Minimal regex engine The Next CEO of Stack OverflowFinite state automataRegex parser - request for review and optimizationRegex password strength testRFC 2812 message validation regexPhone number/email regex verifierSlow RegEx to parse from log fileTrie implementation for a data structure library in CPattern matching (like regex)Count of Smaller Numbers After SelfText cleaning script, producing lowercase words with minimal punctuationRegex search to Excel
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Minimal regex engine
The Next CEO of Stack OverflowFinite state automataRegex parser - request for review and optimizationRegex password strength testRFC 2812 message validation regexPhone number/email regex verifierSlow RegEx to parse from log fileTrie implementation for a data structure library in CPattern matching (like regex)Count of Smaller Numbers After SelfText cleaning script, producing lowercase words with minimal punctuationRegex search to Excel
A few months back, I posted a state machine for review. Thanks to the feedback, I was able to greatly simplify the implementation. I am posting the revised version, together with the Regex class which calls it.
I think I'm mainly looking for feedback on structure. The relationship between my Node
class and StateMachine
class feels a little tangled; I'm not always sure which method ought to belong to which class. I think the way I communicate the next token of my lexer is also cumbersome.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.children = set()
def empty(self):
return self.value == ''
def add_child(self, other):
def find_parent_of_terminal(self, terminal):
We assume that there shall only be one node leading to the terminal
and that there is only one terminal
visited = set()
to_explore = self
while to_explore:
current = to_explore.pop()
if terminal in current.children:
# If this fails, then there is a bug in union, concat, or kleene
assert len(current.children) == 1
return current
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
return None
def leads_to(self, value):
Return True iff argument can be reached by traversing empty nodes
return bool(self._get_node_if_reachable(value))
def _get_node_if_reachable(self, value):
for node in self.children:
while node and node.empty():
if node == value:
return node
node = node._get_node_if_reachable(value)
return None
def __repr__(self):
result = ' : ['.format(self.value)
for node in self.children:
result += str(node.value) + ', '
result += ']n'
return result
def EmptyNode():
return Node('')
class StateMachine:
def __init__(self):
self.initial = EmptyNode()
self.terminal = EmptyNode()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.initial)
def from_string(source):
dfa = StateMachine()
nodes = [Node(char) for char in source]
for i in range(len(source) - 1):
nodes[i].add_child(nodes[i + 1])
return dfa
def from_set(chars):
dfa = StateMachine()
first = EmptyNode()
penultimate = EmptyNode()
dfa.initial.children = first
for char in chars:
char_node = Node(char)
return dfa
def concat(self, other):
other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal).children = self.terminal
self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal).children = other.initial.children
return self
def union(self, other):
this_last = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
other_last = other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal)
empty_node = EmptyNode()
this_last.children = empty_node
other_last.children = empty_node
return self
def kleene(self):
penultimate_node = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
dummy = EmptyNode()
penultimate_node.children = dummy
return self
def _get_next_state(self, nodes, value, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
result = set()
for node in nodes:
for child in node.children:
if child.empty() and child not in visited:
result.update(self._get_next_state([child], value, visited))
elif child.value == value:
return result
def is_match(self, nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node .leads_to(self.terminal):
return True
return False
def match(self, source):
Match a target string by simulating a NFA
:param source: string to match
:return: Matched part of string, or None if no match is found
result = ''
last_match = None
current = self.initial
for char in source:
next_nodes = self._get_next_state(current, char)
if next_nodes:
current = next_nodes
result += char
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
return last_match
import collections
import enum
import string
from state_machine import StateMachine
class Token(enum.Enum):
CHAR = 1
class LexResult(collections.namedtuple('LexResult', ['token', 'lexeme'])):
def __bool__(self):
return self.token != Token.ERROR
class RegexLexer(object):
metachars = '-|[]^().*'
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
self._pattern = pattern
self._pos = 0
self._stack = []
def peek(self) -> LexResult:
if self._pos >= len(self._pattern):
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, '')
next_char = self._pattern[self._pos]
if next_char in self.metachars:
token = Token.METACHAR
token = Token.CHAR
return LexResult(token, next_char)
def _eat_token_type(self, token: Token) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match.token != token:
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
self._pos += 1
return next_match
def _eat_token(self, match: LexResult) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match == match:
self._pos += 1
return next_match
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
def mark(self):
def clear(self):
def backtrack(self):
self._pos = self._stack.pop()
def eat_char(self, char=''):
if char:
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.CHAR, char))
return self._eat_token_type(Token.CHAR)
def eat_metachar(self, metachar):
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.METACHAR, metachar))
class Regex(object):
CHARACTERS = string.printable
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
Initialize regex by compiling provided pattern
self._lexer = RegexLexer(pattern)
self._state_machine = self.parse()
def match(self, text: str) -> str:
Match text according to provided pattern.
Returns matched substring if a match was found,
or None otherwise
assert self._state_machine
return self._state_machine.match(text)
def parse(self):
nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('|'):
return nfa
next_nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not next_nfa:
return nfa
nfa = nfa.union(next_nfa)
def parse_simple_re(self):
<simple-re> = <basic-re>+
nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
next_nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not next_nfa:
nfa = nfa.concat(next_nfa)
return nfa
def parse_basic_re(self):
<elementary-re> "*" | <elementary-re> "+" | <elementary-re>
nfa = self.parse_elementary_re()
if not nfa:
return None
next_match = self._lexer.peek()
if not next_match or next_match.token != Token.METACHAR:
return nfa
if next_match.lexeme == '*':
return nfa.kleene()
if next_match.lexeme == '+':
return nfa.union(nfa.kleene())
return nfa
def parse_elementary_re(self):
<elementary-RE> = <group> | <any> | <char> | <set>
:return: DFA
nfa = self.parse_group()
if nfa:
return nfa
if self._lexer.eat_metachar('.'):
return StateMachine.from_set(x for x in self.CHARACTERS)
char = self._lexer.eat_char()
if char:
return StateMachine.from_string(char.lexeme)
set_chars = self.parse_set()
if not set_chars:
return None
return StateMachine.from_set(set_chars)
def parse_group(self):
<group> = "(" <RE> ")"
:return: DFA
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('('):
return None
state_machine = self.parse()
if not state_machine:
return None
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(')'):
return None
return state_machine
def parse_range(self) -> str:
<range> = <CHAR> "-" <CHAR>
first = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not first:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('-'):
return set()
last = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not last:
return set()
return chr(x) for x in range(ord(first.lexeme), ord(last.lexeme) + 1)
def parse_set_item(self) -> str:
<set item> = <range> | <char>
set_item = self.parse_range()
if set_item:
return set_item
next_item = self._lexer.eat_char()
return next_item.lexeme if next_item else set()
def parse_set_items(self) -> str:
<set items> = <set item>+
items = self.parse_set_item()
if not items:
return set()
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
while next_items:
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
return items
def parse_positive_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set_items
def parse_negative_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('^'):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set(string.printable).difference(set_items)
def parse_set(self) -> str:
Parse something like [a-z9] and return the set of allowed characters
set_items = self.parse_positive_set()
if set_items:
return set_items
return self.parse_negative_set()
Finally, a small set of unit tests to show usage:
import unittest
from state_machine import StateMachine
from regex import Regex
class TestStateMachine(unittest.TestCase):
def test_union(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('def'), 'def')
def test_kleene(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.kleene()
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match(''), '')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcabc'), 'abcabc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcDabc'), 'abc')
def test_concat(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('ab')
state_machine = state_machine.concat(StateMachine.from_string('cd'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcd'), 'abcd')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcde'), 'abcd')
class TestRegex(unittest.TestCase):
def test_identifier_regex(self):
regex = Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a'), 'a')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a0_3bd'), 'a0_3bd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('abd-43'), 'abd')
def test_parentheses(self):
regex = Regex('d(ab)*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('d'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dab'), 'dab')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('daa'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dabab'), 'dabab')
def test_union(self):
regex = Regex('(ab*d)|(AG)')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('adG'), 'ad')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('AGfe'), 'AG')
if __name__ == '__main__':
python python-3.x parsing regex reinventing-the-wheel
add a comment |
A few months back, I posted a state machine for review. Thanks to the feedback, I was able to greatly simplify the implementation. I am posting the revised version, together with the Regex class which calls it.
I think I'm mainly looking for feedback on structure. The relationship between my Node
class and StateMachine
class feels a little tangled; I'm not always sure which method ought to belong to which class. I think the way I communicate the next token of my lexer is also cumbersome.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.children = set()
def empty(self):
return self.value == ''
def add_child(self, other):
def find_parent_of_terminal(self, terminal):
We assume that there shall only be one node leading to the terminal
and that there is only one terminal
visited = set()
to_explore = self
while to_explore:
current = to_explore.pop()
if terminal in current.children:
# If this fails, then there is a bug in union, concat, or kleene
assert len(current.children) == 1
return current
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
return None
def leads_to(self, value):
Return True iff argument can be reached by traversing empty nodes
return bool(self._get_node_if_reachable(value))
def _get_node_if_reachable(self, value):
for node in self.children:
while node and node.empty():
if node == value:
return node
node = node._get_node_if_reachable(value)
return None
def __repr__(self):
result = ' : ['.format(self.value)
for node in self.children:
result += str(node.value) + ', '
result += ']n'
return result
def EmptyNode():
return Node('')
class StateMachine:
def __init__(self):
self.initial = EmptyNode()
self.terminal = EmptyNode()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.initial)
def from_string(source):
dfa = StateMachine()
nodes = [Node(char) for char in source]
for i in range(len(source) - 1):
nodes[i].add_child(nodes[i + 1])
return dfa
def from_set(chars):
dfa = StateMachine()
first = EmptyNode()
penultimate = EmptyNode()
dfa.initial.children = first
for char in chars:
char_node = Node(char)
return dfa
def concat(self, other):
other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal).children = self.terminal
self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal).children = other.initial.children
return self
def union(self, other):
this_last = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
other_last = other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal)
empty_node = EmptyNode()
this_last.children = empty_node
other_last.children = empty_node
return self
def kleene(self):
penultimate_node = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
dummy = EmptyNode()
penultimate_node.children = dummy
return self
def _get_next_state(self, nodes, value, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
result = set()
for node in nodes:
for child in node.children:
if child.empty() and child not in visited:
result.update(self._get_next_state([child], value, visited))
elif child.value == value:
return result
def is_match(self, nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node .leads_to(self.terminal):
return True
return False
def match(self, source):
Match a target string by simulating a NFA
:param source: string to match
:return: Matched part of string, or None if no match is found
result = ''
last_match = None
current = self.initial
for char in source:
next_nodes = self._get_next_state(current, char)
if next_nodes:
current = next_nodes
result += char
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
return last_match
import collections
import enum
import string
from state_machine import StateMachine
class Token(enum.Enum):
CHAR = 1
class LexResult(collections.namedtuple('LexResult', ['token', 'lexeme'])):
def __bool__(self):
return self.token != Token.ERROR
class RegexLexer(object):
metachars = '-|[]^().*'
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
self._pattern = pattern
self._pos = 0
self._stack = []
def peek(self) -> LexResult:
if self._pos >= len(self._pattern):
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, '')
next_char = self._pattern[self._pos]
if next_char in self.metachars:
token = Token.METACHAR
token = Token.CHAR
return LexResult(token, next_char)
def _eat_token_type(self, token: Token) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match.token != token:
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
self._pos += 1
return next_match
def _eat_token(self, match: LexResult) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match == match:
self._pos += 1
return next_match
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
def mark(self):
def clear(self):
def backtrack(self):
self._pos = self._stack.pop()
def eat_char(self, char=''):
if char:
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.CHAR, char))
return self._eat_token_type(Token.CHAR)
def eat_metachar(self, metachar):
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.METACHAR, metachar))
class Regex(object):
CHARACTERS = string.printable
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
Initialize regex by compiling provided pattern
self._lexer = RegexLexer(pattern)
self._state_machine = self.parse()
def match(self, text: str) -> str:
Match text according to provided pattern.
Returns matched substring if a match was found,
or None otherwise
assert self._state_machine
return self._state_machine.match(text)
def parse(self):
nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('|'):
return nfa
next_nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not next_nfa:
return nfa
nfa = nfa.union(next_nfa)
def parse_simple_re(self):
<simple-re> = <basic-re>+
nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
next_nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not next_nfa:
nfa = nfa.concat(next_nfa)
return nfa
def parse_basic_re(self):
<elementary-re> "*" | <elementary-re> "+" | <elementary-re>
nfa = self.parse_elementary_re()
if not nfa:
return None
next_match = self._lexer.peek()
if not next_match or next_match.token != Token.METACHAR:
return nfa
if next_match.lexeme == '*':
return nfa.kleene()
if next_match.lexeme == '+':
return nfa.union(nfa.kleene())
return nfa
def parse_elementary_re(self):
<elementary-RE> = <group> | <any> | <char> | <set>
:return: DFA
nfa = self.parse_group()
if nfa:
return nfa
if self._lexer.eat_metachar('.'):
return StateMachine.from_set(x for x in self.CHARACTERS)
char = self._lexer.eat_char()
if char:
return StateMachine.from_string(char.lexeme)
set_chars = self.parse_set()
if not set_chars:
return None
return StateMachine.from_set(set_chars)
def parse_group(self):
<group> = "(" <RE> ")"
:return: DFA
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('('):
return None
state_machine = self.parse()
if not state_machine:
return None
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(')'):
return None
return state_machine
def parse_range(self) -> str:
<range> = <CHAR> "-" <CHAR>
first = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not first:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('-'):
return set()
last = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not last:
return set()
return chr(x) for x in range(ord(first.lexeme), ord(last.lexeme) + 1)
def parse_set_item(self) -> str:
<set item> = <range> | <char>
set_item = self.parse_range()
if set_item:
return set_item
next_item = self._lexer.eat_char()
return next_item.lexeme if next_item else set()
def parse_set_items(self) -> str:
<set items> = <set item>+
items = self.parse_set_item()
if not items:
return set()
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
while next_items:
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
return items
def parse_positive_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set_items
def parse_negative_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('^'):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set(string.printable).difference(set_items)
def parse_set(self) -> str:
Parse something like [a-z9] and return the set of allowed characters
set_items = self.parse_positive_set()
if set_items:
return set_items
return self.parse_negative_set()
Finally, a small set of unit tests to show usage:
import unittest
from state_machine import StateMachine
from regex import Regex
class TestStateMachine(unittest.TestCase):
def test_union(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('def'), 'def')
def test_kleene(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.kleene()
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match(''), '')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcabc'), 'abcabc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcDabc'), 'abc')
def test_concat(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('ab')
state_machine = state_machine.concat(StateMachine.from_string('cd'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcd'), 'abcd')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcde'), 'abcd')
class TestRegex(unittest.TestCase):
def test_identifier_regex(self):
regex = Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a'), 'a')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a0_3bd'), 'a0_3bd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('abd-43'), 'abd')
def test_parentheses(self):
regex = Regex('d(ab)*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('d'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dab'), 'dab')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('daa'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dabab'), 'dabab')
def test_union(self):
regex = Regex('(ab*d)|(AG)')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('adG'), 'ad')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('AGfe'), 'AG')
if __name__ == '__main__':
python python-3.x parsing regex reinventing-the-wheel
Hello, this looks like a very interesting question and a well written piece of code! By any chance, would you have any small example that could be used to test your code ?
– Josay
Oct 26 '18 at 16:14
@Josay See edit
– User319
Oct 26 '18 at 20:16
add a comment |
A few months back, I posted a state machine for review. Thanks to the feedback, I was able to greatly simplify the implementation. I am posting the revised version, together with the Regex class which calls it.
I think I'm mainly looking for feedback on structure. The relationship between my Node
class and StateMachine
class feels a little tangled; I'm not always sure which method ought to belong to which class. I think the way I communicate the next token of my lexer is also cumbersome.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.children = set()
def empty(self):
return self.value == ''
def add_child(self, other):
def find_parent_of_terminal(self, terminal):
We assume that there shall only be one node leading to the terminal
and that there is only one terminal
visited = set()
to_explore = self
while to_explore:
current = to_explore.pop()
if terminal in current.children:
# If this fails, then there is a bug in union, concat, or kleene
assert len(current.children) == 1
return current
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
return None
def leads_to(self, value):
Return True iff argument can be reached by traversing empty nodes
return bool(self._get_node_if_reachable(value))
def _get_node_if_reachable(self, value):
for node in self.children:
while node and node.empty():
if node == value:
return node
node = node._get_node_if_reachable(value)
return None
def __repr__(self):
result = ' : ['.format(self.value)
for node in self.children:
result += str(node.value) + ', '
result += ']n'
return result
def EmptyNode():
return Node('')
class StateMachine:
def __init__(self):
self.initial = EmptyNode()
self.terminal = EmptyNode()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.initial)
def from_string(source):
dfa = StateMachine()
nodes = [Node(char) for char in source]
for i in range(len(source) - 1):
nodes[i].add_child(nodes[i + 1])
return dfa
def from_set(chars):
dfa = StateMachine()
first = EmptyNode()
penultimate = EmptyNode()
dfa.initial.children = first
for char in chars:
char_node = Node(char)
return dfa
def concat(self, other):
other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal).children = self.terminal
self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal).children = other.initial.children
return self
def union(self, other):
this_last = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
other_last = other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal)
empty_node = EmptyNode()
this_last.children = empty_node
other_last.children = empty_node
return self
def kleene(self):
penultimate_node = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
dummy = EmptyNode()
penultimate_node.children = dummy
return self
def _get_next_state(self, nodes, value, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
result = set()
for node in nodes:
for child in node.children:
if child.empty() and child not in visited:
result.update(self._get_next_state([child], value, visited))
elif child.value == value:
return result
def is_match(self, nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node .leads_to(self.terminal):
return True
return False
def match(self, source):
Match a target string by simulating a NFA
:param source: string to match
:return: Matched part of string, or None if no match is found
result = ''
last_match = None
current = self.initial
for char in source:
next_nodes = self._get_next_state(current, char)
if next_nodes:
current = next_nodes
result += char
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
return last_match
import collections
import enum
import string
from state_machine import StateMachine
class Token(enum.Enum):
CHAR = 1
class LexResult(collections.namedtuple('LexResult', ['token', 'lexeme'])):
def __bool__(self):
return self.token != Token.ERROR
class RegexLexer(object):
metachars = '-|[]^().*'
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
self._pattern = pattern
self._pos = 0
self._stack = []
def peek(self) -> LexResult:
if self._pos >= len(self._pattern):
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, '')
next_char = self._pattern[self._pos]
if next_char in self.metachars:
token = Token.METACHAR
token = Token.CHAR
return LexResult(token, next_char)
def _eat_token_type(self, token: Token) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match.token != token:
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
self._pos += 1
return next_match
def _eat_token(self, match: LexResult) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match == match:
self._pos += 1
return next_match
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
def mark(self):
def clear(self):
def backtrack(self):
self._pos = self._stack.pop()
def eat_char(self, char=''):
if char:
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.CHAR, char))
return self._eat_token_type(Token.CHAR)
def eat_metachar(self, metachar):
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.METACHAR, metachar))
class Regex(object):
CHARACTERS = string.printable
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
Initialize regex by compiling provided pattern
self._lexer = RegexLexer(pattern)
self._state_machine = self.parse()
def match(self, text: str) -> str:
Match text according to provided pattern.
Returns matched substring if a match was found,
or None otherwise
assert self._state_machine
return self._state_machine.match(text)
def parse(self):
nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('|'):
return nfa
next_nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not next_nfa:
return nfa
nfa = nfa.union(next_nfa)
def parse_simple_re(self):
<simple-re> = <basic-re>+
nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
next_nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not next_nfa:
nfa = nfa.concat(next_nfa)
return nfa
def parse_basic_re(self):
<elementary-re> "*" | <elementary-re> "+" | <elementary-re>
nfa = self.parse_elementary_re()
if not nfa:
return None
next_match = self._lexer.peek()
if not next_match or next_match.token != Token.METACHAR:
return nfa
if next_match.lexeme == '*':
return nfa.kleene()
if next_match.lexeme == '+':
return nfa.union(nfa.kleene())
return nfa
def parse_elementary_re(self):
<elementary-RE> = <group> | <any> | <char> | <set>
:return: DFA
nfa = self.parse_group()
if nfa:
return nfa
if self._lexer.eat_metachar('.'):
return StateMachine.from_set(x for x in self.CHARACTERS)
char = self._lexer.eat_char()
if char:
return StateMachine.from_string(char.lexeme)
set_chars = self.parse_set()
if not set_chars:
return None
return StateMachine.from_set(set_chars)
def parse_group(self):
<group> = "(" <RE> ")"
:return: DFA
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('('):
return None
state_machine = self.parse()
if not state_machine:
return None
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(')'):
return None
return state_machine
def parse_range(self) -> str:
<range> = <CHAR> "-" <CHAR>
first = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not first:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('-'):
return set()
last = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not last:
return set()
return chr(x) for x in range(ord(first.lexeme), ord(last.lexeme) + 1)
def parse_set_item(self) -> str:
<set item> = <range> | <char>
set_item = self.parse_range()
if set_item:
return set_item
next_item = self._lexer.eat_char()
return next_item.lexeme if next_item else set()
def parse_set_items(self) -> str:
<set items> = <set item>+
items = self.parse_set_item()
if not items:
return set()
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
while next_items:
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
return items
def parse_positive_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set_items
def parse_negative_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('^'):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set(string.printable).difference(set_items)
def parse_set(self) -> str:
Parse something like [a-z9] and return the set of allowed characters
set_items = self.parse_positive_set()
if set_items:
return set_items
return self.parse_negative_set()
Finally, a small set of unit tests to show usage:
import unittest
from state_machine import StateMachine
from regex import Regex
class TestStateMachine(unittest.TestCase):
def test_union(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('def'), 'def')
def test_kleene(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.kleene()
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match(''), '')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcabc'), 'abcabc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcDabc'), 'abc')
def test_concat(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('ab')
state_machine = state_machine.concat(StateMachine.from_string('cd'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcd'), 'abcd')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcde'), 'abcd')
class TestRegex(unittest.TestCase):
def test_identifier_regex(self):
regex = Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a'), 'a')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a0_3bd'), 'a0_3bd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('abd-43'), 'abd')
def test_parentheses(self):
regex = Regex('d(ab)*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('d'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dab'), 'dab')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('daa'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dabab'), 'dabab')
def test_union(self):
regex = Regex('(ab*d)|(AG)')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('adG'), 'ad')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('AGfe'), 'AG')
if __name__ == '__main__':
python python-3.x parsing regex reinventing-the-wheel
A few months back, I posted a state machine for review. Thanks to the feedback, I was able to greatly simplify the implementation. I am posting the revised version, together with the Regex class which calls it.
I think I'm mainly looking for feedback on structure. The relationship between my Node
class and StateMachine
class feels a little tangled; I'm not always sure which method ought to belong to which class. I think the way I communicate the next token of my lexer is also cumbersome.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.children = set()
def empty(self):
return self.value == ''
def add_child(self, other):
def find_parent_of_terminal(self, terminal):
We assume that there shall only be one node leading to the terminal
and that there is only one terminal
visited = set()
to_explore = self
while to_explore:
current = to_explore.pop()
if terminal in current.children:
# If this fails, then there is a bug in union, concat, or kleene
assert len(current.children) == 1
return current
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
return None
def leads_to(self, value):
Return True iff argument can be reached by traversing empty nodes
return bool(self._get_node_if_reachable(value))
def _get_node_if_reachable(self, value):
for node in self.children:
while node and node.empty():
if node == value:
return node
node = node._get_node_if_reachable(value)
return None
def __repr__(self):
result = ' : ['.format(self.value)
for node in self.children:
result += str(node.value) + ', '
result += ']n'
return result
def EmptyNode():
return Node('')
class StateMachine:
def __init__(self):
self.initial = EmptyNode()
self.terminal = EmptyNode()
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.initial)
def from_string(source):
dfa = StateMachine()
nodes = [Node(char) for char in source]
for i in range(len(source) - 1):
nodes[i].add_child(nodes[i + 1])
return dfa
def from_set(chars):
dfa = StateMachine()
first = EmptyNode()
penultimate = EmptyNode()
dfa.initial.children = first
for char in chars:
char_node = Node(char)
return dfa
def concat(self, other):
other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal).children = self.terminal
self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal).children = other.initial.children
return self
def union(self, other):
this_last = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
other_last = other.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(other.terminal)
empty_node = EmptyNode()
this_last.children = empty_node
other_last.children = empty_node
return self
def kleene(self):
penultimate_node = self.initial.find_parent_of_terminal(self.terminal)
dummy = EmptyNode()
penultimate_node.children = dummy
return self
def _get_next_state(self, nodes, value, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
result = set()
for node in nodes:
for child in node.children:
if child.empty() and child not in visited:
result.update(self._get_next_state([child], value, visited))
elif child.value == value:
return result
def is_match(self, nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node .leads_to(self.terminal):
return True
return False
def match(self, source):
Match a target string by simulating a NFA
:param source: string to match
:return: Matched part of string, or None if no match is found
result = ''
last_match = None
current = self.initial
for char in source:
next_nodes = self._get_next_state(current, char)
if next_nodes:
current = next_nodes
result += char
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
if self.is_match(current):
last_match = result
return last_match
import collections
import enum
import string
from state_machine import StateMachine
class Token(enum.Enum):
CHAR = 1
class LexResult(collections.namedtuple('LexResult', ['token', 'lexeme'])):
def __bool__(self):
return self.token != Token.ERROR
class RegexLexer(object):
metachars = '-|[]^().*'
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
self._pattern = pattern
self._pos = 0
self._stack = []
def peek(self) -> LexResult:
if self._pos >= len(self._pattern):
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, '')
next_char = self._pattern[self._pos]
if next_char in self.metachars:
token = Token.METACHAR
token = Token.CHAR
return LexResult(token, next_char)
def _eat_token_type(self, token: Token) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match.token != token:
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
self._pos += 1
return next_match
def _eat_token(self, match: LexResult) -> LexResult:
next_match = self.peek()
if next_match == match:
self._pos += 1
return next_match
return LexResult(Token.ERROR, next_match.lexeme)
def mark(self):
def clear(self):
def backtrack(self):
self._pos = self._stack.pop()
def eat_char(self, char=''):
if char:
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.CHAR, char))
return self._eat_token_type(Token.CHAR)
def eat_metachar(self, metachar):
return self._eat_token(LexResult(Token.METACHAR, metachar))
class Regex(object):
CHARACTERS = string.printable
def __init__(self, pattern: str):
Initialize regex by compiling provided pattern
self._lexer = RegexLexer(pattern)
self._state_machine = self.parse()
def match(self, text: str) -> str:
Match text according to provided pattern.
Returns matched substring if a match was found,
or None otherwise
assert self._state_machine
return self._state_machine.match(text)
def parse(self):
nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('|'):
return nfa
next_nfa = self.parse_simple_re()
if not next_nfa:
return nfa
nfa = nfa.union(next_nfa)
def parse_simple_re(self):
<simple-re> = <basic-re>+
nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not nfa:
return None
while True:
next_nfa = self.parse_basic_re()
if not next_nfa:
nfa = nfa.concat(next_nfa)
return nfa
def parse_basic_re(self):
<elementary-re> "*" | <elementary-re> "+" | <elementary-re>
nfa = self.parse_elementary_re()
if not nfa:
return None
next_match = self._lexer.peek()
if not next_match or next_match.token != Token.METACHAR:
return nfa
if next_match.lexeme == '*':
return nfa.kleene()
if next_match.lexeme == '+':
return nfa.union(nfa.kleene())
return nfa
def parse_elementary_re(self):
<elementary-RE> = <group> | <any> | <char> | <set>
:return: DFA
nfa = self.parse_group()
if nfa:
return nfa
if self._lexer.eat_metachar('.'):
return StateMachine.from_set(x for x in self.CHARACTERS)
char = self._lexer.eat_char()
if char:
return StateMachine.from_string(char.lexeme)
set_chars = self.parse_set()
if not set_chars:
return None
return StateMachine.from_set(set_chars)
def parse_group(self):
<group> = "(" <RE> ")"
:return: DFA
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('('):
return None
state_machine = self.parse()
if not state_machine:
return None
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(')'):
return None
return state_machine
def parse_range(self) -> str:
<range> = <CHAR> "-" <CHAR>
first = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not first:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('-'):
return set()
last = self._lexer.eat_char()
if not last:
return set()
return chr(x) for x in range(ord(first.lexeme), ord(last.lexeme) + 1)
def parse_set_item(self) -> str:
<set item> = <range> | <char>
set_item = self.parse_range()
if set_item:
return set_item
next_item = self._lexer.eat_char()
return next_item.lexeme if next_item else set()
def parse_set_items(self) -> str:
<set items> = <set item>+
items = self.parse_set_item()
if not items:
return set()
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
while next_items:
next_items = self.parse_set_item()
return items
def parse_positive_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set_items
def parse_negative_set(self) -> str:
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('['):
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar('^'):
return set()
set_items = self.parse_set_items()
if not set_items:
return set()
if not self._lexer.eat_metachar(']'):
return set()
return set(string.printable).difference(set_items)
def parse_set(self) -> str:
Parse something like [a-z9] and return the set of allowed characters
set_items = self.parse_positive_set()
if set_items:
return set_items
return self.parse_negative_set()
Finally, a small set of unit tests to show usage:
import unittest
from state_machine import StateMachine
from regex import Regex
class TestStateMachine(unittest.TestCase):
def test_union(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('def'), 'def')
def test_kleene(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
state_machine = state_machine.kleene()
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match(''), '')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcabc'), 'abcabc')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcDabc'), 'abc')
def test_concat(self):
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('ab')
state_machine = state_machine.concat(StateMachine.from_string('cd'))
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcd'), 'abcd')
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abcde'), 'abcd')
class TestRegex(unittest.TestCase):
def test_identifier_regex(self):
regex = Regex('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a'), 'a')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('a0_3bd'), 'a0_3bd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('abd-43'), 'abd')
def test_parentheses(self):
regex = Regex('d(ab)*')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('d'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dab'), 'dab')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('daa'), 'd')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('dabab'), 'dabab')
def test_union(self):
regex = Regex('(ab*d)|(AG)')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('adG'), 'ad')
self.assertEqual(regex.match('AGfe'), 'AG')
if __name__ == '__main__':
python python-3.x parsing regex reinventing-the-wheel
python python-3.x parsing regex reinventing-the-wheel
edited Oct 26 '18 at 20:15
asked Oct 26 '18 at 15:16
Hello, this looks like a very interesting question and a well written piece of code! By any chance, would you have any small example that could be used to test your code ?
– Josay
Oct 26 '18 at 16:14
@Josay See edit
– User319
Oct 26 '18 at 20:16
add a comment |
Hello, this looks like a very interesting question and a well written piece of code! By any chance, would you have any small example that could be used to test your code ?
– Josay
Oct 26 '18 at 16:14
@Josay See edit
– User319
Oct 26 '18 at 20:16
Hello, this looks like a very interesting question and a well written piece of code! By any chance, would you have any small example that could be used to test your code ?
– Josay
Oct 26 '18 at 16:14
Hello, this looks like a very interesting question and a well written piece of code! By any chance, would you have any small example that could be used to test your code ?
– Josay
Oct 26 '18 at 16:14
@Josay See edit
– User319
Oct 26 '18 at 20:16
@Josay See edit
– User319
Oct 26 '18 at 20:16
add a comment |
1 Answer
Yay! You ran flake8
and followed PEP-8. Nice clean code.
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
Ummm, this is arguably backwards.
Convention for xUnit in many languages is to assertEqual(expected, computed)
It can affect how the diagnostic output is displayed for a failure.
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
Choosing the name union
for your public API is perhaps slightly confusing.
"Union" is drawn from set theory,
while "alternation" is the term the regex literature tends to use for |
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
The class name is perfectly clear, it's great.
For a local variable that we'll be using a bunch, sm
would have sufficed.
You already have a line that verifies that .from_string()
doesn't blow up, so
consider combining two assignments on a single line:
sm = StateMachine.from_string('abc').kleene()
The Regex
class is wonderfully straightforward.
Pat yourself on the back.
The peek
method in the lexer is perhaps a little on the tricky side,
and would benefit from comments
about when we consume something or not.
I'm looking for invariants on pos
and the stack
I like the assert
in find_parent_of_terminal
, and its comment.
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
That's just set
difference, yes? children - visited
Overall, looks good. Ship it!
add a comment |
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Yay! You ran flake8
and followed PEP-8. Nice clean code.
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
Ummm, this is arguably backwards.
Convention for xUnit in many languages is to assertEqual(expected, computed)
It can affect how the diagnostic output is displayed for a failure.
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
Choosing the name union
for your public API is perhaps slightly confusing.
"Union" is drawn from set theory,
while "alternation" is the term the regex literature tends to use for |
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
The class name is perfectly clear, it's great.
For a local variable that we'll be using a bunch, sm
would have sufficed.
You already have a line that verifies that .from_string()
doesn't blow up, so
consider combining two assignments on a single line:
sm = StateMachine.from_string('abc').kleene()
The Regex
class is wonderfully straightforward.
Pat yourself on the back.
The peek
method in the lexer is perhaps a little on the tricky side,
and would benefit from comments
about when we consume something or not.
I'm looking for invariants on pos
and the stack
I like the assert
in find_parent_of_terminal
, and its comment.
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
That's just set
difference, yes? children - visited
Overall, looks good. Ship it!
add a comment |
Yay! You ran flake8
and followed PEP-8. Nice clean code.
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
Ummm, this is arguably backwards.
Convention for xUnit in many languages is to assertEqual(expected, computed)
It can affect how the diagnostic output is displayed for a failure.
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
Choosing the name union
for your public API is perhaps slightly confusing.
"Union" is drawn from set theory,
while "alternation" is the term the regex literature tends to use for |
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
The class name is perfectly clear, it's great.
For a local variable that we'll be using a bunch, sm
would have sufficed.
You already have a line that verifies that .from_string()
doesn't blow up, so
consider combining two assignments on a single line:
sm = StateMachine.from_string('abc').kleene()
The Regex
class is wonderfully straightforward.
Pat yourself on the back.
The peek
method in the lexer is perhaps a little on the tricky side,
and would benefit from comments
about when we consume something or not.
I'm looking for invariants on pos
and the stack
I like the assert
in find_parent_of_terminal
, and its comment.
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
That's just set
difference, yes? children - visited
Overall, looks good. Ship it!
add a comment |
Yay! You ran flake8
and followed PEP-8. Nice clean code.
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
Ummm, this is arguably backwards.
Convention for xUnit in many languages is to assertEqual(expected, computed)
It can affect how the diagnostic output is displayed for a failure.
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
Choosing the name union
for your public API is perhaps slightly confusing.
"Union" is drawn from set theory,
while "alternation" is the term the regex literature tends to use for |
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
The class name is perfectly clear, it's great.
For a local variable that we'll be using a bunch, sm
would have sufficed.
You already have a line that verifies that .from_string()
doesn't blow up, so
consider combining two assignments on a single line:
sm = StateMachine.from_string('abc').kleene()
The Regex
class is wonderfully straightforward.
Pat yourself on the back.
The peek
method in the lexer is perhaps a little on the tricky side,
and would benefit from comments
about when we consume something or not.
I'm looking for invariants on pos
and the stack
I like the assert
in find_parent_of_terminal
, and its comment.
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
That's just set
difference, yes? children - visited
Overall, looks good. Ship it!
Yay! You ran flake8
and followed PEP-8. Nice clean code.
self.assertEqual(state_machine.match('abc'), 'abc')
Ummm, this is arguably backwards.
Convention for xUnit in many languages is to assertEqual(expected, computed)
It can affect how the diagnostic output is displayed for a failure.
state_machine = state_machine.union(StateMachine.from_string('def'))
Choosing the name union
for your public API is perhaps slightly confusing.
"Union" is drawn from set theory,
while "alternation" is the term the regex literature tends to use for |
state_machine = StateMachine.from_string('abc')
The class name is perfectly clear, it's great.
For a local variable that we'll be using a bunch, sm
would have sufficed.
You already have a line that verifies that .from_string()
doesn't blow up, so
consider combining two assignments on a single line:
sm = StateMachine.from_string('abc').kleene()
The Regex
class is wonderfully straightforward.
Pat yourself on the back.
The peek
method in the lexer is perhaps a little on the tricky side,
and would benefit from comments
about when we consume something or not.
I'm looking for invariants on pos
and the stack
I like the assert
in find_parent_of_terminal
, and its comment.
to_explore.update(node for node in current.children
if node not in visited)
That's just set
difference, yes? children - visited
Overall, looks good. Ship it!
answered 9 mins ago

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Hello, this looks like a very interesting question and a well written piece of code! By any chance, would you have any small example that could be used to test your code ?
– Josay
Oct 26 '18 at 16:14
@Josay See edit
– User319
Oct 26 '18 at 20:16