User creation and sign-in scriptStorytelling program: Gathers stories from certain popular story websites/formats and reads them aloudScoring and grading answers against an answer keyVB.NET code to AES encrypt and decryptImplementation of stackBills dispenser machineProject Euler #11 Largest product in a gridPython Search file for string and read into listSerializing output of a match result web scraperControlling Finances with Web DevelopmentLet's register that Django user

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User creation and sign-in script

Storytelling program: Gathers stories from certain popular story websites/formats and reads them aloudScoring and grading answers against an answer keyVB.NET code to AES encrypt and decryptImplementation of stackBills dispenser machineProject Euler #11 Largest product in a gridPython Search file for string and read into listSerializing output of a match result web scraperControlling Finances with Web DevelopmentLet's register that Django user



I made code for signing in users and storing data about them. Everything is fully encrypted and secure also, it is meant to be imported into other code. I'm looking for ways to improve it and to fix any bugs people might find.

import pickle
import base64

class user():
def __init__(self, username, password, user_data):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.user_data = user_data

def get_user():
user_saves = open("users", 'rb')
users = dict(pickle.load(user_saves))
name, password, users = sign_in(users)
name, password, users = new_user(True)

name = base64.b64decode(name.decode('utf-8'))
password = base64.b64decode(password.decode('utf-8'))
return name, password, users

def new_user(is_first = False, users=None):
print('Creating account... ')
if users != None:
loop = True
while loop:
name = input('What is your username: ')
name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
if name in users:
print('Already taken.')
loop = False
password = input('What is your password: ')
password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
name = input('What is your username: ')
name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
password = input('What is your password: ')
password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
if is_first == True:
user = name:password
user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
pickle.dump(user, user_saves)
add_user_data('', password, True)
return name, password, user
add_user_data('', password)
user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
pickle.dump(users, user_saves)
return name, password, users

def sign_in(users):
nsi = True #not signed in
while nsi == True:
username = input('What is your username: ')
username = base64.b64encode(username.encode('utf-8'))
if username in users:
password = input('What is your password: ')
password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
if password == users.get(username):
nsi = False
return username, password
print('Wrong password.')
yn = y_or_n('y or n, are you a new user: ')
if yn == True:
nsi = False
name, password = new_user(users=users)
return name, password

def y_or_n(promt):
ni = True #no input
while ni:
yn = input(promt).lower()
if yn == 'y':
return True
elif yn == 'n':
return False
print('y or n')

def add_user_data(data, password, is_first=False):
password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
data = base64.b64encode(data.encode('utf-8'))
if is_first == True:
user_data = password:data
users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)
users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)

def get_user_data(password):
password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
user_data = pickle.load('user_data')
user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data.decode('utf-8'))
return user_data

def delete_user(name, data, ):
data.pop('name', None)

name, password, users = get_user()
data = get_user_data(password)
user_stats = user(name, password, data)

share|improve this question




    I made code for signing in users and storing data about them. Everything is fully encrypted and secure also, it is meant to be imported into other code. I'm looking for ways to improve it and to fix any bugs people might find.

    import pickle
    import base64

    class user():
    def __init__(self, username, password, user_data):
    self.username = username
    self.password = password
    self.user_data = user_data

    def get_user():
    user_saves = open("users", 'rb')
    users = dict(pickle.load(user_saves))
    name, password, users = sign_in(users)
    name, password, users = new_user(True)

    name = base64.b64decode(name.decode('utf-8'))
    password = base64.b64decode(password.decode('utf-8'))
    return name, password, users

    def new_user(is_first = False, users=None):
    print('Creating account... ')
    if users != None:
    loop = True
    while loop:
    name = input('What is your username: ')
    name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
    if name in users:
    print('Already taken.')
    loop = False
    password = input('What is your password: ')
    password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
    name = input('What is your username: ')
    name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
    password = input('What is your password: ')
    password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
    if is_first == True:
    user = name:password
    user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
    pickle.dump(user, user_saves)
    add_user_data('', password, True)
    return name, password, user
    add_user_data('', password)
    user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
    pickle.dump(users, user_saves)
    return name, password, users

    def sign_in(users):
    nsi = True #not signed in
    while nsi == True:
    username = input('What is your username: ')
    username = base64.b64encode(username.encode('utf-8'))
    if username in users:
    password = input('What is your password: ')
    password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
    if password == users.get(username):
    nsi = False
    return username, password
    print('Wrong password.')
    yn = y_or_n('y or n, are you a new user: ')
    if yn == True:
    nsi = False
    name, password = new_user(users=users)
    return name, password

    def y_or_n(promt):
    ni = True #no input
    while ni:
    yn = input(promt).lower()
    if yn == 'y':
    return True
    elif yn == 'n':
    return False
    print('y or n')

    def add_user_data(data, password, is_first=False):
    password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
    data = base64.b64encode(data.encode('utf-8'))
    if is_first == True:
    user_data = password:data
    users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
    pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)
    users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
    pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)

    def get_user_data(password):
    password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
    user_data = pickle.load('user_data')
    user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data.decode('utf-8'))
    return user_data

    def delete_user(name, data, ):
    data.pop('name', None)

    name, password, users = get_user()
    data = get_user_data(password)
    user_stats = user(name, password, data)

    share|improve this question






      I made code for signing in users and storing data about them. Everything is fully encrypted and secure also, it is meant to be imported into other code. I'm looking for ways to improve it and to fix any bugs people might find.

      import pickle
      import base64

      class user():
      def __init__(self, username, password, user_data):
      self.username = username
      self.password = password
      self.user_data = user_data

      def get_user():
      user_saves = open("users", 'rb')
      users = dict(pickle.load(user_saves))
      name, password, users = sign_in(users)
      name, password, users = new_user(True)

      name = base64.b64decode(name.decode('utf-8'))
      password = base64.b64decode(password.decode('utf-8'))
      return name, password, users

      def new_user(is_first = False, users=None):
      print('Creating account... ')
      if users != None:
      loop = True
      while loop:
      name = input('What is your username: ')
      name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
      if name in users:
      print('Already taken.')
      loop = False
      password = input('What is your password: ')
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      name = input('What is your username: ')
      name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
      password = input('What is your password: ')
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      if is_first == True:
      user = name:password
      user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(user, user_saves)
      add_user_data('', password, True)
      return name, password, user
      add_user_data('', password)
      user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(users, user_saves)
      return name, password, users

      def sign_in(users):
      nsi = True #not signed in
      while nsi == True:
      username = input('What is your username: ')
      username = base64.b64encode(username.encode('utf-8'))
      if username in users:
      password = input('What is your password: ')
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      if password == users.get(username):
      nsi = False
      return username, password
      print('Wrong password.')
      yn = y_or_n('y or n, are you a new user: ')
      if yn == True:
      nsi = False
      name, password = new_user(users=users)
      return name, password

      def y_or_n(promt):
      ni = True #no input
      while ni:
      yn = input(promt).lower()
      if yn == 'y':
      return True
      elif yn == 'n':
      return False
      print('y or n')

      def add_user_data(data, password, is_first=False):
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      data = base64.b64encode(data.encode('utf-8'))
      if is_first == True:
      user_data = password:data
      users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)
      users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)

      def get_user_data(password):
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      user_data = pickle.load('user_data')
      user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data.decode('utf-8'))
      return user_data

      def delete_user(name, data, ):
      data.pop('name', None)

      name, password, users = get_user()
      data = get_user_data(password)
      user_stats = user(name, password, data)

      share|improve this question


      I made code for signing in users and storing data about them. Everything is fully encrypted and secure also, it is meant to be imported into other code. I'm looking for ways to improve it and to fix any bugs people might find.

      import pickle
      import base64

      class user():
      def __init__(self, username, password, user_data):
      self.username = username
      self.password = password
      self.user_data = user_data

      def get_user():
      user_saves = open("users", 'rb')
      users = dict(pickle.load(user_saves))
      name, password, users = sign_in(users)
      name, password, users = new_user(True)

      name = base64.b64decode(name.decode('utf-8'))
      password = base64.b64decode(password.decode('utf-8'))
      return name, password, users

      def new_user(is_first = False, users=None):
      print('Creating account... ')
      if users != None:
      loop = True
      while loop:
      name = input('What is your username: ')
      name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
      if name in users:
      print('Already taken.')
      loop = False
      password = input('What is your password: ')
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      name = input('What is your username: ')
      name = base64.b64encode(name.encode('utf-8'))
      password = input('What is your password: ')
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      if is_first == True:
      user = name:password
      user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(user, user_saves)
      add_user_data('', password, True)
      return name, password, user
      add_user_data('', password)
      user_saves = open("users", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(users, user_saves)
      return name, password, users

      def sign_in(users):
      nsi = True #not signed in
      while nsi == True:
      username = input('What is your username: ')
      username = base64.b64encode(username.encode('utf-8'))
      if username in users:
      password = input('What is your password: ')
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      if password == users.get(username):
      nsi = False
      return username, password
      print('Wrong password.')
      yn = y_or_n('y or n, are you a new user: ')
      if yn == True:
      nsi = False
      name, password = new_user(users=users)
      return name, password

      def y_or_n(promt):
      ni = True #no input
      while ni:
      yn = input(promt).lower()
      if yn == 'y':
      return True
      elif yn == 'n':
      return False
      print('y or n')

      def add_user_data(data, password, is_first=False):
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      data = base64.b64encode(data.encode('utf-8'))
      if is_first == True:
      user_data = password:data
      users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)
      users_data = open("users_data", 'wb')
      pickle.dump(user_data, users_data)

      def get_user_data(password):
      password = base64.b64encode(password.encode('utf-8'))
      user_data = pickle.load('user_data')
      user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data.decode('utf-8'))
      return user_data

      def delete_user(name, data, ):
      data.pop('name', None)

      name, password, users = get_user()
      data = get_user_data(password)
      user_stats = user(name, password, data)

      python beginner python-3.x authentication

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 3 mins ago




      asked 1 hour ago

      hacker HDhacker HD



          1 Answer







          Everything is fully encrypted and secure

          Oh, really? I hope that you aren't confusing encoding with encryption. I don't see any encryption taking place.

          This is a huge topic, so you have some reading to do - but the bar for 'secure password store' is significantly above where this program currently resides.

          Class syntax


          class user():

          should be

          class User:

          Also, you're currently using it as a struct with no methods. That should change - you should move some of your code to be methods on that class.



          loop = True
          while loop:

          should be reworked. You can use a while True, and replace the loop = False with a break at the end of that if block.

          File handles

          Rather than explicitly closing your files, you should usually use them in a with block. Also, this:


          doesn't do what you think it does; in fact it does nothing. For the function call to occur, you need to add ().

          Redundant else


           return name, password, user

          doesn't need an else, because you've returned in the previous block.

          Write a main method

 pull this code out of global scope:

          name, password, users = get_user()
          data = get_user_data(password)
          user_stats = user(name, password, data)

          share|improve this answer


            Your Answer

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            StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');


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            1 Answer




            1 Answer













            Everything is fully encrypted and secure

            Oh, really? I hope that you aren't confusing encoding with encryption. I don't see any encryption taking place.

            This is a huge topic, so you have some reading to do - but the bar for 'secure password store' is significantly above where this program currently resides.

            Class syntax


            class user():

            should be

            class User:

            Also, you're currently using it as a struct with no methods. That should change - you should move some of your code to be methods on that class.



            loop = True
            while loop:

            should be reworked. You can use a while True, and replace the loop = False with a break at the end of that if block.

            File handles

            Rather than explicitly closing your files, you should usually use them in a with block. Also, this:


            doesn't do what you think it does; in fact it does nothing. For the function call to occur, you need to add ().

            Redundant else


             return name, password, user

            doesn't need an else, because you've returned in the previous block.

            Write a main method

   pull this code out of global scope:

            name, password, users = get_user()
            data = get_user_data(password)
            user_stats = user(name, password, data)

            share|improve this answer





              Everything is fully encrypted and secure

              Oh, really? I hope that you aren't confusing encoding with encryption. I don't see any encryption taking place.

              This is a huge topic, so you have some reading to do - but the bar for 'secure password store' is significantly above where this program currently resides.

              Class syntax


              class user():

              should be

              class User:

              Also, you're currently using it as a struct with no methods. That should change - you should move some of your code to be methods on that class.



              loop = True
              while loop:

              should be reworked. You can use a while True, and replace the loop = False with a break at the end of that if block.

              File handles

              Rather than explicitly closing your files, you should usually use them in a with block. Also, this:


              doesn't do what you think it does; in fact it does nothing. For the function call to occur, you need to add ().

              Redundant else


               return name, password, user

              doesn't need an else, because you've returned in the previous block.

              Write a main method

     pull this code out of global scope:

              name, password, users = get_user()
              data = get_user_data(password)
              user_stats = user(name, password, data)

              share|improve this answer







                Everything is fully encrypted and secure

                Oh, really? I hope that you aren't confusing encoding with encryption. I don't see any encryption taking place.

                This is a huge topic, so you have some reading to do - but the bar for 'secure password store' is significantly above where this program currently resides.

                Class syntax


                class user():

                should be

                class User:

                Also, you're currently using it as a struct with no methods. That should change - you should move some of your code to be methods on that class.



                loop = True
                while loop:

                should be reworked. You can use a while True, and replace the loop = False with a break at the end of that if block.

                File handles

                Rather than explicitly closing your files, you should usually use them in a with block. Also, this:


                doesn't do what you think it does; in fact it does nothing. For the function call to occur, you need to add ().

                Redundant else


                 return name, password, user

                doesn't need an else, because you've returned in the previous block.

                Write a main method

       pull this code out of global scope:

                name, password, users = get_user()
                data = get_user_data(password)
                user_stats = user(name, password, data)

                share|improve this answer



                Everything is fully encrypted and secure

                Oh, really? I hope that you aren't confusing encoding with encryption. I don't see any encryption taking place.

                This is a huge topic, so you have some reading to do - but the bar for 'secure password store' is significantly above where this program currently resides.

                Class syntax


                class user():

                should be

                class User:

                Also, you're currently using it as a struct with no methods. That should change - you should move some of your code to be methods on that class.



                loop = True
                while loop:

                should be reworked. You can use a while True, and replace the loop = False with a break at the end of that if block.

                File handles

                Rather than explicitly closing your files, you should usually use them in a with block. Also, this:


                doesn't do what you think it does; in fact it does nothing. For the function call to occur, you need to add ().

                Redundant else


                 return name, password, user

                doesn't need an else, because you've returned in the previous block.

                Write a main method

       pull this code out of global scope:

                name, password, users = get_user()
                data = get_user_data(password)
                user_stats = user(name, password, data)

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered 22 mins ago




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