对朝鲜的制裁 目录 联合国安全理事会的制裁 中华人民共和国施加的制裁 美国的制裁 韩国的制裁 日本的制裁 欧盟的制裁 澳大利亚的制裁 評估 参考资料 扩展阅读 外部链接 导航菜单H.R. 757美國聯邦公法第114–122號UN Security Council Resolutions on North Korea存档Security Council condemns nuclear test by Democratic People's Republic of KoreaPunishing North Korea: A Rundown on Current Sanctions存档UN Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006) - Work and mandate存档Sanctioned and Shunned, North Korea Finds Arms Deals in Africa存档A Familiar Story: The New UN Report on North Korean Sanctions Implementation存档Security Council Strengthens Sanctions on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in Response to 12 February Nuclear TestResolution 2270 (2016)UN caps N. Korean coal sales in bid to deprive it of hard currency after nuclear testsSecurity Council Strengthens Sanctions on Democratic Republic of Korea, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2321 (2016) - With Secretary-General Hailing Measures as ‘Toughest Ever’, Some Warn against Military Build-up on Peninsula存档Trump’s North Korea Obstacle: Sanctions Are Unevenly EnforcedChina suspends North Korean coal imports, striking at regime’s financial lifelineU.N. Security Council imposes punishing new sanctions on North KoreaSecurity Council Imposes Fresh Sanctions on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Including Bans on Natural Gas Sales, Work Authorization for Its Nationals - Meetings Coverage and Press ReleasesChina to enforce UN sanctions against North KoreaISSN 0261-3077U.S. State Department to clamp ban on travel to North KoreaNorth Korea sanctions: Here's what Trump didTrump issues new sanctions on North Korea and claims China is followingUS expands travel ban to include N KoreaU.S. sanctions North Koreans for 'flagrant' rights abuseJapan Unveils Unilateral Sanctions on North KoreaFact Sheet:EU-Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) relationsAustralia expands sanctions on North Korea原始内容PoE says North Korea “flouting sanctions”: reportNorth Korea sanctions: Futile, counterproductive and dangerousHow to get serious with North Korea存档Beef Up Sanctions on North Korea存档ISSN 0004-4687doi:10.1525/as.2010.50.3.539List of international sanctions against North KoreaUnited Nations Documents for DPRK (North Korea)UN Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006)


朝鲜半岛与联合国联合国安全理事会第702号决议联合国安全理事会朝鲜相关决议列表朝鲜人权状况调查委员会报告第1718號決議第1874號決議第2094號決議第2270號決議第2321號決議第2371號決議第2375號決議對敵貿易法美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马H.R. 757美國聯邦公法第114–122號奥托·瓦姆比尔唐納·川普史蒂芬·梅努欽白宫天安号沉没事件



  • 1 联合国安全理事会的制裁

  • 2 中华人民共和国施加的制裁

  • 3 美国的制裁

  • 4 韩国的制裁

  • 5 日本的制裁

  • 6 欧盟的制裁

  • 7 澳大利亚的制裁

  • 8 評估

  • 9 参考资料

  • 10 扩展阅读

  • 11 外部链接




2006年的第1718號決議要求朝鮮停止核試驗,並禁止向朝鮮出口部分軍需物品和奢侈品。[2][3]在专家小组的支持下,制裁朝鲜委员会英语UN Security Council Sanctions Committee on North Korea成立。[4][5][6]











從1950年到2008年,美國根据對敵貿易法對朝鮮予以贸易禁运。即使在之后,與IEEPA英语International Emergency Economic Powers Act相關的一些限制仍然有效。

在2016年2月,时任美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马頒布了“2016年加强制裁朝鲜及政策法案”(H.R. 757美國聯邦公法第114–122號),其在参众两院获得压倒性的支持。[3]


2017年8月,制定了《以制裁反击美国敌人法案英语Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act》。




韩国在2010年的天安号沉没事件后,對朝鮮實施了制裁。這些制裁即所謂的5月24日措施英语May 24 measure包括:[3]

  • 禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海。[3]

  • 暫停除開城工業區以外的两國間貿易。[3]

  • 禁止大部分文化交流。[3]




  • 禁止匯款,除了被用作人道主義目的和低於10萬日元的匯款。[3]

  • 凍結在日本的可疑個人和組織的資產。

  • 禁止朝鮮公民進入日本。[3]

  • 延長對進入日本港口的朝鮮船舶的禁令,並將其擴大到包括訪問朝鮮的其他船舶。[3]

  • 禁止去過北韓的核技術和導彈技術人員進入日本。[21]



  • 禁運武器和相關材料。[3]

  • 禁止向朝鮮出口航空和火箭燃料。

  • 禁止与朝鲜政府进行黃金、貴金屬和鑽石的貿易。[3]

  • 禁止從朝鮮進口礦物,但對煤炭和鐵礦石實行部分豁免。

  • 禁止奢侈品出口。[3]

  • 限制對朝鮮貿易的財政支持。[3]

  • 限制投資和金融活動。[3]

  • 檢查和監測從朝鮮進口和出口的貨物。[3]

  • 禁止某些朝鮮人進入歐盟国家。[22]






在学术界,约翰·德鲁里(John Delury)將制裁描述為徒勞且適得其反。他認為它們不可能得到執行,不太可能阻止朝鮮的核武器計劃。[25]

另一方面,弗萊徹學院英语Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy韩国研究教授李晟允英语Sung-Yoon Lee和乔舒亚·斯坦顿主張繼續實施制裁。[26][27]


  1. ^ Davenport, Kelsey. UN Security Council Resolutions on North Korea. Washington, D.C., USA: Arms Control Association. 1 March 2016 [23 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于15 April 2017). 

  2. ^ Security Council condemns nuclear test by Democratic People's Republic of Korea. United Nations. 14 October 2006. 

  3. ^ Fifield, Anna. Punishing North Korea: A Rundown on Current Sanctions. Washington Post. 22 February 2016 [26 March 2017]. (原始内容存档于11 January 2017). 

  4. ^ UN Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006) - Work and mandate. New York, USA: United Nations Security Council. [8 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于8 April 2017). 

  5. ^ Salomon, Salem. Sanctioned and Shunned, North Korea Finds Arms Deals in Africa. Voice of America (USA). 22 March 2017 [2 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于22 March 2017). 

  6. ^ Berger, Andrea. A Familiar Story: The New UN Report on North Korean Sanctions Implementation. 38 North, U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (USA). 16 March 2017 [8 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于16 March 2017). 

  7. ^ UN Security Council. Security Council Strengthens Sanctions on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in Response to 12 February Nuclear Test. 7 March 2013. 

  8. ^ UN Security Council. Resolution 2270 (2016). 2 March 2016. 

  9. ^ Morello, Carol. UN caps N. Korean coal sales in bid to deprive it of hard currency after nuclear tests. Washington Post. 30 November 2016. 

  10. ^ UN Security Council. Security Council Strengthens Sanctions on Democratic Republic of Korea, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2321 (2016) - With Secretary-General Hailing Measures as ‘Toughest Ever’, Some Warn against Military Build-up on Peninsula. United Nations. [17 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于12 December 2016). 

  11. ^ Kesling, Ben; Gale, Alistair. Trump’s North Korea Obstacle: Sanctions Are Unevenly Enforced. Wall Street Journal. 25 April 2017. 

  12. ^ Denyer, Simon. China suspends North Korean coal imports, striking at regime’s financial lifeline. Washington Post. 18 February 2017. 

  13. ^ Gladstone, Rick. U.N. Security Council imposes punishing new sanctions on North Korea. The New York Times (USA). 5 August 2017 [8 August 2017]. 

  14. ^ Security Council Imposes Fresh Sanctions on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Including Bans on Natural Gas Sales, Work Authorization for Its Nationals - Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. www.un.org. 

  15. ^ Staff; agencies. China to enforce UN sanctions against North Korea. The Guardian. 23 September 2017 [28 December 2017]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 

  16. ^ Torbati, Yeganeh; Lee, Se Young. U.S. State Department to clamp ban on travel to North Korea. Reuters. 21 July 2017 [21 July 2017]. 

  17. ^ Borak, Donna. North Korea sanctions: Here's what Trump did. 

  18. ^ 18.018.1 Borger, Julian. Trump issues new sanctions on North Korea and claims China is following. 21 September 2017 –通过www.theguardian.com. 

  19. ^ US expands travel ban to include N Korea. 25 September 2017 –通过www.bbc.com. 

  20. ^ U.S. sanctions North Koreans for 'flagrant' rights abuse. Reuters. 26 October 2017 [26 October 2017]. 

  21. ^ Pollmann, Mina. Japan Unveils Unilateral Sanctions on North Korea. The Diplomat. 12 February 2016. 

  22. ^ European Union External Action. Fact Sheet:EU-Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) relations (PDF). 2016. 

  23. ^ Australia expands sanctions on North Korea. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (原始内容存档于13 October 2017). 

  24. ^ Byrne, Leo. PoE says North Korea “flouting sanctions”: report. NK News. 8 February 2017. 

  25. ^ Delury, John. North Korea sanctions: Futile, counterproductive and dangerous. CNN. 2 December 2016. 

  26. ^ Lee, Sung-Yoon; Stanton, Joshua. How to get serious with North Korea. CNN (USA). 15 January 2016 [18 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于18 January 2017). 

  27. ^ Stanton, Joshua; Lee, Sung-Yoon. Beef Up Sanctions on North Korea. The Wall Street Journal (USA). 4 Jan 2016 [18 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于21 January 2017). 


  • Chang, Semoon. Economic Sanctions Against a Nuclear North Korea: An Analysis of United States and United Nations Actions Since 1950. McFarland. 2007. ISBN 978-0-7864-5139-5. 

  • Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus. Sanctioning North Korea: The Political Economy of Denuclearization and Proliferation. Asian Survey. 2010, 50 (3): 539–568. ISSN 0004-4687. doi:10.1525/as.2010.50.3.539. 


  • List of international sanctions against North Korea, published by Sanctionswiki.org

  • United Nations Documents for DPRK (North Korea)

  • UN Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006) (Reports issued by the UN Panel of Experts, established to support of the Sanctions Committee in carrying out its mandate as specified in paragraph 12 of resolution 1718)

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