How to preserve electronics (computers, ipads, phones) for hundreds of years?How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?How might modern humans leave a message for 50,000 years?How would an aquatic race develop computers?How do we make computers care for human life?How to knock down electronics on a large scale?Keeping supplies for 1000 yearsWhat will cell phones become in 100 years?How to preserve blood with medieval tech?How to preserve scientific knowledge following a major nuclear warWhy would precursors create devices that can survive and still work after hundreds of years?A 500 years vault for books?
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How to preserve electronics (computers, ipads, phones) for hundreds of years?
How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?How might modern humans leave a message for 50,000 years?How would an aquatic race develop computers?How do we make computers care for human life?How to knock down electronics on a large scale?Keeping supplies for 1000 yearsWhat will cell phones become in 100 years?How to preserve blood with medieval tech?How to preserve scientific knowledge following a major nuclear warWhy would precursors create devices that can survive and still work after hundreds of years?A 500 years vault for books?
Let's say you wanted to preserve some electronics for 500 years or more in a museum. What could you do to preserve them in working order for hundreds of years? Deep freeze? Lead lined vaults? Vacuum? I've seen questions about how long electronics would last left unattended, but not how to proactively protect them for 500 years.
Edit #1 - Let's say this is a fully functioning world, not a post apocalyptic world. Think of a museum in the future.
technology preservation
show 7 more comments
Let's say you wanted to preserve some electronics for 500 years or more in a museum. What could you do to preserve them in working order for hundreds of years? Deep freeze? Lead lined vaults? Vacuum? I've seen questions about how long electronics would last left unattended, but not how to proactively protect them for 500 years.
Edit #1 - Let's say this is a fully functioning world, not a post apocalyptic world. Think of a museum in the future.
technology preservation
Possible duplicate of How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?
4 hours ago
I read that question and nobody gave an answer that satisfies my answer. The answer that was selected didn't provide specific technologies to preserve electronics. Let's say this is a museum that wants to keep ancient tech working. I didn't see that in the question you cite. The question possible duplicate question talks about post apocalyptic world. Let's say this is a Utopian world with fully functioning infrastructure.
– farmersteve
4 hours ago
@JBH The answer space for these two questions is different; answers there are unlikely to be applicable here, and vice versa. These are not duplicates.
– Frostfyre
3 hours ago
@Frostfyre, They appear to be a complete overlap to me. How do they differ?
2 hours ago
@JBH Well, as the question specifically mentions : unattended vs proactive protection.
– Ville Niemi
2 hours ago
show 7 more comments
Let's say you wanted to preserve some electronics for 500 years or more in a museum. What could you do to preserve them in working order for hundreds of years? Deep freeze? Lead lined vaults? Vacuum? I've seen questions about how long electronics would last left unattended, but not how to proactively protect them for 500 years.
Edit #1 - Let's say this is a fully functioning world, not a post apocalyptic world. Think of a museum in the future.
technology preservation
Let's say you wanted to preserve some electronics for 500 years or more in a museum. What could you do to preserve them in working order for hundreds of years? Deep freeze? Lead lined vaults? Vacuum? I've seen questions about how long electronics would last left unattended, but not how to proactively protect them for 500 years.
Edit #1 - Let's say this is a fully functioning world, not a post apocalyptic world. Think of a museum in the future.
technology preservation
technology preservation
edited 1 hour ago

a CVn♦
asked 4 hours ago
Possible duplicate of How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?
4 hours ago
I read that question and nobody gave an answer that satisfies my answer. The answer that was selected didn't provide specific technologies to preserve electronics. Let's say this is a museum that wants to keep ancient tech working. I didn't see that in the question you cite. The question possible duplicate question talks about post apocalyptic world. Let's say this is a Utopian world with fully functioning infrastructure.
– farmersteve
4 hours ago
@JBH The answer space for these two questions is different; answers there are unlikely to be applicable here, and vice versa. These are not duplicates.
– Frostfyre
3 hours ago
@Frostfyre, They appear to be a complete overlap to me. How do they differ?
2 hours ago
@JBH Well, as the question specifically mentions : unattended vs proactive protection.
– Ville Niemi
2 hours ago
show 7 more comments
Possible duplicate of How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?
4 hours ago
I read that question and nobody gave an answer that satisfies my answer. The answer that was selected didn't provide specific technologies to preserve electronics. Let's say this is a museum that wants to keep ancient tech working. I didn't see that in the question you cite. The question possible duplicate question talks about post apocalyptic world. Let's say this is a Utopian world with fully functioning infrastructure.
– farmersteve
4 hours ago
@JBH The answer space for these two questions is different; answers there are unlikely to be applicable here, and vice versa. These are not duplicates.
– Frostfyre
3 hours ago
@Frostfyre, They appear to be a complete overlap to me. How do they differ?
2 hours ago
@JBH Well, as the question specifically mentions : unattended vs proactive protection.
– Ville Niemi
2 hours ago
Possible duplicate of How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?
4 hours ago
Possible duplicate of How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?
4 hours ago
I read that question and nobody gave an answer that satisfies my answer. The answer that was selected didn't provide specific technologies to preserve electronics. Let's say this is a museum that wants to keep ancient tech working. I didn't see that in the question you cite. The question possible duplicate question talks about post apocalyptic world. Let's say this is a Utopian world with fully functioning infrastructure.
– farmersteve
4 hours ago
I read that question and nobody gave an answer that satisfies my answer. The answer that was selected didn't provide specific technologies to preserve electronics. Let's say this is a museum that wants to keep ancient tech working. I didn't see that in the question you cite. The question possible duplicate question talks about post apocalyptic world. Let's say this is a Utopian world with fully functioning infrastructure.
– farmersteve
4 hours ago
@JBH The answer space for these two questions is different; answers there are unlikely to be applicable here, and vice versa. These are not duplicates.
– Frostfyre
3 hours ago
@JBH The answer space for these two questions is different; answers there are unlikely to be applicable here, and vice versa. These are not duplicates.
– Frostfyre
3 hours ago
@Frostfyre, They appear to be a complete overlap to me. How do they differ?
2 hours ago
@Frostfyre, They appear to be a complete overlap to me. How do they differ?
2 hours ago
@JBH Well, as the question specifically mentions : unattended vs proactive protection.
– Ville Niemi
2 hours ago
@JBH Well, as the question specifically mentions : unattended vs proactive protection.
– Ville Niemi
2 hours ago
show 7 more comments
5 Answers
The 5 major things that can degrade electronics are electromagnetism, corrosion, excessive temperatures, vibration, and impact.
Electromagnetism is your number-one risk. It only takes a static shock with 1/2 the amperage it requires to make a visible spark to damage data; also, background EM radiation can degrade data slowly over time. Forensics investigators will often mitigate this risk by putting evidence into a static resistant evidence bag, which can then be placed in a faraday bag escentially blocking out all external EM influence.
The second risk is corrosion. For a device that you are not regularly handling, the only major outside corrosive agent you need to worry about is humidity. An air-tight evidence bag also works well for protecting against this; however, an off the shelf evidence bag may not be rated for 500 years. You would likely need to consult with a polymers expert to design such a bag. Vacuum sealing the bag might be worthwhile, but probably not necessary since the small amount of water vapor locked in the bag will expend itself over time doing negligible corrosion. Batteries (as other answers have pointed out) introduce corrosive elements from within; so, they will need to be drained, stored separately, and possibly rebuilt prior to use.
Excessive heat and cold become the hardest part to control over a 500 year gap. You can not exactly rely on an air conditioning system to be maintained for that long, but if you were to store your device in an underground bunker at a depth of at least 30 feet, mother nature will keep your temperature more or less constant for you.
Vibration mostly just affects things with moving disk drives in them; so, for purposes of preservation, I'm assuming you are talking about stored and not actively used hardware; so, this should be a minimal issue. That said, if you are occasionally powering your device on, it is best to do so on a heavy well secured desk or shelf. Lighter desks/shelves can be vibrated by a computer's fans reducing a computer drive's expected life-time by up to 75%.
Last is impact. If you are storing this device in a room full of engineers going about their daily businesses, eventually someone will knock it off the shelf and break it; so, storing it in a place with very limited human access is also pretty important. This makes keeping an electronic device from breaking within 500 years almost impossible for something that you need to use, but if you're talking about purely storage, you should be able to do this and the above 4 steps and have a pretty good success rate at storing electronics for that long.
In response to Edit #1:
If you are talking about a museum scenario, the mostly likely case would be to copy the data onto a replica, then put the replica on display. Museums rarely put items that fragile and rare on display.
You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
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If powered down, electronics can last as long as they don't take physical harm, with the exception of batteries and the bearings in moving parts like fans or platter hard drives.
Batteries, sad to say, can't be made to last that long -- or at least the kind that are useful for portable devices like tablets,. notebooks, and smart phones. There's a type of rechargeable battery that has been shown to last a century, and can likely last much longer than that -- the Edison iron battery -- but they have rather poor energy density. In English, that means a battery that can run a tablet for four or five hours continuously is closer in size to a car battery than the little lithium wafer cells our tablets have now.
Nothing would keep those devices from working on external power, however, so it might be worth storing dry-charged lead-acid batteries, which can last indefinitely before filling with acid.
Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
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TL;DR You cannot.
You need purpose-built items, with specially designed components and maybe even ad hoc designs (PSUs without electrolytic capacitors, etc.), capable of withstanding extreme cold.
Otherwise, there are several chemo-physical processes that would require to be halted.
- Batteries: batteries will degrade over time, and be the first to go. You might want to store the specifications for the required voltage and just hook up a new battery whenever needed.
- Static memories and hard disks: temperature, background radiation and charge loss are all enemies. You can cool down the apparatuses as far as possible, and shield them. Even so, they'll need to be reactivated and "refreshed" periodically. This is, on a longer timescale, what happens orders of magnitude times faster with DRAMs. Otherwise, the iPad won't boot up, because it no longer remembers how.
- Welds. Most electronics being built today will die within fifty years at ambient temperature and pressure, due to the little-known fact that solder islands on circuit boards no longer contain lead or antimony, two poisonous metals that are nonetheless among the few cheap things that can prevent (rather, delay) the formation of metal whiskers. Nickel or gold-plated finishings aren't available on market electronics (some sailors might be familiar with the "brass fluff" growing out of cheap zinc-plated irons. On a much smaller scale, this is the same thing).
- Condenser decay. This afflicts electrolytic capacitors, due to aluminum dioxide breakdown. Extreme cold will delay this process as well as it delays whiskering, but only up to a point - and some components cannot take extreme cold.
- Insulator decay. Several rubbers and plastic insulating compounds are mixed with volatile plasticizers, where "volatile" means that they won't evaporate or significantly run off in fifty or sixty years... but the risk is there and I wouldn't bet on their seeing their hundredth birthday.
Most components aren't engineered to last at all, because the manufacturers know that the items will be replaced anyway inside, at most, of ten years. Just like ol' Henry Ford, who was said to send forensic teams in junkyards to tell him which parts of his cars had not failed so that he could start manufacturing them with cheaper tolerances. Only, this "controlled obsolescence" makes good business sense, and is actually done.
This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
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In all honesty, electronics are incredibly difficult to preserve, due to the very nature of their components.
Particularly, batteries have a defined shelf life, even when unused. Capacitors and resistors (key components in most electronics) also have a limited lifespan, though they may degrade much more slowly if not in use. Storage media (such as flash memory or hard disks) have a limited life cycle related to the number of read/write operations performed. To have the electronics active, even just displaying a static screen, would likely severely limit the lifespan of any electronic device.
The solution for museum displays would necessarily be restoration/periodic repair. There would have to exist a manufacturing process to produce replacement parts for the duration of the displays existence in the museum.
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Preserving electronics for 500 years in working order dictates that they not be used at all in that 500 years.
Copper, in particular, gets brittle as current passes through it and it heats up, and the copper traces in circuit boards even more so. The resistance of the copper joints also goes up.
Electromigration is also a problem.
Unfortunately, the only way you will know if they still work is to turn them on, but every time you turn them on, you increase the chances that next time they will not work.
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5 Answers
5 Answers
The 5 major things that can degrade electronics are electromagnetism, corrosion, excessive temperatures, vibration, and impact.
Electromagnetism is your number-one risk. It only takes a static shock with 1/2 the amperage it requires to make a visible spark to damage data; also, background EM radiation can degrade data slowly over time. Forensics investigators will often mitigate this risk by putting evidence into a static resistant evidence bag, which can then be placed in a faraday bag escentially blocking out all external EM influence.
The second risk is corrosion. For a device that you are not regularly handling, the only major outside corrosive agent you need to worry about is humidity. An air-tight evidence bag also works well for protecting against this; however, an off the shelf evidence bag may not be rated for 500 years. You would likely need to consult with a polymers expert to design such a bag. Vacuum sealing the bag might be worthwhile, but probably not necessary since the small amount of water vapor locked in the bag will expend itself over time doing negligible corrosion. Batteries (as other answers have pointed out) introduce corrosive elements from within; so, they will need to be drained, stored separately, and possibly rebuilt prior to use.
Excessive heat and cold become the hardest part to control over a 500 year gap. You can not exactly rely on an air conditioning system to be maintained for that long, but if you were to store your device in an underground bunker at a depth of at least 30 feet, mother nature will keep your temperature more or less constant for you.
Vibration mostly just affects things with moving disk drives in them; so, for purposes of preservation, I'm assuming you are talking about stored and not actively used hardware; so, this should be a minimal issue. That said, if you are occasionally powering your device on, it is best to do so on a heavy well secured desk or shelf. Lighter desks/shelves can be vibrated by a computer's fans reducing a computer drive's expected life-time by up to 75%.
Last is impact. If you are storing this device in a room full of engineers going about their daily businesses, eventually someone will knock it off the shelf and break it; so, storing it in a place with very limited human access is also pretty important. This makes keeping an electronic device from breaking within 500 years almost impossible for something that you need to use, but if you're talking about purely storage, you should be able to do this and the above 4 steps and have a pretty good success rate at storing electronics for that long.
In response to Edit #1:
If you are talking about a museum scenario, the mostly likely case would be to copy the data onto a replica, then put the replica on display. Museums rarely put items that fragile and rare on display.
You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
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The 5 major things that can degrade electronics are electromagnetism, corrosion, excessive temperatures, vibration, and impact.
Electromagnetism is your number-one risk. It only takes a static shock with 1/2 the amperage it requires to make a visible spark to damage data; also, background EM radiation can degrade data slowly over time. Forensics investigators will often mitigate this risk by putting evidence into a static resistant evidence bag, which can then be placed in a faraday bag escentially blocking out all external EM influence.
The second risk is corrosion. For a device that you are not regularly handling, the only major outside corrosive agent you need to worry about is humidity. An air-tight evidence bag also works well for protecting against this; however, an off the shelf evidence bag may not be rated for 500 years. You would likely need to consult with a polymers expert to design such a bag. Vacuum sealing the bag might be worthwhile, but probably not necessary since the small amount of water vapor locked in the bag will expend itself over time doing negligible corrosion. Batteries (as other answers have pointed out) introduce corrosive elements from within; so, they will need to be drained, stored separately, and possibly rebuilt prior to use.
Excessive heat and cold become the hardest part to control over a 500 year gap. You can not exactly rely on an air conditioning system to be maintained for that long, but if you were to store your device in an underground bunker at a depth of at least 30 feet, mother nature will keep your temperature more or less constant for you.
Vibration mostly just affects things with moving disk drives in them; so, for purposes of preservation, I'm assuming you are talking about stored and not actively used hardware; so, this should be a minimal issue. That said, if you are occasionally powering your device on, it is best to do so on a heavy well secured desk or shelf. Lighter desks/shelves can be vibrated by a computer's fans reducing a computer drive's expected life-time by up to 75%.
Last is impact. If you are storing this device in a room full of engineers going about their daily businesses, eventually someone will knock it off the shelf and break it; so, storing it in a place with very limited human access is also pretty important. This makes keeping an electronic device from breaking within 500 years almost impossible for something that you need to use, but if you're talking about purely storage, you should be able to do this and the above 4 steps and have a pretty good success rate at storing electronics for that long.
In response to Edit #1:
If you are talking about a museum scenario, the mostly likely case would be to copy the data onto a replica, then put the replica on display. Museums rarely put items that fragile and rare on display.
You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
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The 5 major things that can degrade electronics are electromagnetism, corrosion, excessive temperatures, vibration, and impact.
Electromagnetism is your number-one risk. It only takes a static shock with 1/2 the amperage it requires to make a visible spark to damage data; also, background EM radiation can degrade data slowly over time. Forensics investigators will often mitigate this risk by putting evidence into a static resistant evidence bag, which can then be placed in a faraday bag escentially blocking out all external EM influence.
The second risk is corrosion. For a device that you are not regularly handling, the only major outside corrosive agent you need to worry about is humidity. An air-tight evidence bag also works well for protecting against this; however, an off the shelf evidence bag may not be rated for 500 years. You would likely need to consult with a polymers expert to design such a bag. Vacuum sealing the bag might be worthwhile, but probably not necessary since the small amount of water vapor locked in the bag will expend itself over time doing negligible corrosion. Batteries (as other answers have pointed out) introduce corrosive elements from within; so, they will need to be drained, stored separately, and possibly rebuilt prior to use.
Excessive heat and cold become the hardest part to control over a 500 year gap. You can not exactly rely on an air conditioning system to be maintained for that long, but if you were to store your device in an underground bunker at a depth of at least 30 feet, mother nature will keep your temperature more or less constant for you.
Vibration mostly just affects things with moving disk drives in them; so, for purposes of preservation, I'm assuming you are talking about stored and not actively used hardware; so, this should be a minimal issue. That said, if you are occasionally powering your device on, it is best to do so on a heavy well secured desk or shelf. Lighter desks/shelves can be vibrated by a computer's fans reducing a computer drive's expected life-time by up to 75%.
Last is impact. If you are storing this device in a room full of engineers going about their daily businesses, eventually someone will knock it off the shelf and break it; so, storing it in a place with very limited human access is also pretty important. This makes keeping an electronic device from breaking within 500 years almost impossible for something that you need to use, but if you're talking about purely storage, you should be able to do this and the above 4 steps and have a pretty good success rate at storing electronics for that long.
In response to Edit #1:
If you are talking about a museum scenario, the mostly likely case would be to copy the data onto a replica, then put the replica on display. Museums rarely put items that fragile and rare on display.
The 5 major things that can degrade electronics are electromagnetism, corrosion, excessive temperatures, vibration, and impact.
Electromagnetism is your number-one risk. It only takes a static shock with 1/2 the amperage it requires to make a visible spark to damage data; also, background EM radiation can degrade data slowly over time. Forensics investigators will often mitigate this risk by putting evidence into a static resistant evidence bag, which can then be placed in a faraday bag escentially blocking out all external EM influence.
The second risk is corrosion. For a device that you are not regularly handling, the only major outside corrosive agent you need to worry about is humidity. An air-tight evidence bag also works well for protecting against this; however, an off the shelf evidence bag may not be rated for 500 years. You would likely need to consult with a polymers expert to design such a bag. Vacuum sealing the bag might be worthwhile, but probably not necessary since the small amount of water vapor locked in the bag will expend itself over time doing negligible corrosion. Batteries (as other answers have pointed out) introduce corrosive elements from within; so, they will need to be drained, stored separately, and possibly rebuilt prior to use.
Excessive heat and cold become the hardest part to control over a 500 year gap. You can not exactly rely on an air conditioning system to be maintained for that long, but if you were to store your device in an underground bunker at a depth of at least 30 feet, mother nature will keep your temperature more or less constant for you.
Vibration mostly just affects things with moving disk drives in them; so, for purposes of preservation, I'm assuming you are talking about stored and not actively used hardware; so, this should be a minimal issue. That said, if you are occasionally powering your device on, it is best to do so on a heavy well secured desk or shelf. Lighter desks/shelves can be vibrated by a computer's fans reducing a computer drive's expected life-time by up to 75%.
Last is impact. If you are storing this device in a room full of engineers going about their daily businesses, eventually someone will knock it off the shelf and break it; so, storing it in a place with very limited human access is also pretty important. This makes keeping an electronic device from breaking within 500 years almost impossible for something that you need to use, but if you're talking about purely storage, you should be able to do this and the above 4 steps and have a pretty good success rate at storing electronics for that long.
In response to Edit #1:
If you are talking about a museum scenario, the mostly likely case would be to copy the data onto a replica, then put the replica on display. Museums rarely put items that fragile and rare on display.
edited 3 hours ago
answered 3 hours ago
You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
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You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
You cannot combat dopant and metal diffusion. Modern processors, flash memory and RAM are made up of very many very tiny electronic devices. Semiconductor and metal-oxide junction will degrade over five centuries, no matter what you do. Modern electronic devices are simply not made to last centuries.
– AlexP
1 hour ago
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If powered down, electronics can last as long as they don't take physical harm, with the exception of batteries and the bearings in moving parts like fans or platter hard drives.
Batteries, sad to say, can't be made to last that long -- or at least the kind that are useful for portable devices like tablets,. notebooks, and smart phones. There's a type of rechargeable battery that has been shown to last a century, and can likely last much longer than that -- the Edison iron battery -- but they have rather poor energy density. In English, that means a battery that can run a tablet for four or five hours continuously is closer in size to a car battery than the little lithium wafer cells our tablets have now.
Nothing would keep those devices from working on external power, however, so it might be worth storing dry-charged lead-acid batteries, which can last indefinitely before filling with acid.
Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
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If powered down, electronics can last as long as they don't take physical harm, with the exception of batteries and the bearings in moving parts like fans or platter hard drives.
Batteries, sad to say, can't be made to last that long -- or at least the kind that are useful for portable devices like tablets,. notebooks, and smart phones. There's a type of rechargeable battery that has been shown to last a century, and can likely last much longer than that -- the Edison iron battery -- but they have rather poor energy density. In English, that means a battery that can run a tablet for four or five hours continuously is closer in size to a car battery than the little lithium wafer cells our tablets have now.
Nothing would keep those devices from working on external power, however, so it might be worth storing dry-charged lead-acid batteries, which can last indefinitely before filling with acid.
Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
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If powered down, electronics can last as long as they don't take physical harm, with the exception of batteries and the bearings in moving parts like fans or platter hard drives.
Batteries, sad to say, can't be made to last that long -- or at least the kind that are useful for portable devices like tablets,. notebooks, and smart phones. There's a type of rechargeable battery that has been shown to last a century, and can likely last much longer than that -- the Edison iron battery -- but they have rather poor energy density. In English, that means a battery that can run a tablet for four or five hours continuously is closer in size to a car battery than the little lithium wafer cells our tablets have now.
Nothing would keep those devices from working on external power, however, so it might be worth storing dry-charged lead-acid batteries, which can last indefinitely before filling with acid.
If powered down, electronics can last as long as they don't take physical harm, with the exception of batteries and the bearings in moving parts like fans or platter hard drives.
Batteries, sad to say, can't be made to last that long -- or at least the kind that are useful for portable devices like tablets,. notebooks, and smart phones. There's a type of rechargeable battery that has been shown to last a century, and can likely last much longer than that -- the Edison iron battery -- but they have rather poor energy density. In English, that means a battery that can run a tablet for four or five hours continuously is closer in size to a car battery than the little lithium wafer cells our tablets have now.
Nothing would keep those devices from working on external power, however, so it might be worth storing dry-charged lead-acid batteries, which can last indefinitely before filling with acid.
answered 3 hours ago

Zeiss IkonZeiss Ikon
Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
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Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
Capacitors and Resistors also degrade when not in use, and present day commercial capacitors likely won't last a century.
– GOATNine
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
@GOATNine That's true of electrolytics, for certain, but as far as I know not for ceramic, tantalum, or similar solid-state capacitors. There are few if any electrolytics on the surface-mount circuit boards of a modern phone or tablet. I don't know of a mechanism whereby SMD resistors can deteriorate when not powered.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
That is a good point in normal storage scenarios, but Capacitors and Resistors degrade due to corrosion and temperature. If you store them in a cool, dry, sealed system, they should only corrode to the point that the environment has contaminates to degrade them with extending their life indefinitely to the point of how well you sealed them.
– Nosajimiki
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
@Nosajimiki Argon purge and constant-temp storage at cool room temp should do it. Might require an archival disassembly and cleaning to ensure there's no (for instance) solder flux left in the device to provide those contaminants.
– Zeiss Ikon
3 hours ago
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TL;DR You cannot.
You need purpose-built items, with specially designed components and maybe even ad hoc designs (PSUs without electrolytic capacitors, etc.), capable of withstanding extreme cold.
Otherwise, there are several chemo-physical processes that would require to be halted.
- Batteries: batteries will degrade over time, and be the first to go. You might want to store the specifications for the required voltage and just hook up a new battery whenever needed.
- Static memories and hard disks: temperature, background radiation and charge loss are all enemies. You can cool down the apparatuses as far as possible, and shield them. Even so, they'll need to be reactivated and "refreshed" periodically. This is, on a longer timescale, what happens orders of magnitude times faster with DRAMs. Otherwise, the iPad won't boot up, because it no longer remembers how.
- Welds. Most electronics being built today will die within fifty years at ambient temperature and pressure, due to the little-known fact that solder islands on circuit boards no longer contain lead or antimony, two poisonous metals that are nonetheless among the few cheap things that can prevent (rather, delay) the formation of metal whiskers. Nickel or gold-plated finishings aren't available on market electronics (some sailors might be familiar with the "brass fluff" growing out of cheap zinc-plated irons. On a much smaller scale, this is the same thing).
- Condenser decay. This afflicts electrolytic capacitors, due to aluminum dioxide breakdown. Extreme cold will delay this process as well as it delays whiskering, but only up to a point - and some components cannot take extreme cold.
- Insulator decay. Several rubbers and plastic insulating compounds are mixed with volatile plasticizers, where "volatile" means that they won't evaporate or significantly run off in fifty or sixty years... but the risk is there and I wouldn't bet on their seeing their hundredth birthday.
Most components aren't engineered to last at all, because the manufacturers know that the items will be replaced anyway inside, at most, of ten years. Just like ol' Henry Ford, who was said to send forensic teams in junkyards to tell him which parts of his cars had not failed so that he could start manufacturing them with cheaper tolerances. Only, this "controlled obsolescence" makes good business sense, and is actually done.
This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
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TL;DR You cannot.
You need purpose-built items, with specially designed components and maybe even ad hoc designs (PSUs without electrolytic capacitors, etc.), capable of withstanding extreme cold.
Otherwise, there are several chemo-physical processes that would require to be halted.
- Batteries: batteries will degrade over time, and be the first to go. You might want to store the specifications for the required voltage and just hook up a new battery whenever needed.
- Static memories and hard disks: temperature, background radiation and charge loss are all enemies. You can cool down the apparatuses as far as possible, and shield them. Even so, they'll need to be reactivated and "refreshed" periodically. This is, on a longer timescale, what happens orders of magnitude times faster with DRAMs. Otherwise, the iPad won't boot up, because it no longer remembers how.
- Welds. Most electronics being built today will die within fifty years at ambient temperature and pressure, due to the little-known fact that solder islands on circuit boards no longer contain lead or antimony, two poisonous metals that are nonetheless among the few cheap things that can prevent (rather, delay) the formation of metal whiskers. Nickel or gold-plated finishings aren't available on market electronics (some sailors might be familiar with the "brass fluff" growing out of cheap zinc-plated irons. On a much smaller scale, this is the same thing).
- Condenser decay. This afflicts electrolytic capacitors, due to aluminum dioxide breakdown. Extreme cold will delay this process as well as it delays whiskering, but only up to a point - and some components cannot take extreme cold.
- Insulator decay. Several rubbers and plastic insulating compounds are mixed with volatile plasticizers, where "volatile" means that they won't evaporate or significantly run off in fifty or sixty years... but the risk is there and I wouldn't bet on their seeing their hundredth birthday.
Most components aren't engineered to last at all, because the manufacturers know that the items will be replaced anyway inside, at most, of ten years. Just like ol' Henry Ford, who was said to send forensic teams in junkyards to tell him which parts of his cars had not failed so that he could start manufacturing them with cheaper tolerances. Only, this "controlled obsolescence" makes good business sense, and is actually done.
This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
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TL;DR You cannot.
You need purpose-built items, with specially designed components and maybe even ad hoc designs (PSUs without electrolytic capacitors, etc.), capable of withstanding extreme cold.
Otherwise, there are several chemo-physical processes that would require to be halted.
- Batteries: batteries will degrade over time, and be the first to go. You might want to store the specifications for the required voltage and just hook up a new battery whenever needed.
- Static memories and hard disks: temperature, background radiation and charge loss are all enemies. You can cool down the apparatuses as far as possible, and shield them. Even so, they'll need to be reactivated and "refreshed" periodically. This is, on a longer timescale, what happens orders of magnitude times faster with DRAMs. Otherwise, the iPad won't boot up, because it no longer remembers how.
- Welds. Most electronics being built today will die within fifty years at ambient temperature and pressure, due to the little-known fact that solder islands on circuit boards no longer contain lead or antimony, two poisonous metals that are nonetheless among the few cheap things that can prevent (rather, delay) the formation of metal whiskers. Nickel or gold-plated finishings aren't available on market electronics (some sailors might be familiar with the "brass fluff" growing out of cheap zinc-plated irons. On a much smaller scale, this is the same thing).
- Condenser decay. This afflicts electrolytic capacitors, due to aluminum dioxide breakdown. Extreme cold will delay this process as well as it delays whiskering, but only up to a point - and some components cannot take extreme cold.
- Insulator decay. Several rubbers and plastic insulating compounds are mixed with volatile plasticizers, where "volatile" means that they won't evaporate or significantly run off in fifty or sixty years... but the risk is there and I wouldn't bet on their seeing their hundredth birthday.
Most components aren't engineered to last at all, because the manufacturers know that the items will be replaced anyway inside, at most, of ten years. Just like ol' Henry Ford, who was said to send forensic teams in junkyards to tell him which parts of his cars had not failed so that he could start manufacturing them with cheaper tolerances. Only, this "controlled obsolescence" makes good business sense, and is actually done.
TL;DR You cannot.
You need purpose-built items, with specially designed components and maybe even ad hoc designs (PSUs without electrolytic capacitors, etc.), capable of withstanding extreme cold.
Otherwise, there are several chemo-physical processes that would require to be halted.
- Batteries: batteries will degrade over time, and be the first to go. You might want to store the specifications for the required voltage and just hook up a new battery whenever needed.
- Static memories and hard disks: temperature, background radiation and charge loss are all enemies. You can cool down the apparatuses as far as possible, and shield them. Even so, they'll need to be reactivated and "refreshed" periodically. This is, on a longer timescale, what happens orders of magnitude times faster with DRAMs. Otherwise, the iPad won't boot up, because it no longer remembers how.
- Welds. Most electronics being built today will die within fifty years at ambient temperature and pressure, due to the little-known fact that solder islands on circuit boards no longer contain lead or antimony, two poisonous metals that are nonetheless among the few cheap things that can prevent (rather, delay) the formation of metal whiskers. Nickel or gold-plated finishings aren't available on market electronics (some sailors might be familiar with the "brass fluff" growing out of cheap zinc-plated irons. On a much smaller scale, this is the same thing).
- Condenser decay. This afflicts electrolytic capacitors, due to aluminum dioxide breakdown. Extreme cold will delay this process as well as it delays whiskering, but only up to a point - and some components cannot take extreme cold.
- Insulator decay. Several rubbers and plastic insulating compounds are mixed with volatile plasticizers, where "volatile" means that they won't evaporate or significantly run off in fifty or sixty years... but the risk is there and I wouldn't bet on their seeing their hundredth birthday.
Most components aren't engineered to last at all, because the manufacturers know that the items will be replaced anyway inside, at most, of ten years. Just like ol' Henry Ford, who was said to send forensic teams in junkyards to tell him which parts of his cars had not failed so that he could start manufacturing them with cheaper tolerances. Only, this "controlled obsolescence" makes good business sense, and is actually done.
answered 48 mins ago
This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
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This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
This is what I figured. Consumer electronics are not meant to last any meaningful amount of time. BUT, if someone (company/government) wanted to make something that lasted a very long time, they could.
– farmersteve
11 mins ago
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In all honesty, electronics are incredibly difficult to preserve, due to the very nature of their components.
Particularly, batteries have a defined shelf life, even when unused. Capacitors and resistors (key components in most electronics) also have a limited lifespan, though they may degrade much more slowly if not in use. Storage media (such as flash memory or hard disks) have a limited life cycle related to the number of read/write operations performed. To have the electronics active, even just displaying a static screen, would likely severely limit the lifespan of any electronic device.
The solution for museum displays would necessarily be restoration/periodic repair. There would have to exist a manufacturing process to produce replacement parts for the duration of the displays existence in the museum.
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In all honesty, electronics are incredibly difficult to preserve, due to the very nature of their components.
Particularly, batteries have a defined shelf life, even when unused. Capacitors and resistors (key components in most electronics) also have a limited lifespan, though they may degrade much more slowly if not in use. Storage media (such as flash memory or hard disks) have a limited life cycle related to the number of read/write operations performed. To have the electronics active, even just displaying a static screen, would likely severely limit the lifespan of any electronic device.
The solution for museum displays would necessarily be restoration/periodic repair. There would have to exist a manufacturing process to produce replacement parts for the duration of the displays existence in the museum.
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In all honesty, electronics are incredibly difficult to preserve, due to the very nature of their components.
Particularly, batteries have a defined shelf life, even when unused. Capacitors and resistors (key components in most electronics) also have a limited lifespan, though they may degrade much more slowly if not in use. Storage media (such as flash memory or hard disks) have a limited life cycle related to the number of read/write operations performed. To have the electronics active, even just displaying a static screen, would likely severely limit the lifespan of any electronic device.
The solution for museum displays would necessarily be restoration/periodic repair. There would have to exist a manufacturing process to produce replacement parts for the duration of the displays existence in the museum.
In all honesty, electronics are incredibly difficult to preserve, due to the very nature of their components.
Particularly, batteries have a defined shelf life, even when unused. Capacitors and resistors (key components in most electronics) also have a limited lifespan, though they may degrade much more slowly if not in use. Storage media (such as flash memory or hard disks) have a limited life cycle related to the number of read/write operations performed. To have the electronics active, even just displaying a static screen, would likely severely limit the lifespan of any electronic device.
The solution for museum displays would necessarily be restoration/periodic repair. There would have to exist a manufacturing process to produce replacement parts for the duration of the displays existence in the museum.
answered 3 hours ago
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Preserving electronics for 500 years in working order dictates that they not be used at all in that 500 years.
Copper, in particular, gets brittle as current passes through it and it heats up, and the copper traces in circuit boards even more so. The resistance of the copper joints also goes up.
Electromigration is also a problem.
Unfortunately, the only way you will know if they still work is to turn them on, but every time you turn them on, you increase the chances that next time they will not work.
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Preserving electronics for 500 years in working order dictates that they not be used at all in that 500 years.
Copper, in particular, gets brittle as current passes through it and it heats up, and the copper traces in circuit boards even more so. The resistance of the copper joints also goes up.
Electromigration is also a problem.
Unfortunately, the only way you will know if they still work is to turn them on, but every time you turn them on, you increase the chances that next time they will not work.
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Preserving electronics for 500 years in working order dictates that they not be used at all in that 500 years.
Copper, in particular, gets brittle as current passes through it and it heats up, and the copper traces in circuit boards even more so. The resistance of the copper joints also goes up.
Electromigration is also a problem.
Unfortunately, the only way you will know if they still work is to turn them on, but every time you turn them on, you increase the chances that next time they will not work.
Preserving electronics for 500 years in working order dictates that they not be used at all in that 500 years.
Copper, in particular, gets brittle as current passes through it and it heats up, and the copper traces in circuit boards even more so. The resistance of the copper joints also goes up.
Electromigration is also a problem.
Unfortunately, the only way you will know if they still work is to turn them on, but every time you turn them on, you increase the chances that next time they will not work.
answered 2 hours ago
Justin Thyme the SecondJustin Thyme the Second
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Possible duplicate of How long could we preserve technology post-apocalypse?
4 hours ago
I read that question and nobody gave an answer that satisfies my answer. The answer that was selected didn't provide specific technologies to preserve electronics. Let's say this is a museum that wants to keep ancient tech working. I didn't see that in the question you cite. The question possible duplicate question talks about post apocalyptic world. Let's say this is a Utopian world with fully functioning infrastructure.
– farmersteve
4 hours ago
@JBH The answer space for these two questions is different; answers there are unlikely to be applicable here, and vice versa. These are not duplicates.
– Frostfyre
3 hours ago
@Frostfyre, They appear to be a complete overlap to me. How do they differ?
2 hours ago
@JBH Well, as the question specifically mentions : unattended vs proactive protection.
– Ville Niemi
2 hours ago