Faster Sieve of EratosthenesPrime Number Generator in SwiftSieve of Eratosthenes optimizationSieve of Eratosthenes - PythonThreshing: Sieve of EratosthenesSieve of Erathosthenes speedupSieve of Eratosthenes - segmented to increase speed and rangeSieve32Fast - A very fast, memory efficient, multi-threaded Sieve of EratosthenesSieve of Eratosthenes Primes EfficiencyUnbounded Sieve of Eratosthenes in SwiftCustom Sieve of EratosthenesSieve of Eratosthenes in Rust

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Faster Sieve of Eratosthenes

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This is an implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes :

  • It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

  • For better space complexity, it uses a pretty accurate upperbound. Better estimations of the upper bound can be found here. I've observed a very slight increase in performance with this.

func eratosthenesSieve(to n: Int) -> [Int] 

guard 2 <= n else return []

var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n + 1)
var primes: [Int] = []
let d = Double(n)
let upperBound = Int((d / log(d)) * (1.0 + 1.2762/log(d)))
let squareRootN = Int(d.squareRoot())

//2 and 3
var p = 2
let twoOrThree = min(n, 3)
while p <= twoOrThree
var q = p * p
let step = p * (p - 1)
while q <= n
composites[q] = true
q += step

p += 1

//5 and above
p += 1
while p <= squareRootN
for i in 0..<2
let nbr = p + 2 * i
if !composites[nbr]
var q = nbr * nbr
var coef = 2 * (i + 1)
while q <= n
composites[q] = true
q += coef * nbr
coef = 6 - coef

p += 6

while p <= n
for i in 0..<2
let nbr = p + 2 * i
if nbr <= n && !composites[nbr]

p += 6

return primes

It was inspired by this code by Mr Martin.

Using the same benchmarking code in that answer, adding a fourth fractional digit in the timing results, plus some formatting, here are the results :

| | Nbr | Time (sec) |
| Up to | of |------------------------------|
| | Primes | Martin's | This |
| 100_000 | 9592 | 0.0008 | 0.0004 |
| 1_000_000 | 78_498 | 0.0056 | 0.0026 |
| 10_000_000 | 664_579 | 0.1233 | 0.0426 |
| 100_000_000 | 5_761_455 | 1.0976 | 0.5089 |
| 1_000_000_000 | 50_847_534 | 12.1328 | 5.9759 |
| 10_000_000_000 | 455_052_511 | 165.5658 | 84.5477 |

Using Attabench, here is a visual representation of the performance of both codes while n is less than 2^16:

Attabench results

One thing I observe is some elements in the composites array are marked with true multiple times. This is expected (but unwanted) behavior since 6X-1 or 6X+1 aren't all primes.

What I'm looking for is making this Sieve of Eratosthenes quicker. I'm well aware of faster methods of finding primes.

Naming, code clarity, conciseness, consistency, etc, are welcome but are not the main point here.

share|improve this question




    This is an implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes :

    • It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

    • For better space complexity, it uses a pretty accurate upperbound. Better estimations of the upper bound can be found here. I've observed a very slight increase in performance with this.

    func eratosthenesSieve(to n: Int) -> [Int] 

    guard 2 <= n else return []

    var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n + 1)
    var primes: [Int] = []
    let d = Double(n)
    let upperBound = Int((d / log(d)) * (1.0 + 1.2762/log(d)))
    let squareRootN = Int(d.squareRoot())

    //2 and 3
    var p = 2
    let twoOrThree = min(n, 3)
    while p <= twoOrThree
    var q = p * p
    let step = p * (p - 1)
    while q <= n
    composites[q] = true
    q += step

    p += 1

    //5 and above
    p += 1
    while p <= squareRootN
    for i in 0..<2
    let nbr = p + 2 * i
    if !composites[nbr]
    var q = nbr * nbr
    var coef = 2 * (i + 1)
    while q <= n
    composites[q] = true
    q += coef * nbr
    coef = 6 - coef

    p += 6

    while p <= n
    for i in 0..<2
    let nbr = p + 2 * i
    if nbr <= n && !composites[nbr]

    p += 6

    return primes

    It was inspired by this code by Mr Martin.

    Using the same benchmarking code in that answer, adding a fourth fractional digit in the timing results, plus some formatting, here are the results :

    | | Nbr | Time (sec) |
    | Up to | of |------------------------------|
    | | Primes | Martin's | This |
    | 100_000 | 9592 | 0.0008 | 0.0004 |
    | 1_000_000 | 78_498 | 0.0056 | 0.0026 |
    | 10_000_000 | 664_579 | 0.1233 | 0.0426 |
    | 100_000_000 | 5_761_455 | 1.0976 | 0.5089 |
    | 1_000_000_000 | 50_847_534 | 12.1328 | 5.9759 |
    | 10_000_000_000 | 455_052_511 | 165.5658 | 84.5477 |

    Using Attabench, here is a visual representation of the performance of both codes while n is less than 2^16:

    Attabench results

    One thing I observe is some elements in the composites array are marked with true multiple times. This is expected (but unwanted) behavior since 6X-1 or 6X+1 aren't all primes.

    What I'm looking for is making this Sieve of Eratosthenes quicker. I'm well aware of faster methods of finding primes.

    Naming, code clarity, conciseness, consistency, etc, are welcome but are not the main point here.

    share|improve this question







      This is an implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes :

      • It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

      • For better space complexity, it uses a pretty accurate upperbound. Better estimations of the upper bound can be found here. I've observed a very slight increase in performance with this.

      func eratosthenesSieve(to n: Int) -> [Int] 

      guard 2 <= n else return []

      var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n + 1)
      var primes: [Int] = []
      let d = Double(n)
      let upperBound = Int((d / log(d)) * (1.0 + 1.2762/log(d)))
      let squareRootN = Int(d.squareRoot())

      //2 and 3
      var p = 2
      let twoOrThree = min(n, 3)
      while p <= twoOrThree
      var q = p * p
      let step = p * (p - 1)
      while q <= n
      composites[q] = true
      q += step

      p += 1

      //5 and above
      p += 1
      while p <= squareRootN
      for i in 0..<2
      let nbr = p + 2 * i
      if !composites[nbr]
      var q = nbr * nbr
      var coef = 2 * (i + 1)
      while q <= n
      composites[q] = true
      q += coef * nbr
      coef = 6 - coef

      p += 6

      while p <= n
      for i in 0..<2
      let nbr = p + 2 * i
      if nbr <= n && !composites[nbr]

      p += 6

      return primes

      It was inspired by this code by Mr Martin.

      Using the same benchmarking code in that answer, adding a fourth fractional digit in the timing results, plus some formatting, here are the results :

      | | Nbr | Time (sec) |
      | Up to | of |------------------------------|
      | | Primes | Martin's | This |
      | 100_000 | 9592 | 0.0008 | 0.0004 |
      | 1_000_000 | 78_498 | 0.0056 | 0.0026 |
      | 10_000_000 | 664_579 | 0.1233 | 0.0426 |
      | 100_000_000 | 5_761_455 | 1.0976 | 0.5089 |
      | 1_000_000_000 | 50_847_534 | 12.1328 | 5.9759 |
      | 10_000_000_000 | 455_052_511 | 165.5658 | 84.5477 |

      Using Attabench, here is a visual representation of the performance of both codes while n is less than 2^16:

      Attabench results

      One thing I observe is some elements in the composites array are marked with true multiple times. This is expected (but unwanted) behavior since 6X-1 or 6X+1 aren't all primes.

      What I'm looking for is making this Sieve of Eratosthenes quicker. I'm well aware of faster methods of finding primes.

      Naming, code clarity, conciseness, consistency, etc, are welcome but are not the main point here.

      share|improve this question


      This is an implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes :

      • It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

      • For better space complexity, it uses a pretty accurate upperbound. Better estimations of the upper bound can be found here. I've observed a very slight increase in performance with this.

      func eratosthenesSieve(to n: Int) -> [Int] 

      guard 2 <= n else return []

      var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n + 1)
      var primes: [Int] = []
      let d = Double(n)
      let upperBound = Int((d / log(d)) * (1.0 + 1.2762/log(d)))
      let squareRootN = Int(d.squareRoot())

      //2 and 3
      var p = 2
      let twoOrThree = min(n, 3)
      while p <= twoOrThree
      var q = p * p
      let step = p * (p - 1)
      while q <= n
      composites[q] = true
      q += step

      p += 1

      //5 and above
      p += 1
      while p <= squareRootN
      for i in 0..<2
      let nbr = p + 2 * i
      if !composites[nbr]
      var q = nbr * nbr
      var coef = 2 * (i + 1)
      while q <= n
      composites[q] = true
      q += coef * nbr
      coef = 6 - coef

      p += 6

      while p <= n
      for i in 0..<2
      let nbr = p + 2 * i
      if nbr <= n && !composites[nbr]

      p += 6

      return primes

      It was inspired by this code by Mr Martin.

      Using the same benchmarking code in that answer, adding a fourth fractional digit in the timing results, plus some formatting, here are the results :

      | | Nbr | Time (sec) |
      | Up to | of |------------------------------|
      | | Primes | Martin's | This |
      | 100_000 | 9592 | 0.0008 | 0.0004 |
      | 1_000_000 | 78_498 | 0.0056 | 0.0026 |
      | 10_000_000 | 664_579 | 0.1233 | 0.0426 |
      | 100_000_000 | 5_761_455 | 1.0976 | 0.5089 |
      | 1_000_000_000 | 50_847_534 | 12.1328 | 5.9759 |
      | 10_000_000_000 | 455_052_511 | 165.5658 | 84.5477 |

      Using Attabench, here is a visual representation of the performance of both codes while n is less than 2^16:

      Attabench results

      One thing I observe is some elements in the composites array are marked with true multiple times. This is expected (but unwanted) behavior since 6X-1 or 6X+1 aren't all primes.

      What I'm looking for is making this Sieve of Eratosthenes quicker. I'm well aware of faster methods of finding primes.

      Naming, code clarity, conciseness, consistency, etc, are welcome but are not the main point here.

      performance primes swift sieve-of-eratosthenes

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 1 min ago


      asked Jan 13 at 21:33




          1 Answer






          It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

          I don't think it does, really. It structures the code around that fact, but to take advantage of it, at a minimum you should replace

           while p <= twoOrThree 
          var q = p * p
          let step = p * (p - 1)
          while q <= n
          composites[q] = true
          q += step

          p += 1


           while p <= twoOrThree 
          p += 1

          which in my testing gives a significant speedup.

          To maximise the advantage, you could reduce composites to only store flags for $6X pm 1$. Proof of concept code (could be tidier):

           var pidx = 1
          p = 5
          while p <= squareRootN
          if !composites[pidx]

          var qidx = 3 * pidx * (pidx + 2) + 1 + (pidx & 1)
          let delta = p << 1
          let off = (4 - 2 * (pidx & 1)) * pidx + 1
          while qidx < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true
          composites[qidx] = true
          qidx += delta

          if qidx - off < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true

          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          while p <= n
          if !composites[pidx] primes.append(p)
          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          This gives a moderate speedup in my testing.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 13:06

          • $begingroup$
            @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:02

          • $begingroup$
            (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:04

          • $begingroup$
            The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 15:03

          • $begingroup$
            The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 15:27

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

          I don't think it does, really. It structures the code around that fact, but to take advantage of it, at a minimum you should replace

           while p <= twoOrThree 
          var q = p * p
          let step = p * (p - 1)
          while q <= n
          composites[q] = true
          q += step

          p += 1


           while p <= twoOrThree 
          p += 1

          which in my testing gives a significant speedup.

          To maximise the advantage, you could reduce composites to only store flags for $6X pm 1$. Proof of concept code (could be tidier):

           var pidx = 1
          p = 5
          while p <= squareRootN
          if !composites[pidx]

          var qidx = 3 * pidx * (pidx + 2) + 1 + (pidx & 1)
          let delta = p << 1
          let off = (4 - 2 * (pidx & 1)) * pidx + 1
          while qidx < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true
          composites[qidx] = true
          qidx += delta

          if qidx - off < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true

          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          while p <= n
          if !composites[pidx] primes.append(p)
          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          This gives a moderate speedup in my testing.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 13:06

          • $begingroup$
            @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:02

          • $begingroup$
            (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:04

          • $begingroup$
            The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 15:03

          • $begingroup$
            The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 15:27



          It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

          I don't think it does, really. It structures the code around that fact, but to take advantage of it, at a minimum you should replace

           while p <= twoOrThree 
          var q = p * p
          let step = p * (p - 1)
          while q <= n
          composites[q] = true
          q += step

          p += 1


           while p <= twoOrThree 
          p += 1

          which in my testing gives a significant speedup.

          To maximise the advantage, you could reduce composites to only store flags for $6X pm 1$. Proof of concept code (could be tidier):

           var pidx = 1
          p = 5
          while p <= squareRootN
          if !composites[pidx]

          var qidx = 3 * pidx * (pidx + 2) + 1 + (pidx & 1)
          let delta = p << 1
          let off = (4 - 2 * (pidx & 1)) * pidx + 1
          while qidx < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true
          composites[qidx] = true
          qidx += delta

          if qidx - off < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true

          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          while p <= n
          if !composites[pidx] primes.append(p)
          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          This gives a moderate speedup in my testing.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 13:06

          • $begingroup$
            @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:02

          • $begingroup$
            (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:04

          • $begingroup$
            The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 15:03

          • $begingroup$
            The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 15:27





          It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

          I don't think it does, really. It structures the code around that fact, but to take advantage of it, at a minimum you should replace

           while p <= twoOrThree 
          var q = p * p
          let step = p * (p - 1)
          while q <= n
          composites[q] = true
          q += step

          p += 1


           while p <= twoOrThree 
          p += 1

          which in my testing gives a significant speedup.

          To maximise the advantage, you could reduce composites to only store flags for $6X pm 1$. Proof of concept code (could be tidier):

           var pidx = 1
          p = 5
          while p <= squareRootN
          if !composites[pidx]

          var qidx = 3 * pidx * (pidx + 2) + 1 + (pidx & 1)
          let delta = p << 1
          let off = (4 - 2 * (pidx & 1)) * pidx + 1
          while qidx < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true
          composites[qidx] = true
          qidx += delta

          if qidx - off < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true

          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          while p <= n
          if !composites[pidx] primes.append(p)
          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          This gives a moderate speedup in my testing.

          share|improve this answer


          It takes advantages of the fact that all primes from 5 and above can be written as 6X-1 or 6X+1,

          I don't think it does, really. It structures the code around that fact, but to take advantage of it, at a minimum you should replace

           while p <= twoOrThree 
          var q = p * p
          let step = p * (p - 1)
          while q <= n
          composites[q] = true
          q += step

          p += 1


           while p <= twoOrThree 
          p += 1

          which in my testing gives a significant speedup.

          To maximise the advantage, you could reduce composites to only store flags for $6X pm 1$. Proof of concept code (could be tidier):

           var pidx = 1
          p = 5
          while p <= squareRootN
          if !composites[pidx]

          var qidx = 3 * pidx * (pidx + 2) + 1 + (pidx & 1)
          let delta = p << 1
          let off = (4 - 2 * (pidx & 1)) * pidx + 1
          while qidx < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true
          composites[qidx] = true
          qidx += delta

          if qidx - off < composites.count
          composites[qidx - off] = true

          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          while p <= n
          if !composites[pidx] primes.append(p)
          pidx += 1
          p += 2 + 2 * (pidx & 1)

          This gives a moderate speedup in my testing.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Jan 14 at 11:23

          Peter TaylorPeter Taylor



          • $begingroup$
            Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 13:06

          • $begingroup$
            @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:02

          • $begingroup$
            (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:04

          • $begingroup$
            The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 15:03

          • $begingroup$
            The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 15:27

          • $begingroup$
            Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 13:06

          • $begingroup$
            @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:02

          • $begingroup$
            (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 14:04

          • $begingroup$
            The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
            – ielyamani
            Jan 14 at 15:03

          • $begingroup$
            The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
            – Peter Taylor
            Jan 14 at 15:27

          Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
          – ielyamani
          Jan 14 at 13:06

          Thank you for the answer. Here are the benchmarks, and they favor the code in the question (original being Martin's, and eratosthenes2 is the code in your answer). Attabench confirms the benchmarks.
          – ielyamani
          Jan 14 at 13:06

          @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
          – Peter Taylor
          Jan 14 at 14:02

          @Carpsen90, I don't know Swift and there seem to be some subtleties around imports which both this question and the answer you reference brush under the table, but I compared a tweaked version of your code with my code on . Full tested code. I see user time: 12.470 s for your code and 7.002 s for mine. isn't ideal for benchmarking, but that's a significant improvement.
          – Peter Taylor
          Jan 14 at 14:02

          (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
          – Peter Taylor
          Jan 14 at 14:04

          (I suspect the problem is that you've benchmarked my code sieving three times as far as your code).
          – Peter Taylor
          Jan 14 at 14:04

          The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
          – ielyamani
          Jan 14 at 15:03

          The benchmarks were correct and can still be reproduced. You didn't mention in your answer this line var composites = Array(repeating: false, count: n / 3 + 1), which makes all the difference. Here are the new benchmarks which favor your code.
          – ielyamani
          Jan 14 at 15:03

          The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
          – Peter Taylor
          Jan 14 at 15:27

          The answer is intended to be a code review, not a patch.
          – Peter Taylor
          Jan 14 at 15:27

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