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Iteratively checking array of array of strings

Review my prime factorization function. Is it complete?Python Port Scanner 2.0Typeahead Talent BuddyPython Octree ImplementationFlatten a nested dict structure in PythonYear 0: Instruction FollowerBytecode Interpreter for a custom programming languageFirstDuplicate FinderSystemd service configuration helper scriptDecomposing a matrix as a sum of two bitstrings



The goal is to reduce the run-time of the operation, the function is working as intended but I'm struggling to make it more efficient larger inputs

You are given 2 arguments:

possible_criminals = [['9AheT-12=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '3512-6910',
'134.0', 'USD', 'M53'],
['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '1081-6760', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047']]

personal_information = [['Tzhq+56p=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '134.0',
'USD','M53', '37'],
['qWNmZankudw=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047', '676']]

Return an output (as an array of strings) that checks the arguments against each other in the
following format:

scanner(possible_criminals, personal_information) =
[['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=',

def scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information)

this problem can be simplified by understanding that the output
contains an array of 3 values
1) index[0] from argument 1
2) index[0] from argument 2
3) a value calculated by our function db_checker

steps to solve the problem:

- creating value 1) and 2) in output by extracting index 0 from given
arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information)

- "prepare" the arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information) for comparison
by sanitizing them:
- run "".lower() to account for case-insensitive matches
- pop unnecessary values

- calculating whether the arguments match by using a function
that compares possible_criminals with their personal_information
- function checks how many matches are there

def db_checker(A, B):
counter = 0
for x in A:
if B.count(x) == 0:
counter += 1
if counter == 0:
return "criminal"
elif counter == 1:
return "possible"
elif counter == 2:
return "unlikely"
return "none"

def init_output(N, M):
outputs = []
for i in range(len(N)):
output = []
output += [N[i].pop(0)] + [M[i].pop(0)]
N[i].pop(2) # remove undesired values
N[i] = [y.lower() for y in N[i]]
M[i] = [k.lower() for k in M[i]]
return outputs, N, M

# driver program
final = init_output(possible_criminals , personal_information )

for i in range(len(final[1])):
final[0][i].append(confidence_calculator(final[1][i], final[2][i]))
return final[0]

assert scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information) ==
[['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=', 'criminal']]





    The goal is to reduce the run-time of the operation, the function is working as intended but I'm struggling to make it more efficient larger inputs

    You are given 2 arguments:

    possible_criminals = [['9AheT-12=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '3512-6910',
    '134.0', 'USD', 'M53'],
    ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '1081-6760', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047']]

    personal_information = [['Tzhq+56p=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '134.0',
    'USD','M53', '37'],
    ['qWNmZankudw=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047', '676']]

    Return an output (as an array of strings) that checks the arguments against each other in the
    following format:

    scanner(possible_criminals, personal_information) =
    [['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=',

    def scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information)

    this problem can be simplified by understanding that the output
    contains an array of 3 values
    1) index[0] from argument 1
    2) index[0] from argument 2
    3) a value calculated by our function db_checker

    steps to solve the problem:

    - creating value 1) and 2) in output by extracting index 0 from given
    arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information)

    - "prepare" the arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information) for comparison
    by sanitizing them:
    - run "".lower() to account for case-insensitive matches
    - pop unnecessary values

    - calculating whether the arguments match by using a function
    that compares possible_criminals with their personal_information
    - function checks how many matches are there

    def db_checker(A, B):
    counter = 0
    for x in A:
    if B.count(x) == 0:
    counter += 1
    if counter == 0:
    return "criminal"
    elif counter == 1:
    return "possible"
    elif counter == 2:
    return "unlikely"
    return "none"

    def init_output(N, M):
    outputs = []
    for i in range(len(N)):
    output = []
    output += [N[i].pop(0)] + [M[i].pop(0)]
    N[i].pop(2) # remove undesired values
    N[i] = [y.lower() for y in N[i]]
    M[i] = [k.lower() for k in M[i]]
    return outputs, N, M

    # driver program
    final = init_output(possible_criminals , personal_information )

    for i in range(len(final[1])):
    final[0][i].append(confidence_calculator(final[1][i], final[2][i]))
    return final[0]

    assert scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information) ==
    [['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=', 'criminal']]







      The goal is to reduce the run-time of the operation, the function is working as intended but I'm struggling to make it more efficient larger inputs

      You are given 2 arguments:

      possible_criminals = [['9AheT-12=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '3512-6910',
      '134.0', 'USD', 'M53'],
      ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '1081-6760', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047']]

      personal_information = [['Tzhq+56p=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '134.0',
      'USD','M53', '37'],
      ['qWNmZankudw=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047', '676']]

      Return an output (as an array of strings) that checks the arguments against each other in the
      following format:

      scanner(possible_criminals, personal_information) =
      [['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=',

      def scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information)

      this problem can be simplified by understanding that the output
      contains an array of 3 values
      1) index[0] from argument 1
      2) index[0] from argument 2
      3) a value calculated by our function db_checker

      steps to solve the problem:

      - creating value 1) and 2) in output by extracting index 0 from given
      arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information)

      - "prepare" the arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information) for comparison
      by sanitizing them:
      - run "".lower() to account for case-insensitive matches
      - pop unnecessary values

      - calculating whether the arguments match by using a function
      that compares possible_criminals with their personal_information
      - function checks how many matches are there

      def db_checker(A, B):
      counter = 0
      for x in A:
      if B.count(x) == 0:
      counter += 1
      if counter == 0:
      return "criminal"
      elif counter == 1:
      return "possible"
      elif counter == 2:
      return "unlikely"
      return "none"

      def init_output(N, M):
      outputs = []
      for i in range(len(N)):
      output = []
      output += [N[i].pop(0)] + [M[i].pop(0)]
      N[i].pop(2) # remove undesired values
      N[i] = [y.lower() for y in N[i]]
      M[i] = [k.lower() for k in M[i]]
      return outputs, N, M

      # driver program
      final = init_output(possible_criminals , personal_information )

      for i in range(len(final[1])):
      final[0][i].append(confidence_calculator(final[1][i], final[2][i]))
      return final[0]

      assert scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information) ==
      [['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=', 'criminal']]



      The goal is to reduce the run-time of the operation, the function is working as intended but I'm struggling to make it more efficient larger inputs

      You are given 2 arguments:

      possible_criminals = [['9AheT-12=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '3512-6910',
      '134.0', 'USD', 'M53'],
      ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '1081-6760', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047']]

      personal_information = [['Tzhq+56p=', 'Daniel', 'Lenny', '134.0',
      'USD','M53', '37'],
      ['qWNmZankudw=', 'Sylar', 'Seil', '331.0', 'GBP', 'A46047', '676']]

      Return an output (as an array of strings) that checks the arguments against each other in the
      following format:

      scanner(possible_criminals, personal_information) =
      [['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=',

      def scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information)

      this problem can be simplified by understanding that the output
      contains an array of 3 values
      1) index[0] from argument 1
      2) index[0] from argument 2
      3) a value calculated by our function db_checker

      steps to solve the problem:

      - creating value 1) and 2) in output by extracting index 0 from given
      arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information)

      - "prepare" the arguments(possible_criminals , personal_information) for comparison
      by sanitizing them:
      - run "".lower() to account for case-insensitive matches
      - pop unnecessary values

      - calculating whether the arguments match by using a function
      that compares possible_criminals with their personal_information
      - function checks how many matches are there

      def db_checker(A, B):
      counter = 0
      for x in A:
      if B.count(x) == 0:
      counter += 1
      if counter == 0:
      return "criminal"
      elif counter == 1:
      return "possible"
      elif counter == 2:
      return "unlikely"
      return "none"

      def init_output(N, M):
      outputs = []
      for i in range(len(N)):
      output = []
      output += [N[i].pop(0)] + [M[i].pop(0)]
      N[i].pop(2) # remove undesired values
      N[i] = [y.lower() for y in N[i]]
      M[i] = [k.lower() for k in M[i]]
      return outputs, N, M

      # driver program
      final = init_output(possible_criminals , personal_information )

      for i in range(len(final[1])):
      final[0][i].append(confidence_calculator(final[1][i], final[2][i]))
      return final[0]

      assert scanner(possible_criminals , personal_information) ==
      [['9AheT-12=', 'Tzhq+56p=', 'criminal'], ['zOvfqFxTWqQ=', 'qWNmZankudw=', 'criminal']]

      python formatting





      asked 3 mins ago








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