蝴蝶效应 目录 由來 含義 图示 数学定义 參見 参考文献 延伸閱讀 外部連結 导航菜单洛伦茨吸引子的Java动画展示了振子状态连续不断的演变Deterministic Nonperiodic FlowBibcode:1963JAtS...20..130LISSN 1520-0469doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1963)020<0130:DNF>2.0.CO;2Google Scholar citation recordThe Predictability of Hydrodynamic FlowBibcode:2004AmJPh..72..425Hdoi:10.1119/1.1636492The meaning of the butterfly: Why pop culture loves the 'butterfly effect,' and gets it totally wrongNew England Complex Systems Institute - Concepts: Butterfly EffectThe Chaos HypertextbookChaosBook.orgButterfly Effect

Anosov diffeomorphismAnosov diffeomorphism分岔理論蝴蝶效应Chaos theory in organizational developmentChaos theory in organizational development复杂Control of chaosControl of chaos動態系统混沌的边缘分形PredictabilityPredictabilityQuantum chaosQuantum chaos聖菲研究所Synchronization of chaosSynchronization of chaosUnintended consequencesUnintended consequencesBouncing ball dynamicsBouncing ball dynamics蔡氏電路经济泡沫Tilt-A-WhirlTilt-A-Whirl时序保护猜想封閉類時曲線诺维科夫自洽性原则自证预言時間旅行的量子力學Quantum mechanics of time travel祖父悖論命定悖論蝴蝶效应決定論永恆主義Eternalism (philosophy of time)宿命论自由意志预定论Predestination莫伯利–茹爾丹事件Moberly–Jourdain incident費城實驗蒙淘克計劃時間遙視Chronovisor比利·麥爾魯道夫·芬茨约翰·提托Abilene paradoxAbilene paradox不良反应 (医学)蝴蝶效应Campbell's lawCampbell's law眼镜蛇效应CounterintuitiveCounterintuitiveCSI效应外部性失效模式与影响分析霍桑效应Hutber's lawHutber's lawInverse consequencesInverse consequencesJevons悖論摩菲定理反安慰劑Osborne effectOsborne effect破窗谬论Parable of the broken windowPerverse incentivePerverse incentiveRisk compensationRisk compensationSelf-defeating prophecySelf-defeating prophecySelf-refuting ideaSelf-refuting idea意外发现Social trapSocial trap史翠珊效应公地悲劇Tyranny of small decisionsTyranny of small decisions




蝴蝶效應 (Butterfly effect) 是指在一個動態系統中,初始條件的微小變化,將能帶動整個系統長期且巨大的連鎖反應,是一種混沌的現象。“蝴蝶效應”在混沌學中也常出現。


  • 1 由來

  • 2 含義

  • 3 图示

  • 4 数学定义

  • 5 參見

  • 6 参考文献

  • 7 延伸閱讀

  • 8 外部連結



1963年,羅倫茲發表論文「決定性的非周期流」(Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow),分析了這個效應。這篇論文後來被廣泛引用。[1][2]他也在另一篇期刊文章寫道,「一個氣象學家提及,如果這個理論被證明正確,一隻海鷗扇動翅膀足以永遠改變天氣變化。」[3]在以後的演講和論文中他用了更加有詩意的蝴蝶。對於這個效應最常見的闡述是「一隻蝴蝶在巴西輕拍翅膀,可以導致一個月後德克薩斯州的一場龍捲風。」




时间0 ≤ t ≤ 30(放大)



这三幅图展示出洛伦茨吸引子中的两条轨迹(蓝色、黄色各一)的三维演变的三个时段, 这两条轨迹的初始点只在x坐标上相差10-5。正如蓝色和黄色轨迹的z坐标间的微小差所表明的,开始时,两条轨迹似乎是重合的,但是当t > 23时,两者的坐标差就像轨迹的取值差异一样大,小锥形体的最终位置表明两条轨迹在t =30时不再重合。



t 增加时,任意接近的点分离,则具有向量场(演变映射)ftdisplaystyle f^t的動態系统表现出初始条件的敏感依赖性。若M是映射ftdisplaystyle f^t的状态空间,那么当满足以下条件时,ftdisplaystyle f^t会表现出初始条件的敏感依赖性:

  • 存在δ>0,使得每一个点都满足x∈M;

  • 任意包含x的邻域N,都存在来自这一邻域N的一点y

  • 存在时间τ,使得距离 d(fτ(x),fτ(y))>δ.displaystyle d(f^tau (x),f^tau (y))>delta ,.



  • 非線性物理學

  • 數值穩定性

  • 敏感度分析

  • 多米諾骨牌效應


  1. ^ Lorenz, Edward N. Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. March 1963, 20 (2): 130–141 [3 June 2010]. Bibcode:1963JAtS...20..130L. ISSN 1520-0469. doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1963)020<0130:DNF>2.0.CO;2. 

  2. ^ Google Scholar citation record

  3. ^ Lorenz, Edward N. The Predictability of Hydrodynamic Flow (PDF). Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1963, 25 (4): 409–432 [1 September 2014]. 


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  • James Gleick, Chaos: Making a New Science, New York: Viking, 1987. 368 pp.

  • Devaney, Robert L. Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Westview Press. 2003. ISBN 0670811785. 

  • Hilborn, Robert C. Sea gulls, butterflies, and grasshoppers: A brief history of the butterfly effect in nonlinear dynamics. American Journal of Physics. 2004, 72 (4): 425–427. Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72..425H. doi:10.1119/1.1636492. 


  • The meaning of the butterfly: Why pop culture loves the 'butterfly effect,' and gets it totally wrong, Peter Dizikes, Boston Globe, June 8, 2008

  • New England Complex Systems Institute - Concepts: Butterfly Effect

  • The Chaos Hypertextbook. An introductory primer on chaos and fractals

  • ChaosBook.org. Advanced graduate textbook on chaos (no fractals)

  • 埃里克·韦斯坦因. Butterfly Effect. MathWorld. 

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