VBA array functions: push, pop, shift, unshift The Next CEO of Stack OverflowPorting ProcMonDebugOutput from C# to VBAWin32 File API in VBAArbitrary-dimensional arrays with transpose and sliceUsing Array to store calculations in VBAFunctional FrameworkCheck employee input from shift workMapping one array onto another where columns from first array become rows in second arrayVBA UDF SUMIF with Array ParametersVba to create a new column and insert array formulaVisual Basic For Applications - Array Functions | Insert Element | Remove Element

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VBA array functions: push, pop, shift, unshift

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowPorting ProcMonDebugOutput from C# to VBAWin32 File API in VBAArbitrary-dimensional arrays with transpose and sliceUsing Array to store calculations in VBAFunctional FrameworkCheck employee input from shift workMapping one array onto another where columns from first array become rows in second arrayVBA UDF SUMIF with Array ParametersVba to create a new column and insert array formulaVisual Basic For Applications - Array Functions | Insert Element | Remove Element



I want to write my snake game procedurally, using as much windows call as I can so as to practice. Looking into GetAsyncKeyState to capture keyboard inputs and play sound functions. Also making a sweet user interface. Fun!

Also shout to bytecomb for providing example as to how to traverse the array structure, used his code function to find ptr to element in array!!


Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" _
(ByVal vKey As Long) As Boolean


cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type

Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type

Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type



Private Function ArrayPush(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayPush(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, NewLength, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayPop(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayPop(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPop, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal(), 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayShift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayShift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayUnshift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayUnshift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayUnshift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr

' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function


Private Sub test()

Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart

sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1

x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp

' expect all 1s
Debug.Print x(0).Column
Debug.Print x(1).Column
Debug.Print x(2).Column
Debug.Print x(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

sp.Column = 2

Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayPush(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at end"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayPop(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayShift(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at start"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayUnshift(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
End Sub

share|improve this question


  • 2

    Quick thing, I've got to ask why you use Debug.Print rather than Debug.Assert for your tests, the latter will actually let you know when something has gone wrong - rather than relying on your eyes to tell you. Or indeed switch to Rubberduck for some proper unit tests
    – Greedo
    Mar 19 at 10:50

  • $begingroup$
    had never seen .assert used, will explore. thanks. i have rubber duck but have barely gotten the indentation features working, will look into the unit testing. just time!!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 19 at 13:54

  • $begingroup$
    by got working i mean understand how to use!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 20 at 13:47



I want to write my snake game procedurally, using as much windows call as I can so as to practice. Looking into GetAsyncKeyState to capture keyboard inputs and play sound functions. Also making a sweet user interface. Fun!

Also shout to bytecomb for providing example as to how to traverse the array structure, used his code function to find ptr to element in array!!


Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" _
(ByVal vKey As Long) As Boolean


cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type

Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type

Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type



Private Function ArrayPush(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayPush(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, NewLength, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayPop(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayPop(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPop, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal(), 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayShift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayShift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayUnshift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayUnshift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayUnshift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr

' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function


Private Sub test()

Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart

sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1

x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp

' expect all 1s
Debug.Print x(0).Column
Debug.Print x(1).Column
Debug.Print x(2).Column
Debug.Print x(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

sp.Column = 2

Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayPush(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at end"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayPop(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayShift(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at start"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayUnshift(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
End Sub

share|improve this question


  • 2

    Quick thing, I've got to ask why you use Debug.Print rather than Debug.Assert for your tests, the latter will actually let you know when something has gone wrong - rather than relying on your eyes to tell you. Or indeed switch to Rubberduck for some proper unit tests
    – Greedo
    Mar 19 at 10:50

  • $begingroup$
    had never seen .assert used, will explore. thanks. i have rubber duck but have barely gotten the indentation features working, will look into the unit testing. just time!!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 19 at 13:54

  • $begingroup$
    by got working i mean understand how to use!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 20 at 13:47





I want to write my snake game procedurally, using as much windows call as I can so as to practice. Looking into GetAsyncKeyState to capture keyboard inputs and play sound functions. Also making a sweet user interface. Fun!

Also shout to bytecomb for providing example as to how to traverse the array structure, used his code function to find ptr to element in array!!


Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" _
(ByVal vKey As Long) As Boolean


cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type

Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type

Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type



Private Function ArrayPush(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayPush(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, NewLength, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayPop(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayPop(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPop, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal(), 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayShift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayShift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayUnshift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayUnshift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayUnshift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr

' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function


Private Sub test()

Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart

sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1

x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp

' expect all 1s
Debug.Print x(0).Column
Debug.Print x(1).Column
Debug.Print x(2).Column
Debug.Print x(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

sp.Column = 2

Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayPush(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at end"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayPop(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayShift(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at start"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayUnshift(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
End Sub

share|improve this question


I want to write my snake game procedurally, using as much windows call as I can so as to practice. Looking into GetAsyncKeyState to capture keyboard inputs and play sound functions. Also making a sweet user interface. Fun!

Also shout to bytecomb for providing example as to how to traverse the array structure, used his code function to find ptr to element in array!!


Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Function VarPtrArray Lib "VBE7" Alias "VarPtr" _
(ByRef Var() As Any) As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryI Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByVal dst As LongPtr, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemoryII Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(ByRef dst As SAFEARRAY, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" _
(ByVal vKey As Long) As Boolean


cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type

Private Type SAFEARRAY
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As LongPtr
rgsabound(0) As SAFEARRAY_BOUND
End Type

Private Type SnakePart
Column As Long
Row As Long
End Type



Private Function ArrayPush(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayPush(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPush, NewLength, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayPop(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayPop(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayPop, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal(), 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayShift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart, ByRef ElementToAdd As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long
Dim NewBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) + 1
ReDim ArrayShift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = NewLength * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayShift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), VarPtr(ElementToAdd), NewBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayUnshift(ByRef ArrayOriginal() As SnakePart) As SnakePart()
Dim NewLength As Long
Dim CopiedBytes As Long

NewLength = UBound(ArrayOriginal) - 1
ReDim ArrayUnshift(NewLength)

CopiedBytes = UBound(ArrayOriginal) * SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH

CopyMemoryI ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayUnshift, 0, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), ArrayElementGetPointer(ArrayOriginal, 1, SNAKEPART_BYTELENGTH), CopiedBytes
End Function

Private Function ArrayElementGetPointer(ByRef Arr() As SnakePart, ByVal ElementIndex As Long, ByVal ElementByteLength As Long) As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayVar As LongPtr
Dim ptrToSafeArray As LongPtr
Dim ptrToArrayData As LongPtr
Dim ptrCursor As LongPtr

' Get Pointer To Array *Variable*
ptrToArrayVar = VarPtrArray(Arr)
' Get Pointer To Array Variable *SAFEARRAY* By Directly Reading Array Variable
CopyMemoryI VarPtr(ptrToSafeArray), ptrToArrayVar, 8
' Read The SAFEARRAY Structure
CopyMemoryII uSAFEARRAY, ptrToSafeArray, LenB(uSAFEARRAY)
' Get Pointer To Array Data
ptrToArrayData = uSAFEARRAY.pvData
' Get Pointer To Array Element
ptrCursor = ptrToArrayData + (ElementIndex * ElementByteLength)
ArrayElementGetPointer = ptrCursor
End Function


Private Sub test()

Dim x(3) As SnakePart
Dim sp As SnakePart

sp.Column = 1
sp.Row = 1

x(0) = sp
x(1) = sp
x(2) = sp
x(3) = sp

' expect all 1s
Debug.Print x(0).Column
Debug.Print x(1).Column
Debug.Print x(2).Column
Debug.Print x(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

sp.Column = 2

Dim temparry() As SnakePart
temparry = x
temparry = ArrayPush(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at end"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayPop(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayShift(temparry, sp)

Debug.Print "expect 2 at start"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
Debug.Print temparry(4).Column
Debug.Print "_______________________"

temparry = ArrayUnshift(temparry)

Debug.Print "expect all 1"
Debug.Print temparry(0).Column
Debug.Print temparry(1).Column
Debug.Print temparry(2).Column
Debug.Print temparry(3).Column
End Sub

array vba excel vectors winapi

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share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 5 mins ago




asked Mar 18 at 5:06




  • 2

    Quick thing, I've got to ask why you use Debug.Print rather than Debug.Assert for your tests, the latter will actually let you know when something has gone wrong - rather than relying on your eyes to tell you. Or indeed switch to Rubberduck for some proper unit tests
    – Greedo
    Mar 19 at 10:50

  • $begingroup$
    had never seen .assert used, will explore. thanks. i have rubber duck but have barely gotten the indentation features working, will look into the unit testing. just time!!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 19 at 13:54

  • $begingroup$
    by got working i mean understand how to use!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 20 at 13:47

  • 2

    Quick thing, I've got to ask why you use Debug.Print rather than Debug.Assert for your tests, the latter will actually let you know when something has gone wrong - rather than relying on your eyes to tell you. Or indeed switch to Rubberduck for some proper unit tests
    – Greedo
    Mar 19 at 10:50

  • $begingroup$
    had never seen .assert used, will explore. thanks. i have rubber duck but have barely gotten the indentation features working, will look into the unit testing. just time!!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 19 at 13:54

  • $begingroup$
    by got working i mean understand how to use!
    – learnAsWeGo
    Mar 20 at 13:47



Quick thing, I've got to ask why you use Debug.Print rather than Debug.Assert for your tests, the latter will actually let you know when something has gone wrong - rather than relying on your eyes to tell you. Or indeed switch to Rubberduck for some proper unit tests
– Greedo
Mar 19 at 10:50

Quick thing, I've got to ask why you use Debug.Print rather than Debug.Assert for your tests, the latter will actually let you know when something has gone wrong - rather than relying on your eyes to tell you. Or indeed switch to Rubberduck for some proper unit tests
– Greedo
Mar 19 at 10:50

had never seen .assert used, will explore. thanks. i have rubber duck but have barely gotten the indentation features working, will look into the unit testing. just time!!
– learnAsWeGo
Mar 19 at 13:54

had never seen .assert used, will explore. thanks. i have rubber duck but have barely gotten the indentation features working, will look into the unit testing. just time!!
– learnAsWeGo
Mar 19 at 13:54

by got working i mean understand how to use!
– learnAsWeGo
Mar 20 at 13:47

by got working i mean understand how to use!
– learnAsWeGo
Mar 20 at 13:47





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