Decorate a python function to work as a Google Cloud Function The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are In

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Decorate a python function to work as a Google Cloud Function

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are In

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;



I wrote this for a class project, the backend for this dog voting website. I noticed duplicate code among multiple functions I was writing to be deployed as a cloud function: they all were wrapped in try/except blocks that returned either 200 and JSON or 500 and a traceback. (I understand that it would be better to return an informative, structured error code, but this helped with debugging and we didn't have extensive error handling on the front-end: this was a loss I was willing to take).

The decorator gives each function a connection pool, uses jsonschema to validate input and output, responds to CORS OPTIONS from anywhere, and uses print statements for logging. This isn't great, but it was far easier to set up than the Google Cloud Function logging library, and everything printed to stdout during function execution is logged to GCP Stackdriver.

Here is the decorator itself:

import functools
import json
import traceback

import jsonschema
from util.get_pool import get_pool

pg_pool = None

def cloudfunction(in_schema=None, out_schema=None):

:param in_schema: the schema for the input, or a falsy value if there is no input
:param out_schema: the schema for the output, or a falsy value if there is no output
:return: the cloudfunction wrapped function
# Both schemas must be valid according to jsonschema draft 7, if they are provided.
if in_schema:
if out_schema:

def cloudfunction_decorator(f):
""" Wraps a function with two arguments, the first of which is a json object that it expects to be sent with the
request, and the second is a postgresql pool. It modifies it by:
- setting CORS headers and responding to OPTIONS requests with `Allow-Origin *`
- passing a connection from a global postgres connection pool
- adding logging, of all inputs as well as error tracebacks.

:param f: A function that takes a `request` and a `pgpool` and returns a json-serializable object
:return: a function that accepts one argument, a Flask request, and calls f with the modifications listed

def wrapped(request):
global pg_pool

if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
return cors_options()

# If it's not a CORS OPTIONS request, still include the base header.
headers = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

if not pg_pool:
pg_pool = get_pool()

conn = pg_pool.getconn()

if in_schema:
request_json = request.get_json()
print(repr("request_json": request_json))
jsonschema.validate(request_json, in_schema)
function_output = f(request_json, conn)
function_output = f(conn)

if out_schema:
jsonschema.validate(function_output, out_schema)

print(repr("response_json": function_output))

response_json = json.dumps(function_output)
# TODO allow functions to specify return codes in non-exceptional cases
return (response_json, 200, headers)
print("Error: Exception traceback: " + repr(traceback.format_exc()))
return (traceback.format_exc(), 500, headers)
# Make sure to put the connection back in the pool, even if there has been an exception
except NameError: # conn might not be defined, depending on where the error happens above

return wrapped

return cloudfunction_decorator

# If given an OPTIONS request, tell the requester that we allow all CORS requests (pre-flight stage)
def cors_options():
# Allows GET and POST requests from any origin with the Content-Type
# header and caches preflight response for an 3600s
headers =
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
'Access-Control-Max-Age': '3600'

return ('', 204, headers)

get_pool is here:

from os import getenv
from psycopg2 import OperationalError, connect
from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool



pg_config =

def get_pool():
return __connect(f'/cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME')
except OperationalError:
# If production settings fail, use local development ones
return __connect('localhost')

def __connect(host):
Helper functions to connect to Postgres
pg_config['host'] = host
return SimpleConnectionPool(1, 1, **pg_config)

def get_connection(host="localhost"):
pg_config["host"] = host
return connect(**pg_config)

And an example of usage:

in_schema="type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"dog1": "type": "integer",
"dog2": "type": "integer"
"additionalProperties": False,
"minProperties": 2,
"type": "null"
def get_dog_pair(request_json, conn):
[function body elided]


New contributor

Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    I wrote this for a class project, the backend for this dog voting website. I noticed duplicate code among multiple functions I was writing to be deployed as a cloud function: they all were wrapped in try/except blocks that returned either 200 and JSON or 500 and a traceback. (I understand that it would be better to return an informative, structured error code, but this helped with debugging and we didn't have extensive error handling on the front-end: this was a loss I was willing to take).

    The decorator gives each function a connection pool, uses jsonschema to validate input and output, responds to CORS OPTIONS from anywhere, and uses print statements for logging. This isn't great, but it was far easier to set up than the Google Cloud Function logging library, and everything printed to stdout during function execution is logged to GCP Stackdriver.

    Here is the decorator itself:

    import functools
    import json
    import traceback

    import jsonschema
    from util.get_pool import get_pool

    pg_pool = None

    def cloudfunction(in_schema=None, out_schema=None):

    :param in_schema: the schema for the input, or a falsy value if there is no input
    :param out_schema: the schema for the output, or a falsy value if there is no output
    :return: the cloudfunction wrapped function
    # Both schemas must be valid according to jsonschema draft 7, if they are provided.
    if in_schema:
    if out_schema:

    def cloudfunction_decorator(f):
    """ Wraps a function with two arguments, the first of which is a json object that it expects to be sent with the
    request, and the second is a postgresql pool. It modifies it by:
    - setting CORS headers and responding to OPTIONS requests with `Allow-Origin *`
    - passing a connection from a global postgres connection pool
    - adding logging, of all inputs as well as error tracebacks.

    :param f: A function that takes a `request` and a `pgpool` and returns a json-serializable object
    :return: a function that accepts one argument, a Flask request, and calls f with the modifications listed

    def wrapped(request):
    global pg_pool

    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
    return cors_options()

    # If it's not a CORS OPTIONS request, still include the base header.
    headers = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

    if not pg_pool:
    pg_pool = get_pool()

    conn = pg_pool.getconn()

    if in_schema:
    request_json = request.get_json()
    print(repr("request_json": request_json))
    jsonschema.validate(request_json, in_schema)
    function_output = f(request_json, conn)
    function_output = f(conn)

    if out_schema:
    jsonschema.validate(function_output, out_schema)

    print(repr("response_json": function_output))

    response_json = json.dumps(function_output)
    # TODO allow functions to specify return codes in non-exceptional cases
    return (response_json, 200, headers)
    print("Error: Exception traceback: " + repr(traceback.format_exc()))
    return (traceback.format_exc(), 500, headers)
    # Make sure to put the connection back in the pool, even if there has been an exception
    except NameError: # conn might not be defined, depending on where the error happens above

    return wrapped

    return cloudfunction_decorator

    # If given an OPTIONS request, tell the requester that we allow all CORS requests (pre-flight stage)
    def cors_options():
    # Allows GET and POST requests from any origin with the Content-Type
    # header and caches preflight response for an 3600s
    headers =
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
    'Access-Control-Max-Age': '3600'

    return ('', 204, headers)

    get_pool is here:

    from os import getenv
    from psycopg2 import OperationalError, connect
    from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool


    POSTGRES_NAME = getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE', "postgres")

    pg_config =
    'user': POSTGRES_USER,
    'password': POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
    'dbname': POSTGRES_NAME

    def get_pool():
    return __connect(f'/cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME')
    except OperationalError:
    # If production settings fail, use local development ones
    return __connect('localhost')

    def __connect(host):
    Helper functions to connect to Postgres
    pg_config['host'] = host
    return SimpleConnectionPool(1, 1, **pg_config)

    def get_connection(host="localhost"):
    pg_config["host"] = host
    return connect(**pg_config)

    And an example of usage:

    in_schema="type": "string",
    "anyOf": [
    "type": "object",
    "dog1": "type": "integer",
    "dog2": "type": "integer"
    "additionalProperties": False,
    "minProperties": 2,
    "type": "null"
    def get_dog_pair(request_json, conn):
    [function body elided]


    New contributor

    Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      I wrote this for a class project, the backend for this dog voting website. I noticed duplicate code among multiple functions I was writing to be deployed as a cloud function: they all were wrapped in try/except blocks that returned either 200 and JSON or 500 and a traceback. (I understand that it would be better to return an informative, structured error code, but this helped with debugging and we didn't have extensive error handling on the front-end: this was a loss I was willing to take).

      The decorator gives each function a connection pool, uses jsonschema to validate input and output, responds to CORS OPTIONS from anywhere, and uses print statements for logging. This isn't great, but it was far easier to set up than the Google Cloud Function logging library, and everything printed to stdout during function execution is logged to GCP Stackdriver.

      Here is the decorator itself:

      import functools
      import json
      import traceback

      import jsonschema
      from util.get_pool import get_pool

      pg_pool = None

      def cloudfunction(in_schema=None, out_schema=None):

      :param in_schema: the schema for the input, or a falsy value if there is no input
      :param out_schema: the schema for the output, or a falsy value if there is no output
      :return: the cloudfunction wrapped function
      # Both schemas must be valid according to jsonschema draft 7, if they are provided.
      if in_schema:
      if out_schema:

      def cloudfunction_decorator(f):
      """ Wraps a function with two arguments, the first of which is a json object that it expects to be sent with the
      request, and the second is a postgresql pool. It modifies it by:
      - setting CORS headers and responding to OPTIONS requests with `Allow-Origin *`
      - passing a connection from a global postgres connection pool
      - adding logging, of all inputs as well as error tracebacks.

      :param f: A function that takes a `request` and a `pgpool` and returns a json-serializable object
      :return: a function that accepts one argument, a Flask request, and calls f with the modifications listed

      def wrapped(request):
      global pg_pool

      if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
      return cors_options()

      # If it's not a CORS OPTIONS request, still include the base header.
      headers = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

      if not pg_pool:
      pg_pool = get_pool()

      conn = pg_pool.getconn()

      if in_schema:
      request_json = request.get_json()
      print(repr("request_json": request_json))
      jsonschema.validate(request_json, in_schema)
      function_output = f(request_json, conn)
      function_output = f(conn)

      if out_schema:
      jsonschema.validate(function_output, out_schema)

      print(repr("response_json": function_output))

      response_json = json.dumps(function_output)
      # TODO allow functions to specify return codes in non-exceptional cases
      return (response_json, 200, headers)
      print("Error: Exception traceback: " + repr(traceback.format_exc()))
      return (traceback.format_exc(), 500, headers)
      # Make sure to put the connection back in the pool, even if there has been an exception
      except NameError: # conn might not be defined, depending on where the error happens above

      return wrapped

      return cloudfunction_decorator

      # If given an OPTIONS request, tell the requester that we allow all CORS requests (pre-flight stage)
      def cors_options():
      # Allows GET and POST requests from any origin with the Content-Type
      # header and caches preflight response for an 3600s
      headers =
      'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
      'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
      'Access-Control-Max-Age': '3600'

      return ('', 204, headers)

      get_pool is here:

      from os import getenv
      from psycopg2 import OperationalError, connect
      from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool


      POSTGRES_USER = getenv('POSTGRES_USER', "")
      POSTGRES_NAME = getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE', "postgres")

      pg_config =
      'user': POSTGRES_USER,
      'password': POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
      'dbname': POSTGRES_NAME

      def get_pool():
      return __connect(f'/cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME')
      except OperationalError:
      # If production settings fail, use local development ones
      return __connect('localhost')

      def __connect(host):
      Helper functions to connect to Postgres
      pg_config['host'] = host
      return SimpleConnectionPool(1, 1, **pg_config)

      def get_connection(host="localhost"):
      pg_config["host"] = host
      return connect(**pg_config)

      And an example of usage:

      in_schema="type": "string",
      "anyOf": [
      "type": "object",
      "dog1": "type": "integer",
      "dog2": "type": "integer"
      "additionalProperties": False,
      "minProperties": 2,
      "type": "null"
      def get_dog_pair(request_json, conn):
      [function body elided]


      New contributor

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      I wrote this for a class project, the backend for this dog voting website. I noticed duplicate code among multiple functions I was writing to be deployed as a cloud function: they all were wrapped in try/except blocks that returned either 200 and JSON or 500 and a traceback. (I understand that it would be better to return an informative, structured error code, but this helped with debugging and we didn't have extensive error handling on the front-end: this was a loss I was willing to take).

      The decorator gives each function a connection pool, uses jsonschema to validate input and output, responds to CORS OPTIONS from anywhere, and uses print statements for logging. This isn't great, but it was far easier to set up than the Google Cloud Function logging library, and everything printed to stdout during function execution is logged to GCP Stackdriver.

      Here is the decorator itself:

      import functools
      import json
      import traceback

      import jsonschema
      from util.get_pool import get_pool

      pg_pool = None

      def cloudfunction(in_schema=None, out_schema=None):

      :param in_schema: the schema for the input, or a falsy value if there is no input
      :param out_schema: the schema for the output, or a falsy value if there is no output
      :return: the cloudfunction wrapped function
      # Both schemas must be valid according to jsonschema draft 7, if they are provided.
      if in_schema:
      if out_schema:

      def cloudfunction_decorator(f):
      """ Wraps a function with two arguments, the first of which is a json object that it expects to be sent with the
      request, and the second is a postgresql pool. It modifies it by:
      - setting CORS headers and responding to OPTIONS requests with `Allow-Origin *`
      - passing a connection from a global postgres connection pool
      - adding logging, of all inputs as well as error tracebacks.

      :param f: A function that takes a `request` and a `pgpool` and returns a json-serializable object
      :return: a function that accepts one argument, a Flask request, and calls f with the modifications listed

      def wrapped(request):
      global pg_pool

      if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
      return cors_options()

      # If it's not a CORS OPTIONS request, still include the base header.
      headers = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

      if not pg_pool:
      pg_pool = get_pool()

      conn = pg_pool.getconn()

      if in_schema:
      request_json = request.get_json()
      print(repr("request_json": request_json))
      jsonschema.validate(request_json, in_schema)
      function_output = f(request_json, conn)
      function_output = f(conn)

      if out_schema:
      jsonschema.validate(function_output, out_schema)

      print(repr("response_json": function_output))

      response_json = json.dumps(function_output)
      # TODO allow functions to specify return codes in non-exceptional cases
      return (response_json, 200, headers)
      print("Error: Exception traceback: " + repr(traceback.format_exc()))
      return (traceback.format_exc(), 500, headers)
      # Make sure to put the connection back in the pool, even if there has been an exception
      except NameError: # conn might not be defined, depending on where the error happens above

      return wrapped

      return cloudfunction_decorator

      # If given an OPTIONS request, tell the requester that we allow all CORS requests (pre-flight stage)
      def cors_options():
      # Allows GET and POST requests from any origin with the Content-Type
      # header and caches preflight response for an 3600s
      headers =
      'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
      'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
      'Access-Control-Max-Age': '3600'

      return ('', 204, headers)

      get_pool is here:

      from os import getenv
      from psycopg2 import OperationalError, connect
      from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool


      POSTGRES_USER = getenv('POSTGRES_USER', "")
      POSTGRES_NAME = getenv('POSTGRES_DATABASE', "postgres")

      pg_config =
      'user': POSTGRES_USER,
      'password': POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
      'dbname': POSTGRES_NAME

      def get_pool():
      return __connect(f'/cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME')
      except OperationalError:
      # If production settings fail, use local development ones
      return __connect('localhost')

      def __connect(host):
      Helper functions to connect to Postgres
      pg_config['host'] = host
      return SimpleConnectionPool(1, 1, **pg_config)

      def get_connection(host="localhost"):
      pg_config["host"] = host
      return connect(**pg_config)

      And an example of usage:

      in_schema="type": "string",
      "anyOf": [
      "type": "object",
      "dog1": "type": "integer",
      "dog2": "type": "integer"
      "additionalProperties": False,
      "minProperties": 2,
      "type": "null"
      def get_dog_pair(request_json, conn):
      [function body elided]

      python python-3.x web-services google-cloud-platform


      New contributor

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      New contributor

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.



      New contributor

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 3 mins ago

      Julian ZuckerJulian Zucker



      New contributor

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Julian Zucker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.





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          Is my guitar’s action too high? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Strings too stiff on a recently purchased acoustic guitar | Cort AD880CEIs the action of my guitar really high?Μy little finger is too weak to play guitarWith guitar, how long should I give my fingers to strengthen / callous?When playing a fret the guitar sounds mutedPlaying (Barre) chords up the guitar neckI think my guitar strings are wound too tight and I can't play barre chordsF barre chord on an SG guitarHow to find to the right strings of a barre chord by feel?High action on higher fret on my steel acoustic guitar