GUI Button Element with Unit Tests Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?

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GUI Button Element with Unit Tests

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;



I would like a review on just a single class today. More important to me than a review on the class itself, however, is a review of the unit-tests I wrote for it. You see this is my first attempt at writing unit tests with a full test framework.

The class in question is called UpgradeButton and is exactly that. It is a button for representing upgrades in my resource management game. The buttons look like this:

picture of button, with green and red lights and text 'Oil Production'

The boxes along the bottom are updated programatically through the input() and update() functions that indicate what level you are at and what you can purchase. The number of tiers is assigned in the constructor, as is the label.


#pragma once

#include "Expressions.h"

#include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

#include <string>

namespace fleet
class UpgradeButton : public sf::Drawable
explicit UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades);

void setPosition(float x, float y);
void setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position);

void setLabelString(const std::string& string);
void setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize);
void setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color);

const sf::Vector2f& getPosition() const return button.getPosition();
const sf::String& getLabelString() const return label.getString();
unsigned getCharacterSize() const return label.getCharacterSize();
const sf::Color& getTextFillColor() const return label.getFillColor();

bool input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford);
void update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford);
sf::RectangleShape button sf::Vector2f(default_upgrade_width, default_upgrade_height) ;
sf::Text label;
std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> indicators;

void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const override;

Expressions.h is just a header of constexpr for replacing magic numbers, and as you can see I am using SFML. Version 2.4.2 if it matters.


#include "UpgradeButton.h"

namespace fleet
UpgradeButton::UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades) :
label newLabel, font

float indicatorWidth = default_upgrade_width / numUpgrades;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numUpgrades; ++i)
indicators.emplace_back(sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(indicatorWidth, default_indicator_height)));

for (auto& indicator : indicators)

void UpgradeButton::setPosition(float x, float y)

button.setPosition(x, y);
float indicatorX = x;
float indicatorY = y + (default_upgrade_height - default_indicator_height);
for (auto& indicator : indicators)
indicator.setPosition(indicatorX, indicatorY);
indicatorX += indicator.getSize().x;

float labelY = y + default_upgrade_height + upgrade_label_y_offset;
label.setPosition(x, labelY);

void UpgradeButton::setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position)

setPosition(position.x, position.y);

void UpgradeButton::setLabelString(const std::string& string)


void UpgradeButton::setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize)


void UpgradeButton::setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color)


bool UpgradeButton::input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford)

return canAfford && button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos);

void UpgradeButton::update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford)

for (unsigned i = 0; i < currentLevel && i < indicators.size(); ++i)

for (unsigned i = currentLevel; i < indicators.size(); ++i)

if (currentLevel == indicators.size()) return;

if (button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos))
if (canAfford)



void UpgradeButton::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const

target.draw(button, states);
for (auto& indicator : indicators)
target.draw(indicator, states);

target.draw(label, states);

Lastly are the tests. I tried to test each of the public functions. The exception was the update() function. It's entire purpose is to update internal unexposed implementation details, so I was unsure how to test it. Or rather uncertain if I even should. I'm using Google Test for my framework and I'm using a test fixture class to construct a default object to test on. My tests all pass.


#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "UpgradeButton.h"

#include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

namespace fleet
class UpgradeButtonTest : public testing::Test
sf::Font font;
UpgradeButton button "Test Button", sf::Font(), 5 ;

TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setPosition)
sf::Vector2f position 0.F, 0.F ;
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
button.setPosition(0.f, 0.f);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
button.setPosition(200.F, 200.F);
ASSERT_NE(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
ASSERT_NE(position.y, button.getPosition().y);

TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setLabelString)
std::string test_string "Test Pass" ;
ASSERT_STREQ("Test Button", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Not named Test Button";
ASSERT_STREQ("Test Pass", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly";
ASSERT_STREQ(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly pt2";
ASSERT_STREQ("",button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on empty string";
ASSERT_STRNE(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on inequality test";

TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setCharacterSize)
unsigned test_size 52 ;
ASSERT_EQ(30, button.getCharacterSize());
ASSERT_NE(test_size, button.getCharacterSize());
ASSERT_EQ(52, button.getCharacterSize());

TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setTextFillColor)
sf::Color color sf::Color::Green ;
ASSERT_NE(color, button.getTextFillColor());
ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::White, button.getTextFillColor());
ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Green, button.getTextFillColor());
ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Black, button.getTextFillColor());

TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, input)
ASSERT_TRUE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), true));
ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), false));
ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(500.F, 900.F), true));





    I would like a review on just a single class today. More important to me than a review on the class itself, however, is a review of the unit-tests I wrote for it. You see this is my first attempt at writing unit tests with a full test framework.

    The class in question is called UpgradeButton and is exactly that. It is a button for representing upgrades in my resource management game. The buttons look like this:

    picture of button, with green and red lights and text 'Oil Production'

    The boxes along the bottom are updated programatically through the input() and update() functions that indicate what level you are at and what you can purchase. The number of tiers is assigned in the constructor, as is the label.


    #pragma once

    #include "Expressions.h"

    #include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

    #include <string>

    namespace fleet
    class UpgradeButton : public sf::Drawable
    explicit UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades);

    void setPosition(float x, float y);
    void setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position);

    void setLabelString(const std::string& string);
    void setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize);
    void setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color);

    const sf::Vector2f& getPosition() const return button.getPosition();
    const sf::String& getLabelString() const return label.getString();
    unsigned getCharacterSize() const return label.getCharacterSize();
    const sf::Color& getTextFillColor() const return label.getFillColor();

    bool input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford);
    void update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford);
    sf::RectangleShape button sf::Vector2f(default_upgrade_width, default_upgrade_height) ;
    sf::Text label;
    std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> indicators;

    void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const override;

    Expressions.h is just a header of constexpr for replacing magic numbers, and as you can see I am using SFML. Version 2.4.2 if it matters.


    #include "UpgradeButton.h"

    namespace fleet
    UpgradeButton::UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades) :
    label newLabel, font

    float indicatorWidth = default_upgrade_width / numUpgrades;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numUpgrades; ++i)
    indicators.emplace_back(sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(indicatorWidth, default_indicator_height)));

    for (auto& indicator : indicators)

    void UpgradeButton::setPosition(float x, float y)

    button.setPosition(x, y);
    float indicatorX = x;
    float indicatorY = y + (default_upgrade_height - default_indicator_height);
    for (auto& indicator : indicators)
    indicator.setPosition(indicatorX, indicatorY);
    indicatorX += indicator.getSize().x;

    float labelY = y + default_upgrade_height + upgrade_label_y_offset;
    label.setPosition(x, labelY);

    void UpgradeButton::setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position)

    setPosition(position.x, position.y);

    void UpgradeButton::setLabelString(const std::string& string)


    void UpgradeButton::setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize)


    void UpgradeButton::setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color)


    bool UpgradeButton::input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford)

    return canAfford && button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos);

    void UpgradeButton::update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < currentLevel && i < indicators.size(); ++i)

    for (unsigned i = currentLevel; i < indicators.size(); ++i)

    if (currentLevel == indicators.size()) return;

    if (button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos))
    if (canAfford)



    void UpgradeButton::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const

    target.draw(button, states);
    for (auto& indicator : indicators)
    target.draw(indicator, states);

    target.draw(label, states);

    Lastly are the tests. I tried to test each of the public functions. The exception was the update() function. It's entire purpose is to update internal unexposed implementation details, so I was unsure how to test it. Or rather uncertain if I even should. I'm using Google Test for my framework and I'm using a test fixture class to construct a default object to test on. My tests all pass.


    #include "gtest/gtest.h"

    #include "UpgradeButton.h"

    #include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

    namespace fleet
    class UpgradeButtonTest : public testing::Test
    sf::Font font;
    UpgradeButton button "Test Button", sf::Font(), 5 ;

    TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setPosition)
    sf::Vector2f position 0.F, 0.F ;
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
    button.setPosition(0.f, 0.f);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
    button.setPosition(200.F, 200.F);
    ASSERT_NE(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
    ASSERT_NE(position.y, button.getPosition().y);

    TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setLabelString)
    std::string test_string "Test Pass" ;
    ASSERT_STREQ("Test Button", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Not named Test Button";
    ASSERT_STREQ("Test Pass", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly";
    ASSERT_STREQ(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly pt2";
    ASSERT_STREQ("",button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on empty string";
    ASSERT_STRNE(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on inequality test";

    TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setCharacterSize)
    unsigned test_size 52 ;
    ASSERT_EQ(30, button.getCharacterSize());
    ASSERT_NE(test_size, button.getCharacterSize());
    ASSERT_EQ(52, button.getCharacterSize());

    TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setTextFillColor)
    sf::Color color sf::Color::Green ;
    ASSERT_NE(color, button.getTextFillColor());
    ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::White, button.getTextFillColor());
    ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Green, button.getTextFillColor());
    ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Black, button.getTextFillColor());

    TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, input)
    ASSERT_TRUE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), true));
    ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), false));
    ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(500.F, 900.F), true));







      I would like a review on just a single class today. More important to me than a review on the class itself, however, is a review of the unit-tests I wrote for it. You see this is my first attempt at writing unit tests with a full test framework.

      The class in question is called UpgradeButton and is exactly that. It is a button for representing upgrades in my resource management game. The buttons look like this:

      picture of button, with green and red lights and text 'Oil Production'

      The boxes along the bottom are updated programatically through the input() and update() functions that indicate what level you are at and what you can purchase. The number of tiers is assigned in the constructor, as is the label.


      #pragma once

      #include "Expressions.h"

      #include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

      #include <string>

      namespace fleet
      class UpgradeButton : public sf::Drawable
      explicit UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades);

      void setPosition(float x, float y);
      void setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position);

      void setLabelString(const std::string& string);
      void setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize);
      void setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color);

      const sf::Vector2f& getPosition() const return button.getPosition();
      const sf::String& getLabelString() const return label.getString();
      unsigned getCharacterSize() const return label.getCharacterSize();
      const sf::Color& getTextFillColor() const return label.getFillColor();

      bool input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford);
      void update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford);
      sf::RectangleShape button sf::Vector2f(default_upgrade_width, default_upgrade_height) ;
      sf::Text label;
      std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> indicators;

      void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const override;

      Expressions.h is just a header of constexpr for replacing magic numbers, and as you can see I am using SFML. Version 2.4.2 if it matters.


      #include "UpgradeButton.h"

      namespace fleet
      UpgradeButton::UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades) :
      label newLabel, font

      float indicatorWidth = default_upgrade_width / numUpgrades;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < numUpgrades; ++i)
      indicators.emplace_back(sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(indicatorWidth, default_indicator_height)));

      for (auto& indicator : indicators)

      void UpgradeButton::setPosition(float x, float y)

      button.setPosition(x, y);
      float indicatorX = x;
      float indicatorY = y + (default_upgrade_height - default_indicator_height);
      for (auto& indicator : indicators)
      indicator.setPosition(indicatorX, indicatorY);
      indicatorX += indicator.getSize().x;

      float labelY = y + default_upgrade_height + upgrade_label_y_offset;
      label.setPosition(x, labelY);

      void UpgradeButton::setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position)

      setPosition(position.x, position.y);

      void UpgradeButton::setLabelString(const std::string& string)


      void UpgradeButton::setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize)


      void UpgradeButton::setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color)


      bool UpgradeButton::input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford)

      return canAfford && button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos);

      void UpgradeButton::update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford)

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < currentLevel && i < indicators.size(); ++i)

      for (unsigned i = currentLevel; i < indicators.size(); ++i)

      if (currentLevel == indicators.size()) return;

      if (button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos))
      if (canAfford)



      void UpgradeButton::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const

      target.draw(button, states);
      for (auto& indicator : indicators)
      target.draw(indicator, states);

      target.draw(label, states);

      Lastly are the tests. I tried to test each of the public functions. The exception was the update() function. It's entire purpose is to update internal unexposed implementation details, so I was unsure how to test it. Or rather uncertain if I even should. I'm using Google Test for my framework and I'm using a test fixture class to construct a default object to test on. My tests all pass.


      #include "gtest/gtest.h"

      #include "UpgradeButton.h"

      #include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

      namespace fleet
      class UpgradeButtonTest : public testing::Test
      sf::Font font;
      UpgradeButton button "Test Button", sf::Font(), 5 ;

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setPosition)
      sf::Vector2f position 0.F, 0.F ;
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
      button.setPosition(0.f, 0.f);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
      button.setPosition(200.F, 200.F);
      ASSERT_NE(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_NE(position.y, button.getPosition().y);

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setLabelString)
      std::string test_string "Test Pass" ;
      ASSERT_STREQ("Test Button", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Not named Test Button";
      ASSERT_STREQ("Test Pass", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly";
      ASSERT_STREQ(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly pt2";
      ASSERT_STREQ("",button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on empty string";
      ASSERT_STRNE(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on inequality test";

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setCharacterSize)
      unsigned test_size 52 ;
      ASSERT_EQ(30, button.getCharacterSize());
      ASSERT_NE(test_size, button.getCharacterSize());
      ASSERT_EQ(52, button.getCharacterSize());

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setTextFillColor)
      sf::Color color sf::Color::Green ;
      ASSERT_NE(color, button.getTextFillColor());
      ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::White, button.getTextFillColor());
      ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Green, button.getTextFillColor());
      ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Black, button.getTextFillColor());

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, input)
      ASSERT_TRUE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), true));
      ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), false));
      ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(500.F, 900.F), true));



      I would like a review on just a single class today. More important to me than a review on the class itself, however, is a review of the unit-tests I wrote for it. You see this is my first attempt at writing unit tests with a full test framework.

      The class in question is called UpgradeButton and is exactly that. It is a button for representing upgrades in my resource management game. The buttons look like this:

      picture of button, with green and red lights and text 'Oil Production'

      The boxes along the bottom are updated programatically through the input() and update() functions that indicate what level you are at and what you can purchase. The number of tiers is assigned in the constructor, as is the label.


      #pragma once

      #include "Expressions.h"

      #include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

      #include <string>

      namespace fleet
      class UpgradeButton : public sf::Drawable
      explicit UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades);

      void setPosition(float x, float y);
      void setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position);

      void setLabelString(const std::string& string);
      void setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize);
      void setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color);

      const sf::Vector2f& getPosition() const return button.getPosition();
      const sf::String& getLabelString() const return label.getString();
      unsigned getCharacterSize() const return label.getCharacterSize();
      const sf::Color& getTextFillColor() const return label.getFillColor();

      bool input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford);
      void update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford);
      sf::RectangleShape button sf::Vector2f(default_upgrade_width, default_upgrade_height) ;
      sf::Text label;
      std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> indicators;

      void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const override;

      Expressions.h is just a header of constexpr for replacing magic numbers, and as you can see I am using SFML. Version 2.4.2 if it matters.


      #include "UpgradeButton.h"

      namespace fleet
      UpgradeButton::UpgradeButton(const std::string& newLabel, const sf::Font& font, unsigned short numUpgrades) :
      label newLabel, font

      float indicatorWidth = default_upgrade_width / numUpgrades;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < numUpgrades; ++i)
      indicators.emplace_back(sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(indicatorWidth, default_indicator_height)));

      for (auto& indicator : indicators)

      void UpgradeButton::setPosition(float x, float y)

      button.setPosition(x, y);
      float indicatorX = x;
      float indicatorY = y + (default_upgrade_height - default_indicator_height);
      for (auto& indicator : indicators)
      indicator.setPosition(indicatorX, indicatorY);
      indicatorX += indicator.getSize().x;

      float labelY = y + default_upgrade_height + upgrade_label_y_offset;
      label.setPosition(x, labelY);

      void UpgradeButton::setPosition(const sf::Vector2f& position)

      setPosition(position.x, position.y);

      void UpgradeButton::setLabelString(const std::string& string)


      void UpgradeButton::setCharacterSize(unsigned newSize)


      void UpgradeButton::setTextFillColor(const sf::Color& color)


      bool UpgradeButton::input(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, bool canAfford)

      return canAfford && button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos);

      void UpgradeButton::update(const sf::Vector2f& mousePos, unsigned currentLevel, bool canAfford)

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < currentLevel && i < indicators.size(); ++i)

      for (unsigned i = currentLevel; i < indicators.size(); ++i)

      if (currentLevel == indicators.size()) return;

      if (button.getGlobalBounds().contains(mousePos))
      if (canAfford)



      void UpgradeButton::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const

      target.draw(button, states);
      for (auto& indicator : indicators)
      target.draw(indicator, states);

      target.draw(label, states);

      Lastly are the tests. I tried to test each of the public functions. The exception was the update() function. It's entire purpose is to update internal unexposed implementation details, so I was unsure how to test it. Or rather uncertain if I even should. I'm using Google Test for my framework and I'm using a test fixture class to construct a default object to test on. My tests all pass.


      #include "gtest/gtest.h"

      #include "UpgradeButton.h"

      #include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>

      namespace fleet
      class UpgradeButtonTest : public testing::Test
      sf::Font font;
      UpgradeButton button "Test Button", sf::Font(), 5 ;

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setPosition)
      sf::Vector2f position 0.F, 0.F ;
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
      button.setPosition(0.f, 0.f);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(position.y, button.getPosition().y);
      button.setPosition(200.F, 200.F);
      ASSERT_NE(position.x, button.getPosition().x);
      ASSERT_NE(position.y, button.getPosition().y);

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setLabelString)
      std::string test_string "Test Pass" ;
      ASSERT_STREQ("Test Button", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Not named Test Button";
      ASSERT_STREQ("Test Pass", button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly";
      ASSERT_STREQ(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << test_string << " not assigned properly pt2";
      ASSERT_STREQ("",button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on empty string";
      ASSERT_STRNE(test_string.c_str(), button.getLabelString().toAnsiString().c_str()) << "Breaking on inequality test";

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setCharacterSize)
      unsigned test_size 52 ;
      ASSERT_EQ(30, button.getCharacterSize());
      ASSERT_NE(test_size, button.getCharacterSize());
      ASSERT_EQ(52, button.getCharacterSize());

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, setTextFillColor)
      sf::Color color sf::Color::Green ;
      ASSERT_NE(color, button.getTextFillColor());
      ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::White, button.getTextFillColor());
      ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Green, button.getTextFillColor());
      ASSERT_EQ(sf::Color::Black, button.getTextFillColor());

      TEST_F(UpgradeButtonTest, input)
      ASSERT_TRUE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), true));
      ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(), false));
      ASSERT_FALSE(button.input(sf::Vector2f(500.F, 900.F), true));

      c++ unit-testing gui sfml





      asked 3 mins ago








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