Java BigInteger implementation The Next CEO of Stack Overflow

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Java BigInteger implementation

The Next CEO of Stack Overflow



I've written a java application that can handle operations on big integers implemented with array list of digits.

I have a difficulity with the way I implemented the divide method, because when the difference between the two numbers is high, the operation can take a huge amount of time.

I'd like to hear your thoughts about this implementation and ways it can be improved. Here is the class and it's test class:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class BigInt implements Comparable<BigInt>

private static final char MINUS_CHAR = '-';
private static final char PLUS_CHAR = '+';

// Saves the digits of the number - last element represents the smallest unit of the number
private ArrayList<Integer> numberDigits = new ArrayList<>();

// Indication if the number is negative
private boolean negative;

// String representation as given by the user
private String stringNumber;

BigInt(String number)

if (number.equals(""))
stringNumber = "0";

// Dealing with the positive/negative signs
char firstChar = number.charAt(0);
if (firstChar == MINUS_CHAR

private boolean isNegative()
return negative;

private void flipNegativity()
if (stringNumber == "0")

negative = !negative;
if (stringNumber.charAt(0) == MINUS_CHAR)
stringNumber = stringNumber.substring(1);
stringNumber = MINUS_CHAR + stringNumber;

// Adding another bigInt number to the current bigInt number
BigInt plus(BigInt otherNumber)

// current is negative, other is positive - subtract current from the other
if (negative && !otherNumber.isNegative())
return otherNumber.minus(new BigInt(stringNumber));

// other is negative - subtract its value
if (otherNumber.isNegative())
return minus(new BigInt(otherNumber.toString()));

// Setting the longer number of the two numbers
ArrayList<Integer> longerNumber, shorterNumber;
if (numberDigits.size() >= otherNumber.numberDigits.size())
longerNumber = numberDigits;
shorterNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;

longerNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;
shorterNumber = numberDigits;

int lengthsDifferences = longerNumber.size() - shorterNumber.size();

StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

// Initializing a carry for every addition
int carry = 0;

// Iterating from smallest unit digit to the biggest
for (int index = shorterNumber.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--)
int shorterNumberDigit = shorterNumber.get(index);
int longerNumberDigit = longerNumber.get(index + lengthsDifferences);

int newDigit = shorterNumberDigit + longerNumberDigit + carry;

// Calculating the carry and the new digit
carry = newDigit / 10;
newDigit = newDigit % 10;


// Adding digits of longer number
for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >= 0; index--)
int currDig = longerNumber.get(index);

// Check if need to add carry
if (currDig + carry == 10)
carry = 1;
resultString.append(currDig + carry);
carry = 0;

// Check if there is carry on last digit
if (carry > 0)

return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

BigInt minus(BigInt otherNumber)

// If the other number is negative, add its value
if (otherNumber.isNegative())
return plus(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));

// subtract a bigger number than the current
if (this.compareTo(otherNumber) < 0)
BigInt result = otherNumber.minus(this);
return result;

// Other number is positive and not greater than current:
int lengthsDifferences = numberDigits.size() - otherNumber.numberDigits.size();

StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

int carry = 0;

for (int index = otherNumber.numberDigits.size() - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
int biggerNumDig = numberDigits.get(index + lengthsDifferences) - carry;
int smallerNumDig = otherNumber.numberDigits.get(index);

carry = 0;

if (biggerNumDig < smallerNumDig)
carry = 1;
biggerNumDig += 10;

resultString.append(biggerNumDig - smallerNumDig);

for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
int currDig = numberDigits.get(index);

// Check if carry is needed
if (carry > currDig)
resultString.append(currDig + 10 - carry);
carry = 1;
resultString.append(currDig - carry);
carry = 0;

return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

// Multiply bigInt
BigInt multiply(BigInt otherNumber) isNegative() && !otherNumber.isNegative())

return finalResult;

BigInt divide(BigInt otherNumber)

if (isBigIntZero(otherNumber))
throw new ArithmeticException();

// Handling the case where the current number is positive and the other is negative
if (otherNumber.isNegative() && !isNegative())
BigInt result = divide(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));
return result;

// Handling the case where the current number is negative and the other is positive
else if (!otherNumber.isNegative() && isNegative())
BigInt result = new BigInt(stringNumber).divide(otherNumber);
return result;

int compareResult = this.compareTo(otherNumber);
if (compareResult == 0)
return new BigInt("1");
else if (compareResult < 0)
return new BigInt("0");

BigInt result = new BigInt("0");
BigInt tempNumber = new BigInt("0");

while (tempNumber.compareTo(this) < 0)
tempNumber =;
result = BigInt("1"));

return result;

private boolean isBigIntZero(BigInt number)
return number.stringNumber.replace("0", "").equals("");

// Multiply a unit of BigInt with an integer. Example: 1000000000000000000 * 54
private BigInt MultiplyUnit(int majorUnits)

// Setting the string representation
String majorUnitsString = String.valueOf(majorUnits);
String newNumber = majorUnitsString + stringNumber.substring(1);

return new BigInt(newNumber);

private void multiplyByTen()
stringNumber += '0';

public int compareTo(BigInt other)

// Current is negative, other is positive
if (isNegative() && !other.isNegative())
return -1;

// Current is positive, other is negative
else if (!isNegative() && other.isNegative())
return 1;

// Both are negative
else if (isNegative())
// Current is negative and has more digits - therefore it is smaller
if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
return -1;
// Current is negative and has less digits - Therefore it is bigger
else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
return 1;

// Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

// Current has bigger negative digit - therefore it is smaller
if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
return -1;

// Current has smaller negative digit - therefore it is smaller
else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
return 1;

// If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
return 0;

// If we have reached here, both numbers are positive

// Current is positive and has more digits - Therefore it is bigger
if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
return 1;

// Current is positive and has less digits - Therefore it is smaller
else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
return -1;

// Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

// Current has bigger positive digit - therefore it is bigger
if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
return 1;

// Current has smaller positive digit - therefore it is smaller
else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
return -1;

// If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
return 0;

public boolean equals(Object o)
// self check
if (this == o)
return true;

// null check
if (o == null)
return false;

// type check and cast
if (getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;

BigInt other = (BigInt) o;
// field comparison

return other.toString().equals(stringNumber);

public String toString()
return stringNumber;


import com.sun.javaws.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main

private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

public static void main(String[] args)
BigInt firstNumber;
BigInt secondNumber;

System.out.println("Enter first number: ");
firstNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

System.out.println("Enter second number: ");
secondNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

System.out.println("The result of plus is: " +;
System.out.println("The result of minus is: " + firstNumber.minus(secondNumber));
System.out.println("The result of multiply is: " + firstNumber.multiply(secondNumber));

System.out.println("The result of divide is: " + firstNumber.divide(secondNumber));
catch (ArithmeticException ex)
System.out.println("Can not divide by zero");

// Taking a valid integer input from the user (greater than 0)
private static BigInt inputBigIntNumber()

String str = scanner.nextLine();

while (true)
return new BigInt(str);

catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
System.out.println("Invalid number, please try again: ");





    I've written a java application that can handle operations on big integers implemented with array list of digits.

    I have a difficulity with the way I implemented the divide method, because when the difference between the two numbers is high, the operation can take a huge amount of time.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts about this implementation and ways it can be improved. Here is the class and it's test class:

    import java.util.ArrayList;

    public class BigInt implements Comparable<BigInt>

    private static final char MINUS_CHAR = '-';
    private static final char PLUS_CHAR = '+';

    // Saves the digits of the number - last element represents the smallest unit of the number
    private ArrayList<Integer> numberDigits = new ArrayList<>();

    // Indication if the number is negative
    private boolean negative;

    // String representation as given by the user
    private String stringNumber;

    BigInt(String number)

    if (number.equals(""))
    stringNumber = "0";

    // Dealing with the positive/negative signs
    char firstChar = number.charAt(0);
    if (firstChar == MINUS_CHAR

    private boolean isNegative()
    return negative;

    private void flipNegativity()
    if (stringNumber == "0")

    negative = !negative;
    if (stringNumber.charAt(0) == MINUS_CHAR)
    stringNumber = stringNumber.substring(1);
    stringNumber = MINUS_CHAR + stringNumber;

    // Adding another bigInt number to the current bigInt number
    BigInt plus(BigInt otherNumber)

    // current is negative, other is positive - subtract current from the other
    if (negative && !otherNumber.isNegative())
    return otherNumber.minus(new BigInt(stringNumber));

    // other is negative - subtract its value
    if (otherNumber.isNegative())
    return minus(new BigInt(otherNumber.toString()));

    // Setting the longer number of the two numbers
    ArrayList<Integer> longerNumber, shorterNumber;
    if (numberDigits.size() >= otherNumber.numberDigits.size())
    longerNumber = numberDigits;
    shorterNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;

    longerNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;
    shorterNumber = numberDigits;

    int lengthsDifferences = longerNumber.size() - shorterNumber.size();

    StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

    // Initializing a carry for every addition
    int carry = 0;

    // Iterating from smallest unit digit to the biggest
    for (int index = shorterNumber.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--)
    int shorterNumberDigit = shorterNumber.get(index);
    int longerNumberDigit = longerNumber.get(index + lengthsDifferences);

    int newDigit = shorterNumberDigit + longerNumberDigit + carry;

    // Calculating the carry and the new digit
    carry = newDigit / 10;
    newDigit = newDigit % 10;


    // Adding digits of longer number
    for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >= 0; index--)
    int currDig = longerNumber.get(index);

    // Check if need to add carry
    if (currDig + carry == 10)
    carry = 1;
    resultString.append(currDig + carry);
    carry = 0;

    // Check if there is carry on last digit
    if (carry > 0)

    return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

    BigInt minus(BigInt otherNumber)

    // If the other number is negative, add its value
    if (otherNumber.isNegative())
    return plus(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));

    // subtract a bigger number than the current
    if (this.compareTo(otherNumber) < 0)
    BigInt result = otherNumber.minus(this);
    return result;

    // Other number is positive and not greater than current:
    int lengthsDifferences = numberDigits.size() - otherNumber.numberDigits.size();

    StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

    int carry = 0;

    for (int index = otherNumber.numberDigits.size() - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
    int biggerNumDig = numberDigits.get(index + lengthsDifferences) - carry;
    int smallerNumDig = otherNumber.numberDigits.get(index);

    carry = 0;

    if (biggerNumDig < smallerNumDig)
    carry = 1;
    biggerNumDig += 10;

    resultString.append(biggerNumDig - smallerNumDig);

    for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
    int currDig = numberDigits.get(index);

    // Check if carry is needed
    if (carry > currDig)
    resultString.append(currDig + 10 - carry);
    carry = 1;
    resultString.append(currDig - carry);
    carry = 0;

    return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

    // Multiply bigInt
    BigInt multiply(BigInt otherNumber) isNegative() && !otherNumber.isNegative())

    return finalResult;

    BigInt divide(BigInt otherNumber)

    if (isBigIntZero(otherNumber))
    throw new ArithmeticException();

    // Handling the case where the current number is positive and the other is negative
    if (otherNumber.isNegative() && !isNegative())
    BigInt result = divide(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));
    return result;

    // Handling the case where the current number is negative and the other is positive
    else if (!otherNumber.isNegative() && isNegative())
    BigInt result = new BigInt(stringNumber).divide(otherNumber);
    return result;

    int compareResult = this.compareTo(otherNumber);
    if (compareResult == 0)
    return new BigInt("1");
    else if (compareResult < 0)
    return new BigInt("0");

    BigInt result = new BigInt("0");
    BigInt tempNumber = new BigInt("0");

    while (tempNumber.compareTo(this) < 0)
    tempNumber =;
    result = BigInt("1"));

    return result;

    private boolean isBigIntZero(BigInt number)
    return number.stringNumber.replace("0", "").equals("");

    // Multiply a unit of BigInt with an integer. Example: 1000000000000000000 * 54
    private BigInt MultiplyUnit(int majorUnits)

    // Setting the string representation
    String majorUnitsString = String.valueOf(majorUnits);
    String newNumber = majorUnitsString + stringNumber.substring(1);

    return new BigInt(newNumber);

    private void multiplyByTen()
    stringNumber += '0';

    public int compareTo(BigInt other)

    // Current is negative, other is positive
    if (isNegative() && !other.isNegative())
    return -1;

    // Current is positive, other is negative
    else if (!isNegative() && other.isNegative())
    return 1;

    // Both are negative
    else if (isNegative())
    // Current is negative and has more digits - therefore it is smaller
    if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
    return -1;
    // Current is negative and has less digits - Therefore it is bigger
    else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
    return 1;

    // Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
    for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

    // Current has bigger negative digit - therefore it is smaller
    if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
    return -1;

    // Current has smaller negative digit - therefore it is smaller
    else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
    return 1;

    // If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
    return 0;

    // If we have reached here, both numbers are positive

    // Current is positive and has more digits - Therefore it is bigger
    if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
    return 1;

    // Current is positive and has less digits - Therefore it is smaller
    else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
    return -1;

    // Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
    for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

    // Current has bigger positive digit - therefore it is bigger
    if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
    return 1;

    // Current has smaller positive digit - therefore it is smaller
    else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
    return -1;

    // If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
    return 0;

    public boolean equals(Object o)
    // self check
    if (this == o)
    return true;

    // null check
    if (o == null)
    return false;

    // type check and cast
    if (getClass() != o.getClass())
    return false;

    BigInt other = (BigInt) o;
    // field comparison

    return other.toString().equals(stringNumber);

    public String toString()
    return stringNumber;


    import com.sun.javaws.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class Main

    private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args)
    BigInt firstNumber;
    BigInt secondNumber;

    System.out.println("Enter first number: ");
    firstNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

    System.out.println("Enter second number: ");
    secondNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

    System.out.println("The result of plus is: " +;
    System.out.println("The result of minus is: " + firstNumber.minus(secondNumber));
    System.out.println("The result of multiply is: " + firstNumber.multiply(secondNumber));

    System.out.println("The result of divide is: " + firstNumber.divide(secondNumber));
    catch (ArithmeticException ex)
    System.out.println("Can not divide by zero");

    // Taking a valid integer input from the user (greater than 0)
    private static BigInt inputBigIntNumber()

    String str = scanner.nextLine();

    while (true)
    return new BigInt(str);

    catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
    System.out.println("Invalid number, please try again: ");







      I've written a java application that can handle operations on big integers implemented with array list of digits.

      I have a difficulity with the way I implemented the divide method, because when the difference between the two numbers is high, the operation can take a huge amount of time.

      I'd like to hear your thoughts about this implementation and ways it can be improved. Here is the class and it's test class:

      import java.util.ArrayList;

      public class BigInt implements Comparable<BigInt>

      private static final char MINUS_CHAR = '-';
      private static final char PLUS_CHAR = '+';

      // Saves the digits of the number - last element represents the smallest unit of the number
      private ArrayList<Integer> numberDigits = new ArrayList<>();

      // Indication if the number is negative
      private boolean negative;

      // String representation as given by the user
      private String stringNumber;

      BigInt(String number)

      if (number.equals(""))
      stringNumber = "0";

      // Dealing with the positive/negative signs
      char firstChar = number.charAt(0);
      if (firstChar == MINUS_CHAR

      private boolean isNegative()
      return negative;

      private void flipNegativity()
      if (stringNumber == "0")

      negative = !negative;
      if (stringNumber.charAt(0) == MINUS_CHAR)
      stringNumber = stringNumber.substring(1);
      stringNumber = MINUS_CHAR + stringNumber;

      // Adding another bigInt number to the current bigInt number
      BigInt plus(BigInt otherNumber)

      // current is negative, other is positive - subtract current from the other
      if (negative && !otherNumber.isNegative())
      return otherNumber.minus(new BigInt(stringNumber));

      // other is negative - subtract its value
      if (otherNumber.isNegative())
      return minus(new BigInt(otherNumber.toString()));

      // Setting the longer number of the two numbers
      ArrayList<Integer> longerNumber, shorterNumber;
      if (numberDigits.size() >= otherNumber.numberDigits.size())
      longerNumber = numberDigits;
      shorterNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;

      longerNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;
      shorterNumber = numberDigits;

      int lengthsDifferences = longerNumber.size() - shorterNumber.size();

      StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

      // Initializing a carry for every addition
      int carry = 0;

      // Iterating from smallest unit digit to the biggest
      for (int index = shorterNumber.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--)
      int shorterNumberDigit = shorterNumber.get(index);
      int longerNumberDigit = longerNumber.get(index + lengthsDifferences);

      int newDigit = shorterNumberDigit + longerNumberDigit + carry;

      // Calculating the carry and the new digit
      carry = newDigit / 10;
      newDigit = newDigit % 10;


      // Adding digits of longer number
      for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >= 0; index--)
      int currDig = longerNumber.get(index);

      // Check if need to add carry
      if (currDig + carry == 10)
      carry = 1;
      resultString.append(currDig + carry);
      carry = 0;

      // Check if there is carry on last digit
      if (carry > 0)

      return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

      BigInt minus(BigInt otherNumber)

      // If the other number is negative, add its value
      if (otherNumber.isNegative())
      return plus(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));

      // subtract a bigger number than the current
      if (this.compareTo(otherNumber) < 0)
      BigInt result = otherNumber.minus(this);
      return result;

      // Other number is positive and not greater than current:
      int lengthsDifferences = numberDigits.size() - otherNumber.numberDigits.size();

      StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

      int carry = 0;

      for (int index = otherNumber.numberDigits.size() - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
      int biggerNumDig = numberDigits.get(index + lengthsDifferences) - carry;
      int smallerNumDig = otherNumber.numberDigits.get(index);

      carry = 0;

      if (biggerNumDig < smallerNumDig)
      carry = 1;
      biggerNumDig += 10;

      resultString.append(biggerNumDig - smallerNumDig);

      for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
      int currDig = numberDigits.get(index);

      // Check if carry is needed
      if (carry > currDig)
      resultString.append(currDig + 10 - carry);
      carry = 1;
      resultString.append(currDig - carry);
      carry = 0;

      return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

      // Multiply bigInt
      BigInt multiply(BigInt otherNumber) isNegative() && !otherNumber.isNegative())

      return finalResult;

      BigInt divide(BigInt otherNumber)

      if (isBigIntZero(otherNumber))
      throw new ArithmeticException();

      // Handling the case where the current number is positive and the other is negative
      if (otherNumber.isNegative() && !isNegative())
      BigInt result = divide(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));
      return result;

      // Handling the case where the current number is negative and the other is positive
      else if (!otherNumber.isNegative() && isNegative())
      BigInt result = new BigInt(stringNumber).divide(otherNumber);
      return result;

      int compareResult = this.compareTo(otherNumber);
      if (compareResult == 0)
      return new BigInt("1");
      else if (compareResult < 0)
      return new BigInt("0");

      BigInt result = new BigInt("0");
      BigInt tempNumber = new BigInt("0");

      while (tempNumber.compareTo(this) < 0)
      tempNumber =;
      result = BigInt("1"));

      return result;

      private boolean isBigIntZero(BigInt number)
      return number.stringNumber.replace("0", "").equals("");

      // Multiply a unit of BigInt with an integer. Example: 1000000000000000000 * 54
      private BigInt MultiplyUnit(int majorUnits)

      // Setting the string representation
      String majorUnitsString = String.valueOf(majorUnits);
      String newNumber = majorUnitsString + stringNumber.substring(1);

      return new BigInt(newNumber);

      private void multiplyByTen()
      stringNumber += '0';

      public int compareTo(BigInt other)

      // Current is negative, other is positive
      if (isNegative() && !other.isNegative())
      return -1;

      // Current is positive, other is negative
      else if (!isNegative() && other.isNegative())
      return 1;

      // Both are negative
      else if (isNegative())
      // Current is negative and has more digits - therefore it is smaller
      if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
      return -1;
      // Current is negative and has less digits - Therefore it is bigger
      else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
      return 1;

      // Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
      for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

      // Current has bigger negative digit - therefore it is smaller
      if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return -1;

      // Current has smaller negative digit - therefore it is smaller
      else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return 1;

      // If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
      return 0;

      // If we have reached here, both numbers are positive

      // Current is positive and has more digits - Therefore it is bigger
      if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
      return 1;

      // Current is positive and has less digits - Therefore it is smaller
      else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
      return -1;

      // Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
      for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

      // Current has bigger positive digit - therefore it is bigger
      if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return 1;

      // Current has smaller positive digit - therefore it is smaller
      else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return -1;

      // If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
      return 0;

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      // self check
      if (this == o)
      return true;

      // null check
      if (o == null)
      return false;

      // type check and cast
      if (getClass() != o.getClass())
      return false;

      BigInt other = (BigInt) o;
      // field comparison

      return other.toString().equals(stringNumber);

      public String toString()
      return stringNumber;


      import com.sun.javaws.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;

      import java.util.Scanner;

      public class Main

      private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

      public static void main(String[] args)
      BigInt firstNumber;
      BigInt secondNumber;

      System.out.println("Enter first number: ");
      firstNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

      System.out.println("Enter second number: ");
      secondNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

      System.out.println("The result of plus is: " +;
      System.out.println("The result of minus is: " + firstNumber.minus(secondNumber));
      System.out.println("The result of multiply is: " + firstNumber.multiply(secondNumber));

      System.out.println("The result of divide is: " + firstNumber.divide(secondNumber));
      catch (ArithmeticException ex)
      System.out.println("Can not divide by zero");

      // Taking a valid integer input from the user (greater than 0)
      private static BigInt inputBigIntNumber()

      String str = scanner.nextLine();

      while (true)
      return new BigInt(str);

      catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
      System.out.println("Invalid number, please try again: ");



      I've written a java application that can handle operations on big integers implemented with array list of digits.

      I have a difficulity with the way I implemented the divide method, because when the difference between the two numbers is high, the operation can take a huge amount of time.

      I'd like to hear your thoughts about this implementation and ways it can be improved. Here is the class and it's test class:

      import java.util.ArrayList;

      public class BigInt implements Comparable<BigInt>

      private static final char MINUS_CHAR = '-';
      private static final char PLUS_CHAR = '+';

      // Saves the digits of the number - last element represents the smallest unit of the number
      private ArrayList<Integer> numberDigits = new ArrayList<>();

      // Indication if the number is negative
      private boolean negative;

      // String representation as given by the user
      private String stringNumber;

      BigInt(String number)

      if (number.equals(""))
      stringNumber = "0";

      // Dealing with the positive/negative signs
      char firstChar = number.charAt(0);
      if (firstChar == MINUS_CHAR

      private boolean isNegative()
      return negative;

      private void flipNegativity()
      if (stringNumber == "0")

      negative = !negative;
      if (stringNumber.charAt(0) == MINUS_CHAR)
      stringNumber = stringNumber.substring(1);
      stringNumber = MINUS_CHAR + stringNumber;

      // Adding another bigInt number to the current bigInt number
      BigInt plus(BigInt otherNumber)

      // current is negative, other is positive - subtract current from the other
      if (negative && !otherNumber.isNegative())
      return otherNumber.minus(new BigInt(stringNumber));

      // other is negative - subtract its value
      if (otherNumber.isNegative())
      return minus(new BigInt(otherNumber.toString()));

      // Setting the longer number of the two numbers
      ArrayList<Integer> longerNumber, shorterNumber;
      if (numberDigits.size() >= otherNumber.numberDigits.size())
      longerNumber = numberDigits;
      shorterNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;

      longerNumber = otherNumber.numberDigits;
      shorterNumber = numberDigits;

      int lengthsDifferences = longerNumber.size() - shorterNumber.size();

      StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

      // Initializing a carry for every addition
      int carry = 0;

      // Iterating from smallest unit digit to the biggest
      for (int index = shorterNumber.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--)
      int shorterNumberDigit = shorterNumber.get(index);
      int longerNumberDigit = longerNumber.get(index + lengthsDifferences);

      int newDigit = shorterNumberDigit + longerNumberDigit + carry;

      // Calculating the carry and the new digit
      carry = newDigit / 10;
      newDigit = newDigit % 10;


      // Adding digits of longer number
      for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >= 0; index--)
      int currDig = longerNumber.get(index);

      // Check if need to add carry
      if (currDig + carry == 10)
      carry = 1;
      resultString.append(currDig + carry);
      carry = 0;

      // Check if there is carry on last digit
      if (carry > 0)

      return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

      BigInt minus(BigInt otherNumber)

      // If the other number is negative, add its value
      if (otherNumber.isNegative())
      return plus(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));

      // subtract a bigger number than the current
      if (this.compareTo(otherNumber) < 0)
      BigInt result = otherNumber.minus(this);
      return result;

      // Other number is positive and not greater than current:
      int lengthsDifferences = numberDigits.size() - otherNumber.numberDigits.size();

      StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

      int carry = 0;

      for (int index = otherNumber.numberDigits.size() - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
      int biggerNumDig = numberDigits.get(index + lengthsDifferences) - carry;
      int smallerNumDig = otherNumber.numberDigits.get(index);

      carry = 0;

      if (biggerNumDig < smallerNumDig)
      carry = 1;
      biggerNumDig += 10;

      resultString.append(biggerNumDig - smallerNumDig);

      for (int index = lengthsDifferences - 1; index >=0 ; index--)
      int currDig = numberDigits.get(index);

      // Check if carry is needed
      if (carry > currDig)
      resultString.append(currDig + 10 - carry);
      carry = 1;
      resultString.append(currDig - carry);
      carry = 0;

      return new BigInt(resultString.reverse().toString());

      // Multiply bigInt
      BigInt multiply(BigInt otherNumber) isNegative() && !otherNumber.isNegative())

      return finalResult;

      BigInt divide(BigInt otherNumber)

      if (isBigIntZero(otherNumber))
      throw new ArithmeticException();

      // Handling the case where the current number is positive and the other is negative
      if (otherNumber.isNegative() && !isNegative())
      BigInt result = divide(new BigInt(otherNumber.stringNumber));
      return result;

      // Handling the case where the current number is negative and the other is positive
      else if (!otherNumber.isNegative() && isNegative())
      BigInt result = new BigInt(stringNumber).divide(otherNumber);
      return result;

      int compareResult = this.compareTo(otherNumber);
      if (compareResult == 0)
      return new BigInt("1");
      else if (compareResult < 0)
      return new BigInt("0");

      BigInt result = new BigInt("0");
      BigInt tempNumber = new BigInt("0");

      while (tempNumber.compareTo(this) < 0)
      tempNumber =;
      result = BigInt("1"));

      return result;

      private boolean isBigIntZero(BigInt number)
      return number.stringNumber.replace("0", "").equals("");

      // Multiply a unit of BigInt with an integer. Example: 1000000000000000000 * 54
      private BigInt MultiplyUnit(int majorUnits)

      // Setting the string representation
      String majorUnitsString = String.valueOf(majorUnits);
      String newNumber = majorUnitsString + stringNumber.substring(1);

      return new BigInt(newNumber);

      private void multiplyByTen()
      stringNumber += '0';

      public int compareTo(BigInt other)

      // Current is negative, other is positive
      if (isNegative() && !other.isNegative())
      return -1;

      // Current is positive, other is negative
      else if (!isNegative() && other.isNegative())
      return 1;

      // Both are negative
      else if (isNegative())
      // Current is negative and has more digits - therefore it is smaller
      if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
      return -1;
      // Current is negative and has less digits - Therefore it is bigger
      else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
      return 1;

      // Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
      for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

      // Current has bigger negative digit - therefore it is smaller
      if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return -1;

      // Current has smaller negative digit - therefore it is smaller
      else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return 1;

      // If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
      return 0;

      // If we have reached here, both numbers are positive

      // Current is positive and has more digits - Therefore it is bigger
      if (numberDigits.size() > other.numberDigits.size())
      return 1;

      // Current is positive and has less digits - Therefore it is smaller
      else if (numberDigits.size() < other.numberDigits.size())
      return -1;

      // Both have same number of digits - need to iterate them
      for (int index = 0; index < numberDigits.size(); index++)

      // Current has bigger positive digit - therefore it is bigger
      if (numberDigits.get(index) > other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return 1;

      // Current has smaller positive digit - therefore it is smaller
      else if (numberDigits.get(index) < other.numberDigits.get(index))
      return -1;

      // If we have reached here, the numbers are completely identical
      return 0;

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      // self check
      if (this == o)
      return true;

      // null check
      if (o == null)
      return false;

      // type check and cast
      if (getClass() != o.getClass())
      return false;

      BigInt other = (BigInt) o;
      // field comparison

      return other.toString().equals(stringNumber);

      public String toString()
      return stringNumber;


      import com.sun.javaws.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;

      import java.util.Scanner;

      public class Main

      private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

      public static void main(String[] args)
      BigInt firstNumber;
      BigInt secondNumber;

      System.out.println("Enter first number: ");
      firstNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

      System.out.println("Enter second number: ");
      secondNumber = inputBigIntNumber();

      System.out.println("The result of plus is: " +;
      System.out.println("The result of minus is: " + firstNumber.minus(secondNumber));
      System.out.println("The result of multiply is: " + firstNumber.multiply(secondNumber));

      System.out.println("The result of divide is: " + firstNumber.divide(secondNumber));
      catch (ArithmeticException ex)
      System.out.println("Can not divide by zero");

      // Taking a valid integer input from the user (greater than 0)
      private static BigInt inputBigIntNumber()

      String str = scanner.nextLine();

      while (true)
      return new BigInt(str);

      catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
      System.out.println("Invalid number, please try again: ");

      java beginner





      asked 2 mins ago

      S. PeterS. Peter







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