电基本振子 参考文献 导航菜单



电基本振子辐射出的电场 (蓝色) 与磁场 (红色)

电基本振子(Electric Short Dipole)又称电流元, 指一段理想高频电流直导线,其长度l远小于波长λ并且其半径r远小于l,同时振子沿线的电流I处处等幅并且同相。这样的电流元可构成现实当中更复杂的天线, 因而电基本振子的辐射特性是研究更复杂天线辐射特性的基础。[1]


Er=ZI0δℓ2π(1r2−ikr3)ei(ωt−kr)cos⁡(θ)displaystyle E_r=frac Z,I_0delta ell 2pi left(frac 1r^2-frac ikr^3right)e^i(omega t-k,r),cos(theta )
Eθ=iZI0δℓ4π(kr−ir2−1kr3)ei(ωt−kr)sin⁡(θ)displaystyle E_theta =ifrac Z,I_0delta ell 4pi left(frac kr-frac ir^2-frac 1kr^3right)e^i(omega t-k,r),sin(theta )
Hϕ=iI0δℓ4π(kr−ir2)ei(ωt−kr)sin⁡(θ)displaystyle H_phi =ifrac I_0delta ell 4pi left(frac kr-frac ir^2right)e^i(omega t-k,r),sin(theta )
Eϕ=Hr=Hθ=0,displaystyle E_phi =H_r=H_theta =0,

在近区场坡印廷矢量的均值Sav=12Re[E×H∗]displaystyle beginsmallmatrixmathbf S _av=frac 12Re[mathbf Etimes H^* ]endsmallmatrix

Hϕ=jIl2λrsinθe−jkrdisplaystyle H_phi =jfrac Il2lambda rsintheta e^-jkr
Eθ=j60πIlλrsinθe−jkrdisplaystyle E_theta =jfrac 60pi Illambda rsintheta e^-jkr
Hr=Hθ=Er=Eϕ=0displaystyle H_r=H_theta =E_r=E_phi =0


Pr=∮S⁡12Re[E×H∗]⋅ds=40π2I2(lλ)2 Wdisplaystyle P_r=oint _Sfrac 12Re[mathbf Etimes H^* ]cdot dmathbf s =40pi ^2I^2(frac llambda )^2 W


  1. ^ [1] 宋峥. 天线与电波传播[M]. 2. 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社, 2011.

  2. ^ Silver, Samuel. Microwave Antenna Theory and Design. 1949: 92–94. 

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