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Python command line tool for compiling py files to exec files on Mac

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When I used to use a PC I was familiar with py2exe, the mac equivalent I saw most people talking about was py2app — which compiles python to .app files, not .exec files. I was familiar with compiling C files to execs on mac, and I had heard of cython (but I had never used it before), so I figured I could write something to go from python to cython to an exec. I initially did not write this for anyone else to use — but now I'm thinking about packaging it as a pip module.

This is my first time building a command line tool for executing shell commands and messing with files and directories.

"""(PYCX) PYthon to Cython to eXec, a unix command line util
pycx FILES... [-o DIR --show --delete --run]
pycx --help

FILES one or more python files to compile
-o --output=DIR output directory
-s --show show output from exec compiling
-d --delete delete the c file after compiling exec
-r --run run the exec after compiling
-h --help show this screen.
import os, re
from docopt import docopt

args = docopt(__doc__)

# the two pathnames below tell gcc where python is so that cython can be compiled to an exec
INCLUDES = '/usr/local/opt/python/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/include/python3.7m'
LIBRARY = '/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.2_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib'
HIDEDATA = '&>/dev/null' # this is used to hide output while compiling C files

for pyFILE in args['FILES']:
if pyFILE.endswith('.py'): # file must be a python file
path, name = os.path.split(pyFILE) # split full path to seperate path & filename

cFILE = re.sub('.py$', '.c', pyFILE) # name of the file with .c extension & path
FILE = re.sub('.py$', '', name) # name of the file with no extension or path

PATH = path + '/' if path is not '' else '.' # if in current directory, path = '.'
OUTPUT = args['--output'] + '/' if args['--output'] else '' # blank if no arg given
SHOW = HIDEDATA if not args['--show'] else '' # will hide gcc output if SHOW is false
# this command will be used to delete the C file
DELETE = f'find PATH -name "FILE.c" -type f|xargs rm -f' if args['--delete'] else ''
RUN = f'./OUTPUTFILE' if args['--run'] else '' # command to run the exec

commands = [ # cython to make C file, gcc to compile to exec, and some options
f"cython --embed -o cFILE pyFILE", # convert python to cython C file
# compile cython C file to exec file
# source python & other options -- hide or show, delete C file, run exec
f"-lpython3.7 -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl SHOW", f"DELETE", f"RUN"
for command in commands:
os.system(command) # execute commands above, excluding blank commands
print(__doc__) # show the help menu if user doesn't put a python file

Besides modifying INCLUDES and LIBRARY to work with varying path locations, are there any other major problems preventing this from working as a python module? Does this even seem like a tool some people might use?

share|improve this question




    When I used to use a PC I was familiar with py2exe, the mac equivalent I saw most people talking about was py2app — which compiles python to .app files, not .exec files. I was familiar with compiling C files to execs on mac, and I had heard of cython (but I had never used it before), so I figured I could write something to go from python to cython to an exec. I initially did not write this for anyone else to use — but now I'm thinking about packaging it as a pip module.

    This is my first time building a command line tool for executing shell commands and messing with files and directories.

    """(PYCX) PYthon to Cython to eXec, a unix command line util
    pycx FILES... [-o DIR --show --delete --run]
    pycx --help

    FILES one or more python files to compile
    -o --output=DIR output directory
    -s --show show output from exec compiling
    -d --delete delete the c file after compiling exec
    -r --run run the exec after compiling
    -h --help show this screen.
    import os, re
    from docopt import docopt

    args = docopt(__doc__)

    # the two pathnames below tell gcc where python is so that cython can be compiled to an exec
    INCLUDES = '/usr/local/opt/python/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/include/python3.7m'
    LIBRARY = '/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.2_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib'
    HIDEDATA = '&>/dev/null' # this is used to hide output while compiling C files

    for pyFILE in args['FILES']:
    if pyFILE.endswith('.py'): # file must be a python file
    path, name = os.path.split(pyFILE) # split full path to seperate path & filename

    cFILE = re.sub('.py$', '.c', pyFILE) # name of the file with .c extension & path
    FILE = re.sub('.py$', '', name) # name of the file with no extension or path

    PATH = path + '/' if path is not '' else '.' # if in current directory, path = '.'
    OUTPUT = args['--output'] + '/' if args['--output'] else '' # blank if no arg given
    SHOW = HIDEDATA if not args['--show'] else '' # will hide gcc output if SHOW is false
    # this command will be used to delete the C file
    DELETE = f'find PATH -name "FILE.c" -type f|xargs rm -f' if args['--delete'] else ''
    RUN = f'./OUTPUTFILE' if args['--run'] else '' # command to run the exec

    commands = [ # cython to make C file, gcc to compile to exec, and some options
    f"cython --embed -o cFILE pyFILE", # convert python to cython C file
    # compile cython C file to exec file
    # source python & other options -- hide or show, delete C file, run exec
    f"-lpython3.7 -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl SHOW", f"DELETE", f"RUN"
    for command in commands:
    os.system(command) # execute commands above, excluding blank commands
    print(__doc__) # show the help menu if user doesn't put a python file

    Besides modifying INCLUDES and LIBRARY to work with varying path locations, are there any other major problems preventing this from working as a python module? Does this even seem like a tool some people might use?

    share|improve this question






      When I used to use a PC I was familiar with py2exe, the mac equivalent I saw most people talking about was py2app — which compiles python to .app files, not .exec files. I was familiar with compiling C files to execs on mac, and I had heard of cython (but I had never used it before), so I figured I could write something to go from python to cython to an exec. I initially did not write this for anyone else to use — but now I'm thinking about packaging it as a pip module.

      This is my first time building a command line tool for executing shell commands and messing with files and directories.

      """(PYCX) PYthon to Cython to eXec, a unix command line util
      pycx FILES... [-o DIR --show --delete --run]
      pycx --help

      FILES one or more python files to compile
      -o --output=DIR output directory
      -s --show show output from exec compiling
      -d --delete delete the c file after compiling exec
      -r --run run the exec after compiling
      -h --help show this screen.
      import os, re
      from docopt import docopt

      args = docopt(__doc__)

      # the two pathnames below tell gcc where python is so that cython can be compiled to an exec
      INCLUDES = '/usr/local/opt/python/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/include/python3.7m'
      LIBRARY = '/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.2_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib'
      HIDEDATA = '&>/dev/null' # this is used to hide output while compiling C files

      for pyFILE in args['FILES']:
      if pyFILE.endswith('.py'): # file must be a python file
      path, name = os.path.split(pyFILE) # split full path to seperate path & filename

      cFILE = re.sub('.py$', '.c', pyFILE) # name of the file with .c extension & path
      FILE = re.sub('.py$', '', name) # name of the file with no extension or path

      PATH = path + '/' if path is not '' else '.' # if in current directory, path = '.'
      OUTPUT = args['--output'] + '/' if args['--output'] else '' # blank if no arg given
      SHOW = HIDEDATA if not args['--show'] else '' # will hide gcc output if SHOW is false
      # this command will be used to delete the C file
      DELETE = f'find PATH -name "FILE.c" -type f|xargs rm -f' if args['--delete'] else ''
      RUN = f'./OUTPUTFILE' if args['--run'] else '' # command to run the exec

      commands = [ # cython to make C file, gcc to compile to exec, and some options
      f"cython --embed -o cFILE pyFILE", # convert python to cython C file
      # compile cython C file to exec file
      f"gcc -v -Os -I INCLUDES -L LIBRARY cFILE -o OUTPUTFILE " +
      # source python & other options -- hide or show, delete C file, run exec
      f"-lpython3.7 -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl SHOW", f"DELETE", f"RUN"
      for command in commands:
      os.system(command) # execute commands above, excluding blank commands
      print(__doc__) # show the help menu if user doesn't put a python file

      Besides modifying INCLUDES and LIBRARY to work with varying path locations, are there any other major problems preventing this from working as a python module? Does this even seem like a tool some people might use?

      share|improve this question


      When I used to use a PC I was familiar with py2exe, the mac equivalent I saw most people talking about was py2app — which compiles python to .app files, not .exec files. I was familiar with compiling C files to execs on mac, and I had heard of cython (but I had never used it before), so I figured I could write something to go from python to cython to an exec. I initially did not write this for anyone else to use — but now I'm thinking about packaging it as a pip module.

      This is my first time building a command line tool for executing shell commands and messing with files and directories.

      """(PYCX) PYthon to Cython to eXec, a unix command line util
      pycx FILES... [-o DIR --show --delete --run]
      pycx --help

      FILES one or more python files to compile
      -o --output=DIR output directory
      -s --show show output from exec compiling
      -d --delete delete the c file after compiling exec
      -r --run run the exec after compiling
      -h --help show this screen.
      import os, re
      from docopt import docopt

      args = docopt(__doc__)

      # the two pathnames below tell gcc where python is so that cython can be compiled to an exec
      INCLUDES = '/usr/local/opt/python/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/include/python3.7m'
      LIBRARY = '/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.2_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib'
      HIDEDATA = '&>/dev/null' # this is used to hide output while compiling C files

      for pyFILE in args['FILES']:
      if pyFILE.endswith('.py'): # file must be a python file
      path, name = os.path.split(pyFILE) # split full path to seperate path & filename

      cFILE = re.sub('.py$', '.c', pyFILE) # name of the file with .c extension & path
      FILE = re.sub('.py$', '', name) # name of the file with no extension or path

      PATH = path + '/' if path is not '' else '.' # if in current directory, path = '.'
      OUTPUT = args['--output'] + '/' if args['--output'] else '' # blank if no arg given
      SHOW = HIDEDATA if not args['--show'] else '' # will hide gcc output if SHOW is false
      # this command will be used to delete the C file
      DELETE = f'find PATH -name "FILE.c" -type f|xargs rm -f' if args['--delete'] else ''
      RUN = f'./OUTPUTFILE' if args['--run'] else '' # command to run the exec

      commands = [ # cython to make C file, gcc to compile to exec, and some options
      f"cython --embed -o cFILE pyFILE", # convert python to cython C file
      # compile cython C file to exec file
      f"gcc -v -Os -I INCLUDES -L LIBRARY cFILE -o OUTPUTFILE " +
      # source python & other options -- hide or show, delete C file, run exec
      f"-lpython3.7 -lpthread -lm -lutil -ldl SHOW", f"DELETE", f"RUN"
      for command in commands:
      os.system(command) # execute commands above, excluding blank commands
      print(__doc__) # show the help menu if user doesn't put a python file

      Besides modifying INCLUDES and LIBRARY to work with varying path locations, are there any other major problems preventing this from working as a python module? Does this even seem like a tool some people might use?

      python compiler cython

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 6 mins ago


      asked 15 mins ago








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