2009年胡德堡槍擊案 目录 槍擊事件 事件傷亡 關於槍手 各界反應 調查與起訴 訴訟 參見 注釋 外部連結 导航菜单31°8′33″N 97°47′47″W / 31.14250°N 97.79639°W / 31.14250; -97.7963931°8′33″N 97°47′47″W / 31.14250°N 97.79639°W / 31.14250; -97.79639Soldier Opens Fire at Ft. Hood; 13 DeadNidal Hasan Admitted Jihadist Motive, Ft. Hood Victims’ Attorneys Say'I am the shooter,' Nidal Hasan tells Fort Hood court-martialCivilian police officer acted quickly to help subdue alleged gunmanMost Popular E-mail NewsletterFortHood Trial: Don’t Say the “T” WordArmy base shooting was 'terrorist attack': US lawmakerInvestigating Fort Hood MassacreMukasey Says Fort Hood Attack Was Terrorism原始内容60% Want Fort Hood Shooting Investigated as Terrorist Act – Rasmussen ReportsTerror act or workplace violence? Hasan trial raises sensitive issueFort Hood suspect charged with murderArmy adds charges against rampage suspectFort Hood victims see similarities to BenghaziAlleged Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Malik Hasan Was 'Calm,' Methodical During MassacreHasan sought gun with ‘high magazine capacity’ | a mySA.com blogProsecutors end case in Hasan Article 32 hearingAccessAP Sources: 1 rampage gun purchased legally存档副本原始内容Prosecution to Rest in Ft. Hood Massacre TrialFort Hood shootings: the meaning of 'Allahu Akbar'Local Soldier Describes Fort Hood Shooting原始内容"President, at Service, Hails Fort Hood’s Fallen,"Witnesses in Fort Hood shooting hearing say Hasan returned to shoot same victims over and over原始内容Hasan Hearing Blog Tuesday Oct. 19, 2010原始内容Witnesses say reservist was a hero at HoodTestimony Begins In Fort Hood ShootingWounded Fort Hood soldier: 'Blood just everywhere'Police officers describe Fort Hood gunfightFort Hood shooting: Suspected gunman not among fatalities: Army psychiatrist blamed in Fort Hood shooting rampagetitle原始内容NBCNews.com Video PlayerFort Hood witness says he feared there were more gunmenWitnesses recount bloody scenes at Fort Hood hearingHelp me, help me, I've been shot原始内容Fort Hood gunman had told U.S. military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cutSoldiers say carnage could have been worseAccused Fort Hood shooter ruled sane; faces capital trialHash Browns, Then 4 Minutes of ChaosTales of terror and heroism emerge from Ft. HoodGunman kills 12, wounds 31 at Fort Hood'Horrific' rampage stuns Army's Fort Hood31 hurt in Texas military base shootings – INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos存檔Officials: Fort Hood no longer on lockdown; suspect identified原始内容Perry sends Rangers to help secure Fort HoodTwelve shot dead at US army baseNeighbors: Alleged Fort Hood gunman emptied apartment52 receive awards honoring actions taken at Fort Hood Nov. 5, 2009原始内容Chapter News原始内容Civilian slain in Fort Hood shooting gets medalProposal allows Purple Heart for Fort Hood victimsCongressman Reintroduces Bill to Help Ft. Hood Shooting VictimsTested by tragedy, Fort Hood family of civilians and soldiers deserve Texan of the Year honorBangor native to head leadership groupIn Arizona, Obama to honor memories, speak of hopeSoldier Opens Fire at Ft. Hood; 13 Dead存档副本 Lawmakers’ briefing leads to confusion; 30 wounded原始内容Fort Hood shooting victims12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Base ShootingsArmy: Fort Hood Gunman in Custody After 12 Killed, 31 Injured in Rampage原始内容Congressman Reintroduces Bill to Help Ft. Hood Shooting VictimsJudge orders Fort Hood shooter to stand trial in 3 monthsFort Hood shooting victims accuse U.S. of neglect, betrayalFinal Report of the William H. Webster Commission one the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counterterrorism Intelligence, and the Events at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009页面存档备份Ft. Hood suspect reportedly shouted `Allahu Akbar'Fort Hood victims: Sons, a daughter, mother-to-beEx-Tucson teacher among dead at Ft. HoodHoosier killed in shooting joined Army in search of a better life原始内容Serra Mesa Army reservist among those killed at Fort HoodFort Hood Profiles: Capt. John GaffaneySoldier: Dying woman at Fort Hood cried 'My baby!'The Voices of Fort HoodCourt told how GIs fought back at Fort Hood - ExpressNews.com存档副本原始内容Bolingbrook Soldier Killed In Fort Hood MassacreFort Hood shooting victimsFort Hood Profiles: Capt. Russell SeagerArmy families mourn bright lives cut shortFrancheska Velez, who had disarmed bombs in Iraq, was pregnant and headed homehttp://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/10/18/testimony-resume-fort-hood-suspects-hearing/Fort Hood Profiles: Lt. Col. Juanita WarmanWitness: 'The worst horror movie': Testimony moves forward in Hasan hearing存檔Fort Hood ComplaintScarred, Fort Hood Survivors Move OnWitness: 'I thought it was a dream' Day 2 of accused Ft. 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Milik Hasan?AP PhotoMajor Hasan: Soldier of Allah; Many Ties to Jihad Web SitesRetracing steps of suspected Fort Hood shooterFort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terroristsAlleged Shooter Tied to Mosque of 9 / 11 Hijackers"Fort Hood suspect Nidal Malik Hasan attended same mosque as two 9/11 terrorists""Links to imam followed in Fort Hood investigation"存檔Radical imam praises alleged Fort Hood shooterInvestigationContinues Into Fort Hood ShootingU.S. Knew of Suspect’s Tie to Radical Cleric"Major Hasan's E-Mail: 'I Can't Wait to Join You' in Afterlife; American Official Says Accused Shooter Asked Radical Cleric When Is Jihad Appropriate?"FBI reassessing past look at Fort Hood suspectHasan's Ties Spark Government Blame GameOfficial: More Hasan Ties to People Under Investigation by FBIA Search for Answers Following Fort Hood AttackFort Hood victims bound for Dover Air Force Base原始内容Alleged Fort Hood Shooter in a ComaMilitary: Fort Hood suspect is aliveFort Hood captain: Hasan wanted patients to face war crimes chargesCQ Transcript: Reps. Van Hollen, Pence, Sen. Lieberman Gov.-elect McDonnell on 'Fox News Sunday'Lieberman wants probe into 'terrorist attack' by major on Fort HoodFort Hood Mass Shooter Major Hasan was not a 'sleeper' says Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner存檔Terrorism or Tragic Shooting? Analysts Divided on Fort Hood Massacre原始内容Army Plans Fort Hood ProbeThe Ft. Hood Massacre: A Lone-Wolf Jihad of One?Fort Hood Suspect Says Rampage Was to Defend Afghan Taliban LeadersHasan sends writings to Fox News ahead of Fort Hood shooting trial"Fort Hood shooting victims seek added benefits"Why Is Everyone Still Missing the Real Story of the Fort Hood Massacre?Victims want Hood shooting deemed terror attackObama's Frightening Insensitivity Following ShootingBarack Obama 'insensitive' over his handling of Fort Hood shootingNew York Post websiteThe Best Speech Obama's Given Since...Maybe EverAt Fort Hood, Obama Wins Praise as Eulogizer-in-ChiefrStill Willfully BlindArmy Doctor Held in Ft. Hood RampageMilitary calls Fort Hood shooting ‘isolated’ caseArmy: 12 dead in attacks at Fort Hood, TexasBiden reacts to Hood attackSen. Cornyn: Don't jump to conclusions over Fort Hood shootingsNapolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash原始内容General Casey: diversity shouldn’t be casualty of Fort Hood原始内容Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, U.S. saysObama Official Calls Fort Hood Massacre 'Act of Terrorism'原始内容Pentagon Report on Fort Hood Details FailuresLegion responds to Fort Hood tragedyVFW GRIEVES OVER FORT HOOD TRAGEDYTwelve dead, 31 wounded in Fort Hood shootingsThe Folly of Unilateral DisarmamentHasan's Actions "Despicable," Family SaysMilitary falls silent for victims for Fort Hood shootingsFamily calls suspects actions deplorable原始内容存档副本原始内容Muslim group condemns Hood shootingsFort Hood shooting: Muslim groups fear backlashLaden’s Spiritual Mentor Condemns Ft. 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Hood suspect was Army dilemmaReport Transmission Letter页面存档备份Judge Webster Delivers Webster Commission Report on Fort HoodFBI official: Hasan should have been asked about e-mails with radical clericInternal Documents Reveal How the FBI Blew Fort Hood83 Victims and Family Members Seek $750 Million for Preventable Fort Hood TragedyFort Hood shooting victims sue government, accused shooterFort Hood shooting victims, relatives sue government原始内容Fort Hood Hero Says President Obama 'Betrayed' Her, Other VictimsFort Hood heroes are victims twice overFort Hood heroine says victims 'betrayed' by Obama2009年胡德堡槍擊案Fort HoodFort Hood SentinelFort Hood ShootingsHood Army Base (Texas)Malik HasanShootings at Fort HoodPresentation on Islam by Nidal Malik Hasan编

Multi tool use
美國得克萨斯州基林市美國陸軍胡德堡聖戰份子少校精神科醫師喬·李伯曼恐怖攻擊美國國防部癱瘓蓄意謀殺軍法審判安瓦爾·奧拉基伊斯蘭基林市FN Five-seveN半自動手槍彈匣5.7×28mmFN Five-seveN手槍雷射瞄準器史密斯威森.357麥格農真主至大M16突擊步槍M9手槍股骨彈匣憲兵德州騎警貝爾郡聯邦調查局巴拉克·歐巴馬喬·李伯曼彼得·金紫心勛章約翰·卡特第113屆國會坦帕市布魯克軍事醫療中心癱瘓反美全國公共廣播電台偏執狂精神分裂美聯社古蘭經subhanahu wa ta'ala福爾斯徹奇市銀泉市伊斯蘭安瓦爾·奧拉基伊瑪目聖戰國防部凱·貝莉·哈奇森阿富汗戰爭罪喬·李伯曼2001年9月11日大規模槍擊案希波克拉底誓詞維吉尼亞理工大學校園槍擊案麥可·穆凱西塔利班福斯新聞喬·李伯曼麥可·穆凱西華爾街日報國家評論陸軍第3軍羅伯特·蓋茨美國參議院軍事委員會卡爾·列文珍妮特·納波利塔諾美國陸軍參謀長喬治·凱西賓拉登沙烏地阿拉伯安瓦爾·奧拉基蓋達組織紐約時報掠奪者無人攻擊機聯邦調查局德州騎警司美軍虐待伊拉克戰俘事件安瓦爾·奧拉基安瓦爾·奧拉基司法部相當理由蓄意謀殺軍事法庭聯邦刑事法院大規模謀殺死刑班長無期徒刑福斯新聞羅伯特·米勒羅伯特·蓋茨約翰·卡特雷根海軍部長政治正確舊金山紀事報陸軍部長波士頓環球報美國憲法第一修正案政治正確約翰·卡特麥可·麥克考爾過失致死正當法律程序故意歪曲事實毆打ABC新聞
body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output table.infobox captiontext-align:center
胡德堡槍擊案 | |
![]() 胡德堡警方的特種部隊對槍擊事件正採取行動 | |
![]() 貝爾郡胡德堡的主要兵營位置 | |
位置 | ![]() |
坐标 | 31°8′33″N 97°47′47″W / 31.14250°N 97.79639°W / 31.14250; -97.79639坐标:31°8′33″N 97°47′47″W / 31.14250°N 97.79639°W / 31.14250; -97.79639 |
日期 | 2009年11月5日 下午1:34-1:44 (美中時間) |
襲擊類型 | 屠殺、槍擊 |
武器 | 史密斯威森 .357麥格農左輪手槍 |
死亡 | 13[1] |
受傷 | 33(含兇手)[1] |
主謀 | 尼達爾·哈桑少校 |
動機 | 聖戰 |
1 槍擊事件
1.1 事前準備
1.2 事發經過
1.3 事後結果
2 事件傷亡
2.1 死者名單
2.2 傷者名單
3 關於槍手
3.1 可能的動機
3.2 哈桑對動機的描述
4 各界反應
4.1 總統歐巴馬
4.2 胡德堡官員
4.3 美國政府
4.4 退伍軍人團體
4.5 基地的軍中政策
4.6 哈桑的家人
4.7 美國穆斯林團體
4.8 安瓦爾·奧拉基
5 調查與起訴
5.1 審判
5.2 定罪
5.3 宣判
5.4 內部調查
6 訴訟
7 參見
8 注釋
9 外部連結

一把近似於哈桑所用的FN Five-seveN手槍[16]
根據審判前的證詞,2009年7月31日,哈桑進入基林市的一家槍枝店購買他在槍擊案中所使用的FN Five-seveN半自動手槍。[17]據一位該槍枝店的常客,陸軍專業軍士威廉·吉伯特(William Gilbert)所述,哈桑進入店後便要求要「市面上技術最先進的武器,且擁有最高規格的彈匣容量」。[17]據說他被問及要如何使用該武器時,只僅僅反覆說要一把有最大彈匣容量的最先進手槍。[17]當時與哈桑同時在場的三人——吉伯特、店經理以及一名職員,都推薦FN Five-seven手槍。[18]吉伯特因為自己擁有一把這樣的槍枝,便花了一小時向哈桑描述如何操作。[19]就在要離開該店時,哈桑說要研究研究這個武器。[19]隔天他便回到店中來買這把槍。往後哈桑每週一次來店中買額外彈匣,連同數百發5.7×28mm SS192和SS197SR彈藥。[18]就在槍擊案發前數週,哈桑還造訪了一家在佛羅倫斯的戶外射擊場。據稱也就是在那兒,他變得善於在100碼的距離外擊中人形標靶。[17]


在當地時間約莫下午1時34分,哈桑進入其工作場所士兵預備處理中心(Soldier Readiness Processing Center)。在那兒,工作人員於部隊調度之前和部署返還之後,都會立即接受例行性醫療檢查。哈桑當時配帶其FN Five-seveN手槍,並在其上安裝兩個各一紅一綠的雷射瞄準器。[20][21] 之後在他身上還發現一把舊型的史密斯威森.357麥格農的左輪手槍,但他並未用其射擊任何人。[16][22]
根據目擊者所言,哈桑在一張空著的桌前坐下,並低下頭數秒鐘後突然站起,大聲叫喊著「真主至大!」,然後便開火。[23][24][25]目擊者說,哈桑最初是「以一扇狀的姿態向士兵掃射」,然後才瞄準個別士兵。[26]目擊者陸軍中士麥可·戴維斯(Michael Davis)說︰「其開槍的頻率幾乎是不停地在射擊。我剛開始聽到時,聽起來就像是一把M16突擊步槍。」[27]

陸軍後備役上尉約翰·加菲尼(John Gaffaney)試圖襲擊哈桑以阻止他,但還未觸及哈桑即遭到致命槍傷。[28]民用醫師助理麥可·卡希爾(Michael Cahill)也試圖以椅子襲擊哈桑,但隨即中彈身亡。[29]陸軍後備役專業軍士羅根·伯內特(Logan Burnett)試圖向哈桑丟摺疊桌以阻止他,但左臀中彈後便倒地,隨後爬到鄰近的一間小隔間。[30]
基地民警警官金伯利·莫萊(Kimberly Munley)當時駕駛著巡邏車趕赴現場,正遇著在士兵預備處理中心外的哈桑。[34]哈桑向莫萊開槍,莫萊則用其9mm的M9手槍與哈桑交火。哈桑的其中一發子彈擊中鄰近的天溝,其彈片則擊中莫萊的手,而後又有兩發子彈擊中莫萊︰第一發擊中大腿,第二發擊中膝蓋。[21][31]正當她因中第一發子彈要倒下時,第二發子彈便擊中其股骨而將其粉碎,同時也將莫萊擊倒在地。[21][31]哈桑這時走向莫萊,將她的手槍踢開使其夠不著。[35]
當槍擊正在外頭持續著,護士及軍醫趕緊進入大樓,以皮帶關緊門戶,並趕去協助傷患。[36] 根據前往急救的護士所述,大樓內的地板上被大量的鮮血所覆蓋,他們甚至走路都無法維持平衡,難以走向傷患進行協助。[37] 在大樓外,哈桑持續向逃竄的軍人射擊,這時民警警官馬克·陶德(Mark Todd)趕到現場,並大聲喝令哈桑投降。[31] 陶德說︰「之後他轉身並朝我開了數槍。我沒聽見他說半句話,他就只是轉身然後開槍。」[38] 這兩人於是相互交火,而哈桑則中了陶德五槍後被擊倒[4][39],不省人事,陶德將其手槍踢開,並為其上了手銬。[40]
一名調查員之後證實,在大樓內尋獲146枚用過的彈殼[35],在樓外另蒐集到68枚彈殼,槍手及警方則共射了214發子彈。[35][41] 一名治療哈桑的軍醫說哈桑的口袋裝滿了彈匣。[42] 當槍擊事件結束後,哈桑的口袋還有177發可用彈藥,裝在20發或30發的彈匣內。[35] 這起事件,歷時約10分鐘[43],導致13人死亡——12名軍人以及一名平民,其中11人當場死亡,另2人之後死於醫院,同時有30人受傷。[44][45]
最初,官員們認為,這起槍擊事件有三名軍人牽涉其內[46],另兩名軍人於是被拘留,但隨後獲釋。胡德堡的網站上貼出了一份告示,表示這起槍擊事件並非在演習。槍擊事件發生後,胡德堡基地以及週邊區域,立即被憲兵以及美國陸軍刑事調查司令部(CID)封鎖關閉,一直到當地時間晚間約7時。[47] 此外,德州騎警、德州公共安全部州警[48]、貝爾郡警長辦公室代表,以及來自奧斯汀和韋科市的聯邦調查局探員都被派遣到該基地。[49] 美國總統巴拉克·歐巴馬在聽取了對此事件的簡報後,就槍擊案發表了一份聲明。[50]
2010年11月5日,事件發生後一年,52個人因其在事件中的英勇行為而獲頒獎章。[51] 有10名軍人獲頒軍人勳章,包括死於試圖襲擊槍手的上尉約翰·加菲尼。[52] 警官金伯利·莫萊和馬克·陶德因其在槍擊事件中阻止了槍手而獲頒陸軍部長英勇勳章。[51] 2011年5月23日,民用醫師助理麥可·卡希爾因死於試圖以椅子襲擊槍手而獲追授陸軍英勇勳章。[53] 2012年5月,參議員喬·李伯曼和眾議員彼得·金提議,立訂法律以使槍擊案的罹難者有資格獲頒紫心勛章。[54] 眾議員約翰·卡特在第113屆國會中,提出立法以將此槍擊事件由標明為「職場暴力事件」改為「與戰鬥相關」,這樣槍擊案的罹難者便有資格獲得相關的所有福利以及紫心勛章。[55]


槍手哈桑被送至位在德州坦帕市屬於一家創傷中心的史考特與懷特紀念醫院,之後移至位在德州聖安東尼奧市的布魯克軍事醫療中心,並受到嚴加看管。[12] 哈桑至少中了四槍[67],由於子彈傷及脊椎,導致其下半身癱瘓。[12] 之後哈桑被送往德州貝爾頓市的貝爾郡監獄监禁。
姓名 | 年齡 | 家鄉 | 階級/職業 | 備註 |
Michael Grant Cahill[68] | 62 | 華盛頓州斯波坎市 | 民間醫師助理 | 試圖襲擊槍手而遭射殺[53] |
Libardo Eduardo Caraveo[69] | 52 | 維吉尼亞州伍德布里奇 | 少校 | |
Justin Michael DeCrow[70][71] | 32 | 印第安納州普利茅斯市 | 上士 | 胸部中彈 |
John P. Gaffaney[72] | 56 | 加州塞拉梅薩 | 上尉[73] | 試圖襲擊槍手而遭射殺[28] |
Frederick Greene[68] | 29 | 田納西州山市 | 專業軍士 | 試圖襲擊槍手而遭射殺[74] |
Jason Dean Hunt[68][75] | 22 | 俄克拉何馬州蒂普頓鎮 | 專業軍士 | 背部中彈 |
Amy Sue Krueger[68][76] | 29 | 威斯康辛州基爾市 | 上士 | 胸部中彈 |
Aaron Thomas Nemelka[68][77] | 19 | 猶他州西喬丹市 | 一等兵 | 胸部中彈 |
Michael S. Pearson[68][78] | 22 | 伊利諾州柏林布魯克村 | 一等兵 | 胸部中彈 |
Russell Gilbert Seager[79] | 51 | 威斯康辛州拉辛市 | 上尉[80] | |
Francheska Velez[76][81] | 21 | 伊利諾州芝加哥市 | 一等兵 | 胸部中彈。死時已懷孕,胎兒亦亡。[82] |
Juanita L. Warman[79][83] | 55 | 賓州匹茲堡市 | 中校[84] | 腹部中彈 |
Kham See Xiong[68][85] | 23 | 明尼蘇達州聖保羅市 | 一等兵 | 頭部中彈 |
# | 姓名 | 階級/職業 | 備註 |
1 | James Armstrong[86][87]:60, ¶129 | 專業軍士 | 腿部中彈 |
2 | Sgt. Patrick Blue III[88] | 中士 | 未中彈,但被子彈碎片打中側面。 |
3 | Keara Bono Torkelson[87]:60, ¶130[89] | 專業軍士 | |
4 | Logan M. Burnett[87]:61, ¶131[88] | 專業軍士 | 臀部、左肘、及手部中彈 |
5 | Alan Carroll[89] | 專業軍士 | 右上臂、右二頭肌、背部左側、及左腿中彈 |
6 | Dorothy Carskadon[87]:61, ¶132[88] | 上尉 | 臀部及胃中彈,前額擦傷 |
7 | Joy Clark[90] | 上士 | 前臂中彈 |
8 | Matthew D. Cooke[87]:62, ¶133[91] | 專業軍士 | |
9 | Chad Davis[92] | 上士 | 肩膀中彈 |
10 | Mick Engnehl[87]:62, ¶134[93] | 二等兵 | 肩膀中彈及頸部擦傷 |
11 | Joseph T. Foster[87]:63, ¶135[94] | 二等兵 | 臀部中彈 |
12 | Amber Gadlin (formerly Amber Bahr)[86][87]:63, ¶136[95] | 二等兵 | |
13 | Nathan Hewitt[87]:63, ¶137[88] | 中士 | 腿部中兩槍 |
14 | Alvin Howard[86] | 中士 | 左肩中彈 |
15 | Najee M. Hull[87]:63, ¶138[89] | 二等兵 | 膝蓋中一槍,背部中兩槍 |
16 | Eric Williams Jackson[96] | 上士 | 右臂中彈 |
17 | Justin T. Johnson[87]:64, ¶139[97] | 二等兵 | 腳部中一槍,背部中兩槍 |
18 | Alonzo M. Lunsford, Jr[86][87]:63, ¶140 | 上士 | |
19 | Shawn N. Manning[87]:63, ¶141[98] | 上士 | 右下側擦傷,左上胸、左背、右大腿上部及下部、右腳中彈 |
20 | Paul Martin[90] | 上士 | 手臂、腿部、背部中彈 |
21 | Brandy Mason[89] | 少尉 | 臀部中彈 |
22 | Grant Moxon[88] | 專業軍士 | 大腿中彈 |
23 | Kimberly Munley[87]:72, ¶157[91] | 民警警官 | 腿部中兩槍 |
24 | John Pagel[99] | 專業軍士 | 胸部中彈 |
25 | Dayna Ferguson Roscoe[87]:66, ¶142[100] | 專業軍士 | 手臂、肩膀、和大腿中彈 |
26 | Christopher H. Royal[87]:66, ¶143[88] | 准尉 | |
27 | Randy Royer[101] | 少校 | 手臂和腿部中彈 |
28 | Jonathan Sims[87]:66, ¶144[102] | 專業軍士 | 胸部和背部中彈 |
29 | George O. Stratton, III[87]:67, ¶145[88] | 專業軍士 | 肩膀中彈 |
30 | Patrick Zeigler[90] | 上士 | 左肩、左前臂、左臀、及頭部左側中彈 |
31 | Miguel A. Valdivia[87]:67, ¶146[103] | 中士 | 右大腿及左臀中彈 |
32 | Thuan Nguyen[96] | 上士 | 大腿中彈 |

2013年8月6日,在軍法審判過程中,少校尼達爾·馬利克·哈桑在13名軍官所組成的陪審團面前,公開宣稱自己就是槍手。[3] 哈桑生於美國,未婚,而且被形容是社交孤立。根據他的一位表兄弟所述,哈桑是一位認真實踐的穆斯林,在其雙親於1998年和2001年過世後,他變得更加虔誠。[104] 他的表兄弟並不記得哈桑曾有表達過激進的或反美的觀點。[104] 另一位在維吉尼亞做律師的堂兄弟納德·哈桑(Nader Hasan)說,尼達爾·哈桑是在聽了從阿富汗和伊拉克作戰回來的病人的故事後,其思想見解開始轉變為反對美國在中東的戰爭。[105] 由於他提及到過歧視,以及服務於一個與穆斯林作戰的軍隊而使其痛苦不堪,他曾告訴他的家人他想要離開部隊。
有一次,在應當要對其他精神科醫師做一次醫療演講時,哈桑卻談論起伊斯蘭教,並說,根據《古蘭經》,不信從者會下地獄、遭斬首、被火燒、喉嚨還會被倒入滾燙的油。在座的一位穆斯林精神科醫師便舉手要挑戰哈桑的說法。[107] 根據美聯社報導,哈桑的這番言論還「為自殺炸彈攻擊辯護」。2009年夏,在完成學程後,哈桑被轉調至胡德堡。
在胡德堡,哈桑在一處些微破舊的地區租了一間遠離其他軍官的公寓。[108] 在槍擊案前兩天,哈桑將家中的傢俱都分送他人,並說他將要被部隊調派至他處。[108] 同時,他還發送數本《古蘭經》並連同他的名片。名片上列有一個馬里蘭州的電話,並標示著「行為衛生-心理衛生-生活技能|尼達爾·哈桑,醫療部,公共衛生學碩士|SoA(SWT)|精神科醫師」。[109][110] 根據調查員所述,首字母縮略字「SoA」通常是被用在聖戰份子的網站上作為「阿拉的戰士」或「阿拉的奴僕」的縮略字,而SWT一般是被穆斯林用來指「subhanahu wa ta'ala」(字面意思為,「榮耀歸祂」,用在神的名字之後)。[111] 該名片卻未反映出哈桑的軍階。
2001年5月,哈桑在維吉尼亞州福爾斯徹奇市一座擁有3000教徒的達哈·阿爾哈吉清真寺,出席了在那兒所舉行的母親的葬禮。哈桑可能偶爾也曾在那兒禱告,但就十年來這段期間,他則是在馬里蘭州銀泉市一所穆斯林社區中心每週禱告個幾次,那裡同時也較為靠近他生活和工作之處。[112] 就在哈桑出席福爾斯徹奇市那座清真寺的期間,竟與911攻擊事件中的劫機犯纳瓦夫·哈兹米及哈尼·漢朱爾兩人前去的時期相同,這兩人曾在2001年4月至當年夏末去過該清真寺。[113][114] 一名執法官員說,聯邦調查局很可能會調查哈桑是否與劫機犯有聯繫。[115] 一名資深的執法官員則說,在檢閱哈桑的電腦以及其多個電郵帳戶時,發現哈桑曾多次造訪擁護激進伊斯蘭思想的網站。[116]

在2000年及2002年間,安瓦爾·奧拉基曾在維吉尼亞州福爾斯徹奇市的達哈·阿爾哈吉清真寺擔任過伊瑪目,哈桑對於其教導曾表達過欽佩之意。奧拉基一直是聯邦調查局幾個調查的對象,他曾協助劫機犯哈兹米與漢朱爾安居,當他們兩人在聖地牙哥的清真寺與其會面時、以及在開車前往東岸之後,都曾受過其心靈上的指引。[117] 在那時,奧拉基的表現還算溫和。但在2006年後,奧拉基似乎變得格外激進,並受到聯調局的密切監視。2008年12月及2009年6月間,哈桑在寫了將近20封電郵給奧拉基之後,便受到聯邦調查局的調查。2009年11月9日,在一份聯邦調查局所發布的新聞稿中,揭露了哈桑與聯合反恐任務小組所調查的對象之間有「某種通訊往來」的實情[118],而經由媒體的報導,立即就顯露出調查的對象為奧拉基,而通訊的方式則是電子郵件。[119] 在其中一封電郵中,哈桑寫道:「我等不及要與你們一同在來世了」。高等國防研究中心的軍事分析師中校東尼·沙弗爾(Tony Shaffer)則指出,哈桑「若不是自己投誠,就是在其心中早已經越了界。」 此外,哈桑還曾在郵件中問奧拉基何時發動聖戰才適當、在自殺攻擊中,殺了無辜的人是否是許可的。[120]
在那時,軍中的員工早已知道有這樣的聯絡往來,但他們相信這些電郵與哈桑針對武裝部隊中之穆斯林所作的專業性心理健康研究相符合,同時這研究也是他在災難與預防精神病治療單位中的工作之一。[121] 之後,位在華府、聯邦調查局轄下的聯合反恐任務小組獲得了這項情報通知,由一名派與該任務小組的國防刑事調查局(DCIS)員工負責審查該情報,並結論出沒有充分的資訊需作進一步擴大調查。[122] 然而國防部的高層則聲明,在槍擊案發生之前,並未獲知有此調查。[123]

槍擊案發生後,分析家和政府官員們隨即就哈桑的動機及其先前的心理狀態公開進行爭辯。反戰人士席琳娜·柯帕評論說,哈桑的那些同為精神科醫師的同事們,「竟未能注意到就在他們中間,有人是如此的心神不寧。」[38] 首先對哈桑的出身背景作評論的官員之一美國參議員凱·貝莉·哈奇森[124],其發言人告訴記者,哈桑對於即將於11月28日被調派至阿富汗感到憂心忡忡。[61][125] 哈桑的阿姨諾埃爾·哈馬德(Noel Hamad)[126] 則說,家人們對於哈桑將被派往阿富汗並不知情。[127]
11月17日,《達拉斯每日晨報》報導,美國廣播公司新聞引述匿名消息來源並報導說,調查人員懷疑,哈桑曾因他的一些病人,在與他進行精神病療程期間作了某些陳述,而要求將他們以戰爭罪起訴。然而其上級長官卻拒絕處理該請求而引發了槍擊案。一名達拉斯的律師、前海軍陸戰隊隊員派翠克·麥克萊恩(Patrick McLain)說,就法律上而言,哈桑的請求或許是情有可原,但因為未知那些士兵究竟說了些什麼,他無法多作評論。同為精神科醫師的同事們向長官抱怨,哈桑的行為已違反醫生與病人間的保密協議。[128]
曾受哈桑在宗教上的輔導而後皈依伊斯蘭教的杜安·瑞森納(Duane Reasoner)說,哈桑不想受部隊調度部署。瑞森納說:「他說穆斯林不該在美國軍隊服役,因為很明顯,穆斯林不該殺害穆斯林。他叫我不要參軍。」[112]
參議員喬·李伯曼則要求其所主持的美國參議院國土安全和政府事務委員會進行徹底調查。他說:「現在就對哈桑的動機下結論是言之過早了……我認為在我們作出任何結論之前,讓陸軍以及聯邦調查局繼續進行調查非常重要。」[129][130] 兩週後,當李伯曼為其委員會的聽證會作開場時,把這起槍擊案稱為「自2001年9月11日以來,在美國所發生最具毀滅性的恐怖攻擊。」[7]
一名首席法醫精神病學家、有診察大量槍手經驗的醫學博士麥可·威爾納說,此槍擊事件,和與意識形態或工作場所有關的大規模槍擊案,有著共同的要素。[131]威爾納相信哈桑是想要創造一種「景象」,並說就一位創傷護理人員,即使是在內心悲痛的狀況下,通常也不會傾向要殺害自己的病人,除非其意識形態勝過了其希波克拉底誓詞(醫師誓詞)。威爾納認為,由於哈桑射殺手無寸鐵的人,當其叫喊「真主至大」時,便表現了這個現象。[131]一名恐怖活動調查的分析師卡爾·托比亞斯(Carl Tobias)認為,此次攻擊並不符合對恐怖主義的檔案描述,反而比較像是維吉尼亞理工大學校園槍擊案,因犯下該案的也是一名據信有嚴重心理疾病的學生。[132]
已退休的前獵殺賓拉登特工小組負責人麥可·舒爾,及前美國首席檢察官麥可·穆凱西[9] 都稱這起事件為恐怖攻擊。[132] 已退役的巴利·麥卡夫瑞將軍在《安德森·庫珀360°》節目中說:「這事件開始變得好像這是一件國內的恐怖攻擊事件,而且竟是由我們培訓六年的一名陸軍少校對其軍中同袍所發起的,同時他還發揮著其對部隊不忠的影響力。」[8]
哈桑之前的一些同事曾說,他的工作執行力常未達標準,而且偶爾會表達強烈的伊斯蘭觀點,以及極度反對由美國主導的伊拉克和阿富汗戰爭,這使得他們感到焦慮不安。[133] 其他人則對哈桑明顯不穩定的心理以及偏執狂的行為感到更加擔心。綜觀哈桑在沃爾特·里德醫療中心的這些年,各部門首長都對其行為「深表關切」,並曾定期討論其心理狀態。[107]
26歲的陸軍中士法赫德·卡邁勒(Fahad Kamal)是一名陸軍戰鬥軍醫,且是一名穆斯林。在提到這次槍擊案時,他說:「(槍擊案發生的原因)不是因為他是一名穆斯林,而是因為他心理有問題。」[112]
仇恨與極端主義研究中心的布萊恩·萊文(Brian Levin)寫道,本案例正處在犯罪、恐怖主義、以及心理苦痛三大領域的交匯處。[134] 他以基督徒史考特·羅得(Scott Roeder)殺害做墮胎手術的喬治·提勒(George Tiller)醫生的案例作對照,說明宗教可能扮演的角色。像這樣犯法的人,「因為個人的苦痛、心理上的問題、以及一種能被塑造、來正當化並解釋其反社會傾向的意識型態等因素間的相互混雜,而常常使其能從中自我激化。」[134]
許多人把此攻擊事件描述為恐怖行動。[137] 參議員喬·李伯曼,在建議完成調查之前不要做出結論之後的兩週,便稱此槍擊案為「自2001年9月11日以來,在美國所發生最具毀滅性的恐怖攻擊。」已退休的前獵殺賓拉登特工小組負責人麥可·舒爾,以及前美國首席檢察官麥可·穆凱西,也將其描述為恐怖攻擊事件。一群軍人及受害者家屬已尋求要國防部長將此槍擊案稱為「恐怖襲擊事件」,這樣他們便能獲得如同在作戰中受傷而有的相等福利。[137]
聯邦調查局並未發現有證據指明哈桑有任何的共謀,或是屬於廣義恐怖份子陰謀的一部份,而且也還未證實他的動機。[138] 國防部當前將哈桑的攻擊事件歸類為一起職場暴力事件,同時在進行軍法審判之前,不會作進一步的說明。[15][139]

美國總統歐巴馬於部落國家會議上,在其為美國564個受聯邦認可的美洲原住民部落,發表安排預定好的演說中,對此攻擊事件作了初步回應。媒體對此則批評歐巴馬「過於冷淡」,因其在所預備好的講稿中,對槍擊案只演講了三分鐘,而且也沒有表現出應有的莊重。[140][141][142] 之後,總統為罹難者發表追念悼詞。大部分對此悼詞的反應都是正面的,同時還有人將其視作歐巴馬最佳的演說之一。[143][144] 然而,一名《華爾街日報》的記者卻批評該演說缺乏情感,而一名《國家評論》雜誌的專欄作家則批評歐巴馬拒絕承認伊斯蘭恐怖主義在槍擊案中所扮演的角色。[144][145]
位在胡德堡的陸軍第3軍中將軍長羅伯特·孔恩,於槍擊案當天說,初步證據並無顯示此事件是恐怖行動,但也不排除此可能性。[146] 曾與哈桑一同工作過、已退役的陸軍上校泰瑞·李(Terry Lee)說,哈桑曾表示過希望歐巴馬將美軍從伊拉克和阿富汗撤出,同時他還曾與支持這兩地戰爭的軍中同事們爭辯過。[146]

國防部發言人稱這起槍擊案是一個「單一個別且悲劇性的案例」。[147] 國防部長羅伯特·蓋茨許諾,國防部會「盡一切力量來協助胡德堡社區度過這些艱難的時刻。」[148]美國參議院軍事委員會主席卡爾·列文,及眾多政界人士都向罹難者及其家屬表示哀悼。[50][148][149][150]

全美的退伍軍人團體都對攻擊事件的罹難者表示哀悼。美國退伍軍人協會總會長克萊倫斯·希爾(Clarence E. Hill)發表聲明說:「美國退伍軍人協會向胡德堡槍擊案的罹難者以及那些受影響的家庭表示哀悼。」[154]美國海外作戰退伍軍人協會總會長湯瑪斯·崔德威爾(Thomas J. Tradewell Sr.)發表聲明說:「整個軍中大家庭此刻都在悲傷哀悼。我只想讓他們知道,他們並非獨自傷悲。我們的心及禱告與他們同在。」[155]
陸軍禁止軍人在胡德堡以及其他基地內攜帶個人槍械,是想要藉此減少軍人間偶然引發的暴力行為。軍事武器只用於訓練或只由基地的維安人員使用,而個人武器則都由憲兵司令保管上鎖。[32] 一名在預備中心工作的軍人、專業軍士傑瑞·理察(Jerry Richard)覺得,這個政策使軍人更易於受到暴力襲擊的傷害。他說:「在海外,你有萬全的準備;但在這兒,你甚至不能保護自己。」[156] 反對槍枝管制的雅各·撒冷(Jacob Sullum)則諷刺地將胡德堡基地描述為「無槍區」。[157]
一位持不同意見、曾鼓舞過賓拉登的沙烏地阿拉伯教士賽勒曼·奧戴[164] 也譴責這起槍擊事件,並說此事件會產生不良後果:
在攻擊事件後不久,安瓦爾·奧拉基為此槍擊事件在其網站上貼文讚揚哈桑。他寫道:「尼達爾·哈桑是位英雄。今日伊斯蘭教徒的義務是與美軍作戰,這是無可爭論的事實。尼達爾已經消滅了要被派往伊拉克和阿富汗來殺穆斯林的美軍。」[166] 2010年3月,奧拉基宣稱,歐巴馬政府試著要把哈桑的行為,描繪成一位與人疏遠的個人的暴力行為,並且正試圖封鎖給美國民眾的消息。他說:
「直到這個時刻,該政府還在拒絕發佈尼達爾與我之間往來的電子郵件。而在我們弟兄奧馬爾·法魯克(Umar Farouk)發動攻擊行動後,該政府的初步評論看起來還是一樣——又一次試圖掩蓋真相。但蓋達組織發佈了聲明,宣稱為該次攻擊行動負責,藉此來阻斷歐巴馬再次欺騙全世界。」[167]
2010年4月6日,《紐約時報》報導,總統歐巴馬已經授權,對正在藏匿且被葉門政府搜捕的奧拉基進行目標追殺。[168] 2011年9月30日,兩架掠奪者無人攻擊機對奧拉基的坐車發射飛彈,將其與沙米爾汗擊斃。[169][170]

聯邦調查局、美國陸軍刑事調查司令部、以及德州騎警司共同聯合執行對此事故的刑事調查。[171] 由於哈桑是一名軍事人員,所以受制於《統一軍法典》(軍事法)的裁判權。起初,是由一名來自德州貝爾頓市的刑事辯護律師,且是退役的陸軍上校約翰·加利根(John P. Galligan)來代表哈桑。[172] 11月9日,哈桑已經恢復知覺,但拒絕與調查人員談話。[173] 負責哈桑《統一軍法典》第32條款聽證會的調查官員是上校詹姆斯·波爾。他曾帶領調查美軍虐待伊拉克戰俘事件,同時也是關塔那摩軍事委員會的首席審裁官。[174]
2009年11月9日,聯邦調查局說,調查人員相信哈桑在事件中係單獨行動。他們透露,曾經審查過2008年哈桑與一名被一位官員認定為安瓦爾·奧拉基之人的談話內容,但他們並沒有發現有任何證據顯示,哈桑在槍擊案中有獲得直接的協助或是外部命令。[175] 根據一份11月11日所發布的新聞稿,調查人員在初步檢查哈桑的電腦及其上網活動後,發現沒有情報顯示他有任何共謀,或是屬於廣義恐怖份子陰謀的一部份,也沒有發現其與外部的引導員或知名的恐怖份子有電郵往來。[171]
檢察官所提起的訴訟並沒有將法蘭雀絲卡·維列茲(Francheska Velez)的胎兒死亡算在內。[179]若按照《未出生暴力受害人法案》以及《統一軍法典》第119a條款,檢察官是可以提出這樣的控告。[180]若民用檢察官以參與恐怖份子的陰謀策劃而將其起訴,按照美國反恐法規,就有正當理由將其案件全部或部分移入聯邦刑事法院審理。[181][182]美國軍事司法體系很少實行死刑,並自1961年以來就沒有執行過[182][183],也沒有任何大規模謀殺事件被軍方起訴。(自1916至1961年,美國陸軍共處決了135人。)[184]
2011年1月底,通常由醫師及心理學家所組成的陸軍精神健全委員會判定哈桑神智清楚,可以受審。[41] 這就表示允許對其進行死刑案的審判程序。在審訊期間,辯方可以提出更多關於哈桑於槍擊事件時精神狀態的資訊。[41]
2011年7月20日,哈桑被正式提訊。[185] 他本人並沒有提出抗辯,於是法官准允其律師的請求於之後某一日期再提出抗辯。法官最初將少校哈桑的軍法審判日期定為2012年3月5日。[186] 之後,哈桑換了律師,為了使他們有時間準備為其辯護,軍法審判的日期便往後延期。[187]
先前已吩咐過哈桑遵守軍規並且剃去其所留鬍子的法官貴格里·格羅斯(Gregory Gross)上校,於2012年7月發現其蔑視命令而將其處以罰金。哈桑的軍事審判則定於2012年8月20日開庭。[188] 哈桑因保留鬍子而再次被罰,並遭警告在進行軍法審判前可以強迫其刮鬍子。[189]
8月15日,哈桑按預定時間,針對在軍法審判開始之前所對他的指控提出抗辯。由於控方極力尋求將此案判成死刑,哈桑於是未被獲准對蓄意謀殺的指控承認有罪。[190] 因哈桑反對在違背其意願下剃去鬍子,其律師便向美國三軍上訴法院提出上訴。哈桑說蓄鬍是其宗教信仰的一部分。[191]
8月27日,上訴法院宣布,審判可以繼續,但並未裁決是否可以強迫哈桑刮鬍子。上訴法院已經駁回了哈桑之前的請求以「宗教通融」為由免受軍規以保留鬍子。[192] 9月6日,在法院裁定1993年的《宗教自由恢復法案》不適用於本案後,格羅斯便下令要哈桑剃去鬍子。儘管如此,直到哈桑的上訴用盡之前,都不能予以強制執行,也因此進一步地拖延了審判。[193][194]
2012年9月6日,在庭訊期間,哈桑兩次試圖認罪。然而,陸軍軍規禁止法官在死刑案中接受認罪。[194] 9月21日,哈桑的辯護律師就哈桑的鬍子向陸軍刑事上訴法院提出兩件上訴,審判因而延期。[195] 基林市民則對延期受審感到相當沮喪。[196]
10月中旬,陸軍刑事上訴法院維持格羅斯上校的判決,可以強迫哈桑刮鬍子。[197] 哈桑的律師則向三軍上訴法院提出上訴,以企圖推翻下級法院的裁決並將格羅斯撤換。[198]
2012年12月4日(週二),三軍上訴法院取消了少校哈桑蔑視法庭的六項定罪,並將法官格羅斯上校從本案撤去,同時聲明格羅斯沒有表現出必要的公正性。該上訴法院也推翻了強迫哈桑刮鬍子的命令,但沒有對哈桑的宗教權利是否受到侵犯作出裁決。[199][200] 此外,該上訴法院也裁示,確保哈桑符合儀容標準是軍事指揮官的職責,而非軍事法庭法官。[201]陸軍軍法局長於是任命了一名新法官來取代格羅斯。[202]聖瑪麗大學恐怖主義法中心主任傑佛瑞·艾迪卡特(Jeffrey Addicott)稱此為「不尋常」的裁決,而軍事法庭辯護律師法蘭克·斯賓納(Frank Spinner)則稱其為「罕見」。[202]
陸軍上校塔拉·奧斯本(Tara A. Osborn)在格羅斯被撤換的當天被任命為本案的新任法官。[203] 2011年,奧斯本曾主審中士約瑟夫·伯日柯維奇(Joseph Bozicevich)的死刑案,該中士因殺害其班長及另一名士兵而被判無期徒刑且無假釋的可能,但得以免去死刑。[204] 2013年1月,當哈桑被判將面臨死刑時,由於辯護律師聲稱陸軍中將坎貝爾有失公允,奧斯本正考慮是否因此免去死刑。[205][206] 1月31日,奧斯本裁定,基於1996年最高法院關於德懷特·拉文的案例,死刑謀殺罪的審理程序是符合憲法的。她同時也裁決,對於哈桑的鬍子,她的法庭沒有審判權,也沒有職權命令或阻止哈桑的指揮鏈去剃他的鬍子。[207] 截至2013年2月28日,軍法審判定於2013年5月29日開始,陪審員選任程序則定於2013年7月1日開始。[208]
2013年6月3日,軍事法庭法官批准哈桑可以在即將要來的謀殺罪審訊中為自己辯護。他的律師團仍將繼續留在本案中,但也只有當哈桑要求協助時才可。陪審員選任程序於6月5日開始,開放辯論則於8月6日舉行。[209][210] 2013年6月14日,奧斯本裁定,哈桑不能聲稱自己是在護衛塔利班以作為自己的部分辯護。[211] 此外,軍審則改定於8月6日開始。[212] 在一次福斯新聞的獨家專訪中,哈桑聲稱美軍那時正與伊斯蘭交戰,藉此為自己在胡德堡槍擊事件中的行為辯護。[213] 這次訪談是自哈桑被捕以來,首次與美國媒體進行談話。在過去,哈桑只經由電話與半島電視台交談。[212]
8月6日,軍法審判首日,自我辯護的哈桑承認,他就是2009年胡德堡槍擊案中的持槍歹徒,並陳述證據清楚顯示他就是槍手。他還告訴陪審團他已「轉為敵方」,並將自己視為一名對美國進行聖戰的聖戰士。[214] 8月7日,哈桑與其辯護律師團間的分歧致使奧斯本法官不得不暫緩訴訟進程。哈桑的辯護律師擔心,哈桑自己的辯護策略會使自己遭判死刑。由於檢方求處死刑,其辯護律師團已經試圖阻止。[215]
2010年1月15日,國防部發布其調查結果,發現國防部自身對於防範內部的威脅毫無準備。部長羅伯特·蓋茨說,以往的事件並未使軍中的職場暴力及「自我激化」獲得足夠的關注。他也指出,在槍擊案發生前,沒能對哈桑加以注意,有些軍官應對此負有責任。[219] 國防部的這份報告並未提及哈桑的動機。[220]
一名陸軍後備役中校且是愛沙尼亞波羅的海國防學院的詹姆斯·克朗姆,稱國防部的這份報告為「曲解不實」,因該份報告竟沒提到哈桑對伊斯蘭教有多虔誠及其如何變得激進。[221] 德州眾議員約翰·卡特也批評該報告並說,他覺得政府是「害怕被指控將某人描繪成罪犯」。[222]911委員會的成員同時也是雷根時代的海軍部長約翰·萊曼說,他認為該份報告是「讓你看見政治正確的價值觀已經變得有多麼根深蒂固。」[220]《舊金山紀事報》的專欄作家黛布拉·桑德在一則評論中寫道:「……若該份報告的目的是要將所獲得的教訓精心編製,以防止未來的攻擊發生,那他們怎麼能略去激進的伊斯蘭教而不提呢?」[223]
帶頭進行調查的前陸軍部長多哥·韋斯特以及退役的海軍上將弗農·克拉克(Vernon Clark)對此回應說,他們「關注的是行動及影響,不見得是動機」,而且他們不想與目前正在對哈桑所進行的刑事調查相衝突。[220]
2012年7月,韋伯斯特的委員會提交了最終報告。[66][225] 韋伯斯特向聯邦調查局提出了18項建議。[226] 這份報告發現在許多方面存在問題,包括資訊共享、未能跟進線索、電腦技術問題、以及聯調局總部未能協調兩間外地辦事處處理有關哈桑的線索。[227]
- 1991年的露比餐廳槍擊案:在胡德堡附近所發生的另一件惡名昭彰的大規模槍擊事件。
- 1995年的威廉·克羅策案:在北卡布拉格堡所犯下的殺害一名軍官並傷及17名軍人的事件。
- 2003年的哈桑·阿卡巴案:在科威特賓州營所犯下的謀殺兩名軍官的事件。
- 2005年的菲利浦·埃斯波希托及路易斯·艾倫致死案: 上士艾柏托·馬提尼茲(Alberto Martinez)被控犯下在伊拉克提克里特市謀殺其長官及另一名軍官,但隨後宣判無罪。
- 2009年的自由營謀殺案:中士約翰·羅素(John M. Russell)被控在伊拉克自由營的攻擊中,犯下五項謀殺及一項重傷害。
2009年的小岩城招募辦公室槍擊案:一名叫穆罕默德(Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad)的穆斯林在阿肯色州小岩城的士兵招募中心駕車射殺兩名軍人。據聞,少校哈桑對此感到「高興」。- 2009年的勞埃德·伍德森案:因持有軍用等級的非法武器以及德拉姆堡軍事設施的詳細地圖而被捕。
- 2013年的克里斯·凱爾案:著名的美國海軍特種部隊狙擊手被一名患有創傷後心理壓力緊張症候群的海軍陸戰隊士兵從背後槍殺,動機不明。
- 美國軍方執行的死刑
- 美國大屠殺列表
- 納澤·杰森·阿布多
^ Soldier Opens Fire at Ft. Hood; 13 Dead. CBS News. November 5, 2009.
^ Lee Ferran, Nidal Hasan Admitted Jihadist Motive, Ft. Hood Victims’ Attorneys Say, ABC News, 2013 [2013-08-19]
^ 3.03.1 Rubin, Josh. 'I am the shooter,' Nidal Hasan tells Fort Hood court-martial. CNN. CNN. [7 August 2013].
^ 4.04.1 McCloskey, Megan, "Civilian police officer acted quickly to help subdue alleged gunman", Stars and Stripes, November 8, 2009.
^ Most Popular E-mail Newsletter. USA Today. March 11, 2011.
^ FortHood Trial: Don’t Say the “T” Word, FrontPage Magazine, 22 August 2013, retrieved 22 August 2013
^ 7.07.1 Army base shooting was 'terrorist attack': US lawmaker. Google. Agence France-Presse. November 18, 2009 [November 18, 2009].
^ 8.08.1 Investigating Fort Hood Massacre. Anderson Cooper 360°. November 6, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ 9.09.1 Reilly, Ryan. Mukasey Says Fort Hood Attack Was Terrorism. Main Justice. November 9, 2009 [November 11, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-14).
^ 60% Want Fort Hood Shooting Investigated as Terrorist Act – Rasmussen Reports. Rasmussenreports.com. [November 12, 2009].
^ 11.011.1 Terror act or workplace violence? Hasan trial raises sensitive issue, AP, 2013 [2013-08-11]
^ Austin American-Statesman, November 7, 2009
^ 13.013.1 Fort Hood suspect charged with murder. Fort Hood, Texas: CNN. November 12, 2009 [November 12, 2009].
^ 14.014.1 Army adds charges against rampage suspect. MSNBC. December 2, 2009 [December 3, 2009].
Fort Hood victims see similarities to Benghazi. The Washington Times. October 18, 2012 [October 19, 2012].
^ 16.016.1 Cuomo, Chris; Emily Friedman, Sarah Netter, Richard Esposito. Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Malik Hasan Was 'Calm,' Methodical During Massacre. ABC News. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^ Hasan sought gun with ‘high magazine capacity’ | a mySA.com blog. Blog.mysanantonio.com. October 21, 2010 [July 23, 2012].
^ 18.018.1 Prosecutors end case in Hasan Article 32 hearing. KDH News. [July 23, 2012].
^ 19.019.1 Access. Medscape. [July 23, 2012].
^ AP Sources: 1 rampage gun purchased legally. [November 8, 2009].
^ 存档副本. [2011-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-18).
^ Prosecution to Rest in Ft. Hood Massacre Trial. CBS News. October 21, 2010.
^ Fort Hood shootings: the meaning of 'Allahu Akbar'. The Daily Telegraph (UK). November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Local Soldier Describes Fort Hood Shooting. KMBC-TV Kansas City Ch.9. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-02).
^ Peter baker and Clifford Krauss (November 10, 2009), found at "President, at Service, Hails Fort Hood’s Fallen,", The New York Times. Retrieved November 11, 2009.
^ Witnesses in Fort Hood shooting hearing say Hasan returned to shoot same victims over and over. Statesman.com. August 24, 2011 [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2010-10-18).
^ Hasan Hearing Blog Tuesday Oct. 19, 2010. Kwtx.com. [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-04).
^ 28.028.1 Gregg Zoroya. Witnesses say reservist was a hero at Hood. USA Today. [November 26, 2009].
^ All Things Considered. Testimony Begins In Fort Hood Shooting. NPR. [July 23, 2012].
^ Wounded Fort Hood soldier: 'Blood just everywhere'. CNN. November 12, 2009.
^ Zucchino, David. Police officers describe Fort Hood gunfight. Los Angeles Times. October 21, 2010.
^ 32.032.1 Abcarian, Robin; Powers, Ashley & Meyer, Josh. Fort Hood shooting: Suspected gunman not among fatalities: Army psychiatrist blamed in Fort Hood shooting rampage. Los Angeles Times. November 6, 2009 [November 8, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthor (帮助)
^ 33.033.1 title. [2013-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-21).
^ NBCNews.com Video Player. MSNBC. [July 23, 2012].
^ Fort Hood witness says he feared there were more gunmen. CNN. October 20, 2010.
^ Witnesses recount bloody scenes at Fort Hood hearing. CNN. October 20, 2010.
^ Help me, help me, I've been shot. Woodtv.com. October 19, 2010 [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-14).
^ 38.038.1 Allen, Nick. Fort Hood gunman had told U.S. military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut. The Daily Telegraph (London). November 8, 2009 [November 9, 2009].
^ Breed, Allen G.; Jeff Carlton. Soldiers say carnage could have been worse. Military Times. November 6, 2009 [November 7, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthor (帮助)
^ Root, Jay (Associated Press), "Officer Gives Account of the Firefight At Fort Hood", Arizona Republic, November 8, 2009.
^ Sig Christenson. Accused Fort Hood shooter ruled sane; faces capital trial. San Antonio Express-News. Beaumont Enterprise. January 25, 2011 [July 23, 2012].
^ Campoy, Ana; Sanders, Peter; Gold, Russell. Hash Browns, Then 4 Minutes of Chaos. The Wall Street Journal. November 7, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ Powers, Ashley; Robin Abcarian and Kate Linthicum. Tales of terror and heroism emerge from Ft. Hood. Los Angeles Times. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^ Gunman kills 12, wounds 31 at Fort Hood. MSNBC. November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Jayson, Sharon; Reed, Dan. 'Horrific' rampage stuns Army's Fort Hood. USA Today. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthor (帮助)
^ 31 hurt in Texas military base shootings – INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-10-05.
^ Officials: Fort Hood no longer on lockdown; suspect identified. The Statesman (India). November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-08).
^ Perry sends Rangers to help secure Fort Hood. Houston Chronicle. November 5, 2009 [November 5, 2009]. [失效連結]
^ Twelve shot dead at US army base. BBC News. November 5, 2009 [November 5, 2009].
^ 50.050.1 Neighbors: Alleged Fort Hood gunman emptied apartment. Fort Hood, Texas: CNN. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ 51.051.1 52 receive awards honoring actions taken at Fort Hood Nov. 5, 2009. Kdhnews.com. [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-18).
^ Chapter News. Forthoodausa.org. [July 23, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-20).
^ 53.053.1 ANGELA K. BROWNAssociated Press. Civilian slain in Fort Hood shooting gets medal. theoaklandpress.com. [July 23, 2012]. [永久失效連結]
^ Proposal allows Purple Heart for Fort Hood victims. Associated Press. May 9, 2012 [August 1, 2012].
^ Ned Berkowitz. Congressman Reintroduces Bill to Help Ft. Hood Shooting Victims. ABC News. February 14, 2013 [March 5, 2013].
^ 56.056.1 James Ragland. Tested by tragedy, Fort Hood family of civilians and soldiers deserve Texan of the Year honor. Dallas Morning News. 6 December 2009 [4 May 2013].
Bangor native to head leadership group. Bangor Daily News. 10 April 1985 [4 May 2013].
^ Julie Pace. In Arizona, Obama to honor memories, speak of hope. NBC News. Associated Press. 11 January 2011 [2 March 2013].He led the memorial at the Fort Hood Army post in November 2009, trying to help a shaken nation cope with a mass shooting there that left 13 people dead and 29 wounded.
^ Soldier Opens Fire at Ft. Hood; 13 Dead. CBS News. Associated Press. 5 November 2009 [2 March 2013].A military mental health doctor facing deployment overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post on Thursday, setting off on a rampage that killed 13 people and left 30 wounded, Army officials said.
^ 存档副本 Lawmakers’ briefing leads to confusion; 30 wounded. Austin Statesman. Associated Press. 6 November 2009 [7 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-06).Two congressmen and a senator said they had been told the number of wounded had risen to 38, or eight more than had been publicly reported by the military. But a fourth lawmaker, who had been among those briefed, said the 38 figure included some that had been hospitalized for stress, and had not been shot.
^ 60.060.1 Fort Hood shooting victims. San Antonio Express News. 7 November 2009 [2 March 2013].The following is a list of the victims in Thursday's Fort Hood shooting rampage that left 13 dead and 38 injured, of which 30 needed to be hospitalized.
^ 61.061.1 Newman, Maria. 12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Base Shootings. The New York Times. November 5, 2009 [November 5, 2009].
^ Michelle Maskaly. Army: Fort Hood Gunman in Custody After 12 Killed, 31 Injured in Rampage. Fox News. Associated Press. 6 November 2009 [2 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-11).An Army psychiatrist who reportedly feared an impending war deployment is in custody as the sole suspect in a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Texas that left 12 dead and 31 wounded, an Army official said Thursday night.
^ Ned Berkowitz. Congressman Reintroduces Bill to Help Ft. Hood Shooting Victims. ABC News. 14 February 2013 [2 March 2013].Thirteen people were killed, including a pregnant soldier, and 32 others wounded in the Nov. 5, 2009 rampage by the accused shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, at the Army base in Killeen, Texas.
^ Chelsea J. Carter. Judge orders Fort Hood shooter to stand trial in 3 months. CNN. 1 March 2013 [2 March 2013].The November 5, 2009, attack left 13 dead and 32 people wounded in what has been described as the worst mass shooting on a U.S. military instillation.
^ Matt Pearce. Fort Hood shooting victims accuse U.S. of neglect, betrayal. Los Angeles Times. 13 February 2013 [2 March 2013].Todd has been credited with shooting Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who still faces military trial on charges of killing 13 people and wounding 32 more.
^ 66.066.1 Webster Commission. July 19, 2012.Final Report of the William H. Webster Commission one the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counterterrorism Intelligence, and the Events at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5, 2009 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
^ Carlton, Jeff. Ft. Hood suspect reportedly shouted `Allahu Akbar'. Associated Press. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Fort Hood victims: Sons, a daughter, mother-to-be. CNN. November 6, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ Younger, Jamar. Ex-Tucson teacher among dead at Ft. Hood. Arizona Daily Star. November 7, 2009 [November 7, 2009]. [失效連結]
^ Ryckaert, Vic. Hoosier killed in shooting joined Army in search of a better life. The Indianapolis Star. November 7, 2009 [November 7, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-10).
^ http://kdhnews.com/military/hasan_trial/hasan-grinned-as-he-fired-witness-testifies/article_93c962be-03cb-11e3-8def-001a4bcf6878.html?mode=jqm
^ Kucher, Karen. Serra Mesa Army reservist among those killed at Fort Hood. U-T San Diego. November 6, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ WSJ Staff. Fort Hood Profiles: Capt. John Gaffaney. The Wall Street Journal. November 6, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ Soldier: Dying woman at Fort Hood cried 'My baby!'.
^ The Voices of Fort Hood.
^ 76.076.1 Court told how GIs fought back at Fort Hood - ExpressNews.com.
^ 存档副本. [2013-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-04).
^ Bolingbrook Soldier Killed In Fort Hood Massacre. 已忽略文本“ HuffPost” (帮助)
^ 79.079.1 Fort Hood shooting victims. My San Antonio. November 7, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ WSJ Staff. Fort Hood Profiles: Capt. Russell Seager. The Wall Street Journal. November 8, 2009 [November 8, 2009].
^ Army families mourn bright lives cut short. The Chicago Tribune. November 7, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ Peter Slevin. Francheska Velez, who had disarmed bombs in Iraq, was pregnant and headed home. The Washington Post. November 6, 2009.
^ http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/10/18/testimony-resume-fort-hood-suspects-hearing/. 缺少或|title=
为空 (帮助)
^ WSJ Staff. Fort Hood Profiles: Lt. Col. Juanita Warman. The Wall Street Journal. November 9, 2009 [November 9, 2009].
^ http://www.tulsaworld.com/site/printerfriendlystory.aspx?articleid=20101015_298_0_FRODea131815
^ Jarrod Wise, Pamela Cosel, Karen Brooks, KXAN staff for KXAN News. Oct 13, 2010, Updated Oct 14, 2010 Witness: 'The worst horror movie': Testimony moves forward in Hasan hearing 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-05-13.
^ 87.0087.0187.0287.0387.0487.0587.0687.0787.0887.0987.1087.1187.1287.1387.1487.1587.1687.1787.18 United States District Court for the District Of Columbia Case No. 1:12-cv-01802-CKK Fort Hood Complaint
^ Campbell Robertson and Serge F. Kovaleski for the New York Times. November 12, 2009 Scarred, Fort Hood Survivors Move On
^ Jarrod Wise, Pamela Cosel, Jackie Vega, and Karen Brooks for KXAN News. Oct 14, 2010, Updated Oct 15, 2010 Witness: 'I thought it was a dream' Day 2 of accused Ft. Hood shooter's hearing[永久失效連結]
^ Jeremy Schwartz for the American Statesman. Oct 14, 2010, Updated Oct 15, 2010 On second day of testimony in Fort Hood shooting hearing, harrowing tales of survival 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
^ 91.091.1 McKinley Jr., James; Dao, James. Fort Hood Gunman Gave Signals Before His Rampage. The New York Times. November 8, 2009 [November 9, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^ Associated Press, Nov 07, 2009 Eufaula man says son wounded in Fort Hood shooting 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
^ WHAS News site 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-05-15.
^ David Mattingly and Victor Hernandez for CNN. November 9, 2009 Fort Hood soldier: I 'started doing what I was trained to do'
^ WTMJ News Team. April 5, 2013 Wisconsin woman who was shot at Fort Hood being denied Purple Heart[永久失效連結]
^ 96.096.1 Chie Saito for Your News Now. October 19, 2010.paint picture from day of Fort Hood shooting
^ NBC staff. Nov 10, 2009 video: Wounded Charlotte soldier talks about Fort Hood incident
^ Catherine Herridge, Bill Hemmer, Cyd Upson for Fox News June 15, 2012 Fort Hood massacre survivors tell of fearing shooter would 'finish the job'
^ Devin Rose for the Wisconsin State Journal, November 06, 2009.John Pagel: Father of two had just arrived at Fort Hood
^ Courtney Zubowski for 11 News, February 9, 2010, Updated Feb 10, 2010.Victim’s family says 'thank you' to Fort Hood shooting suspect[永久失效連結]
^ Tim Elliott for WTVY, Nov 06, 2009.Local Soldier Injured in Fort Hood Attack 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
^ Charley Keyes for CNN. October 18, 2010 Emotionless Fort Hood shooter 'wasn't happy, wasn't angry'
^ Jeremy Schwartz for the Statesman. Oct. 18, 2010 Witness: Man's face was 'blank' during Fort Hood shooting 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
^ 104.0104.1 Dao, James. Suspect Was ‘Mortified’ About Deployment. The New York Times. November 5, 2009 [November 7, 2009].
^ Sources Identify Major as Gunman in Deadly Shooting Rampage at Fort Hood. Fox News. November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-11).
^ Walter Reed Officials Asked: Was Hasan Psychotic?, NPR, November 11, 2009
^ 107.0107.1 Officials Begin Putting Shooting Pieces Together, NPR, November 6, 2009
^ 108.0108.1 Jeff Brady:Portrait Emerges Of Hasan As Troubled Man
^ Who is Maj. Milik Hasan?. KXXV. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Plunkett, Jack. AP Photo. Associated Press. [November 10, 2009].This photograph taken on Friday, Nov. 6, 2009 in Killeen, Texas, shows a copy of the Quran and a briefcase holding this business card that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan gave to his neighbor a day before going on a shooting spree at the Fort Hood Army Base.
^ Esposito, Richard; Mary-Rose Abraham, Rhonda Schwartz. Major Hasan: Soldier of Allah; Many Ties to Jihad Web Sites. ABC News. November 12, 2009 [November 13, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^ 112.0112.1112.2 Bob Drogin and Faye Fiore:Retracing steps of suspected Fort Hood shooter, Los Angeles Times, November 7, 2009, accessed January 9, 2013
^ Sherwell, Philip; Spillius, Alex. Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists. The Telegraph (London). November 7, 2009 [May 2, 2010].
^ Alleged Shooter Tied to Mosque of 9 / 11 Hijackers. The New York Times. November 8, 2009. [失效連結]
^ Matthew Lysiak and Samuel Goldsmith, (2009-11-09). "Fort Hood suspect Nidal Malik Hasan attended same mosque as two 9/11 terrorists". Retrieved 2015-12-23.
^ Hsu, Spencer S., and Johnson, Carrie, (November 8, 2009),"Links to imam followed in Fort Hood investigation" 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2010-03-14., The Washington Post. Retrieved December 11, 2009
^ Pamela Hess and Eileen Sullivan (AP). Radical imam praises alleged Fort Hood shooter. Google. The Associated Press:. November 9, 2009 [November 10, 2009].
^ FBI National Press Office, November 11, 2009. FBI Press Release:InvestigationContinues Into Fort Hood Shooting. Although it is dated November 11 it was actually posted on November 9, see [1] and [2][永久失效連結]
^ 119.0119.1119.2 Johnston, David. U.S. Knew of Suspect’s Tie to Radical Cleric. The New York Times. November 9, 2009 [January 8, 2010].
^ Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz:"Major Hasan's E-Mail: 'I Can't Wait to Join You' in Afterlife; American Official Says Accused Shooter Asked Radical Cleric When Is Jihad Appropriate?", ABC News, November 19, 2009. Retrieved November 19, 2009
^ Barrett, Devlin. FBI reassessing past look at Fort Hood suspect. The Seattle Times. November 10, 2009.
^ Hasan's Ties Spark Government Blame Game. CBS News. November 11, 2009.
^ Martha Raddatz, Brian ross, Mary-Rose Abraham, Rehab El-Buri,Official: More Hasan Ties to People Under Investigation by FBI, November 10, 2009.
^ Brown, Jeffrey. A Search for Answers Following Fort Hood Attack. The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. November 5, 2009 [November 14, 2009].
^ Barnes, Julian. Fort Hood victims bound for Dover Air Force Base. KFSM, LA Times. November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-08).
^ Durawa, Kevin;. Alleged Fort Hood Shooter in a Coma. News10. November 6, 2009 [November 11, 2009]. [永久失效連結]
^ Jayson, Sharon; Reed, Dan; Johnson, Kevin. Military: Fort Hood suspect is alive. USA Today. November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Eggerton, Brooks. Fort Hood captain: Hasan wanted patients to face war crimes charges. Dallas Morning News. November 17, 2009 [November 17, 2009].
^ CQ Transcript: Reps. Van Hollen, Pence, Sen. Lieberman Gov.-elect McDonnell on 'Fox News Sunday'. November 8, 2009 [November 9, 2009]. [失效連結]
^ Johnson, Bridget. Lieberman wants probe into 'terrorist attack' by major on Fort Hood. The Hill. November 9, 2009 [November 9, 2009].
^ 131.0131.1 Fort Hood Mass Shooter Major Hasan was not a 'sleeper' says Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-10-04.
^ 132.0132.1 Terrorism or Tragic Shooting? Analysts Divided on Fort Hood Massacre. Fox News. November 7, 2009 [November 8, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-09).The authorities have not ruled out terrorism in the shooting, but they said the preliminary evidence suggests that it wasn't.
^ Yochi J. Dreazen. Army Plans Fort Hood Probe. The Wall Street Journal. November 17, 2009.
^ 134.0134.1 Levin Brian, Director, Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, California State University. The Ft. Hood Massacre: A Lone-Wolf Jihad of One?. Huffington Post (USA). November 8, 2009 [November 10, 2009].
^ Fernandez, Manny. Fort Hood Suspect Says Rampage Was to Defend Afghan Taliban Leaders. New York Times. June 4, 2013.
^ 136.0136.1 Hasan sends writings to Fox News ahead of Fort Hood shooting trial.
^ 137.0137.1 "Fort Hood shooting victims seek added benefits"[失效連結], MyFoxPhilly
^ Baker, Mike. Why Is Everyone Still Missing the Real Story of the Fort Hood Massacre?. Fox News. November 5, 2010. "Esquire: the real story at Ft. Hood was never terrorism"
^ Angela K. Brown. Victims want Hood shooting deemed terror attack. Army Times. Associated Press. October 19, 2012 [October 21, 2012].
^ George, Robert A. Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting. NBC Chicago. November 6, 2009 [November 10, 2009].
^ Ayres, Chris. Barack Obama 'insensitive' over his handling of Fort Hood shooting. The Times (London). November 9, 2009 [November 10, 2009].
^ Charles Hurt, "Commander sets the right tone for once," New York Post, November 11, 2009, found at New York Post website. Retrieved November 11, 2009.
^ Ambinder, Marc. The Best Speech Obama's Given Since...Maybe Ever. The Atlantic. November 10, 2009 [July 8, 2010].
^ 144.0144.1 Gay, Mara. At Fort Hood, Obama Wins Praise as Eulogizer-in-Chiefr. Atlantic Wire. November 11, 2009 [July 8, 2010].
^ McCarthy, Andrew C. Still Willfully Blind. National Review. November 10, 2009 [October 31, 2011].
^ 146.0146.1 McFadden, Robert D. Army Doctor Held in Ft. Hood Rampage. The New York Times. November 5, 2009 [November 8, 2009].
^ Military calls Fort Hood shooting ‘isolated’ case. MSNBC. November 5, 2009 [November 5, 2009].
^ 148.0148.1 Leinwand, Donna; Melanie Eversley. Army: 12 dead in attacks at Fort Hood, Texas. USA Today. November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009]. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^ Biden reacts to Hood attack. politico.com. November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Sen. Cornyn: Don't jump to conclusions over Fort Hood shootings. Fort Hood, Texas: CNN. November 5, 2009 [November 5, 2009].
^ Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash. Fox News. Associated Press. November 8, 2009 [November 10, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-09).
^ Zakaria, Tabassum. General Casey: diversity shouldn’t be casualty of Fort Hood. Reuters. November 8, 2009 [November 10, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-12).
^ Phil Stewart; Philip Barbara. Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, U.S. says. Reuters. January 15, 2010 [March 2, 2013].
Justin Fishel; Catherine Herridge. Obama Official Calls Fort Hood Massacre 'Act of Terrorism'. Fox News. January 15, 2010 [March 2, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-09).
Elisabeth Bumiller; Scott Shane. Pentagon Report on Fort Hood Details Failures. New York Times. January 15, 2010 [March 2, 2013].A senior administration official, briefing reporters in a telephone conference call after the release of the report, described the shooting rampage as “an act of terrorism,” although the official provided no details and stopped short of saying that Major Hasan had been directed or inspired to act by any overseas militant groups.
^ Hill, Clerence. Legion responds to Fort Hood tragedy. The American Legion. [July 29, 2012].
^ Tradewell Sr., Tomas J. VFW GRIEVES OVER FORT HOOD TRAGEDY. Veterans of Foreign Wars. [July 29, 2012].
^ Twelve dead, 31 wounded in Fort Hood shootings. Stars and Stripes. November 5, 2009 [November 5, 2009].
^ Jacob Sullum. The Folly of Unilateral Disarmament. reason.com. November 11, 2009.
^ Hasan's Actions "Despicable," Family Says. CBS News. Associated Press. November 6, 2009 [7 January 2013].
^ Scott Huddleston; Sig Christenson. Military falls silent for victims for Fort Hood shootings. Houston Chronicle. November 5, 2009 [January 7, 2013].
^ Eileen Sullivan. Family calls suspects actions deplorable. The Omaha World Herald. Associated Press. November 6, 2009 [January 7, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-16).
^ 存档副本. [2009-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-09).
^ Muslim group condemns Hood shootings. Military Times (Washington, D.C.). November 5, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ Fort Hood shooting: Muslim groups fear backlash. The Daily Telegraph (London). November 6, 2009 [November 6, 2009].
^ the alternate spelling 'Awdah' is used in the source text
^ Rawnsley, Adam;Laden’s Spiritual Mentor Condemns Ft. Hood Attacks, Wired, November 16, 2009. Retrieved November 16, 2009.
^ Michael Isikoff. Imam anwar al awlaki calls hasan hero. Newsweek. November 9, 2009. (原始内容存档于2012-12-02).
^ "Partial Transcript of Radical Cleric's Tape" 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-10-09., Fox News, March 18, 2010. Retrieved March 21, 2010
^ "U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric", April 6, 2010. Retrieved April 6, 2010.
^ "US official confirms al-Qaida's al-Awlaki killed in Yemen". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved on October 1, 2011.
^ Melissa Block. Expert Discusses Ties Between Hasan, Radical Imam. NPR. November 10, 2009 [January 15, 2013].U.S. intelligence officials had intercepted emails between Hasan and a militant Muslim cleric called Anwar al-Awlaki.
^ 171.0171.1 Investigation Continues Into Fort Hood Shooting. FBI. November 11, 2009 [November 12, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-11-17).
^ Roupenian, Elisa. Retired Colonel to Defend Accused Fort Hood Shooter. November 9, 2009 [November 9, 2009].
^ Fort Hood suspect refuses to talk. Independent Online. South Africa. [November 12, 2009].
^ Valentino Lucio. Hearing date for Hasan delayed. San Antonio Express. February 13, 2010 [February 13, 2010].Col. James Pohl, the investigative officer assigned to the case, granted a request from the defense to delay the start of the hearing, which was originally set for March 1. Pohl served on a Guantanamo military commission and oversaw the case of U.S. troops charged in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
^ Investigators say Fort Hood suspect acted alone. Associated Press. November 9, 2009. "a separate investigation revealed Hasan's communications with another individual they declined to identify. Separately, another U.S. official said the person Hasan was communicating with was Anwar al-Awlaki"
^ "Hasan's Computer Reveals No Terror Ties," KNX 1070, November 9, 2009
^ 177.0177.1 Yochi j. dreazen. Shooter Likely Acted Alone. The Wall Street Journal. November 9, 2009.
^ Hearing Set for Fort Hood Suspect 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆, Fox News Channel, November 23, 2009. Retrieved November 24, 2009.
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^ Manny Ramirez. Fort Hood Shooting Suspect’s Beard Must Be Shaved, Military Judge Rules. San Francs. September 6, 2012 [September 17, 2012].
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^ Chris Cheng. Killeen residents angry with delays in Hasan trial. KXXV. September 21, 2012 [October 2, 2012].
^ Army appeals court rules Fort Hood shooting suspect can be forcibly shaved before trial. The Washington Post. Associated Press. October 18, 2012 [October 23, 2012].
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^ William H Webster. July 19, 2012 Report Transmission Letter 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
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^ Ned Berkowitz. Fort Hood Hero Says President Obama 'Betrayed' Her, Other Victims. ABC News. February 12, 2013 [February 13, 2013].
^ Debra J. Saunders. Fort Hood heroes are victims twice over. San Francisco Chronicle. February 12, 2013 [February 12, 2013].
^ Fort Hood heroine says victims 'betrayed' by Obama. ABC News. February 12, 2013 [February 12, 2013].
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