Compares 2 ios and android versions Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Improve this function that compares jQuery versionsAndroid Thread and RunnableSetting up tab bar, navigation, and view controllers in iOSSwift iOS - Call back functionsPython script to create Android/iOS strings from a .csvSmall camera app in react-native for AndroidExtend OnClickListener and animate view in androidCustom header with React-Navigation and React-Native-PaperMultiple stacks implemented via a linked lists on top of single fixed-size arrayCreating directory within Application Support, and preventing iCloud backup

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Compares 2 ios and android versions

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Improve this function that compares jQuery versionsAndroid Thread and RunnableSetting up tab bar, navigation, and view controllers in iOSSwift iOS - Call back functionsPython script to create Android/iOS strings from a .csvSmall camera app in react-native for AndroidExtend OnClickListener and animate view in androidCustom header with React-Navigation and React-Native-PaperMultiple stacks implemented via a linked lists on top of single fixed-size arrayCreating directory within Application Support, and preventing iCloud backup

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;



Please review and let me know which version is better?
Just trying to find any caveats or better ways to accomplish the a version comparison independent from android and ios.

Formats accepted: '1.0.0' or '1' formats and an operator, e.g: compareVersion('1', '1.2.0', '>')

export function compareVersion(version1, version2, operator) 
const formattedV1 = version1.split(".");
const formattedV2 = version2.split(".");

let diff = 0;

if (formattedV1.length !== formattedV2.length)
const lengthDiff = formattedV1.length - formattedV2.length;
for (let index = 0; index < Math.abs(lengthDiff); index += 1)
if (lengthDiff > 0)

for (let index = 0; index < formattedV1.length; index += 1)
if (diff === 0)
const v1 = parseInt(formattedV1[index]);
const v2 = parseInt(formattedV2[index]);
if (isNaN(v1)

switch (operator)
case "=":
case "==":
return diff === 0;
case ">=":
return diff >= 0;
case "<=":
return diff <= 0;
case ">":
return diff > 0;
case "<":
return diff < 0;

throw new Error("Problem comparing versions");


export function compareVersions(a, b, operator) 
const aParts = a.split('.');
const bParts = b.split('.');

const pairs = [];

for (let index = 0; index < Math.max(aParts.length, bParts.length); index += 1)
a: parseInt(aParts[index]),
b: parseInt(bParts[index]),

let diff = 0;

pairs.forEach((pair) =>
if (diff === 0)
if (pair.a > pair.b)
diff = 1;

if (pair.b > pair.a)
diff = -1;

if (!isNaN(pair.a) && isNaN(pair.b))
diff = 1;

if (isNaN(pair.a) && !isNaN(pair.b))
diff = -1;


switch (operator)
case '=':
case '==':
return diff === 0;
case '>=':
return diff >= 0;
case '<=':
return diff <= 0;
case '>':
return diff > 0;
case '<':
return diff < 0;

throw new Error('Problem comparing versions');


New contributor

Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    Please review and let me know which version is better?
    Just trying to find any caveats or better ways to accomplish the a version comparison independent from android and ios.

    Formats accepted: '1.0.0' or '1' formats and an operator, e.g: compareVersion('1', '1.2.0', '>')

    export function compareVersion(version1, version2, operator) 
    const formattedV1 = version1.split(".");
    const formattedV2 = version2.split(".");

    let diff = 0;

    if (formattedV1.length !== formattedV2.length)
    const lengthDiff = formattedV1.length - formattedV2.length;
    for (let index = 0; index < Math.abs(lengthDiff); index += 1)
    if (lengthDiff > 0)

    for (let index = 0; index < formattedV1.length; index += 1)
    if (diff === 0)
    const v1 = parseInt(formattedV1[index]);
    const v2 = parseInt(formattedV2[index]);
    if (isNaN(v1)

    switch (operator)
    case "=":
    case "==":
    return diff === 0;
    case ">=":
    return diff >= 0;
    case "<=":
    return diff <= 0;
    case ">":
    return diff > 0;
    case "<":
    return diff < 0;

    throw new Error("Problem comparing versions");


    export function compareVersions(a, b, operator) 
    const aParts = a.split('.');
    const bParts = b.split('.');

    const pairs = [];

    for (let index = 0; index < Math.max(aParts.length, bParts.length); index += 1)
    a: parseInt(aParts[index]),
    b: parseInt(bParts[index]),

    let diff = 0;

    pairs.forEach((pair) =>
    if (diff === 0)
    if (pair.a > pair.b)
    diff = 1;

    if (pair.b > pair.a)
    diff = -1;

    if (!isNaN(pair.a) && isNaN(pair.b))
    diff = 1;

    if (isNaN(pair.a) && !isNaN(pair.b))
    diff = -1;


    switch (operator)
    case '=':
    case '==':
    return diff === 0;
    case '>=':
    return diff >= 0;
    case '<=':
    return diff <= 0;
    case '>':
    return diff > 0;
    case '<':
    return diff < 0;

    throw new Error('Problem comparing versions');


    New contributor

    Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      Please review and let me know which version is better?
      Just trying to find any caveats or better ways to accomplish the a version comparison independent from android and ios.

      Formats accepted: '1.0.0' or '1' formats and an operator, e.g: compareVersion('1', '1.2.0', '>')

      export function compareVersion(version1, version2, operator) 
      const formattedV1 = version1.split(".");
      const formattedV2 = version2.split(".");

      let diff = 0;

      if (formattedV1.length !== formattedV2.length)
      const lengthDiff = formattedV1.length - formattedV2.length;
      for (let index = 0; index < Math.abs(lengthDiff); index += 1)
      if (lengthDiff > 0)

      for (let index = 0; index < formattedV1.length; index += 1)
      if (diff === 0)
      const v1 = parseInt(formattedV1[index]);
      const v2 = parseInt(formattedV2[index]);
      if (isNaN(v1)

      switch (operator)
      case "=":
      case "==":
      return diff === 0;
      case ">=":
      return diff >= 0;
      case "<=":
      return diff <= 0;
      case ">":
      return diff > 0;
      case "<":
      return diff < 0;

      throw new Error("Problem comparing versions");


      export function compareVersions(a, b, operator) 
      const aParts = a.split('.');
      const bParts = b.split('.');

      const pairs = [];

      for (let index = 0; index < Math.max(aParts.length, bParts.length); index += 1)
      a: parseInt(aParts[index]),
      b: parseInt(bParts[index]),

      let diff = 0;

      pairs.forEach((pair) =>
      if (diff === 0)
      if (pair.a > pair.b)
      diff = 1;

      if (pair.b > pair.a)
      diff = -1;

      if (!isNaN(pair.a) && isNaN(pair.b))
      diff = 1;

      if (isNaN(pair.a) && !isNaN(pair.b))
      diff = -1;


      switch (operator)
      case '=':
      case '==':
      return diff === 0;
      case '>=':
      return diff >= 0;
      case '<=':
      return diff <= 0;
      case '>':
      return diff > 0;
      case '<':
      return diff < 0;

      throw new Error('Problem comparing versions');


      New contributor

      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      Please review and let me know which version is better?
      Just trying to find any caveats or better ways to accomplish the a version comparison independent from android and ios.

      Formats accepted: '1.0.0' or '1' formats and an operator, e.g: compareVersion('1', '1.2.0', '>')

      export function compareVersion(version1, version2, operator) 
      const formattedV1 = version1.split(".");
      const formattedV2 = version2.split(".");

      let diff = 0;

      if (formattedV1.length !== formattedV2.length)
      const lengthDiff = formattedV1.length - formattedV2.length;
      for (let index = 0; index < Math.abs(lengthDiff); index += 1)
      if (lengthDiff > 0)

      for (let index = 0; index < formattedV1.length; index += 1)
      if (diff === 0)
      const v1 = parseInt(formattedV1[index]);
      const v2 = parseInt(formattedV2[index]);
      if (isNaN(v1)

      switch (operator)
      case "=":
      case "==":
      return diff === 0;
      case ">=":
      return diff >= 0;
      case "<=":
      return diff <= 0;
      case ">":
      return diff > 0;
      case "<":
      return diff < 0;

      throw new Error("Problem comparing versions");


      export function compareVersions(a, b, operator) 
      const aParts = a.split('.');
      const bParts = b.split('.');

      const pairs = [];

      for (let index = 0; index < Math.max(aParts.length, bParts.length); index += 1)
      a: parseInt(aParts[index]),
      b: parseInt(bParts[index]),

      let diff = 0;

      pairs.forEach((pair) =>
      if (diff === 0)
      if (pair.a > pair.b)
      diff = 1;

      if (pair.b > pair.a)
      diff = -1;

      if (!isNaN(pair.a) && isNaN(pair.b))
      diff = 1;

      if (isNaN(pair.a) && !isNaN(pair.b))
      diff = -1;


      switch (operator)
      case '=':
      case '==':
      return diff === 0;
      case '>=':
      return diff >= 0;
      case '<=':
      return diff <= 0;
      case '>':
      return diff > 0;
      case '<':
      return diff < 0;

      throw new Error('Problem comparing versions');

      javascript beginner react-native


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      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      New contributor

      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.



      New contributor

      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 6 mins ago




      New contributor

      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Vincent is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.





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