is this a good approach for a BayeuxClient class?Is it a good choice to define my own JSON util class like this?Is this a good example of the composite pattern?Is this non-recursive mergesort efficient and a good way to simulate the recursive version?Why does the new ADT create a static inner class Fragment by default?Is this too much work for 1 listener?Does my Game class have too many responsibilities?

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Does this mortgage calculator adhere to good coding style or is the Listener class too cluttered?

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InIs this a good implementation of the Factory Pattern?Is this a good implementation of a thread-safe singleton using the observer pattern?Is this Sudoku a good use of the Fluent Builder Pattern?Is this a good approach for a BayeuxClient class?Is it a good choice to define my own JSON util class like this?Is this a good example of the composite pattern?Is this non-recursive mergesort efficient and a good way to simulate the recursive version?Why does the new ADT create a static inner class Fragment by default?Is this too much work for 1 listener?Does my Game class have too many responsibilities?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;



New to Java, just finished the Helsinki MOOC course. I programmed a basic mortgage calculator as my first solo project and while it works, I have a few questions about coding style:

1) The listener and ui classes are cluttered with variables at the top. Is this acceptable or is there a cleaner way of organizing it?

2) Is initializing the variables in the CalcLogic class as strings and then creating new BigDecimal variables in the methods an accepted way of using BigDecimal, or would it better to initialize the variables as BigDecimals?

3) Are there any other coding style or logic issues that are noticeable?

CalcLogic Class:

package mortgagecalculator.logic;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

* Logic for mortgage calculator.
* Input variables for home value, loan term, etc. and outputs EMI, total payment, etc.

public class CalcLogic

//Variables for calculating mortgage. propTax, homeIns, etc are not initialized in constructor
private String principal = "0";
private String downPayment = "0";
private String interestRate = "0";
private int loanTerm = 0;
private String propTax = "0";
private String homeIns = "0";
private String hoaFee = "0";
private String pmiRate = "0";

public void setPrincipal(String principal)
this.principal = principal;

public void setDownPayment(String downPayment)
this.downPayment = downPayment;

public void setInterest(String interestRate)
this.interestRate = interestRate;

public void setLoanTerm(int loanTerm)
this.loanTerm = loanTerm;

public void setPropTax(String propTax)
this.propTax = propTax;

public void setHomeIns(String homeIns)
this.homeIns = homeIns;

public void setHOAfee(String hoaFee)
this.hoaFee = hoaFee;

public void setPMIrate(String pmiRate)
this.pmiRate = pmiRate;

//Returns principal minus downpayment
public BigDecimal getInitialAmount()
return new BigDecimal(this.principal).subtract(new BigDecimal(this.downPayment));

//Returns twenty percent of principal
public BigDecimal twentyDown()
BigDecimal twenty = new BigDecimal("20").divide(new BigDecimal("100"));
return new BigDecimal(this.principal).multiply(twenty);

public BigDecimal monthlyInterest()
return new BigDecimal(this.interestRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
.divide(new BigDecimal("12"), 8, RoundingMode.UP);

public BigDecimal monthlyPMI()

BigDecimal result = getInitialAmount().divide(new BigDecimal(this.pmiRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
.divide(new BigDecimal("12")), 2, RoundingMode.UP);
return result;

catch (Exception e)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;

public BigDecimal additionalTax()
BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(this.propTax);
sum = sum.add(new BigDecimal(this.homeIns)).add(new BigDecimal(this.hoaFee));
return sum;

public BigDecimal getEMI()
BigDecimal value = monthlyInterest().add(BigDecimal.ONE);
value = value.pow(this.loanTerm * 12);

BigDecimal numerator = value.multiply(monthlyInterest()).multiply(getInitialAmount());
BigDecimal denominator = value.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);

return numerator.divide(denominator, 2, RoundingMode.UP);

public BigDecimal monthlyPayment()
BigDecimal result = getEMI().add(monthlyPMI()).add(additionalTax());
return result;

public BigDecimal totalInterest()
BigDecimal result = getEMI().multiply(new BigDecimal(this.loanTerm * 12));
result = result.subtract(getInitialAmount());
return result;

//Returns month where principal payments first exceed interest payments
public int amortMonth()
BigDecimal remaining = getInitialAmount().setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

for (int i = 0; i < this.loanTerm * 12; i++)

BigDecimal interPay = remaining.multiply(monthlyInterest()).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
BigDecimal princPay = getEMI().subtract(interPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

if (princPay.compareTo(interPay) == 1)
return i + 1;

remaining = remaining.subtract(princPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

return 0;

CalcListener Class:

package mortgagecalculator.ui;

import mortgagecalculator.logic.CalcLogic;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class CalcListener implements ActionListener

private JTextField principal;
private JTextField downPayment;
private JTextField interestRate;
private JTextField loanTerm;
private JTextField propTax;
private JTextField homeIns;
private JTextField hoaFee;
private JTextField pmiRate;
private JButton button;
private JTextField EMI;
private JTextField monthlyFee;
private JTextField totalInt;
private JTextField changeMonth;
private CalcLogic calc;

public CalcListener(JTextField principal, JTextField downPayment, JTextField interestRate,
JTextField loanTerm, JTextField propTax, JTextField homeIns,
JTextField hoaFee, JTextField pmiRate, JTextField EMI,
JTextField monthlyFee, JTextField totalInt, JTextField changeMonth, JButton button)
this.principal = principal;
this.downPayment = downPayment;
this.interestRate = interestRate;
this.loanTerm = loanTerm;
this.propTax = propTax;
this.homeIns = homeIns;
this.hoaFee = hoaFee;
this.pmiRate = pmiRate;
this.button = button;
this.EMI = EMI;
this.monthlyFee = monthlyFee;
this.totalInt = totalInt;
this.changeMonth = changeMonth;
this.calc = new CalcLogic();

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)

if (ae.getSource() == this.button)



UserInterface Class:

package mortgagecalculator.ui;

import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.*;
import mortgagecalculator.ui.CalcListener;

public class UserInterface implements Runnable

private JFrame frame;
private JTextField principal;
private JTextField downPayment;
private JTextField interestRate;
private JTextField loanTerm;
private JTextField propTax;
private JTextField homeIns;
private JTextField hoaFee;
private JTextField pmiRate;
private JButton button;
private JTextField EMI;
private JTextField monthlyFee;
private JTextField totalInt;
private JTextField changeMonth;

public void run()
frame = new JFrame("Mortgage Calculator");
frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000, 1000));



private void createComponents(Container container)
container.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));


private void generateVariables()
this.principal = new JTextField("");
this.downPayment = new JTextField("");
this.interestRate = new JTextField("");
this.loanTerm = new JTextField("");
this.propTax = new JTextField("");
this.homeIns = new JTextField("");
this.hoaFee = new JTextField("");
this.pmiRate = new JTextField("");
this.EMI = new JTextField("");
this.monthlyFee = new JTextField("");
this.totalInt = new JTextField("");
this.changeMonth = new JTextField("");
this.button = new JButton("Calculate!");

CalcListener calc = new CalcListener(this.principal, this.downPayment, this.interestRate,
this.loanTerm, this.propTax, this.homeIns, this.hoaFee,
this.pmiRate, this.EMI, this.monthlyFee, this.totalInt,
this.changeMonth, this.button);


private JPanel createInputPanel()
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4));
panel.add(new JLabel("Principal"));
panel.add(new JLabel("Down Payment"));
panel.add(new JLabel("Interest Rate (in %)"));
panel.add(new JLabel("Loan term (in years)"));

panel.add(new JLabel("Property Tax (Monthly)"));
panel.add(new JLabel("Home Insurance (Monthly)"));
panel.add(new JLabel("HOA Fees (Monthly)"));
panel.add(new JLabel("PMI Rate (in %)"));

return panel;

private JPanel createOutputPanel()
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 2));

panel.add(new JLabel("Equated Monthly Installment"));
panel.add(new JLabel("Monthly w/ fees"));

panel.add(new JLabel("Total Interest Payments"));
panel.add(new JLabel("Month where principal payments > interest"));

return panel;

public JFrame getFrame()
return frame;


New contributor

JeremiahDixon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    New to Java, just finished the Helsinki MOOC course. I programmed a basic mortgage calculator as my first solo project and while it works, I have a few questions about coding style:

    1) The listener and ui classes are cluttered with variables at the top. Is this acceptable or is there a cleaner way of organizing it?

    2) Is initializing the variables in the CalcLogic class as strings and then creating new BigDecimal variables in the methods an accepted way of using BigDecimal, or would it better to initialize the variables as BigDecimals?

    3) Are there any other coding style or logic issues that are noticeable?

    CalcLogic Class:

    package mortgagecalculator.logic;

    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.math.RoundingMode;

    * Logic for mortgage calculator.
    * Input variables for home value, loan term, etc. and outputs EMI, total payment, etc.

    public class CalcLogic

    //Variables for calculating mortgage. propTax, homeIns, etc are not initialized in constructor
    private String principal = "0";
    private String downPayment = "0";
    private String interestRate = "0";
    private int loanTerm = 0;
    private String propTax = "0";
    private String homeIns = "0";
    private String hoaFee = "0";
    private String pmiRate = "0";

    public void setPrincipal(String principal)
    this.principal = principal;

    public void setDownPayment(String downPayment)
    this.downPayment = downPayment;

    public void setInterest(String interestRate)
    this.interestRate = interestRate;

    public void setLoanTerm(int loanTerm)
    this.loanTerm = loanTerm;

    public void setPropTax(String propTax)
    this.propTax = propTax;

    public void setHomeIns(String homeIns)
    this.homeIns = homeIns;

    public void setHOAfee(String hoaFee)
    this.hoaFee = hoaFee;

    public void setPMIrate(String pmiRate)
    this.pmiRate = pmiRate;

    //Returns principal minus downpayment
    public BigDecimal getInitialAmount()
    return new BigDecimal(this.principal).subtract(new BigDecimal(this.downPayment));

    //Returns twenty percent of principal
    public BigDecimal twentyDown()
    BigDecimal twenty = new BigDecimal("20").divide(new BigDecimal("100"));
    return new BigDecimal(this.principal).multiply(twenty);

    public BigDecimal monthlyInterest()
    return new BigDecimal(this.interestRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
    .divide(new BigDecimal("12"), 8, RoundingMode.UP);

    public BigDecimal monthlyPMI()

    BigDecimal result = getInitialAmount().divide(new BigDecimal(this.pmiRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
    .divide(new BigDecimal("12")), 2, RoundingMode.UP);
    return result;

    catch (Exception e)
    return BigDecimal.ZERO;

    public BigDecimal additionalTax()
    BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(this.propTax);
    sum = sum.add(new BigDecimal(this.homeIns)).add(new BigDecimal(this.hoaFee));
    return sum;

    public BigDecimal getEMI()
    BigDecimal value = monthlyInterest().add(BigDecimal.ONE);
    value = value.pow(this.loanTerm * 12);

    BigDecimal numerator = value.multiply(monthlyInterest()).multiply(getInitialAmount());
    BigDecimal denominator = value.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);

    return numerator.divide(denominator, 2, RoundingMode.UP);

    public BigDecimal monthlyPayment()
    BigDecimal result = getEMI().add(monthlyPMI()).add(additionalTax());
    return result;

    public BigDecimal totalInterest()
    BigDecimal result = getEMI().multiply(new BigDecimal(this.loanTerm * 12));
    result = result.subtract(getInitialAmount());
    return result;

    //Returns month where principal payments first exceed interest payments
    public int amortMonth()
    BigDecimal remaining = getInitialAmount().setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.loanTerm * 12; i++)

    BigDecimal interPay = remaining.multiply(monthlyInterest()).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
    BigDecimal princPay = getEMI().subtract(interPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

    if (princPay.compareTo(interPay) == 1)
    return i + 1;

    remaining = remaining.subtract(princPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

    return 0;

    CalcListener Class:

    package mortgagecalculator.ui;

    import mortgagecalculator.logic.CalcLogic;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;

    public class CalcListener implements ActionListener

    private JTextField principal;
    private JTextField downPayment;
    private JTextField interestRate;
    private JTextField loanTerm;
    private JTextField propTax;
    private JTextField homeIns;
    private JTextField hoaFee;
    private JTextField pmiRate;
    private JButton button;
    private JTextField EMI;
    private JTextField monthlyFee;
    private JTextField totalInt;
    private JTextField changeMonth;
    private CalcLogic calc;

    public CalcListener(JTextField principal, JTextField downPayment, JTextField interestRate,
    JTextField loanTerm, JTextField propTax, JTextField homeIns,
    JTextField hoaFee, JTextField pmiRate, JTextField EMI,
    JTextField monthlyFee, JTextField totalInt, JTextField changeMonth, JButton button)
    this.principal = principal;
    this.downPayment = downPayment;
    this.interestRate = interestRate;
    this.loanTerm = loanTerm;
    this.propTax = propTax;
    this.homeIns = homeIns;
    this.hoaFee = hoaFee;
    this.pmiRate = pmiRate;
    this.button = button;
    this.EMI = EMI;
    this.monthlyFee = monthlyFee;
    this.totalInt = totalInt;
    this.changeMonth = changeMonth;
    this.calc = new CalcLogic();

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)

    if (ae.getSource() == this.button)



    UserInterface Class:

    package mortgagecalculator.ui;

    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import mortgagecalculator.ui.CalcListener;

    public class UserInterface implements Runnable

    private JFrame frame;
    private JTextField principal;
    private JTextField downPayment;
    private JTextField interestRate;
    private JTextField loanTerm;
    private JTextField propTax;
    private JTextField homeIns;
    private JTextField hoaFee;
    private JTextField pmiRate;
    private JButton button;
    private JTextField EMI;
    private JTextField monthlyFee;
    private JTextField totalInt;
    private JTextField changeMonth;

    public void run()
    frame = new JFrame("Mortgage Calculator");
    frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000, 1000));



    private void createComponents(Container container)
    container.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));


    private void generateVariables()
    this.principal = new JTextField("");
    this.downPayment = new JTextField("");
    this.interestRate = new JTextField("");
    this.loanTerm = new JTextField("");
    this.propTax = new JTextField("");
    this.homeIns = new JTextField("");
    this.hoaFee = new JTextField("");
    this.pmiRate = new JTextField("");
    this.EMI = new JTextField("");
    this.monthlyFee = new JTextField("");
    this.totalInt = new JTextField("");
    this.changeMonth = new JTextField("");
    this.button = new JButton("Calculate!");

    CalcListener calc = new CalcListener(this.principal, this.downPayment, this.interestRate,
    this.loanTerm, this.propTax, this.homeIns, this.hoaFee,
    this.pmiRate, this.EMI, this.monthlyFee, this.totalInt,
    this.changeMonth, this.button);


    private JPanel createInputPanel()
    JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Principal"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Down Payment"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Interest Rate (in %)"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Loan term (in years)"));

    panel.add(new JLabel("Property Tax (Monthly)"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Home Insurance (Monthly)"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("HOA Fees (Monthly)"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("PMI Rate (in %)"));

    return panel;

    private JPanel createOutputPanel()
    JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 2));

    panel.add(new JLabel("Equated Monthly Installment"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Monthly w/ fees"));

    panel.add(new JLabel("Total Interest Payments"));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Month where principal payments > interest"));

    return panel;

    public JFrame getFrame()
    return frame;


    New contributor

    JeremiahDixon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      New to Java, just finished the Helsinki MOOC course. I programmed a basic mortgage calculator as my first solo project and while it works, I have a few questions about coding style:

      1) The listener and ui classes are cluttered with variables at the top. Is this acceptable or is there a cleaner way of organizing it?

      2) Is initializing the variables in the CalcLogic class as strings and then creating new BigDecimal variables in the methods an accepted way of using BigDecimal, or would it better to initialize the variables as BigDecimals?

      3) Are there any other coding style or logic issues that are noticeable?

      CalcLogic Class:

      package mortgagecalculator.logic;

      import java.math.BigDecimal;
      import java.math.RoundingMode;

      * Logic for mortgage calculator.
      * Input variables for home value, loan term, etc. and outputs EMI, total payment, etc.

      public class CalcLogic

      //Variables for calculating mortgage. propTax, homeIns, etc are not initialized in constructor
      private String principal = "0";
      private String downPayment = "0";
      private String interestRate = "0";
      private int loanTerm = 0;
      private String propTax = "0";
      private String homeIns = "0";
      private String hoaFee = "0";
      private String pmiRate = "0";

      public void setPrincipal(String principal)
      this.principal = principal;

      public void setDownPayment(String downPayment)
      this.downPayment = downPayment;

      public void setInterest(String interestRate)
      this.interestRate = interestRate;

      public void setLoanTerm(int loanTerm)
      this.loanTerm = loanTerm;

      public void setPropTax(String propTax)
      this.propTax = propTax;

      public void setHomeIns(String homeIns)
      this.homeIns = homeIns;

      public void setHOAfee(String hoaFee)
      this.hoaFee = hoaFee;

      public void setPMIrate(String pmiRate)
      this.pmiRate = pmiRate;

      //Returns principal minus downpayment
      public BigDecimal getInitialAmount()
      return new BigDecimal(this.principal).subtract(new BigDecimal(this.downPayment));

      //Returns twenty percent of principal
      public BigDecimal twentyDown()
      BigDecimal twenty = new BigDecimal("20").divide(new BigDecimal("100"));
      return new BigDecimal(this.principal).multiply(twenty);

      public BigDecimal monthlyInterest()
      return new BigDecimal(this.interestRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
      .divide(new BigDecimal("12"), 8, RoundingMode.UP);

      public BigDecimal monthlyPMI()

      BigDecimal result = getInitialAmount().divide(new BigDecimal(this.pmiRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
      .divide(new BigDecimal("12")), 2, RoundingMode.UP);
      return result;

      catch (Exception e)
      return BigDecimal.ZERO;

      public BigDecimal additionalTax()
      BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(this.propTax);
      sum = sum.add(new BigDecimal(this.homeIns)).add(new BigDecimal(this.hoaFee));
      return sum;

      public BigDecimal getEMI()
      BigDecimal value = monthlyInterest().add(BigDecimal.ONE);
      value = value.pow(this.loanTerm * 12);

      BigDecimal numerator = value.multiply(monthlyInterest()).multiply(getInitialAmount());
      BigDecimal denominator = value.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);

      return numerator.divide(denominator, 2, RoundingMode.UP);

      public BigDecimal monthlyPayment()
      BigDecimal result = getEMI().add(monthlyPMI()).add(additionalTax());
      return result;

      public BigDecimal totalInterest()
      BigDecimal result = getEMI().multiply(new BigDecimal(this.loanTerm * 12));
      result = result.subtract(getInitialAmount());
      return result;

      //Returns month where principal payments first exceed interest payments
      public int amortMonth()
      BigDecimal remaining = getInitialAmount().setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

      for (int i = 0; i < this.loanTerm * 12; i++)

      BigDecimal interPay = remaining.multiply(monthlyInterest()).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
      BigDecimal princPay = getEMI().subtract(interPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

      if (princPay.compareTo(interPay) == 1)
      return i + 1;

      remaining = remaining.subtract(princPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

      return 0;

      CalcListener Class:

      package mortgagecalculator.ui;

      import mortgagecalculator.logic.CalcLogic;
      import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
      import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
      import javax.swing.JTextField;
      import javax.swing.JButton;
      import java.math.BigDecimal;

      public class CalcListener implements ActionListener

      private JTextField principal;
      private JTextField downPayment;
      private JTextField interestRate;
      private JTextField loanTerm;
      private JTextField propTax;
      private JTextField homeIns;
      private JTextField hoaFee;
      private JTextField pmiRate;
      private JButton button;
      private JTextField EMI;
      private JTextField monthlyFee;
      private JTextField totalInt;
      private JTextField changeMonth;
      private CalcLogic calc;

      public CalcListener(JTextField principal, JTextField downPayment, JTextField interestRate,
      JTextField loanTerm, JTextField propTax, JTextField homeIns,
      JTextField hoaFee, JTextField pmiRate, JTextField EMI,
      JTextField monthlyFee, JTextField totalInt, JTextField changeMonth, JButton button)
      this.principal = principal;
      this.downPayment = downPayment;
      this.interestRate = interestRate;
      this.loanTerm = loanTerm;
      this.propTax = propTax;
      this.homeIns = homeIns;
      this.hoaFee = hoaFee;
      this.pmiRate = pmiRate;
      this.button = button;
      this.EMI = EMI;
      this.monthlyFee = monthlyFee;
      this.totalInt = totalInt;
      this.changeMonth = changeMonth;
      this.calc = new CalcLogic();

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)

      if (ae.getSource() == this.button)



      UserInterface Class:

      package mortgagecalculator.ui;

      import java.awt.Container;
      import java.awt.Dimension;
      import java.awt.BorderLayout;
      import java.awt.GridLayout;
      import javax.swing.*;
      import mortgagecalculator.ui.CalcListener;

      public class UserInterface implements Runnable

      private JFrame frame;
      private JTextField principal;
      private JTextField downPayment;
      private JTextField interestRate;
      private JTextField loanTerm;
      private JTextField propTax;
      private JTextField homeIns;
      private JTextField hoaFee;
      private JTextField pmiRate;
      private JButton button;
      private JTextField EMI;
      private JTextField monthlyFee;
      private JTextField totalInt;
      private JTextField changeMonth;

      public void run()
      frame = new JFrame("Mortgage Calculator");
      frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000, 1000));



      private void createComponents(Container container)
      container.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));


      private void generateVariables()
      this.principal = new JTextField("");
      this.downPayment = new JTextField("");
      this.interestRate = new JTextField("");
      this.loanTerm = new JTextField("");
      this.propTax = new JTextField("");
      this.homeIns = new JTextField("");
      this.hoaFee = new JTextField("");
      this.pmiRate = new JTextField("");
      this.EMI = new JTextField("");
      this.monthlyFee = new JTextField("");
      this.totalInt = new JTextField("");
      this.changeMonth = new JTextField("");
      this.button = new JButton("Calculate!");

      CalcListener calc = new CalcListener(this.principal, this.downPayment, this.interestRate,
      this.loanTerm, this.propTax, this.homeIns, this.hoaFee,
      this.pmiRate, this.EMI, this.monthlyFee, this.totalInt,
      this.changeMonth, this.button);


      private JPanel createInputPanel()
      JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Principal"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Down Payment"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Interest Rate (in %)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Loan term (in years)"));

      panel.add(new JLabel("Property Tax (Monthly)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Home Insurance (Monthly)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("HOA Fees (Monthly)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("PMI Rate (in %)"));

      return panel;

      private JPanel createOutputPanel()
      JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 2));

      panel.add(new JLabel("Equated Monthly Installment"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Monthly w/ fees"));

      panel.add(new JLabel("Total Interest Payments"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Month where principal payments > interest"));

      return panel;

      public JFrame getFrame()
      return frame;


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      JeremiahDixon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      New to Java, just finished the Helsinki MOOC course. I programmed a basic mortgage calculator as my first solo project and while it works, I have a few questions about coding style:

      1) The listener and ui classes are cluttered with variables at the top. Is this acceptable or is there a cleaner way of organizing it?

      2) Is initializing the variables in the CalcLogic class as strings and then creating new BigDecimal variables in the methods an accepted way of using BigDecimal, or would it better to initialize the variables as BigDecimals?

      3) Are there any other coding style or logic issues that are noticeable?

      CalcLogic Class:

      package mortgagecalculator.logic;

      import java.math.BigDecimal;
      import java.math.RoundingMode;

      * Logic for mortgage calculator.
      * Input variables for home value, loan term, etc. and outputs EMI, total payment, etc.

      public class CalcLogic

      //Variables for calculating mortgage. propTax, homeIns, etc are not initialized in constructor
      private String principal = "0";
      private String downPayment = "0";
      private String interestRate = "0";
      private int loanTerm = 0;
      private String propTax = "0";
      private String homeIns = "0";
      private String hoaFee = "0";
      private String pmiRate = "0";

      public void setPrincipal(String principal)
      this.principal = principal;

      public void setDownPayment(String downPayment)
      this.downPayment = downPayment;

      public void setInterest(String interestRate)
      this.interestRate = interestRate;

      public void setLoanTerm(int loanTerm)
      this.loanTerm = loanTerm;

      public void setPropTax(String propTax)
      this.propTax = propTax;

      public void setHomeIns(String homeIns)
      this.homeIns = homeIns;

      public void setHOAfee(String hoaFee)
      this.hoaFee = hoaFee;

      public void setPMIrate(String pmiRate)
      this.pmiRate = pmiRate;

      //Returns principal minus downpayment
      public BigDecimal getInitialAmount()
      return new BigDecimal(this.principal).subtract(new BigDecimal(this.downPayment));

      //Returns twenty percent of principal
      public BigDecimal twentyDown()
      BigDecimal twenty = new BigDecimal("20").divide(new BigDecimal("100"));
      return new BigDecimal(this.principal).multiply(twenty);

      public BigDecimal monthlyInterest()
      return new BigDecimal(this.interestRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
      .divide(new BigDecimal("12"), 8, RoundingMode.UP);

      public BigDecimal monthlyPMI()

      BigDecimal result = getInitialAmount().divide(new BigDecimal(this.pmiRate).divide(new BigDecimal("100"))
      .divide(new BigDecimal("12")), 2, RoundingMode.UP);
      return result;

      catch (Exception e)
      return BigDecimal.ZERO;

      public BigDecimal additionalTax()
      BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(this.propTax);
      sum = sum.add(new BigDecimal(this.homeIns)).add(new BigDecimal(this.hoaFee));
      return sum;

      public BigDecimal getEMI()
      BigDecimal value = monthlyInterest().add(BigDecimal.ONE);
      value = value.pow(this.loanTerm * 12);

      BigDecimal numerator = value.multiply(monthlyInterest()).multiply(getInitialAmount());
      BigDecimal denominator = value.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);

      return numerator.divide(denominator, 2, RoundingMode.UP);

      public BigDecimal monthlyPayment()
      BigDecimal result = getEMI().add(monthlyPMI()).add(additionalTax());
      return result;

      public BigDecimal totalInterest()
      BigDecimal result = getEMI().multiply(new BigDecimal(this.loanTerm * 12));
      result = result.subtract(getInitialAmount());
      return result;

      //Returns month where principal payments first exceed interest payments
      public int amortMonth()
      BigDecimal remaining = getInitialAmount().setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

      for (int i = 0; i < this.loanTerm * 12; i++)

      BigDecimal interPay = remaining.multiply(monthlyInterest()).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
      BigDecimal princPay = getEMI().subtract(interPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

      if (princPay.compareTo(interPay) == 1)
      return i + 1;

      remaining = remaining.subtract(princPay).setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);

      return 0;

      CalcListener Class:

      package mortgagecalculator.ui;

      import mortgagecalculator.logic.CalcLogic;
      import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
      import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
      import javax.swing.JTextField;
      import javax.swing.JButton;
      import java.math.BigDecimal;

      public class CalcListener implements ActionListener

      private JTextField principal;
      private JTextField downPayment;
      private JTextField interestRate;
      private JTextField loanTerm;
      private JTextField propTax;
      private JTextField homeIns;
      private JTextField hoaFee;
      private JTextField pmiRate;
      private JButton button;
      private JTextField EMI;
      private JTextField monthlyFee;
      private JTextField totalInt;
      private JTextField changeMonth;
      private CalcLogic calc;

      public CalcListener(JTextField principal, JTextField downPayment, JTextField interestRate,
      JTextField loanTerm, JTextField propTax, JTextField homeIns,
      JTextField hoaFee, JTextField pmiRate, JTextField EMI,
      JTextField monthlyFee, JTextField totalInt, JTextField changeMonth, JButton button)
      this.principal = principal;
      this.downPayment = downPayment;
      this.interestRate = interestRate;
      this.loanTerm = loanTerm;
      this.propTax = propTax;
      this.homeIns = homeIns;
      this.hoaFee = hoaFee;
      this.pmiRate = pmiRate;
      this.button = button;
      this.EMI = EMI;
      this.monthlyFee = monthlyFee;
      this.totalInt = totalInt;
      this.changeMonth = changeMonth;
      this.calc = new CalcLogic();

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)

      if (ae.getSource() == this.button)



      UserInterface Class:

      package mortgagecalculator.ui;

      import java.awt.Container;
      import java.awt.Dimension;
      import java.awt.BorderLayout;
      import java.awt.GridLayout;
      import javax.swing.*;
      import mortgagecalculator.ui.CalcListener;

      public class UserInterface implements Runnable

      private JFrame frame;
      private JTextField principal;
      private JTextField downPayment;
      private JTextField interestRate;
      private JTextField loanTerm;
      private JTextField propTax;
      private JTextField homeIns;
      private JTextField hoaFee;
      private JTextField pmiRate;
      private JButton button;
      private JTextField EMI;
      private JTextField monthlyFee;
      private JTextField totalInt;
      private JTextField changeMonth;

      public void run()
      frame = new JFrame("Mortgage Calculator");
      frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000, 1000));



      private void createComponents(Container container)
      container.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));


      private void generateVariables()
      this.principal = new JTextField("");
      this.downPayment = new JTextField("");
      this.interestRate = new JTextField("");
      this.loanTerm = new JTextField("");
      this.propTax = new JTextField("");
      this.homeIns = new JTextField("");
      this.hoaFee = new JTextField("");
      this.pmiRate = new JTextField("");
      this.EMI = new JTextField("");
      this.monthlyFee = new JTextField("");
      this.totalInt = new JTextField("");
      this.changeMonth = new JTextField("");
      this.button = new JButton("Calculate!");

      CalcListener calc = new CalcListener(this.principal, this.downPayment, this.interestRate,
      this.loanTerm, this.propTax, this.homeIns, this.hoaFee,
      this.pmiRate, this.EMI, this.monthlyFee, this.totalInt,
      this.changeMonth, this.button);


      private JPanel createInputPanel()
      JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Principal"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Down Payment"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Interest Rate (in %)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Loan term (in years)"));

      panel.add(new JLabel("Property Tax (Monthly)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Home Insurance (Monthly)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("HOA Fees (Monthly)"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("PMI Rate (in %)"));

      return panel;

      private JPanel createOutputPanel()
      JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 2));

      panel.add(new JLabel("Equated Monthly Installment"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Monthly w/ fees"));

      panel.add(new JLabel("Total Interest Payments"));
      panel.add(new JLabel("Month where principal payments > interest"));

      return panel;

      public JFrame getFrame()
      return frame;

      java swing finance


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      JeremiahDixon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      asked 5 mins ago




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