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Scipy basinhopping custom step update and constrained looping

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I am searching for the global minimum of a certain function and trying to use its gradient (here same as Jacobin) to guide the step counter. However, my x is fix and so is my gradient. I am also trying to retrieve the fastest way possible the first x for which f(x)<1, therefore I am using a constraint.

  • How can I update the x input and the Jacobin ?

  • My f(x)<1 is not being very effective, so is there any alternative to achieve my requirement?

This is my code (more or less):

class MyBounds(object):
def __init__(self, xmax=[2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], xmin=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ):
self.xmax = np.array(xmax)
self.xmin = np.array(xmin)

def __call__(self, **kwargs):
x = kwargs["x_new"]
tmax = bool(np.all(x <= self.xmax))
tmin = bool(np.all(x >= self.xmin))
return tmax and tmin

class MyTakeStep(object):
def __init__(self, stepsize=1):
self.stepsize = stepsize

def compute_step(self, jacobi_matrix, x, i):
if jacobi_matrix[i] < 0: r = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi-x[i])
elif jacobi_matrix[i] > 0: r = np.random.uniform(0-x[i], 0)
else : r = 0
return r

def __call__(self, x):
print("THIS IS X: ", x)
jacobi_matrix = jacobian(x)
print("x : ", x)
print("jacobi: ", jacobi_matrix)
x[0] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 0)
x[1] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 1)
x[2] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 2)
x[3] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 3)
x[4] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 4)
x[5] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 5)
x[6] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 6)
x[7] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 7)
print("newx : ", x)
return x

def f(x):
# objective function componenets
result = g1
result += g2
result += g3
return result

def jacobian(x):
print("input_list in Jacobi: ", x)

# define full derivatives
dG_dphi = dg1_dphi + dg2_dphi + dg3_dphi
dG_dr = dg1_dr + dg2_dr + dg3_dr
gradient = np.hstack((dG_dphi, dG_dr))

print("G: ", gradient.shape, gradient, " n")
return gradient

def callback(x, f, accept):
print("x: %65s | f: %5s | accept: %5s" % (str([round(e,3) for e in x]), str(round(f, 3)), accept))

def hopping_solver(min_f, min_x, input_excitation):
# define bounds
mybounds = MyBounds()
mytakestep = MyTakeStep()
comb = [deg2rad(phi) for phi in input_excitation[:4]] + input_excitation[4:]
print("comb: ", comb)
min_f = 10
tol = 0
cons = 'type':'ineq','fun': lambda x: 1-f(x)
k = "method":'Nelder-Mead', 'constraints': cons, 'jac': jacobian, 'tol': tol
optimal_c = optimize.basinhopping(f,
x0 = comb,
niter = 1000000,
T = 8,
stepsize = 1,
minimizer_kwargs = k,
take_step = mytakestep,
accept_test = mybounds,
callback = callback,
interval = 100000,
disp = True,
niter_success = None)
min_x, min_f = optimal_c['x'], optimal_c['fun']
comb = min_x
sol = np.array(list([np.rad2deg(phi) for phi in list(optimal_c['x'][:4])]) + list(optimal_c['x'][4:]))
min_x = sol
return min_x, min_f

Any help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.





    I am searching for the global minimum of a certain function and trying to use its gradient (here same as Jacobin) to guide the step counter. However, my x is fix and so is my gradient. I am also trying to retrieve the fastest way possible the first x for which f(x)<1, therefore I am using a constraint.

    • How can I update the x input and the Jacobin ?

    • My f(x)<1 is not being very effective, so is there any alternative to achieve my requirement?

    This is my code (more or less):

    class MyBounds(object):
    def __init__(self, xmax=[2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], xmin=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ):
    self.xmax = np.array(xmax)
    self.xmin = np.array(xmin)

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
    x = kwargs["x_new"]
    tmax = bool(np.all(x <= self.xmax))
    tmin = bool(np.all(x >= self.xmin))
    return tmax and tmin

    class MyTakeStep(object):
    def __init__(self, stepsize=1):
    self.stepsize = stepsize

    def compute_step(self, jacobi_matrix, x, i):
    if jacobi_matrix[i] < 0: r = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi-x[i])
    elif jacobi_matrix[i] > 0: r = np.random.uniform(0-x[i], 0)
    else : r = 0
    return r

    def __call__(self, x):
    print("ENTERING fROM CALL")
    print("THIS IS X: ", x)
    jacobi_matrix = jacobian(x)
    print("x : ", x)
    print("jacobi: ", jacobi_matrix)
    x[0] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 0)
    x[1] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 1)
    x[2] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 2)
    x[3] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 3)
    x[4] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 4)
    x[5] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 5)
    x[6] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 6)
    x[7] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 7)
    print("newx : ", x)
    return x

    def f(x):
    # objective function componenets
    result = g1
    result += g2
    result += g3
    return result

    def jacobian(x):
    print("input_list in Jacobi: ", x)

    # define full derivatives
    dG_dphi = dg1_dphi + dg2_dphi + dg3_dphi
    dG_dr = dg1_dr + dg2_dr + dg3_dr
    gradient = np.hstack((dG_dphi, dG_dr))

    print("G: ", gradient.shape, gradient, " n")
    return gradient

    def callback(x, f, accept):
    print("x: %65s | f: %5s | accept: %5s" % (str([round(e,3) for e in x]), str(round(f, 3)), accept))

    def hopping_solver(min_f, min_x, input_excitation):
    # define bounds
    mybounds = MyBounds()
    mytakestep = MyTakeStep()
    comb = [deg2rad(phi) for phi in input_excitation[:4]] + input_excitation[4:]
    print("comb: ", comb)
    min_f = 10
    tol = 0
    cons = 'type':'ineq','fun': lambda x: 1-f(x)
    k = "method":'Nelder-Mead', 'constraints': cons, 'jac': jacobian, 'tol': tol
    optimal_c = optimize.basinhopping(f,
    x0 = comb,
    niter = 1000000,
    T = 8,
    stepsize = 1,
    minimizer_kwargs = k,
    take_step = mytakestep,
    accept_test = mybounds,
    callback = callback,
    interval = 100000,
    disp = True,
    niter_success = None)
    min_x, min_f = optimal_c['x'], optimal_c['fun']
    comb = min_x
    sol = np.array(list([np.rad2deg(phi) for phi in list(optimal_c['x'][:4])]) + list(optimal_c['x'][4:]))
    min_x = sol
    return min_x, min_f

    Any help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.







      I am searching for the global minimum of a certain function and trying to use its gradient (here same as Jacobin) to guide the step counter. However, my x is fix and so is my gradient. I am also trying to retrieve the fastest way possible the first x for which f(x)<1, therefore I am using a constraint.

      • How can I update the x input and the Jacobin ?

      • My f(x)<1 is not being very effective, so is there any alternative to achieve my requirement?

      This is my code (more or less):

      class MyBounds(object):
      def __init__(self, xmax=[2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], xmin=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ):
      self.xmax = np.array(xmax)
      self.xmin = np.array(xmin)

      def __call__(self, **kwargs):
      x = kwargs["x_new"]
      tmax = bool(np.all(x <= self.xmax))
      tmin = bool(np.all(x >= self.xmin))
      return tmax and tmin

      class MyTakeStep(object):
      def __init__(self, stepsize=1):
      self.stepsize = stepsize

      def compute_step(self, jacobi_matrix, x, i):
      if jacobi_matrix[i] < 0: r = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi-x[i])
      elif jacobi_matrix[i] > 0: r = np.random.uniform(0-x[i], 0)
      else : r = 0
      return r

      def __call__(self, x):
      print("ENTERING fROM CALL")
      print("THIS IS X: ", x)
      jacobi_matrix = jacobian(x)
      print("x : ", x)
      print("jacobi: ", jacobi_matrix)
      x[0] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 0)
      x[1] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 1)
      x[2] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 2)
      x[3] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 3)
      x[4] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 4)
      x[5] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 5)
      x[6] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 6)
      x[7] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 7)
      print("newx : ", x)
      return x

      def f(x):
      # objective function componenets
      result = g1
      result += g2
      result += g3
      return result

      def jacobian(x):
      print("input_list in Jacobi: ", x)

      # define full derivatives
      dG_dphi = dg1_dphi + dg2_dphi + dg3_dphi
      dG_dr = dg1_dr + dg2_dr + dg3_dr
      gradient = np.hstack((dG_dphi, dG_dr))

      print("G: ", gradient.shape, gradient, " n")
      return gradient

      def callback(x, f, accept):
      print("x: %65s | f: %5s | accept: %5s" % (str([round(e,3) for e in x]), str(round(f, 3)), accept))

      def hopping_solver(min_f, min_x, input_excitation):
      # define bounds
      mybounds = MyBounds()
      mytakestep = MyTakeStep()
      comb = [deg2rad(phi) for phi in input_excitation[:4]] + input_excitation[4:]
      print("comb: ", comb)
      min_f = 10
      tol = 0
      cons = 'type':'ineq','fun': lambda x: 1-f(x)
      k = "method":'Nelder-Mead', 'constraints': cons, 'jac': jacobian, 'tol': tol
      optimal_c = optimize.basinhopping(f,
      x0 = comb,
      niter = 1000000,
      T = 8,
      stepsize = 1,
      minimizer_kwargs = k,
      take_step = mytakestep,
      accept_test = mybounds,
      callback = callback,
      interval = 100000,
      disp = True,
      niter_success = None)
      min_x, min_f = optimal_c['x'], optimal_c['fun']
      comb = min_x
      sol = np.array(list([np.rad2deg(phi) for phi in list(optimal_c['x'][:4])]) + list(optimal_c['x'][4:]))
      min_x = sol
      return min_x, min_f

      Any help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.



      I am searching for the global minimum of a certain function and trying to use its gradient (here same as Jacobin) to guide the step counter. However, my x is fix and so is my gradient. I am also trying to retrieve the fastest way possible the first x for which f(x)<1, therefore I am using a constraint.

      • How can I update the x input and the Jacobin ?

      • My f(x)<1 is not being very effective, so is there any alternative to achieve my requirement?

      This is my code (more or less):

      class MyBounds(object):
      def __init__(self, xmax=[2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], xmin=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ):
      self.xmax = np.array(xmax)
      self.xmin = np.array(xmin)

      def __call__(self, **kwargs):
      x = kwargs["x_new"]
      tmax = bool(np.all(x <= self.xmax))
      tmin = bool(np.all(x >= self.xmin))
      return tmax and tmin

      class MyTakeStep(object):
      def __init__(self, stepsize=1):
      self.stepsize = stepsize

      def compute_step(self, jacobi_matrix, x, i):
      if jacobi_matrix[i] < 0: r = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi-x[i])
      elif jacobi_matrix[i] > 0: r = np.random.uniform(0-x[i], 0)
      else : r = 0
      return r

      def __call__(self, x):
      print("ENTERING fROM CALL")
      print("THIS IS X: ", x)
      jacobi_matrix = jacobian(x)
      print("x : ", x)
      print("jacobi: ", jacobi_matrix)
      x[0] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 0)
      x[1] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 1)
      x[2] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 2)
      x[3] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 3)
      x[4] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 4)
      x[5] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 5)
      x[6] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 6)
      x[7] += self.compute_step(jacobi_matrix, x, 7)
      print("newx : ", x)
      return x

      def f(x):
      # objective function componenets
      result = g1
      result += g2
      result += g3
      return result

      def jacobian(x):
      print("input_list in Jacobi: ", x)

      # define full derivatives
      dG_dphi = dg1_dphi + dg2_dphi + dg3_dphi
      dG_dr = dg1_dr + dg2_dr + dg3_dr
      gradient = np.hstack((dG_dphi, dG_dr))

      print("G: ", gradient.shape, gradient, " n")
      return gradient

      def callback(x, f, accept):
      print("x: %65s | f: %5s | accept: %5s" % (str([round(e,3) for e in x]), str(round(f, 3)), accept))

      def hopping_solver(min_f, min_x, input_excitation):
      # define bounds
      mybounds = MyBounds()
      mytakestep = MyTakeStep()
      comb = [deg2rad(phi) for phi in input_excitation[:4]] + input_excitation[4:]
      print("comb: ", comb)
      min_f = 10
      tol = 0
      cons = 'type':'ineq','fun': lambda x: 1-f(x)
      k = "method":'Nelder-Mead', 'constraints': cons, 'jac': jacobian, 'tol': tol
      optimal_c = optimize.basinhopping(f,
      x0 = comb,
      niter = 1000000,
      T = 8,
      stepsize = 1,
      minimizer_kwargs = k,
      take_step = mytakestep,
      accept_test = mybounds,
      callback = callback,
      interval = 100000,
      disp = True,
      niter_success = None)
      min_x, min_f = optimal_c['x'], optimal_c['fun']
      comb = min_x
      sol = np.array(list([np.rad2deg(phi) for phi in list(optimal_c['x'][:4])]) + list(optimal_c['x'][4:]))
      min_x = sol
      return min_x, min_f

      Any help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.

      python performance scipy





      asked 5 mins ago








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