Displaying the value of a stock portfolioDisplaying postsDisplaying subcategories of subcategoriesTwo while for the same queryFunction to rebalance portfolioPHP rating function for getting the average value of columnGetting the last post of all threadsCalculate stock portfolio profit based on CSV dataDisplaying comments and replies retrieved from a databaseSimple cryptocurrency portfolio rebalancerDisplaying topics in a PHP forum

How could a planet have erratic days?

A Trivial Diagnosis

Short story about a deaf man, who cuts people tongues

How can I write humor as character trait?

Why do Radio Buttons not fill the entire outer circle?

What is the highest possible scrabble score for placing a single tile

How to make money from a browser who sees 5 seconds into the future of any web page?

What are some good ways to treat frozen vegetables such that they behave like fresh vegetables when stir frying them?

Does an advisor owe his/her student anything? Will an advisor keep a PhD student only out of pity?

Why does AES have exactly 10 rounds for a 128-bit key, 12 for 192 bits and 14 for a 256-bit key size?

Will number of steps recorded on FitBit/any fitness tracker add up distance in PokemonGo?

Is it allowed to activate the ability of multiple planeswalkers in a single turn?

How do I fix the group tension caused by my character stealing and possibly killing without provocation?

Strong empirical falsification of quantum mechanics based on vacuum energy density?

Why should universal income be universal?

How can ping know if my host is down

Make a Bowl of Alphabet Soup

Delete multiple columns using awk or sed

How to draw a matrix with arrows in limited space

Multiplicative persistence

Is this toilet slogan correct usage of the English language?

awk assign to multiple variables at once

"It doesn't matter" or "it won't matter"?

What features enable the Su-25 Frogfoot to operate with such a wide variety of fuels?

Displaying the value of a stock portfolio

Displaying postsDisplaying subcategories of subcategoriesTwo while for the same queryFunction to rebalance portfolioPHP rating function for getting the average value of columnGetting the last post of all threadsCalculate stock portfolio profit based on CSV dataDisplaying comments and replies retrieved from a databaseSimple cryptocurrency portfolio rebalancerDisplaying topics in a PHP forum



Some people have mentioned to me that my site is quite inefficient and given that it's taking ~17secs to load now, I'd like to change that but I've no idea how. I've tried Gzip to compress it but it didn't help. I got rid of some double quotes (I.e. "") and have used single quotes (I.e. '') instead, as well as got rid of some HTML blank spaces but that's about it.

Here is most of my code, excluding some JS to save space. Either way, when I open the Google Chrome developer console on my site, it shows that it's the PHP file itself that takes so long to load, not JS so that's why I'm just showing that below. It's just this one page that's loading slowly, all others sites are very quick. I'd love some tips on how to make this more efficient.

// Page name
$title = 'Portfolio';
// Include the header template

// If for some reason, not logged in then redirect to login page
if(!$user->is_logged_in()) header('Location: login.php'); exit();
<h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['username'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></h2>
<button id="opener" class='btn btn-success' >Advanced Company Data</button>
<div id="dialog" title="Advanced Company Data"><a href="http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aapl">Exchange Information</a>
autoOpen: false
$("#dialog").dialog("open", "modal", true );
$spy = file_get_contents('https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/spy/stats/year1ChangePercent');
$spy = json_decode($spy,TRUE);
// Initialising variables to store extracted information
$name = [];
$symbol = [];
$open = [];
$close = [];
$high = [];
$low = [];
$lastprice = [];
$y = 0;
$z = '';
$key = '93dcc722279c3a7577f248b09ef6167f';

// Retreiving information from database
$memberid = $_SESSION['memberID'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio WHERE memberID = $memberid";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

// Check if databse is empty
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

$sym[$y] = $row['stocks_symbol'];
$pri[$y] = $row['price'];
$vol[$y] = $row['quantity'];
$id[$y] = $row['memberid'];
$y += 1;

// If database empty

echo 'Portfolio Empty';


// Adding all stock names in one variable to enable API call

$z = $z.$sym[$a].',';

$z = rtrim($z,',');

// API call
$contents = file_get_contents("http://marketdata.websol.barchart.com/getQuote.json?key=$key&symbols=$z&mode=R");
$contents = json_decode($contents, true);
// Check successfull API call
if($contents['status']['code'] == 200)

foreach($contents['results'] as $result)


// If API call unsuccessful

echo 'Error retreiving data. Please try again later.';

<!-- Generating Output in tabular format -->
<table id= test class='table table-responsive'>
<tr class='head warning'>
<th>Last Price</th>
<th>Price Bought</th>
<th>Change Per Stock</th>
<th>Amount Invested</th>
<th>Current Market Value</th>
<th>Total Dividend</th>
<th>Company Description</th>
<th>Latest News</th>
$profitOrLossSum = 0;
$dividendRateSum = 0;
$startEqSum = 0;
$sumOf = array();
$pnl = array();

<td class="input"><?php echo $name[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $symbol[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $open[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $close[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $high[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $low[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $lastprice[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $pri[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php echo $vol[$x]; ?></td>
<td class="input"><?php
if($pri[$x] > $lastprice[$x])

echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

else if($pri[$x] < $lastprice[$x])

echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

echo '0';
<td class="input"><b><?php
$profitOrLoss = ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
$profitOrLossSum += $profitOrLoss;
$pnl[] = $profitOrLoss;
echo $profitOrLoss;
$starteq = $pri[$x] * $vol[$x];
$startEqSum += $starteq;
echo $starteq;
$firstno1 = floatval($vol[$x]);
$secondno1 = floatval($lastprice[$x]);
$sumOf[] = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
$sum1 = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
echo ($sum1);
$div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
$div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
$sum = 0;
foreach($div as $divi => $value)
echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
$sum += (floatval($vol[$x]) + floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']));

$firstno = floatval($vol[$x]);
$secondno = floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']);
$sum2 = 0;
$sum2 += $firstno * $secondno;
echo ($sum2);
$dividendRateSum += $sum2;
<td class="input"><?php
$desc = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=company&filter=description");
$desc = json_decode($desc,TRUE);
foreach($desc as $desc => $des)
echo $des['company']['description'];

$desc1 = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=news&filter=headline,url&range=1m&last=1");
$desc1 = json_decode($desc1,TRUE);
foreach($desc1 as $key111 => $des1)
echo implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'headline'));
?><br><?php $link = implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'url'));
echo '<a href="'.$link.'">Link</a>';


$arr = array('profitOrLossSum' => $profitOrLossSum, 'dividendRateSum' => $dividendRateSum);
$arr1 = array('startEqSum' => $startEqSum);
$array = array_combine($name, $sumOf);
$array10 = array_combine($name, $pnl);

<h3> SPY %YTD= <?php echo $spy1 = number_format($spy *100, 2); ?>%</h3>
<h3> Starting Equity= $<?php echo $startEqSum; ?></h3>
<h3> Current Equity= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum; ?></h3>
<h3> Total Profit= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum; ?></h3>
<h3> % Gain/Loss= <?php echo $gain = number_format((($profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum) / $startEqSum) * 100, 2); ?>%</h3>
<h3> Total Dividend= $<?php echo $dividendRateSum / 4; ?>/Quarter</h3>
<h3> Portfolio vs SPY= <?php echo $gain-$spy1; ?>%</h3><br>

share|improve this question


bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.



    Some people have mentioned to me that my site is quite inefficient and given that it's taking ~17secs to load now, I'd like to change that but I've no idea how. I've tried Gzip to compress it but it didn't help. I got rid of some double quotes (I.e. "") and have used single quotes (I.e. '') instead, as well as got rid of some HTML blank spaces but that's about it.

    Here is most of my code, excluding some JS to save space. Either way, when I open the Google Chrome developer console on my site, it shows that it's the PHP file itself that takes so long to load, not JS so that's why I'm just showing that below. It's just this one page that's loading slowly, all others sites are very quick. I'd love some tips on how to make this more efficient.

    // Page name
    $title = 'Portfolio';
    // Include the header template

    // If for some reason, not logged in then redirect to login page
    if(!$user->is_logged_in()) header('Location: login.php'); exit();
    <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['username'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></h2>
    <button id="opener" class='btn btn-success' >Advanced Company Data</button>
    <div id="dialog" title="Advanced Company Data"><a href="http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aapl">Exchange Information</a>
    autoOpen: false
    $("#dialog").dialog("open", "modal", true );
    $spy = file_get_contents('https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/spy/stats/year1ChangePercent');
    $spy = json_decode($spy,TRUE);
    // Initialising variables to store extracted information
    $name = [];
    $symbol = [];
    $open = [];
    $close = [];
    $high = [];
    $low = [];
    $lastprice = [];
    $y = 0;
    $z = '';
    $key = '93dcc722279c3a7577f248b09ef6167f';

    // Retreiving information from database
    $memberid = $_SESSION['memberID'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio WHERE memberID = $memberid";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

    // Check if databse is empty
    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

    $sym[$y] = $row['stocks_symbol'];
    $pri[$y] = $row['price'];
    $vol[$y] = $row['quantity'];
    $id[$y] = $row['memberid'];
    $y += 1;

    // If database empty

    echo 'Portfolio Empty';


    // Adding all stock names in one variable to enable API call

    $z = $z.$sym[$a].',';

    $z = rtrim($z,',');

    // API call
    $contents = file_get_contents("http://marketdata.websol.barchart.com/getQuote.json?key=$key&symbols=$z&mode=R");
    $contents = json_decode($contents, true);
    // Check successfull API call
    if($contents['status']['code'] == 200)

    foreach($contents['results'] as $result)


    // If API call unsuccessful

    echo 'Error retreiving data. Please try again later.';

    <!-- Generating Output in tabular format -->
    <table id= test class='table table-responsive'>
    <tr class='head warning'>
    <th>Last Price</th>
    <th>Price Bought</th>
    <th>Change Per Stock</th>
    <th>Amount Invested</th>
    <th>Current Market Value</th>
    <th>Total Dividend</th>
    <th>Company Description</th>
    <th>Latest News</th>
    $profitOrLossSum = 0;
    $dividendRateSum = 0;
    $startEqSum = 0;
    $sumOf = array();
    $pnl = array();

    <td class="input"><?php echo $name[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $symbol[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $open[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $close[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $high[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $low[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $lastprice[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $pri[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php echo $vol[$x]; ?></td>
    <td class="input"><?php
    if($pri[$x] > $lastprice[$x])

    echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

    else if($pri[$x] < $lastprice[$x])

    echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

    echo '0';
    <td class="input"><b><?php
    $profitOrLoss = ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
    $profitOrLossSum += $profitOrLoss;
    $pnl[] = $profitOrLoss;
    echo $profitOrLoss;
    $starteq = $pri[$x] * $vol[$x];
    $startEqSum += $starteq;
    echo $starteq;
    $firstno1 = floatval($vol[$x]);
    $secondno1 = floatval($lastprice[$x]);
    $sumOf[] = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
    $sum1 = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
    echo ($sum1);
    $div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
    $div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
    $sum = 0;
    foreach($div as $divi => $value)
    echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
    $sum += (floatval($vol[$x]) + floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']));

    $firstno = floatval($vol[$x]);
    $secondno = floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']);
    $sum2 = 0;
    $sum2 += $firstno * $secondno;
    echo ($sum2);
    $dividendRateSum += $sum2;
    <td class="input"><?php
    $desc = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=company&filter=description");
    $desc = json_decode($desc,TRUE);
    foreach($desc as $desc => $des)
    echo $des['company']['description'];

    $desc1 = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=news&filter=headline,url&range=1m&last=1");
    $desc1 = json_decode($desc1,TRUE);
    foreach($desc1 as $key111 => $des1)
    echo implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'headline'));
    ?><br><?php $link = implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'url'));
    echo '<a href="'.$link.'">Link</a>';


    $arr = array('profitOrLossSum' => $profitOrLossSum, 'dividendRateSum' => $dividendRateSum);
    $arr1 = array('startEqSum' => $startEqSum);
    $array = array_combine($name, $sumOf);
    $array10 = array_combine($name, $pnl);

    <h3> SPY %YTD= <?php echo $spy1 = number_format($spy *100, 2); ?>%</h3>
    <h3> Starting Equity= $<?php echo $startEqSum; ?></h3>
    <h3> Current Equity= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum; ?></h3>
    <h3> Total Profit= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum; ?></h3>
    <h3> % Gain/Loss= <?php echo $gain = number_format((($profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum) / $startEqSum) * 100, 2); ?>%</h3>
    <h3> Total Dividend= $<?php echo $dividendRateSum / 4; ?>/Quarter</h3>
    <h3> Portfolio vs SPY= <?php echo $gain-$spy1; ?>%</h3><br>

    share|improve this question


    bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

    This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.





      Some people have mentioned to me that my site is quite inefficient and given that it's taking ~17secs to load now, I'd like to change that but I've no idea how. I've tried Gzip to compress it but it didn't help. I got rid of some double quotes (I.e. "") and have used single quotes (I.e. '') instead, as well as got rid of some HTML blank spaces but that's about it.

      Here is most of my code, excluding some JS to save space. Either way, when I open the Google Chrome developer console on my site, it shows that it's the PHP file itself that takes so long to load, not JS so that's why I'm just showing that below. It's just this one page that's loading slowly, all others sites are very quick. I'd love some tips on how to make this more efficient.

      // Page name
      $title = 'Portfolio';
      // Include the header template

      // If for some reason, not logged in then redirect to login page
      if(!$user->is_logged_in()) header('Location: login.php'); exit();
      <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['username'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></h2>
      <button id="opener" class='btn btn-success' >Advanced Company Data</button>
      <div id="dialog" title="Advanced Company Data"><a href="http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aapl">Exchange Information</a>
      autoOpen: false
      $("#dialog").dialog("open", "modal", true );
      $spy = file_get_contents('https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/spy/stats/year1ChangePercent');
      $spy = json_decode($spy,TRUE);
      // Initialising variables to store extracted information
      $name = [];
      $symbol = [];
      $open = [];
      $close = [];
      $high = [];
      $low = [];
      $lastprice = [];
      $y = 0;
      $z = '';
      $key = '93dcc722279c3a7577f248b09ef6167f';

      // Retreiving information from database
      $memberid = $_SESSION['memberID'];
      $sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio WHERE memberID = $memberid";
      $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

      // Check if databse is empty
      if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)

      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

      $sym[$y] = $row['stocks_symbol'];
      $pri[$y] = $row['price'];
      $vol[$y] = $row['quantity'];
      $id[$y] = $row['memberid'];
      $y += 1;

      // If database empty

      echo 'Portfolio Empty';


      // Adding all stock names in one variable to enable API call

      $z = $z.$sym[$a].',';

      $z = rtrim($z,',');

      // API call
      $contents = file_get_contents("http://marketdata.websol.barchart.com/getQuote.json?key=$key&symbols=$z&mode=R");
      $contents = json_decode($contents, true);
      // Check successfull API call
      if($contents['status']['code'] == 200)

      foreach($contents['results'] as $result)


      // If API call unsuccessful

      echo 'Error retreiving data. Please try again later.';

      <!-- Generating Output in tabular format -->
      <table id= test class='table table-responsive'>
      <tr class='head warning'>
      <th>Last Price</th>
      <th>Price Bought</th>
      <th>Change Per Stock</th>
      <th>Amount Invested</th>
      <th>Current Market Value</th>
      <th>Total Dividend</th>
      <th>Company Description</th>
      <th>Latest News</th>
      $profitOrLossSum = 0;
      $dividendRateSum = 0;
      $startEqSum = 0;
      $sumOf = array();
      $pnl = array();

      <td class="input"><?php echo $name[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $symbol[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $open[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $close[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $high[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $low[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $lastprice[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $pri[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $vol[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php
      if($pri[$x] > $lastprice[$x])

      echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

      else if($pri[$x] < $lastprice[$x])

      echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

      echo '0';
      <td class="input"><b><?php
      $profitOrLoss = ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
      $profitOrLossSum += $profitOrLoss;
      $pnl[] = $profitOrLoss;
      echo $profitOrLoss;
      $starteq = $pri[$x] * $vol[$x];
      $startEqSum += $starteq;
      echo $starteq;
      $firstno1 = floatval($vol[$x]);
      $secondno1 = floatval($lastprice[$x]);
      $sumOf[] = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
      $sum1 = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
      echo ($sum1);
      $div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
      $div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
      $sum = 0;
      foreach($div as $divi => $value)
      echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
      $sum += (floatval($vol[$x]) + floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']));

      $firstno = floatval($vol[$x]);
      $secondno = floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']);
      $sum2 = 0;
      $sum2 += $firstno * $secondno;
      echo ($sum2);
      $dividendRateSum += $sum2;
      <td class="input"><?php
      $desc = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=company&filter=description");
      $desc = json_decode($desc,TRUE);
      foreach($desc as $desc => $des)
      echo $des['company']['description'];

      $desc1 = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=news&filter=headline,url&range=1m&last=1");
      $desc1 = json_decode($desc1,TRUE);
      foreach($desc1 as $key111 => $des1)
      echo implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'headline'));
      ?><br><?php $link = implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'url'));
      echo '<a href="'.$link.'">Link</a>';


      $arr = array('profitOrLossSum' => $profitOrLossSum, 'dividendRateSum' => $dividendRateSum);
      $arr1 = array('startEqSum' => $startEqSum);
      $array = array_combine($name, $sumOf);
      $array10 = array_combine($name, $pnl);

      <h3> SPY %YTD= <?php echo $spy1 = number_format($spy *100, 2); ?>%</h3>
      <h3> Starting Equity= $<?php echo $startEqSum; ?></h3>
      <h3> Current Equity= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum; ?></h3>
      <h3> Total Profit= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum; ?></h3>
      <h3> % Gain/Loss= <?php echo $gain = number_format((($profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum) / $startEqSum) * 100, 2); ?>%</h3>
      <h3> Total Dividend= $<?php echo $dividendRateSum / 4; ?>/Quarter</h3>
      <h3> Portfolio vs SPY= <?php echo $gain-$spy1; ?>%</h3><br>

      share|improve this question


      Some people have mentioned to me that my site is quite inefficient and given that it's taking ~17secs to load now, I'd like to change that but I've no idea how. I've tried Gzip to compress it but it didn't help. I got rid of some double quotes (I.e. "") and have used single quotes (I.e. '') instead, as well as got rid of some HTML blank spaces but that's about it.

      Here is most of my code, excluding some JS to save space. Either way, when I open the Google Chrome developer console on my site, it shows that it's the PHP file itself that takes so long to load, not JS so that's why I'm just showing that below. It's just this one page that's loading slowly, all others sites are very quick. I'd love some tips on how to make this more efficient.

      // Page name
      $title = 'Portfolio';
      // Include the header template

      // If for some reason, not logged in then redirect to login page
      if(!$user->is_logged_in()) header('Location: login.php'); exit();
      <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['username'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></h2>
      <button id="opener" class='btn btn-success' >Advanced Company Data</button>
      <div id="dialog" title="Advanced Company Data"><a href="http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aapl">Exchange Information</a>
      autoOpen: false
      $("#dialog").dialog("open", "modal", true );
      $spy = file_get_contents('https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/spy/stats/year1ChangePercent');
      $spy = json_decode($spy,TRUE);
      // Initialising variables to store extracted information
      $name = [];
      $symbol = [];
      $open = [];
      $close = [];
      $high = [];
      $low = [];
      $lastprice = [];
      $y = 0;
      $z = '';
      $key = '93dcc722279c3a7577f248b09ef6167f';

      // Retreiving information from database
      $memberid = $_SESSION['memberID'];
      $sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio WHERE memberID = $memberid";
      $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

      // Check if databse is empty
      if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)

      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

      $sym[$y] = $row['stocks_symbol'];
      $pri[$y] = $row['price'];
      $vol[$y] = $row['quantity'];
      $id[$y] = $row['memberid'];
      $y += 1;

      // If database empty

      echo 'Portfolio Empty';


      // Adding all stock names in one variable to enable API call

      $z = $z.$sym[$a].',';

      $z = rtrim($z,',');

      // API call
      $contents = file_get_contents("http://marketdata.websol.barchart.com/getQuote.json?key=$key&symbols=$z&mode=R");
      $contents = json_decode($contents, true);
      // Check successfull API call
      if($contents['status']['code'] == 200)

      foreach($contents['results'] as $result)


      // If API call unsuccessful

      echo 'Error retreiving data. Please try again later.';

      <!-- Generating Output in tabular format -->
      <table id= test class='table table-responsive'>
      <tr class='head warning'>
      <th>Last Price</th>
      <th>Price Bought</th>
      <th>Change Per Stock</th>
      <th>Amount Invested</th>
      <th>Current Market Value</th>
      <th>Total Dividend</th>
      <th>Company Description</th>
      <th>Latest News</th>
      $profitOrLossSum = 0;
      $dividendRateSum = 0;
      $startEqSum = 0;
      $sumOf = array();
      $pnl = array();

      <td class="input"><?php echo $name[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $symbol[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $open[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $close[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $high[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $low[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $lastprice[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $pri[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php echo $vol[$x]; ?></td>
      <td class="input"><?php
      if($pri[$x] > $lastprice[$x])

      echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

      else if($pri[$x] < $lastprice[$x])

      echo $lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x];

      echo '0';
      <td class="input"><b><?php
      $profitOrLoss = ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
      $profitOrLossSum += $profitOrLoss;
      $pnl[] = $profitOrLoss;
      echo $profitOrLoss;
      $starteq = $pri[$x] * $vol[$x];
      $startEqSum += $starteq;
      echo $starteq;
      $firstno1 = floatval($vol[$x]);
      $secondno1 = floatval($lastprice[$x]);
      $sumOf[] = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
      $sum1 = $firstno1 * $secondno1;
      echo ($sum1);
      $div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
      $div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
      $sum = 0;
      foreach($div as $divi => $value)
      echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
      $sum += (floatval($vol[$x]) + floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']));

      $firstno = floatval($vol[$x]);
      $secondno = floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']);
      $sum2 = 0;
      $sum2 += $firstno * $secondno;
      echo ($sum2);
      $dividendRateSum += $sum2;
      <td class="input"><?php
      $desc = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=company&filter=description");
      $desc = json_decode($desc,TRUE);
      foreach($desc as $desc => $des)
      echo $des['company']['description'];

      $desc1 = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=news&filter=headline,url&range=1m&last=1");
      $desc1 = json_decode($desc1,TRUE);
      foreach($desc1 as $key111 => $des1)
      echo implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'headline'));
      ?><br><?php $link = implode(PHP_EOL, array_column($des1['news'],'url'));
      echo '<a href="'.$link.'">Link</a>';


      $arr = array('profitOrLossSum' => $profitOrLossSum, 'dividendRateSum' => $dividendRateSum);
      $arr1 = array('startEqSum' => $startEqSum);
      $array = array_combine($name, $sumOf);
      $array10 = array_combine($name, $pnl);

      <h3> SPY %YTD= <?php echo $spy1 = number_format($spy *100, 2); ?>%</h3>
      <h3> Starting Equity= $<?php echo $startEqSum; ?></h3>
      <h3> Current Equity= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum; ?></h3>
      <h3> Total Profit= $<?php echo $profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum; ?></h3>
      <h3> % Gain/Loss= <?php echo $gain = number_format((($profitOrLossSum - $startEqSum) / $startEqSum) * 100, 2); ?>%</h3>
      <h3> Total Dividend= $<?php echo $dividendRateSum / 4; ?>/Quarter</h3>
      <h3> Portfolio vs SPY= <?php echo $gain-$spy1; ?>%</h3><br>

      performance php sql api mysqli

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Feb 19 '18 at 4:06

      Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ



      asked Feb 18 '18 at 16:01




      bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

      This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

      bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

      This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

          1 Answer






          You should copy your page and write the time taken for all file-get-content and for the query. So you ll know where come that it s very slow.
          How many people are using it? How many people are using your server? If too many it s saturated and very very slow : change your server or the internet connection or optimise your code.
          Next use echo to write text it s faster than stoping the script and coming back.
          Better to redo a sql query instead of downloading a file. You could also cache the most used queries eventually in a new database table.
          If using the script tag you should always inform what is the language.
          If you use only once a session variable, it s faster not to save it first in a variable.
          If you just need to display a value only don t save it in an array first but at the moment of running the query.
          Prefer to use variable instead of array it s faster.

          share|improve this answer


            Your Answer

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            function ()
            StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', 'https%3a%2f%2fcodereview.stackexchange.com%2fquestions%2f187809%2fdisplaying-the-value-of-a-stock-portfolio%23new-answer', 'question_page');


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            1 Answer












            You should copy your page and write the time taken for all file-get-content and for the query. So you ll know where come that it s very slow.
            How many people are using it? How many people are using your server? If too many it s saturated and very very slow : change your server or the internet connection or optimise your code.
            Next use echo to write text it s faster than stoping the script and coming back.
            Better to redo a sql query instead of downloading a file. You could also cache the most used queries eventually in a new database table.
            If using the script tag you should always inform what is the language.
            If you use only once a session variable, it s faster not to save it first in a variable.
            If you just need to display a value only don t save it in an array first but at the moment of running the query.
            Prefer to use variable instead of array it s faster.

            share|improve this answer




              You should copy your page and write the time taken for all file-get-content and for the query. So you ll know where come that it s very slow.
              How many people are using it? How many people are using your server? If too many it s saturated and very very slow : change your server or the internet connection or optimise your code.
              Next use echo to write text it s faster than stoping the script and coming back.
              Better to redo a sql query instead of downloading a file. You could also cache the most used queries eventually in a new database table.
              If using the script tag you should always inform what is the language.
              If you use only once a session variable, it s faster not to save it first in a variable.
              If you just need to display a value only don t save it in an array first but at the moment of running the query.
              Prefer to use variable instead of array it s faster.

              share|improve this answer






                You should copy your page and write the time taken for all file-get-content and for the query. So you ll know where come that it s very slow.
                How many people are using it? How many people are using your server? If too many it s saturated and very very slow : change your server or the internet connection or optimise your code.
                Next use echo to write text it s faster than stoping the script and coming back.
                Better to redo a sql query instead of downloading a file. You could also cache the most used queries eventually in a new database table.
                If using the script tag you should always inform what is the language.
                If you use only once a session variable, it s faster not to save it first in a variable.
                If you just need to display a value only don t save it in an array first but at the moment of running the query.
                Prefer to use variable instead of array it s faster.

                share|improve this answer


                You should copy your page and write the time taken for all file-get-content and for the query. So you ll know where come that it s very slow.
                How many people are using it? How many people are using your server? If too many it s saturated and very very slow : change your server or the internet connection or optimise your code.
                Next use echo to write text it s faster than stoping the script and coming back.
                Better to redo a sql query instead of downloading a file. You could also cache the most used queries eventually in a new database table.
                If using the script tag you should always inform what is the language.
                If you use only once a session variable, it s faster not to save it first in a variable.
                If you just need to display a value only don t save it in an array first but at the moment of running the query.
                Prefer to use variable instead of array it s faster.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Feb 18 '18 at 21:10




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