4C +37.11 參考資 外部連結 导航菜单NASA/IPAC Extragalactic DatabaseScientists Find Closest Pair of Supermassive Black HolesAstronomers spot a pair of orbiting supermassive black holesVLBA Reveals Closest Pair of Supermassive Black HolesA Compact Supermassive Black-Hole Binary SystemBlack Hole Pair Sets Proximity RecordTwo black holes come oh-so-closeColossal black holes seen in closest clinch yetA Supermassive Black Hole PairingScientists Find Closest Pair of Supermassive Black HolesVLBA Reveals Closest Pair of Supermassive Black HolesClosest-spaced giant black hole pair found04h 05m 49.2s,+38°03′32″


電波星系橢圓星系超大質量黑洞光年秒差距M類星體OJ 287重力波

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4C +37.11
觀測資料 (J2000 曆元)
04h 05m 49.2s[1]
+38° 03′ 32″[1]
16,500 ± 300 km/s[1]
750 Mly (230 Mpc) [2]

視星等 (V)


GLXY J0405+380 , B2 0402+37 , 2MASX J04054928+3803320 , RX J0405.8+3803


4C +37.11星系0402+379是一個電波星系和橢圓星系,特點是在2006年被直接觀測到擁有一對靠得很近的超大質量黑洞聯星。兩者之間的距離僅有24光年,或是7.3秒差距,互繞的軌道週期約30,000年。這一對超大質量黑洞距離地球約7億5000萬光年,合計的質量是150億M[3]

在這之前直接觀察到的超大質量黑洞聯星最小的距離是2,400光年[來源請求]。雖然,類星體OJ 287的超大質量黑洞聯星軌道週期被推斷為12年,因此它們靠得極為接近,但並不是直接觀測到的。



  1. ^ NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Results for 0402+379. [26 November 2006]. 

  2. ^ Scientists Find Closest Pair of Supermassive Black Holes. PhysOrg.com. [15 March 2008]. 

  3. ^ 3.03.1 Klesman, Alison. Astronomers spot a pair of orbiting supermassive black holes. Astronomy Magazine. 29 June 2017. 

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  • VLBA Reveals Closest Pair of Supermassive Black Holes (UNM Today) 2 May 2006

  • A Compact Supermassive Black-Hole Binary System (Los Alamos National Laborator - LANL)


  • Black Hole Pair Sets Proximity Record (SPACE.com) 1 May 2006 02:04 pm ET

  • Two black holes come oh-so-close (MSNBC) 5:23 p.m. ET 1 May 2006

  • Colossal black holes seen in closest clinch yet (New Scientist) 16:02 21 April 2006

  • A Supermassive Black Hole Pairing (Centauri Dreams)

  • Scientists Find Closest Pair of Supermassive Black Holes (PhysOrg.com) 1 May 2006

  • VLBA Reveals Closest Pair of Supermassive Black Holes (SpaceRef.com) Monday, 1 May 2006

  • Closest-spaced giant black hole pair found (SpaceFlight Now) 1 May 2006

天球赤道座標:星图04h 05m 49.2s,+38°03′32″

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