Testing system, reading from Notepad files for VBA Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Removing from a collection in Excel VBAAutomagic testing framework for VBAVBA Excel Game - TestingReading contents of a thousand CSV filesVBA code for testing efficencyFunctional FrameworkBasic Password System in Excel VBAA Moses's worthy string splitterGeneral function to test for empty/no-value controlsVBA code that pulls information from 1000+ files in directory performance

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Testing system, reading from Notepad files for VBA

Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Removing from a collection in Excel VBAAutomagic testing framework for VBAVBA Excel Game - TestingReading contents of a thousand CSV filesVBA code for testing efficencyFunctional FrameworkBasic Password System in Excel VBAA Moses's worthy string splitterGeneral function to test for empty/no-value controlsVBA code that pulls information from 1000+ files in directory performance

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;



My idea is to make some testing system for functions, as per the model of CodeForces or TopCoder, but in VBA. There, the users write functions for a problem and the problems are tested vs. predefined tests.

In my case, it will be exactly the same, but the tests would be written on Notepad files.

Long story short, you have to write the function and then the function would be feeded with input parameters from one textfile and the result would be compared with the result from another test file.

The idea of the functions, is that they would be written by a "competitor", as in the aforementioned sites. The functions would be the answer of a predefined problem.

So, let's say that we have defined a problem, which is solvable through this:

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

Thus, we need to write 2 notepad files in advance, which consist of the input parameters for a, b and c and the results. These are the notepad files:

2 2 2
2 2
2 2 3
4 54 1
2 2
54 23 6
45 45 10

File with results:


To make it more presentable, the file with the results, has some runtime errors and wrong calculation errors. Thus this is the result in the immediate window:

Test 1............................................ ok!
Runtime error on 2!
Test 3............................................ ok!
Error on test 4! Expected -> 57 Received -> 58
Runtime error on 5!
Error on test 6! Expected -> 83 Received -> 121
Test 7............................................ ok!

Another possible predefined problem may sound like - "Give me the next character of a string.". Thus "a b c d" would result to "b c d e" and "a z" would be "b a".

And this is the whole competitive testing system:

Option Explicit

Public Sub Main()

Dim totalTests As Long
Dim pathInputTests As String
Dim pathOutputTests As String

Dim inputTests As Variant
Dim outputTests As Variant

Dim cntTests As Long
Dim cnt As Long

pathInputTests = "C:DesktopTest001.txt"
pathOutputTests = "C:DesktopResult001.txt"

inputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathInputTests), vbCrLf)
outputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathOutputTests), vbCrLf)

For cnt = LBound(inputTests) To UBound(inputTests)

Dim expectedValue As Variant
Dim receivedValue As Variant

On Error Resume Next

expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt))
receivedValue = outputTests(cnt)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print runtimeError(cnt)
If expectedValue = receivedValue Then
Debug.Print positiveResult(cnt)
Debug.Print negativeResult(cnt, expectedValue, receivedValue)
End If
End If

Next cnt

End Sub

Public Function runtimeError(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
runtimeError = "Runtime error on " & cnt & "!"
End Function

Public Function positiveResult(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
positiveResult = "Test " & cnt & "..................................... ok!"
End Function

Public Function negativeResult(ByVal cnt As Long, expected As Variant, _
received As Variant) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
negativeResult = "Error on test " & cnt & "!" & _
" Expected -> " & vbTab & expected & vbTab & _
" Received -> " & vbTab & received

End Function

' Method : MainTest
' Purpose: This is where the competitors paste their solution.

Public Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String

Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double

a = Split(consoleInput)(0)
b = Split(consoleInput)(1)
c = Split(consoleInput)(2)

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

End Function

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String

Dim fileNo As Long
fileNo = FreeFile

Open path For Input As #fileNo

Do While Not EOF(fileNo)
Dim textRowInput As String
Line Input #fileNo, textRowInput
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & textRowInput
If Not EOF(fileNo) Then
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & vbCrLf
End If

Close #fileNo

End Function

The code with the 4 test files is in GitHub here - https://github.com/Vitosh/VBA_personal/tree/master/AlgorithmsWithVBA - feel free to make push requests if you feel like it! :)

share|improve this question


bumped to the homepage by Community 14 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • $begingroup$
    Please see What to do when someone answers. I have rolled back Rev 4 → 3.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:42

  • $begingroup$
    @200_success - why did you rolled back? The edit was improving the understanding of the question or I have missed something?
    – Vityata
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:44

  • $begingroup$
    We don't allow the code to be modified once an answer has been posted.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 22:10



My idea is to make some testing system for functions, as per the model of CodeForces or TopCoder, but in VBA. There, the users write functions for a problem and the problems are tested vs. predefined tests.

In my case, it will be exactly the same, but the tests would be written on Notepad files.

Long story short, you have to write the function and then the function would be feeded with input parameters from one textfile and the result would be compared with the result from another test file.

The idea of the functions, is that they would be written by a "competitor", as in the aforementioned sites. The functions would be the answer of a predefined problem.

So, let's say that we have defined a problem, which is solvable through this:

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

Thus, we need to write 2 notepad files in advance, which consist of the input parameters for a, b and c and the results. These are the notepad files:

2 2 2
2 2
2 2 3
4 54 1
2 2
54 23 6
45 45 10

File with results:


To make it more presentable, the file with the results, has some runtime errors and wrong calculation errors. Thus this is the result in the immediate window:

Test 1............................................ ok!
Runtime error on 2!
Test 3............................................ ok!
Error on test 4! Expected -> 57 Received -> 58
Runtime error on 5!
Error on test 6! Expected -> 83 Received -> 121
Test 7............................................ ok!

Another possible predefined problem may sound like - "Give me the next character of a string.". Thus "a b c d" would result to "b c d e" and "a z" would be "b a".

And this is the whole competitive testing system:

Option Explicit

Public Sub Main()

Dim totalTests As Long
Dim pathInputTests As String
Dim pathOutputTests As String

Dim inputTests As Variant
Dim outputTests As Variant

Dim cntTests As Long
Dim cnt As Long

pathInputTests = "C:DesktopTest001.txt"
pathOutputTests = "C:DesktopResult001.txt"

inputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathInputTests), vbCrLf)
outputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathOutputTests), vbCrLf)

For cnt = LBound(inputTests) To UBound(inputTests)

Dim expectedValue As Variant
Dim receivedValue As Variant

On Error Resume Next

expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt))
receivedValue = outputTests(cnt)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print runtimeError(cnt)
If expectedValue = receivedValue Then
Debug.Print positiveResult(cnt)
Debug.Print negativeResult(cnt, expectedValue, receivedValue)
End If
End If

Next cnt

End Sub

Public Function runtimeError(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
runtimeError = "Runtime error on " & cnt & "!"
End Function

Public Function positiveResult(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
positiveResult = "Test " & cnt & "..................................... ok!"
End Function

Public Function negativeResult(ByVal cnt As Long, expected As Variant, _
received As Variant) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
negativeResult = "Error on test " & cnt & "!" & _
" Expected -> " & vbTab & expected & vbTab & _
" Received -> " & vbTab & received

End Function

' Method : MainTest
' Purpose: This is where the competitors paste their solution.

Public Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String

Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double

a = Split(consoleInput)(0)
b = Split(consoleInput)(1)
c = Split(consoleInput)(2)

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

End Function

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String

Dim fileNo As Long
fileNo = FreeFile

Open path For Input As #fileNo

Do While Not EOF(fileNo)
Dim textRowInput As String
Line Input #fileNo, textRowInput
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & textRowInput
If Not EOF(fileNo) Then
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & vbCrLf
End If

Close #fileNo

End Function

The code with the 4 test files is in GitHub here - https://github.com/Vitosh/VBA_personal/tree/master/AlgorithmsWithVBA - feel free to make push requests if you feel like it! :)

share|improve this question


bumped to the homepage by Community 14 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • $begingroup$
    Please see What to do when someone answers. I have rolled back Rev 4 → 3.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:42

  • $begingroup$
    @200_success - why did you rolled back? The edit was improving the understanding of the question or I have missed something?
    – Vityata
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:44

  • $begingroup$
    We don't allow the code to be modified once an answer has been posted.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 22:10





My idea is to make some testing system for functions, as per the model of CodeForces or TopCoder, but in VBA. There, the users write functions for a problem and the problems are tested vs. predefined tests.

In my case, it will be exactly the same, but the tests would be written on Notepad files.

Long story short, you have to write the function and then the function would be feeded with input parameters from one textfile and the result would be compared with the result from another test file.

The idea of the functions, is that they would be written by a "competitor", as in the aforementioned sites. The functions would be the answer of a predefined problem.

So, let's say that we have defined a problem, which is solvable through this:

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

Thus, we need to write 2 notepad files in advance, which consist of the input parameters for a, b and c and the results. These are the notepad files:

2 2 2
2 2
2 2 3
4 54 1
2 2
54 23 6
45 45 10

File with results:


To make it more presentable, the file with the results, has some runtime errors and wrong calculation errors. Thus this is the result in the immediate window:

Test 1............................................ ok!
Runtime error on 2!
Test 3............................................ ok!
Error on test 4! Expected -> 57 Received -> 58
Runtime error on 5!
Error on test 6! Expected -> 83 Received -> 121
Test 7............................................ ok!

Another possible predefined problem may sound like - "Give me the next character of a string.". Thus "a b c d" would result to "b c d e" and "a z" would be "b a".

And this is the whole competitive testing system:

Option Explicit

Public Sub Main()

Dim totalTests As Long
Dim pathInputTests As String
Dim pathOutputTests As String

Dim inputTests As Variant
Dim outputTests As Variant

Dim cntTests As Long
Dim cnt As Long

pathInputTests = "C:DesktopTest001.txt"
pathOutputTests = "C:DesktopResult001.txt"

inputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathInputTests), vbCrLf)
outputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathOutputTests), vbCrLf)

For cnt = LBound(inputTests) To UBound(inputTests)

Dim expectedValue As Variant
Dim receivedValue As Variant

On Error Resume Next

expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt))
receivedValue = outputTests(cnt)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print runtimeError(cnt)
If expectedValue = receivedValue Then
Debug.Print positiveResult(cnt)
Debug.Print negativeResult(cnt, expectedValue, receivedValue)
End If
End If

Next cnt

End Sub

Public Function runtimeError(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
runtimeError = "Runtime error on " & cnt & "!"
End Function

Public Function positiveResult(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
positiveResult = "Test " & cnt & "..................................... ok!"
End Function

Public Function negativeResult(ByVal cnt As Long, expected As Variant, _
received As Variant) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
negativeResult = "Error on test " & cnt & "!" & _
" Expected -> " & vbTab & expected & vbTab & _
" Received -> " & vbTab & received

End Function

' Method : MainTest
' Purpose: This is where the competitors paste their solution.

Public Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String

Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double

a = Split(consoleInput)(0)
b = Split(consoleInput)(1)
c = Split(consoleInput)(2)

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

End Function

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String

Dim fileNo As Long
fileNo = FreeFile

Open path For Input As #fileNo

Do While Not EOF(fileNo)
Dim textRowInput As String
Line Input #fileNo, textRowInput
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & textRowInput
If Not EOF(fileNo) Then
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & vbCrLf
End If

Close #fileNo

End Function

The code with the 4 test files is in GitHub here - https://github.com/Vitosh/VBA_personal/tree/master/AlgorithmsWithVBA - feel free to make push requests if you feel like it! :)

share|improve this question


My idea is to make some testing system for functions, as per the model of CodeForces or TopCoder, but in VBA. There, the users write functions for a problem and the problems are tested vs. predefined tests.

In my case, it will be exactly the same, but the tests would be written on Notepad files.

Long story short, you have to write the function and then the function would be feeded with input parameters from one textfile and the result would be compared with the result from another test file.

The idea of the functions, is that they would be written by a "competitor", as in the aforementioned sites. The functions would be the answer of a predefined problem.

So, let's say that we have defined a problem, which is solvable through this:

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

Thus, we need to write 2 notepad files in advance, which consist of the input parameters for a, b and c and the results. These are the notepad files:

2 2 2
2 2
2 2 3
4 54 1
2 2
54 23 6
45 45 10

File with results:


To make it more presentable, the file with the results, has some runtime errors and wrong calculation errors. Thus this is the result in the immediate window:

Test 1............................................ ok!
Runtime error on 2!
Test 3............................................ ok!
Error on test 4! Expected -> 57 Received -> 58
Runtime error on 5!
Error on test 6! Expected -> 83 Received -> 121
Test 7............................................ ok!

Another possible predefined problem may sound like - "Give me the next character of a string.". Thus "a b c d" would result to "b c d e" and "a z" would be "b a".

And this is the whole competitive testing system:

Option Explicit

Public Sub Main()

Dim totalTests As Long
Dim pathInputTests As String
Dim pathOutputTests As String

Dim inputTests As Variant
Dim outputTests As Variant

Dim cntTests As Long
Dim cnt As Long

pathInputTests = "C:DesktopTest001.txt"
pathOutputTests = "C:DesktopResult001.txt"

inputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathInputTests), vbCrLf)
outputTests = Split(ReadFileLineByLineToString(pathOutputTests), vbCrLf)

For cnt = LBound(inputTests) To UBound(inputTests)

Dim expectedValue As Variant
Dim receivedValue As Variant

On Error Resume Next

expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt))
receivedValue = outputTests(cnt)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print runtimeError(cnt)
If expectedValue = receivedValue Then
Debug.Print positiveResult(cnt)
Debug.Print negativeResult(cnt, expectedValue, receivedValue)
End If
End If

Next cnt

End Sub

Public Function runtimeError(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
runtimeError = "Runtime error on " & cnt & "!"
End Function

Public Function positiveResult(ByVal cnt As Long) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
positiveResult = "Test " & cnt & "..................................... ok!"
End Function

Public Function negativeResult(ByVal cnt As Long, expected As Variant, _
received As Variant) As String
cnt = cnt + 1
negativeResult = "Error on test " & cnt & "!" & _
" Expected -> " & vbTab & expected & vbTab & _
" Received -> " & vbTab & received

End Function

' Method : MainTest
' Purpose: This is where the competitors paste their solution.

Public Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String

Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double

a = Split(consoleInput)(0)
b = Split(consoleInput)(1)
c = Split(consoleInput)(2)

If c Mod 2 = 0 Then
MainTest = a + b + c
MainTest = a + b - c
End If

End Function

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String

Dim fileNo As Long
fileNo = FreeFile

Open path For Input As #fileNo

Do While Not EOF(fileNo)
Dim textRowInput As String
Line Input #fileNo, textRowInput
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & textRowInput
If Not EOF(fileNo) Then
ReadFileLineByLineToString = ReadFileLineByLineToString & vbCrLf
End If

Close #fileNo

End Function

The code with the 4 test files is in GitHub here - https://github.com/Vitosh/VBA_personal/tree/master/AlgorithmsWithVBA - feel free to make push requests if you feel like it! :)

algorithm vba excel

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share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

edited Feb 5 '18 at 21:41




asked Feb 2 '18 at 16:00




bumped to the homepage by Community 14 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 14 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • $begingroup$
    Please see What to do when someone answers. I have rolled back Rev 4 → 3.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:42

  • $begingroup$
    @200_success - why did you rolled back? The edit was improving the understanding of the question or I have missed something?
    – Vityata
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:44

  • $begingroup$
    We don't allow the code to be modified once an answer has been posted.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 22:10

  • $begingroup$
    Please see What to do when someone answers. I have rolled back Rev 4 → 3.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:42

  • $begingroup$
    @200_success - why did you rolled back? The edit was improving the understanding of the question or I have missed something?
    – Vityata
    Feb 5 '18 at 21:44

  • $begingroup$
    We don't allow the code to be modified once an answer has been posted.
    – 200_success
    Feb 5 '18 at 22:10

Please see What to do when someone answers. I have rolled back Rev 4 → 3.
– 200_success
Feb 5 '18 at 21:42

Please see What to do when someone answers. I have rolled back Rev 4 → 3.
– 200_success
Feb 5 '18 at 21:42

@200_success - why did you rolled back? The edit was improving the understanding of the question or I have missed something?
– Vityata
Feb 5 '18 at 21:44

@200_success - why did you rolled back? The edit was improving the understanding of the question or I have missed something?
– Vityata
Feb 5 '18 at 21:44

We don't allow the code to be modified once an answer has been posted.
– 200_success
Feb 5 '18 at 22:10

We don't allow the code to be modified once an answer has been posted.
– 200_success
Feb 5 '18 at 22:10

1 Answer






You have split your input code across multiple functions - whereas you should encapsulate your input function to provide a single valid output. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the MainTest Function

  • The input is a single string

  • The MainTest function then has to parse that string

  • There is no error checking to see if the string or the parsing is

Inputs and Outputs of MainTest should be consistent with what it does.
Your examples are Integer/Long but your code uses Double. Happy this is just brevity for code example sake.

  • Your input is string but it does number operations

  • Your output is string, but the answers inside are numbers

  • All conversions are implicit (see note earlier about no error

A neat MainTest would be like (sticking with Double instead of Long)

Public Function MainTest(ByVal a As Double, b as Double, c as Double) As Double

Similarly, you can modify ReadFileLineByLineToString to return the array. You can then just add to the array as you read each line!

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String()

Of course (arrays)

Dim inputTests() As Variant
Dim outputTests() As Variant

Just before you call expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt)), Split InputTests(cnt) (e.g. Inputs = split(InputTests(cnt), " ") where Inputs is String() and InputNums = validated Double() from Inputs) and check that you have the right number of elements and that they are numbers (basic error checking). You would then call MainTest as

expectedValue = MainTest(InputNums(0), InputNums(1), InputNums(2))

There are many other places in your code where this sort of thinking can be applied. Consider using Option Strict and well as Option Explicit.

share|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
    – Vityata
    Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

  • $begingroup$
    @ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

  • $begingroup$
    That makes sense.
    – user109261
    Feb 4 '18 at 6:33

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1 Answer




1 Answer












You have split your input code across multiple functions - whereas you should encapsulate your input function to provide a single valid output. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the MainTest Function

  • The input is a single string

  • The MainTest function then has to parse that string

  • There is no error checking to see if the string or the parsing is

Inputs and Outputs of MainTest should be consistent with what it does.
Your examples are Integer/Long but your code uses Double. Happy this is just brevity for code example sake.

  • Your input is string but it does number operations

  • Your output is string, but the answers inside are numbers

  • All conversions are implicit (see note earlier about no error

A neat MainTest would be like (sticking with Double instead of Long)

Public Function MainTest(ByVal a As Double, b as Double, c as Double) As Double

Similarly, you can modify ReadFileLineByLineToString to return the array. You can then just add to the array as you read each line!

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String()

Of course (arrays)

Dim inputTests() As Variant
Dim outputTests() As Variant

Just before you call expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt)), Split InputTests(cnt) (e.g. Inputs = split(InputTests(cnt), " ") where Inputs is String() and InputNums = validated Double() from Inputs) and check that you have the right number of elements and that they are numbers (basic error checking). You would then call MainTest as

expectedValue = MainTest(InputNums(0), InputNums(1), InputNums(2))

There are many other places in your code where this sort of thinking can be applied. Consider using Option Strict and well as Option Explicit.

share|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
    – Vityata
    Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

  • $begingroup$
    @ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

  • $begingroup$
    That makes sense.
    – user109261
    Feb 4 '18 at 6:33



You have split your input code across multiple functions - whereas you should encapsulate your input function to provide a single valid output. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the MainTest Function

  • The input is a single string

  • The MainTest function then has to parse that string

  • There is no error checking to see if the string or the parsing is

Inputs and Outputs of MainTest should be consistent with what it does.
Your examples are Integer/Long but your code uses Double. Happy this is just brevity for code example sake.

  • Your input is string but it does number operations

  • Your output is string, but the answers inside are numbers

  • All conversions are implicit (see note earlier about no error

A neat MainTest would be like (sticking with Double instead of Long)

Public Function MainTest(ByVal a As Double, b as Double, c as Double) As Double

Similarly, you can modify ReadFileLineByLineToString to return the array. You can then just add to the array as you read each line!

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String()

Of course (arrays)

Dim inputTests() As Variant
Dim outputTests() As Variant

Just before you call expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt)), Split InputTests(cnt) (e.g. Inputs = split(InputTests(cnt), " ") where Inputs is String() and InputNums = validated Double() from Inputs) and check that you have the right number of elements and that they are numbers (basic error checking). You would then call MainTest as

expectedValue = MainTest(InputNums(0), InputNums(1), InputNums(2))

There are many other places in your code where this sort of thinking can be applied. Consider using Option Strict and well as Option Explicit.

share|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
    – Vityata
    Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

  • $begingroup$
    @ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

  • $begingroup$
    That makes sense.
    – user109261
    Feb 4 '18 at 6:33





You have split your input code across multiple functions - whereas you should encapsulate your input function to provide a single valid output. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the MainTest Function

  • The input is a single string

  • The MainTest function then has to parse that string

  • There is no error checking to see if the string or the parsing is

Inputs and Outputs of MainTest should be consistent with what it does.
Your examples are Integer/Long but your code uses Double. Happy this is just brevity for code example sake.

  • Your input is string but it does number operations

  • Your output is string, but the answers inside are numbers

  • All conversions are implicit (see note earlier about no error

A neat MainTest would be like (sticking with Double instead of Long)

Public Function MainTest(ByVal a As Double, b as Double, c as Double) As Double

Similarly, you can modify ReadFileLineByLineToString to return the array. You can then just add to the array as you read each line!

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String()

Of course (arrays)

Dim inputTests() As Variant
Dim outputTests() As Variant

Just before you call expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt)), Split InputTests(cnt) (e.g. Inputs = split(InputTests(cnt), " ") where Inputs is String() and InputNums = validated Double() from Inputs) and check that you have the right number of elements and that they are numbers (basic error checking). You would then call MainTest as

expectedValue = MainTest(InputNums(0), InputNums(1), InputNums(2))

There are many other places in your code where this sort of thinking can be applied. Consider using Option Strict and well as Option Explicit.

share|improve this answer


You have split your input code across multiple functions - whereas you should encapsulate your input function to provide a single valid output. The easiest way to explain this is to look at the MainTest Function

  • The input is a single string

  • The MainTest function then has to parse that string

  • There is no error checking to see if the string or the parsing is

Inputs and Outputs of MainTest should be consistent with what it does.
Your examples are Integer/Long but your code uses Double. Happy this is just brevity for code example sake.

  • Your input is string but it does number operations

  • Your output is string, but the answers inside are numbers

  • All conversions are implicit (see note earlier about no error

A neat MainTest would be like (sticking with Double instead of Long)

Public Function MainTest(ByVal a As Double, b as Double, c as Double) As Double

Similarly, you can modify ReadFileLineByLineToString to return the array. You can then just add to the array as you read each line!

Public Function ReadFileLineByLineToString(path As String) As String()

Of course (arrays)

Dim inputTests() As Variant
Dim outputTests() As Variant

Just before you call expectedValue = MainTest(inputTests(cnt)), Split InputTests(cnt) (e.g. Inputs = split(InputTests(cnt), " ") where Inputs is String() and InputNums = validated Double() from Inputs) and check that you have the right number of elements and that they are numbers (basic error checking). You would then call MainTest as

expectedValue = MainTest(InputNums(0), InputNums(1), InputNums(2))

There are many other places in your code where this sort of thinking can be applied. Consider using Option Strict and well as Option Explicit.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Feb 2 '18 at 20:12




  • $begingroup$
    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
    – Vityata
    Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

  • $begingroup$
    @ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

  • $begingroup$
    That makes sense.
    – user109261
    Feb 4 '18 at 6:33

  • $begingroup$
    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
    – Vityata
    Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

  • $begingroup$
    @ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

  • $begingroup$
    @Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
    – AJD
    Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

  • $begingroup$
    That makes sense.
    – user109261
    Feb 4 '18 at 6:33

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
– Vityata
Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Probably you did not get the idea of the code. Its idea is to be a bit more robust, thus if another task is given it should be applicable. Imagine a task, which sounds as trivial as "Just give me the next letter in the alphabet". Then, when the input is "AB", you should return "BC". This is why I am using Strings here Function MainTest(ByVal consoleInput As String) As String. Furthermore, this is VBA, thus Option Strict does not exist there.
– Vityata
Feb 3 '18 at 11:37

@Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

@Vityata: But you are not doing string manipulation as a MainTest, you are doing arithmetic in this example. Either way, you have to re-write your code base significantly for different operations. My point about using ReadFileLineByLineToString properly still stands. My other points about proper error checking to catch expected errors still stands - you do not have any basic error checking to ensure that your input is correct. For these reasons, your code is not as robust as you think.
Feb 4 '18 at 4:35

@ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

@ThomasInzina: OK, point about Option Strict noted. However, including robust error checking to check inputs is not about "unit tests" - you are not testing anything if the test function itself fails (as opposed to the operation that is being tested).
Feb 4 '18 at 4:37

@Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

@Vityata: Noting that in the OP you mentioned pre-defined tests, of which MainTest is an example. You haven't clarified who writes the function, or where it is implemented.
Feb 4 '18 at 4:40

That makes sense.
– user109261
Feb 4 '18 at 6:33

That makes sense.
– user109261
Feb 4 '18 at 6:33

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