Hotel power managementAirline/Hotel reservation system in PythonListening to modifications on variablesHotel Booking SimulationSimple hotel reservation systemImplementation of stackProject hotel reservation in Python with OOP and multithreadingCheapest hotel finderFinding the cheapest hotel“Find Cheapest Hotel” interviewCourse Management with SOLID principles

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Hotel power management

Airline/Hotel reservation system in PythonListening to modifications on variablesHotel Booking SimulationSimple hotel reservation systemImplementation of stackProject hotel reservation in Python with OOP and multithreadingCheapest hotel finderFinding the cheapest hotel“Find Cheapest Hotel” interviewCourse Management with SOLID principles



A Hotel needs to reduce the overall power used by the equipments installed in its many floors. So the Hotel Management has installed sensors, like Motion Sensors, etc at appropriate places .I have to design a controller which takes inputs from these sensors and controls the various equipments.

  1. A Hotel can have multiple floors

  2. Each floor can have multiple main corridors and sub corridors

  3. Both main corridor and sub corridor have one light each

  4. Both main and sub corridor lights consume 5 units of power when ON

  5. Both main and sub corridor have independently controllable ACs

  6. Both main and sub corridor ACs consume 10 units of power when ON

  7. All the lights in all the main corridors need to be switched ON

  8. When a motion is detected in one of the sub corridors the
    corresponding lights need to be switched ON

  9. When there is no motion for more than a minute the sub corridor
    lights should be switched OFF

  10. The total power consumption of all the ACs and lights combined
    should not exceed (Number of Main corridors * 15) + (Number of sub
    corridors * 10) units of ​ per floor. Sub corridor AC could be
    switched OFF to ensure that the power consumption is not more than
    the specified maximum value

  11. When the power consumption goes below the specified maximum value
    the ACs that were switched OFF previously must be switched ON

I am writing the Controller program that takes input values for Floors, Main corridors, Sub corridors and takes
different external inputs for motion in sub corridors and for each input prints out the state of all
the lights and ACs in the hotel.

So starting with Modelling the hotel part by parts.

public abstract class Equipment 

private String id;

private boolean isON;

Equipment(String id) = id;

public boolean isON()
return isON;

public void switchON()
isON = true;

public void switchOFF()
isON = false;

public void printStatus()
String status = isON() ? "ON" : "OFF";
System.out.println("tt" + id + " " + status);

abstract public int getPowerConsumption();

public class Light extends Equipment 

public static int SPECPOWER = 5;

public Light(String id)

public int getPowerConsumption()
return isON() ? 5 : 0;

public class AirConditioner extends Equipment 

public static int SPECPOWER = 10;

public AirConditioner(String id)

public int getPowerConsumption()
return isON() ? 10 : 0;

public abstract class Corridor 

private String id;

private List<Light> lights;

private List<AirConditioner> airConditioners;

public Corridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners) = id;
this.lights = lights;
this.airConditioners = airConditioners;

public List<Light> getLights()
return lights;

public List<AirConditioner> getAirConditioners()
return airConditioners;

public int getTotalPowerConsumption()

int result = 0;

for (Light light : lights)
result += light.getPowerConsumption();

for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)
result += airConditioner.getPowerConsumption();

return result;

public void printStatus()

System.out.println("t" + id);
for (Light light : lights)

for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)

public class MainCorridor extends Corridor 

public MainCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
super(id, lights, airConditioners);

public class SubCorridor extends Corridor 

public SubCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
super(id, lights, airConditioners);

public List<AirConditioner> getONAirConditioners()

List<AirConditioner> result = new ArrayList<>();

for (AirConditioner airConditioner : getAirConditioners())

return result;

public void motionDetected()
for (Light light : getLights())

public void clearMotionEvent()
for (Light light : getLights())

public class Floor 

private String id;

private Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap;

private Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap;

private Queue<AirConditioner> switchedOFFACs = new LinkedList<>();

public Floor(String id, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap) = id;
this.mainCorridorMap = mainCorridorMap;
this.subCorridorMap = subCorridorMap;

public void motionDetected(String corridorId)

SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


int totalPower = getTotalPower();

int maxPower = getMaxPower();

if (totalPower > maxPower)

int excessPowerConsumed = totalPower - maxPower;

int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF = (int) Math.round((double) excessPowerConsumed / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);

switchOFFAC(corridorId, numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF);

public void clearMotionEvent(String corridorId)

SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


int totalPower = getTotalPower();

int maxPower = getMaxPower();

if (totalPower < maxPower)
int powerAvailableToUse = maxPower - totalPower;

int noOfAcsToTurnOn = (int) Math.floor((double) powerAvailableToUse / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);


private void switchONACs(int noOfAcsToTurnOn)

for (int i = 0; i < noOfAcsToTurnOn; i++)
AirConditioner airConditioner = switchedOFFACs.remove();

private void switchOFFAC(String corridorId, int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF)

for (String id : subCorridorMap.keySet())

if (id.equals(corridorId))

SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(id);

List<AirConditioner> onAirConditioners = subCorridor.getONAirConditioners();

for (AirConditioner onAirConditioner : onAirConditioners)

if (numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF == 0)

private int getTotalPower()

int result = 0;

for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())
result += mainCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())
result += subCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

return result;

private int getMaxPower()
return (mainCorridorMap.size() * 15) + (subCorridorMap.size() * 10);

public void printStatus()


for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())

for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())

public class Hotel 

private String name;

private Map<String,Floor> floorMap;

public Hotel(String name, Map<String, Floor> floorMap) = name;
this.floorMap = floorMap;

public void cleanFloor(Address address)
Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


public void motionDetected(Address address)

Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


public void printStatus()

System.out.println("Power status of Equipments in Hotel " + name);

for (String floorId : floorMap.keySet())

Floor floor = floorMap.get(floorId);


The interface for external input which is the motion event in corridors.

public interface Listener 
void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId);

public class MotionListener implements Listener 

private IController controller;

public MotionListener(IController controller)
this.controller = controller;

public void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId)
Address address = new Address(floorId, subCorridorId);


public class Address 

private String floorId;
private String corridorId;

public Address(String floorId, String corridorId)
this.floorId = floorId;
this.corridorId = corridorId;

public String getFloorId()
return floorId;

public String getCorridorId()
return corridorId;

public boolean equals(Object o)

public int hashCode()
int result = floorId.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + corridorId.hashCode();
return result;

And the Controller which does the buisiness logic.

public interface IController 
void actOnMotionEvent(Address address);

void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address);

void printStatus();

public class Controller implements IController 

private Hotel hotel;

private Map<Address, MotionWatcher> motionWatcherMap = new HashMap<>();

public Controller(int floorCount, int mainCorridorsCount, int subCorridorsCount)

Map<String, Floor> floorMap = createFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorsCount, subCorridorsCount);

this.hotel = new Hotel("MyHotel", floorMap);

private Map<String, Floor> createFloorMap(int floorCount, int mainCorridors, int subCorridors)

Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = getSubCorridorMap(subCorridors);

Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = getMainCorridorMap(mainCorridors);

return getFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

private Map<String, Floor> getFloorMap(int floorCount, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap)

Map<String, Floor> floorMap = new HashMap<>();

for (int i = 0; i < floorCount; i++)

String id = "Floor-" + i;

Floor floor = new Floor(id, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

floorMap.put(id, floor);

return floorMap;

private Map<String, SubCorridor> getSubCorridorMap(int subCorridorsCount)

int lightId = 0;

int acId = 0;

Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

for (int i = 0; i < subCorridorsCount; i++)

Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

String subCorridorId = "SubCorridor-" + i;

SubCorridor subCorridor = new SubCorridor(subCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

subCorridorMap.put(subCorridorId, subCorridor);

return subCorridorMap;

private Map<String, MainCorridor> getMainCorridorMap(int mainCorridorCount)

int lightId = 0;

int acId = 0;

Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

for (int i = 0; i < mainCorridorCount; i++)

Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

String mainCorridorId = "MainCorridor-" + i;

MainCorridor mainCorridor = new MainCorridor(mainCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

mainCorridorMap.put(mainCorridorId, mainCorridor);

return mainCorridorMap;

public void printStatus()

public void actOnMotionEvent(Address address)


MotionWatcher watcher = motionWatcherMap.get(address);

if (watcher == null)

watcher = new MotionWatcher(this, address);

motionWatcherMap.put(address, watcher);

new Thread(watcher).start();



public void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address)



System.out.println("After no motion is detected for some specified time ....... ");


public class MotionWatcher implements Runnable 

private IController controller;

private Address address;

private static int waitTimeinSeconds = 10;

private volatile boolean gotoSleep = true;

MotionWatcher(IController controller, Address address)
this.controller = controller;
this.address = address;

public void run()

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

while (gotoSleep)
Thread.sleep(waitTimeinSeconds * 1000);
gotoSleep = false;
catch (InterruptedException e)

System.out.println("Waited for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " millieseconds.......");

void renewWaitingPeriod()
gotoSleep = true;

For Testing if the code works as expected (in single thread env..)

public class Tester 

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException

IController controller = new Controller(1, 1, 2);

Listener listener = new MotionListener(controller);

System.out.println("INITIAL STAGE...........");

listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

System.out.println("AFTER MOTION DETECTED............");

Thread.sleep(4 * 1000);

listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

System.out.println("AFTER SECOND MOTION DETECTED................");

Well I do realize there is more than one way to solve a problem using OOP techniques, I just want to know if my OOP solution can be improved (assuming I used and follwed OOP principles). All suggestions or criticism are welcome because the I believe thats the only way to get good on this game.

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    A Hotel needs to reduce the overall power used by the equipments installed in its many floors. So the Hotel Management has installed sensors, like Motion Sensors, etc at appropriate places .I have to design a controller which takes inputs from these sensors and controls the various equipments.

    1. A Hotel can have multiple floors

    2. Each floor can have multiple main corridors and sub corridors

    3. Both main corridor and sub corridor have one light each

    4. Both main and sub corridor lights consume 5 units of power when ON

    5. Both main and sub corridor have independently controllable ACs

    6. Both main and sub corridor ACs consume 10 units of power when ON

    7. All the lights in all the main corridors need to be switched ON

    8. When a motion is detected in one of the sub corridors the
      corresponding lights need to be switched ON

    9. When there is no motion for more than a minute the sub corridor
      lights should be switched OFF

    10. The total power consumption of all the ACs and lights combined
      should not exceed (Number of Main corridors * 15) + (Number of sub
      corridors * 10) units of ​ per floor. Sub corridor AC could be
      switched OFF to ensure that the power consumption is not more than
      the specified maximum value

    11. When the power consumption goes below the specified maximum value
      the ACs that were switched OFF previously must be switched ON

    I am writing the Controller program that takes input values for Floors, Main corridors, Sub corridors and takes
    different external inputs for motion in sub corridors and for each input prints out the state of all
    the lights and ACs in the hotel.

    So starting with Modelling the hotel part by parts.

    public abstract class Equipment 

    private String id;

    private boolean isON;

    Equipment(String id) = id;

    public boolean isON()
    return isON;

    public void switchON()
    isON = true;

    public void switchOFF()
    isON = false;

    public void printStatus()
    String status = isON() ? "ON" : "OFF";
    System.out.println("tt" + id + " " + status);

    abstract public int getPowerConsumption();

    public class Light extends Equipment 

    public static int SPECPOWER = 5;

    public Light(String id)

    public int getPowerConsumption()
    return isON() ? 5 : 0;

    public class AirConditioner extends Equipment 

    public static int SPECPOWER = 10;

    public AirConditioner(String id)

    public int getPowerConsumption()
    return isON() ? 10 : 0;

    public abstract class Corridor 

    private String id;

    private List<Light> lights;

    private List<AirConditioner> airConditioners;

    public Corridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners) = id;
    this.lights = lights;
    this.airConditioners = airConditioners;

    public List<Light> getLights()
    return lights;

    public List<AirConditioner> getAirConditioners()
    return airConditioners;

    public int getTotalPowerConsumption()

    int result = 0;

    for (Light light : lights)
    result += light.getPowerConsumption();

    for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)
    result += airConditioner.getPowerConsumption();

    return result;

    public void printStatus()

    System.out.println("t" + id);
    for (Light light : lights)

    for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)

    public class MainCorridor extends Corridor 

    public MainCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
    super(id, lights, airConditioners);

    public class SubCorridor extends Corridor 

    public SubCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
    super(id, lights, airConditioners);

    public List<AirConditioner> getONAirConditioners()

    List<AirConditioner> result = new ArrayList<>();

    for (AirConditioner airConditioner : getAirConditioners())

    return result;

    public void motionDetected()
    for (Light light : getLights())

    public void clearMotionEvent()
    for (Light light : getLights())

    public class Floor 

    private String id;

    private Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap;

    private Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap;

    private Queue<AirConditioner> switchedOFFACs = new LinkedList<>();

    public Floor(String id, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap) = id;
    this.mainCorridorMap = mainCorridorMap;
    this.subCorridorMap = subCorridorMap;

    public void motionDetected(String corridorId)

    SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


    int totalPower = getTotalPower();

    int maxPower = getMaxPower();

    if (totalPower > maxPower)

    int excessPowerConsumed = totalPower - maxPower;

    int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF = (int) Math.round((double) excessPowerConsumed / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);

    switchOFFAC(corridorId, numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF);

    public void clearMotionEvent(String corridorId)

    SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


    int totalPower = getTotalPower();

    int maxPower = getMaxPower();

    if (totalPower < maxPower)
    int powerAvailableToUse = maxPower - totalPower;

    int noOfAcsToTurnOn = (int) Math.floor((double) powerAvailableToUse / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);


    private void switchONACs(int noOfAcsToTurnOn)

    for (int i = 0; i < noOfAcsToTurnOn; i++)
    AirConditioner airConditioner = switchedOFFACs.remove();

    private void switchOFFAC(String corridorId, int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF)

    for (String id : subCorridorMap.keySet())

    if (id.equals(corridorId))

    SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(id);

    List<AirConditioner> onAirConditioners = subCorridor.getONAirConditioners();

    for (AirConditioner onAirConditioner : onAirConditioners)

    if (numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF == 0)

    private int getTotalPower()

    int result = 0;

    for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())
    result += mainCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

    for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())
    result += subCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

    return result;

    private int getMaxPower()
    return (mainCorridorMap.size() * 15) + (subCorridorMap.size() * 10);

    public void printStatus()


    for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())

    for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())

    public class Hotel 

    private String name;

    private Map<String,Floor> floorMap;

    public Hotel(String name, Map<String, Floor> floorMap) = name;
    this.floorMap = floorMap;

    public void cleanFloor(Address address)
    Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


    public void motionDetected(Address address)

    Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


    public void printStatus()

    System.out.println("Power status of Equipments in Hotel " + name);

    for (String floorId : floorMap.keySet())

    Floor floor = floorMap.get(floorId);


    The interface for external input which is the motion event in corridors.

    public interface Listener 
    void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId);

    public class MotionListener implements Listener 

    private IController controller;

    public MotionListener(IController controller)
    this.controller = controller;

    public void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId)
    Address address = new Address(floorId, subCorridorId);


    public class Address 

    private String floorId;
    private String corridorId;

    public Address(String floorId, String corridorId)
    this.floorId = floorId;
    this.corridorId = corridorId;

    public String getFloorId()
    return floorId;

    public String getCorridorId()
    return corridorId;

    public boolean equals(Object o)

    public int hashCode()
    int result = floorId.hashCode();
    result = 31 * result + corridorId.hashCode();
    return result;

    And the Controller which does the buisiness logic.

    public interface IController 
    void actOnMotionEvent(Address address);

    void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address);

    void printStatus();

    public class Controller implements IController 

    private Hotel hotel;

    private Map<Address, MotionWatcher> motionWatcherMap = new HashMap<>();

    public Controller(int floorCount, int mainCorridorsCount, int subCorridorsCount)

    Map<String, Floor> floorMap = createFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorsCount, subCorridorsCount);

    this.hotel = new Hotel("MyHotel", floorMap);

    private Map<String, Floor> createFloorMap(int floorCount, int mainCorridors, int subCorridors)

    Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = getSubCorridorMap(subCorridors);

    Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = getMainCorridorMap(mainCorridors);

    return getFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

    private Map<String, Floor> getFloorMap(int floorCount, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap)

    Map<String, Floor> floorMap = new HashMap<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < floorCount; i++)

    String id = "Floor-" + i;

    Floor floor = new Floor(id, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

    floorMap.put(id, floor);

    return floorMap;

    private Map<String, SubCorridor> getSubCorridorMap(int subCorridorsCount)

    int lightId = 0;

    int acId = 0;

    Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < subCorridorsCount; i++)

    Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

    AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

    String subCorridorId = "SubCorridor-" + i;

    SubCorridor subCorridor = new SubCorridor(subCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

    subCorridorMap.put(subCorridorId, subCorridor);

    return subCorridorMap;

    private Map<String, MainCorridor> getMainCorridorMap(int mainCorridorCount)

    int lightId = 0;

    int acId = 0;

    Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < mainCorridorCount; i++)

    Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

    AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

    String mainCorridorId = "MainCorridor-" + i;

    MainCorridor mainCorridor = new MainCorridor(mainCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

    mainCorridorMap.put(mainCorridorId, mainCorridor);

    return mainCorridorMap;

    public void printStatus()

    public void actOnMotionEvent(Address address)


    MotionWatcher watcher = motionWatcherMap.get(address);

    if (watcher == null)

    watcher = new MotionWatcher(this, address);

    motionWatcherMap.put(address, watcher);

    new Thread(watcher).start();



    public void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address)



    System.out.println("After no motion is detected for some specified time ....... ");


    public class MotionWatcher implements Runnable 

    private IController controller;

    private Address address;

    private static int waitTimeinSeconds = 10;

    private volatile boolean gotoSleep = true;

    MotionWatcher(IController controller, Address address)
    this.controller = controller;
    this.address = address;

    public void run()

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    while (gotoSleep)
    Thread.sleep(waitTimeinSeconds * 1000);
    gotoSleep = false;
    catch (InterruptedException e)

    System.out.println("Waited for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " millieseconds.......");

    void renewWaitingPeriod()
    gotoSleep = true;

    For Testing if the code works as expected (in single thread env..)

    public class Tester 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException

    IController controller = new Controller(1, 1, 2);

    Listener listener = new MotionListener(controller);

    System.out.println("INITIAL STAGE...........");

    listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

    System.out.println("AFTER MOTION DETECTED............");

    Thread.sleep(4 * 1000);

    listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

    System.out.println("AFTER SECOND MOTION DETECTED................");

    Well I do realize there is more than one way to solve a problem using OOP techniques, I just want to know if my OOP solution can be improved (assuming I used and follwed OOP principles). All suggestions or criticism are welcome because the I believe thats the only way to get good on this game.

    share|improve this question






      A Hotel needs to reduce the overall power used by the equipments installed in its many floors. So the Hotel Management has installed sensors, like Motion Sensors, etc at appropriate places .I have to design a controller which takes inputs from these sensors and controls the various equipments.

      1. A Hotel can have multiple floors

      2. Each floor can have multiple main corridors and sub corridors

      3. Both main corridor and sub corridor have one light each

      4. Both main and sub corridor lights consume 5 units of power when ON

      5. Both main and sub corridor have independently controllable ACs

      6. Both main and sub corridor ACs consume 10 units of power when ON

      7. All the lights in all the main corridors need to be switched ON

      8. When a motion is detected in one of the sub corridors the
        corresponding lights need to be switched ON

      9. When there is no motion for more than a minute the sub corridor
        lights should be switched OFF

      10. The total power consumption of all the ACs and lights combined
        should not exceed (Number of Main corridors * 15) + (Number of sub
        corridors * 10) units of ​ per floor. Sub corridor AC could be
        switched OFF to ensure that the power consumption is not more than
        the specified maximum value

      11. When the power consumption goes below the specified maximum value
        the ACs that were switched OFF previously must be switched ON

      I am writing the Controller program that takes input values for Floors, Main corridors, Sub corridors and takes
      different external inputs for motion in sub corridors and for each input prints out the state of all
      the lights and ACs in the hotel.

      So starting with Modelling the hotel part by parts.

      public abstract class Equipment 

      private String id;

      private boolean isON;

      Equipment(String id) = id;

      public boolean isON()
      return isON;

      public void switchON()
      isON = true;

      public void switchOFF()
      isON = false;

      public void printStatus()
      String status = isON() ? "ON" : "OFF";
      System.out.println("tt" + id + " " + status);

      abstract public int getPowerConsumption();

      public class Light extends Equipment 

      public static int SPECPOWER = 5;

      public Light(String id)

      public int getPowerConsumption()
      return isON() ? 5 : 0;

      public class AirConditioner extends Equipment 

      public static int SPECPOWER = 10;

      public AirConditioner(String id)

      public int getPowerConsumption()
      return isON() ? 10 : 0;

      public abstract class Corridor 

      private String id;

      private List<Light> lights;

      private List<AirConditioner> airConditioners;

      public Corridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners) = id;
      this.lights = lights;
      this.airConditioners = airConditioners;

      public List<Light> getLights()
      return lights;

      public List<AirConditioner> getAirConditioners()
      return airConditioners;

      public int getTotalPowerConsumption()

      int result = 0;

      for (Light light : lights)
      result += light.getPowerConsumption();

      for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)
      result += airConditioner.getPowerConsumption();

      return result;

      public void printStatus()

      System.out.println("t" + id);
      for (Light light : lights)

      for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)

      public class MainCorridor extends Corridor 

      public MainCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
      super(id, lights, airConditioners);

      public class SubCorridor extends Corridor 

      public SubCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
      super(id, lights, airConditioners);

      public List<AirConditioner> getONAirConditioners()

      List<AirConditioner> result = new ArrayList<>();

      for (AirConditioner airConditioner : getAirConditioners())

      return result;

      public void motionDetected()
      for (Light light : getLights())

      public void clearMotionEvent()
      for (Light light : getLights())

      public class Floor 

      private String id;

      private Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap;

      private Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap;

      private Queue<AirConditioner> switchedOFFACs = new LinkedList<>();

      public Floor(String id, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap) = id;
      this.mainCorridorMap = mainCorridorMap;
      this.subCorridorMap = subCorridorMap;

      public void motionDetected(String corridorId)

      SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


      int totalPower = getTotalPower();

      int maxPower = getMaxPower();

      if (totalPower > maxPower)

      int excessPowerConsumed = totalPower - maxPower;

      int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF = (int) Math.round((double) excessPowerConsumed / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);

      switchOFFAC(corridorId, numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF);

      public void clearMotionEvent(String corridorId)

      SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


      int totalPower = getTotalPower();

      int maxPower = getMaxPower();

      if (totalPower < maxPower)
      int powerAvailableToUse = maxPower - totalPower;

      int noOfAcsToTurnOn = (int) Math.floor((double) powerAvailableToUse / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);


      private void switchONACs(int noOfAcsToTurnOn)

      for (int i = 0; i < noOfAcsToTurnOn; i++)
      AirConditioner airConditioner = switchedOFFACs.remove();

      private void switchOFFAC(String corridorId, int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF)

      for (String id : subCorridorMap.keySet())

      if (id.equals(corridorId))

      SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(id);

      List<AirConditioner> onAirConditioners = subCorridor.getONAirConditioners();

      for (AirConditioner onAirConditioner : onAirConditioners)

      if (numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF == 0)

      private int getTotalPower()

      int result = 0;

      for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())
      result += mainCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

      for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())
      result += subCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

      return result;

      private int getMaxPower()
      return (mainCorridorMap.size() * 15) + (subCorridorMap.size() * 10);

      public void printStatus()


      for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())

      for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())

      public class Hotel 

      private String name;

      private Map<String,Floor> floorMap;

      public Hotel(String name, Map<String, Floor> floorMap) = name;
      this.floorMap = floorMap;

      public void cleanFloor(Address address)
      Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


      public void motionDetected(Address address)

      Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


      public void printStatus()

      System.out.println("Power status of Equipments in Hotel " + name);

      for (String floorId : floorMap.keySet())

      Floor floor = floorMap.get(floorId);


      The interface for external input which is the motion event in corridors.

      public interface Listener 
      void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId);

      public class MotionListener implements Listener 

      private IController controller;

      public MotionListener(IController controller)
      this.controller = controller;

      public void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId)
      Address address = new Address(floorId, subCorridorId);


      public class Address 

      private String floorId;
      private String corridorId;

      public Address(String floorId, String corridorId)
      this.floorId = floorId;
      this.corridorId = corridorId;

      public String getFloorId()
      return floorId;

      public String getCorridorId()
      return corridorId;

      public boolean equals(Object o)

      public int hashCode()
      int result = floorId.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + corridorId.hashCode();
      return result;

      And the Controller which does the buisiness logic.

      public interface IController 
      void actOnMotionEvent(Address address);

      void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address);

      void printStatus();

      public class Controller implements IController 

      private Hotel hotel;

      private Map<Address, MotionWatcher> motionWatcherMap = new HashMap<>();

      public Controller(int floorCount, int mainCorridorsCount, int subCorridorsCount)

      Map<String, Floor> floorMap = createFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorsCount, subCorridorsCount);

      this.hotel = new Hotel("MyHotel", floorMap);

      private Map<String, Floor> createFloorMap(int floorCount, int mainCorridors, int subCorridors)

      Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = getSubCorridorMap(subCorridors);

      Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = getMainCorridorMap(mainCorridors);

      return getFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

      private Map<String, Floor> getFloorMap(int floorCount, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap)

      Map<String, Floor> floorMap = new HashMap<>();

      for (int i = 0; i < floorCount; i++)

      String id = "Floor-" + i;

      Floor floor = new Floor(id, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

      floorMap.put(id, floor);

      return floorMap;

      private Map<String, SubCorridor> getSubCorridorMap(int subCorridorsCount)

      int lightId = 0;

      int acId = 0;

      Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

      for (int i = 0; i < subCorridorsCount; i++)

      Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

      AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

      String subCorridorId = "SubCorridor-" + i;

      SubCorridor subCorridor = new SubCorridor(subCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

      subCorridorMap.put(subCorridorId, subCorridor);

      return subCorridorMap;

      private Map<String, MainCorridor> getMainCorridorMap(int mainCorridorCount)

      int lightId = 0;

      int acId = 0;

      Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

      for (int i = 0; i < mainCorridorCount; i++)

      Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

      AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

      String mainCorridorId = "MainCorridor-" + i;

      MainCorridor mainCorridor = new MainCorridor(mainCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

      mainCorridorMap.put(mainCorridorId, mainCorridor);

      return mainCorridorMap;

      public void printStatus()

      public void actOnMotionEvent(Address address)


      MotionWatcher watcher = motionWatcherMap.get(address);

      if (watcher == null)

      watcher = new MotionWatcher(this, address);

      motionWatcherMap.put(address, watcher);

      new Thread(watcher).start();



      public void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address)



      System.out.println("After no motion is detected for some specified time ....... ");


      public class MotionWatcher implements Runnable 

      private IController controller;

      private Address address;

      private static int waitTimeinSeconds = 10;

      private volatile boolean gotoSleep = true;

      MotionWatcher(IController controller, Address address)
      this.controller = controller;
      this.address = address;

      public void run()

      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      while (gotoSleep)
      Thread.sleep(waitTimeinSeconds * 1000);
      gotoSleep = false;
      catch (InterruptedException e)

      System.out.println("Waited for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " millieseconds.......");

      void renewWaitingPeriod()
      gotoSleep = true;

      For Testing if the code works as expected (in single thread env..)

      public class Tester 

      public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException

      IController controller = new Controller(1, 1, 2);

      Listener listener = new MotionListener(controller);

      System.out.println("INITIAL STAGE...........");

      listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

      System.out.println("AFTER MOTION DETECTED............");

      Thread.sleep(4 * 1000);

      listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

      System.out.println("AFTER SECOND MOTION DETECTED................");

      Well I do realize there is more than one way to solve a problem using OOP techniques, I just want to know if my OOP solution can be improved (assuming I used and follwed OOP principles). All suggestions or criticism are welcome because the I believe thats the only way to get good on this game.

      share|improve this question


      A Hotel needs to reduce the overall power used by the equipments installed in its many floors. So the Hotel Management has installed sensors, like Motion Sensors, etc at appropriate places .I have to design a controller which takes inputs from these sensors and controls the various equipments.

      1. A Hotel can have multiple floors

      2. Each floor can have multiple main corridors and sub corridors

      3. Both main corridor and sub corridor have one light each

      4. Both main and sub corridor lights consume 5 units of power when ON

      5. Both main and sub corridor have independently controllable ACs

      6. Both main and sub corridor ACs consume 10 units of power when ON

      7. All the lights in all the main corridors need to be switched ON

      8. When a motion is detected in one of the sub corridors the
        corresponding lights need to be switched ON

      9. When there is no motion for more than a minute the sub corridor
        lights should be switched OFF

      10. The total power consumption of all the ACs and lights combined
        should not exceed (Number of Main corridors * 15) + (Number of sub
        corridors * 10) units of ​ per floor. Sub corridor AC could be
        switched OFF to ensure that the power consumption is not more than
        the specified maximum value

      11. When the power consumption goes below the specified maximum value
        the ACs that were switched OFF previously must be switched ON

      I am writing the Controller program that takes input values for Floors, Main corridors, Sub corridors and takes
      different external inputs for motion in sub corridors and for each input prints out the state of all
      the lights and ACs in the hotel.

      So starting with Modelling the hotel part by parts.

      public abstract class Equipment 

      private String id;

      private boolean isON;

      Equipment(String id) = id;

      public boolean isON()
      return isON;

      public void switchON()
      isON = true;

      public void switchOFF()
      isON = false;

      public void printStatus()
      String status = isON() ? "ON" : "OFF";
      System.out.println("tt" + id + " " + status);

      abstract public int getPowerConsumption();

      public class Light extends Equipment 

      public static int SPECPOWER = 5;

      public Light(String id)

      public int getPowerConsumption()
      return isON() ? 5 : 0;

      public class AirConditioner extends Equipment 

      public static int SPECPOWER = 10;

      public AirConditioner(String id)

      public int getPowerConsumption()
      return isON() ? 10 : 0;

      public abstract class Corridor 

      private String id;

      private List<Light> lights;

      private List<AirConditioner> airConditioners;

      public Corridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners) = id;
      this.lights = lights;
      this.airConditioners = airConditioners;

      public List<Light> getLights()
      return lights;

      public List<AirConditioner> getAirConditioners()
      return airConditioners;

      public int getTotalPowerConsumption()

      int result = 0;

      for (Light light : lights)
      result += light.getPowerConsumption();

      for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)
      result += airConditioner.getPowerConsumption();

      return result;

      public void printStatus()

      System.out.println("t" + id);
      for (Light light : lights)

      for (AirConditioner airConditioner : airConditioners)

      public class MainCorridor extends Corridor 

      public MainCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
      super(id, lights, airConditioners);

      public class SubCorridor extends Corridor 

      public SubCorridor(String id, List<Light> lights, List<AirConditioner> airConditioners)
      super(id, lights, airConditioners);

      public List<AirConditioner> getONAirConditioners()

      List<AirConditioner> result = new ArrayList<>();

      for (AirConditioner airConditioner : getAirConditioners())

      return result;

      public void motionDetected()
      for (Light light : getLights())

      public void clearMotionEvent()
      for (Light light : getLights())

      public class Floor 

      private String id;

      private Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap;

      private Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap;

      private Queue<AirConditioner> switchedOFFACs = new LinkedList<>();

      public Floor(String id, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap) = id;
      this.mainCorridorMap = mainCorridorMap;
      this.subCorridorMap = subCorridorMap;

      public void motionDetected(String corridorId)

      SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


      int totalPower = getTotalPower();

      int maxPower = getMaxPower();

      if (totalPower > maxPower)

      int excessPowerConsumed = totalPower - maxPower;

      int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF = (int) Math.round((double) excessPowerConsumed / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);

      switchOFFAC(corridorId, numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF);

      public void clearMotionEvent(String corridorId)

      SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(corridorId);


      int totalPower = getTotalPower();

      int maxPower = getMaxPower();

      if (totalPower < maxPower)
      int powerAvailableToUse = maxPower - totalPower;

      int noOfAcsToTurnOn = (int) Math.floor((double) powerAvailableToUse / (double) AirConditioner.SPECPOWER);


      private void switchONACs(int noOfAcsToTurnOn)

      for (int i = 0; i < noOfAcsToTurnOn; i++)
      AirConditioner airConditioner = switchedOFFACs.remove();

      private void switchOFFAC(String corridorId, int numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF)

      for (String id : subCorridorMap.keySet())

      if (id.equals(corridorId))

      SubCorridor subCorridor = subCorridorMap.get(id);

      List<AirConditioner> onAirConditioners = subCorridor.getONAirConditioners();

      for (AirConditioner onAirConditioner : onAirConditioners)

      if (numberOfACstoBeSwitchedOFF == 0)

      private int getTotalPower()

      int result = 0;

      for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())
      result += mainCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

      for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())
      result += subCorridor.getTotalPowerConsumption();

      return result;

      private int getMaxPower()
      return (mainCorridorMap.size() * 15) + (subCorridorMap.size() * 10);

      public void printStatus()


      for (MainCorridor mainCorridor : mainCorridorMap.values())

      for (SubCorridor subCorridor : subCorridorMap.values())

      public class Hotel 

      private String name;

      private Map<String,Floor> floorMap;

      public Hotel(String name, Map<String, Floor> floorMap) = name;
      this.floorMap = floorMap;

      public void cleanFloor(Address address)
      Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


      public void motionDetected(Address address)

      Floor floor = floorMap.get(address.getFloorId());


      public void printStatus()

      System.out.println("Power status of Equipments in Hotel " + name);

      for (String floorId : floorMap.keySet())

      Floor floor = floorMap.get(floorId);


      The interface for external input which is the motion event in corridors.

      public interface Listener 
      void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId);

      public class MotionListener implements Listener 

      private IController controller;

      public MotionListener(IController controller)
      this.controller = controller;

      public void eventOccurred(String floorId, String subCorridorId)
      Address address = new Address(floorId, subCorridorId);


      public class Address 

      private String floorId;
      private String corridorId;

      public Address(String floorId, String corridorId)
      this.floorId = floorId;
      this.corridorId = corridorId;

      public String getFloorId()
      return floorId;

      public String getCorridorId()
      return corridorId;

      public boolean equals(Object o)

      public int hashCode()
      int result = floorId.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + corridorId.hashCode();
      return result;

      And the Controller which does the buisiness logic.

      public interface IController 
      void actOnMotionEvent(Address address);

      void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address);

      void printStatus();

      public class Controller implements IController 

      private Hotel hotel;

      private Map<Address, MotionWatcher> motionWatcherMap = new HashMap<>();

      public Controller(int floorCount, int mainCorridorsCount, int subCorridorsCount)

      Map<String, Floor> floorMap = createFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorsCount, subCorridorsCount);

      this.hotel = new Hotel("MyHotel", floorMap);

      private Map<String, Floor> createFloorMap(int floorCount, int mainCorridors, int subCorridors)

      Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = getSubCorridorMap(subCorridors);

      Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = getMainCorridorMap(mainCorridors);

      return getFloorMap(floorCount, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

      private Map<String, Floor> getFloorMap(int floorCount, Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap, Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap)

      Map<String, Floor> floorMap = new HashMap<>();

      for (int i = 0; i < floorCount; i++)

      String id = "Floor-" + i;

      Floor floor = new Floor(id, mainCorridorMap, subCorridorMap);

      floorMap.put(id, floor);

      return floorMap;

      private Map<String, SubCorridor> getSubCorridorMap(int subCorridorsCount)

      int lightId = 0;

      int acId = 0;

      Map<String, SubCorridor> subCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

      for (int i = 0; i < subCorridorsCount; i++)

      Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

      AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

      String subCorridorId = "SubCorridor-" + i;

      SubCorridor subCorridor = new SubCorridor(subCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

      subCorridorMap.put(subCorridorId, subCorridor);

      return subCorridorMap;

      private Map<String, MainCorridor> getMainCorridorMap(int mainCorridorCount)

      int lightId = 0;

      int acId = 0;

      Map<String, MainCorridor> mainCorridorMap = new HashMap<>();

      for (int i = 0; i < mainCorridorCount; i++)

      Light light = new Light("Light-" + lightId++);

      AirConditioner airConditioner = new AirConditioner("AC-" + acId++);

      String mainCorridorId = "MainCorridor-" + i;

      MainCorridor mainCorridor = new MainCorridor(mainCorridorId, Arrays.asList(light), Arrays.asList(airConditioner));

      mainCorridorMap.put(mainCorridorId, mainCorridor);

      return mainCorridorMap;

      public void printStatus()

      public void actOnMotionEvent(Address address)


      MotionWatcher watcher = motionWatcherMap.get(address);

      if (watcher == null)

      watcher = new MotionWatcher(this, address);

      motionWatcherMap.put(address, watcher);

      new Thread(watcher).start();



      public void destroyMotionWatcher(Address address)



      System.out.println("After no motion is detected for some specified time ....... ");


      public class MotionWatcher implements Runnable 

      private IController controller;

      private Address address;

      private static int waitTimeinSeconds = 10;

      private volatile boolean gotoSleep = true;

      MotionWatcher(IController controller, Address address)
      this.controller = controller;
      this.address = address;

      public void run()

      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      while (gotoSleep)
      Thread.sleep(waitTimeinSeconds * 1000);
      gotoSleep = false;
      catch (InterruptedException e)

      System.out.println("Waited for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " millieseconds.......");

      void renewWaitingPeriod()
      gotoSleep = true;

      For Testing if the code works as expected (in single thread env..)

      public class Tester 

      public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException

      IController controller = new Controller(1, 1, 2);

      Listener listener = new MotionListener(controller);

      System.out.println("INITIAL STAGE...........");

      listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

      System.out.println("AFTER MOTION DETECTED............");

      Thread.sleep(4 * 1000);

      listener.eventOccurred("Floor-0", "SubCorridor-0");

      System.out.println("AFTER SECOND MOTION DETECTED................");

      Well I do realize there is more than one way to solve a problem using OOP techniques, I just want to know if my OOP solution can be improved (assuming I used and follwed OOP principles). All suggestions or criticism are welcome because the I believe thats the only way to get good on this game.

      java object-oriented multithreading simulation

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Oct 19 '17 at 12:20




      asked Oct 19 '17 at 4:07

      Tiny RickTiny Rick



          3 Answers






          Not a full review, but some initial thoughts:


          • You define SPECPOWER, but still hardcode the value inside methods. This will surely lead to bugs if you decide to change only the field.

          • Is there equipment that can be on or off, but which doesn't consume power? If not, I would pull power into equipment (and rename it). If yes, I would add a generic electronic device class. Either will get rid of the duplicate getPowerConsumption implementation.

          • I don't like that getTotalPowerConsumption and similar methods need to know about the specific devices (lights, airconditioners). If you need to add say a security camera later on, you will need to add it in many places, and forgetting some will lead to bugs. Possible solutions would be to put all devices in a devices list (which might cause performance issues if you only want to get one specific type), or a different structure such as a map. Your constructors would also need to change then.

          • Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue?


          You don't have any. I would think about adding javaDoc comments to at least some methods. Eg what does getMaxPower do? And how is it different from getTotalPower? You probably know now, but will you remember in a couple of months?


          • Try to be consistent with your names, eg:AC vs Airconditioner

          • I wouldn't use reverse hungarian notation (but if you do, it should be consistent); mainCorridorMap should simply be mainCorridors. This is especially confusing as there are things called floor maps, but your floorMap field doesn't contain one.

          • Address seems like a confusing name. I don't think that you need it at all, but if you do, maybe CorridorLocation?

          • clearMotionEvent: Here, we aren't really dealing with any events. I would probably rename it to turnLightsOff, and motionDetected to turnLightsOn.


          • Always use curly brackets, even for one-line statements. Not using them can cause bugs. (but if you disagree, you should be consistent)

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

          • $begingroup$
            Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 8:27



          Thanks for sharing your code.


          OOP doesn't mean to "split up" code into random classes.

          The ultimate goal of OOP is to reduce code duplication, improve readability and support reuse as well as extending the code.

          Doing OOP means that you follow certain principles which are (among others):

          • information hiding / encapsulation

          • single responsibility

          • separation of concerns

          • KISS (Keep it simple (and) stupid.)

          • DRY (Don't repeat yourself.)

          • "Tell! Don't ask."

          • Law of demeter ("Don't talk to strangers!")

          One basic rule of thumb is: create a new class if there is a difference in behavior. your classes Light and AirConditioner only differ in configuration (the number they return for power consumption when on).


          Finding good names is the hardest part in programming, so always take your time to think about the names of your identifiers.

          Naming Conventions

          Please read (and follow) the
          Java Naming Conventions

          E.g.: your methods and variables have names like switchOFF and isON which should better be switchOff and isOn.

          misleading naming

          Some of your methods have somewhat misleading names.

          E.g.: getMaxPower() implies the access to an objects property while it in deed calculates the max power. Therefore it should better be named calculatePowerConsuption().

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 9:19

          • 1

            @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
            – Timothy Truckle
            Oct 19 '17 at 10:42



          how to execute this program on eclipse?

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          user196246 is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.


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            3 Answers




            3 Answers












            Not a full review, but some initial thoughts:


            • You define SPECPOWER, but still hardcode the value inside methods. This will surely lead to bugs if you decide to change only the field.

            • Is there equipment that can be on or off, but which doesn't consume power? If not, I would pull power into equipment (and rename it). If yes, I would add a generic electronic device class. Either will get rid of the duplicate getPowerConsumption implementation.

            • I don't like that getTotalPowerConsumption and similar methods need to know about the specific devices (lights, airconditioners). If you need to add say a security camera later on, you will need to add it in many places, and forgetting some will lead to bugs. Possible solutions would be to put all devices in a devices list (which might cause performance issues if you only want to get one specific type), or a different structure such as a map. Your constructors would also need to change then.

            • Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue?


            You don't have any. I would think about adding javaDoc comments to at least some methods. Eg what does getMaxPower do? And how is it different from getTotalPower? You probably know now, but will you remember in a couple of months?


            • Try to be consistent with your names, eg:AC vs Airconditioner

            • I wouldn't use reverse hungarian notation (but if you do, it should be consistent); mainCorridorMap should simply be mainCorridors. This is especially confusing as there are things called floor maps, but your floorMap field doesn't contain one.

            • Address seems like a confusing name. I don't think that you need it at all, but if you do, maybe CorridorLocation?

            • clearMotionEvent: Here, we aren't really dealing with any events. I would probably rename it to turnLightsOff, and motionDetected to turnLightsOn.


            • Always use curly brackets, even for one-line statements. Not using them can cause bugs. (but if you disagree, you should be consistent)

            share|improve this answer


            • $begingroup$
              thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

            • $begingroup$
              Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:27



            Not a full review, but some initial thoughts:


            • You define SPECPOWER, but still hardcode the value inside methods. This will surely lead to bugs if you decide to change only the field.

            • Is there equipment that can be on or off, but which doesn't consume power? If not, I would pull power into equipment (and rename it). If yes, I would add a generic electronic device class. Either will get rid of the duplicate getPowerConsumption implementation.

            • I don't like that getTotalPowerConsumption and similar methods need to know about the specific devices (lights, airconditioners). If you need to add say a security camera later on, you will need to add it in many places, and forgetting some will lead to bugs. Possible solutions would be to put all devices in a devices list (which might cause performance issues if you only want to get one specific type), or a different structure such as a map. Your constructors would also need to change then.

            • Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue?


            You don't have any. I would think about adding javaDoc comments to at least some methods. Eg what does getMaxPower do? And how is it different from getTotalPower? You probably know now, but will you remember in a couple of months?


            • Try to be consistent with your names, eg:AC vs Airconditioner

            • I wouldn't use reverse hungarian notation (but if you do, it should be consistent); mainCorridorMap should simply be mainCorridors. This is especially confusing as there are things called floor maps, but your floorMap field doesn't contain one.

            • Address seems like a confusing name. I don't think that you need it at all, but if you do, maybe CorridorLocation?

            • clearMotionEvent: Here, we aren't really dealing with any events. I would probably rename it to turnLightsOff, and motionDetected to turnLightsOn.


            • Always use curly brackets, even for one-line statements. Not using them can cause bugs. (but if you disagree, you should be consistent)

            share|improve this answer


            • $begingroup$
              thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

            • $begingroup$
              Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:27





            Not a full review, but some initial thoughts:


            • You define SPECPOWER, but still hardcode the value inside methods. This will surely lead to bugs if you decide to change only the field.

            • Is there equipment that can be on or off, but which doesn't consume power? If not, I would pull power into equipment (and rename it). If yes, I would add a generic electronic device class. Either will get rid of the duplicate getPowerConsumption implementation.

            • I don't like that getTotalPowerConsumption and similar methods need to know about the specific devices (lights, airconditioners). If you need to add say a security camera later on, you will need to add it in many places, and forgetting some will lead to bugs. Possible solutions would be to put all devices in a devices list (which might cause performance issues if you only want to get one specific type), or a different structure such as a map. Your constructors would also need to change then.

            • Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue?


            You don't have any. I would think about adding javaDoc comments to at least some methods. Eg what does getMaxPower do? And how is it different from getTotalPower? You probably know now, but will you remember in a couple of months?


            • Try to be consistent with your names, eg:AC vs Airconditioner

            • I wouldn't use reverse hungarian notation (but if you do, it should be consistent); mainCorridorMap should simply be mainCorridors. This is especially confusing as there are things called floor maps, but your floorMap field doesn't contain one.

            • Address seems like a confusing name. I don't think that you need it at all, but if you do, maybe CorridorLocation?

            • clearMotionEvent: Here, we aren't really dealing with any events. I would probably rename it to turnLightsOff, and motionDetected to turnLightsOn.


            • Always use curly brackets, even for one-line statements. Not using them can cause bugs. (but if you disagree, you should be consistent)

            share|improve this answer


            Not a full review, but some initial thoughts:


            • You define SPECPOWER, but still hardcode the value inside methods. This will surely lead to bugs if you decide to change only the field.

            • Is there equipment that can be on or off, but which doesn't consume power? If not, I would pull power into equipment (and rename it). If yes, I would add a generic electronic device class. Either will get rid of the duplicate getPowerConsumption implementation.

            • I don't like that getTotalPowerConsumption and similar methods need to know about the specific devices (lights, airconditioners). If you need to add say a security camera later on, you will need to add it in many places, and forgetting some will lead to bugs. Possible solutions would be to put all devices in a devices list (which might cause performance issues if you only want to get one specific type), or a different structure such as a map. Your constructors would also need to change then.

            • Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue?


            You don't have any. I would think about adding javaDoc comments to at least some methods. Eg what does getMaxPower do? And how is it different from getTotalPower? You probably know now, but will you remember in a couple of months?


            • Try to be consistent with your names, eg:AC vs Airconditioner

            • I wouldn't use reverse hungarian notation (but if you do, it should be consistent); mainCorridorMap should simply be mainCorridors. This is especially confusing as there are things called floor maps, but your floorMap field doesn't contain one.

            • Address seems like a confusing name. I don't think that you need it at all, but if you do, maybe CorridorLocation?

            • clearMotionEvent: Here, we aren't really dealing with any events. I would probably rename it to turnLightsOff, and motionDetected to turnLightsOn.


            • Always use curly brackets, even for one-line statements. Not using them can cause bugs. (but if you disagree, you should be consistent)

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Oct 19 '17 at 7:20




            • $begingroup$
              thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

            • $begingroup$
              Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:27

            • $begingroup$
              thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

            • $begingroup$
              Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 8:27

            thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

            thanks for the review. Answering for "Why does a floor have switchedOFFACs when the corridors already have the ACs? This doesn't seem necessary and is confusing. Also, is there a reason that it is a queue? " Because only the Floor has access to ACs in different corridors. The reason why I kept it in a Queue is, due to some motion event, we may have switched AC1 first. Then comes another event and we are switching off another AC and so on. When we have adequete power at some point, it has been so long since I turned off AC1. So in order to be fair, I put those AC's in queue.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 8:17

            Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 8:27

            Regarding Point number 2 in "Structure".... Great point by the way :) I guess I shoud have a dedicated Collection for Electronic Equipments which can include Lights, ACs, and Security Camera...etc. That collections gets updated during the Corridor object constructor. Then all the powerconsumption computing methods can just refer that collection.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 8:27



            Thanks for sharing your code.


            OOP doesn't mean to "split up" code into random classes.

            The ultimate goal of OOP is to reduce code duplication, improve readability and support reuse as well as extending the code.

            Doing OOP means that you follow certain principles which are (among others):

            • information hiding / encapsulation

            • single responsibility

            • separation of concerns

            • KISS (Keep it simple (and) stupid.)

            • DRY (Don't repeat yourself.)

            • "Tell! Don't ask."

            • Law of demeter ("Don't talk to strangers!")

            One basic rule of thumb is: create a new class if there is a difference in behavior. your classes Light and AirConditioner only differ in configuration (the number they return for power consumption when on).


            Finding good names is the hardest part in programming, so always take your time to think about the names of your identifiers.

            Naming Conventions

            Please read (and follow) the
            Java Naming Conventions

            E.g.: your methods and variables have names like switchOFF and isON which should better be switchOff and isOn.

            misleading naming

            Some of your methods have somewhat misleading names.

            E.g.: getMaxPower() implies the access to an objects property while it in deed calculates the max power. Therefore it should better be named calculatePowerConsuption().

            share|improve this answer


            • $begingroup$
              Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 9:19

            • 1

              @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
              – Timothy Truckle
              Oct 19 '17 at 10:42



            Thanks for sharing your code.


            OOP doesn't mean to "split up" code into random classes.

            The ultimate goal of OOP is to reduce code duplication, improve readability and support reuse as well as extending the code.

            Doing OOP means that you follow certain principles which are (among others):

            • information hiding / encapsulation

            • single responsibility

            • separation of concerns

            • KISS (Keep it simple (and) stupid.)

            • DRY (Don't repeat yourself.)

            • "Tell! Don't ask."

            • Law of demeter ("Don't talk to strangers!")

            One basic rule of thumb is: create a new class if there is a difference in behavior. your classes Light and AirConditioner only differ in configuration (the number they return for power consumption when on).


            Finding good names is the hardest part in programming, so always take your time to think about the names of your identifiers.

            Naming Conventions

            Please read (and follow) the
            Java Naming Conventions

            E.g.: your methods and variables have names like switchOFF and isON which should better be switchOff and isOn.

            misleading naming

            Some of your methods have somewhat misleading names.

            E.g.: getMaxPower() implies the access to an objects property while it in deed calculates the max power. Therefore it should better be named calculatePowerConsuption().

            share|improve this answer


            • $begingroup$
              Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 9:19

            • 1

              @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
              – Timothy Truckle
              Oct 19 '17 at 10:42





            Thanks for sharing your code.


            OOP doesn't mean to "split up" code into random classes.

            The ultimate goal of OOP is to reduce code duplication, improve readability and support reuse as well as extending the code.

            Doing OOP means that you follow certain principles which are (among others):

            • information hiding / encapsulation

            • single responsibility

            • separation of concerns

            • KISS (Keep it simple (and) stupid.)

            • DRY (Don't repeat yourself.)

            • "Tell! Don't ask."

            • Law of demeter ("Don't talk to strangers!")

            One basic rule of thumb is: create a new class if there is a difference in behavior. your classes Light and AirConditioner only differ in configuration (the number they return for power consumption when on).


            Finding good names is the hardest part in programming, so always take your time to think about the names of your identifiers.

            Naming Conventions

            Please read (and follow) the
            Java Naming Conventions

            E.g.: your methods and variables have names like switchOFF and isON which should better be switchOff and isOn.

            misleading naming

            Some of your methods have somewhat misleading names.

            E.g.: getMaxPower() implies the access to an objects property while it in deed calculates the max power. Therefore it should better be named calculatePowerConsuption().

            share|improve this answer


            Thanks for sharing your code.


            OOP doesn't mean to "split up" code into random classes.

            The ultimate goal of OOP is to reduce code duplication, improve readability and support reuse as well as extending the code.

            Doing OOP means that you follow certain principles which are (among others):

            • information hiding / encapsulation

            • single responsibility

            • separation of concerns

            • KISS (Keep it simple (and) stupid.)

            • DRY (Don't repeat yourself.)

            • "Tell! Don't ask."

            • Law of demeter ("Don't talk to strangers!")

            One basic rule of thumb is: create a new class if there is a difference in behavior. your classes Light and AirConditioner only differ in configuration (the number they return for power consumption when on).


            Finding good names is the hardest part in programming, so always take your time to think about the names of your identifiers.

            Naming Conventions

            Please read (and follow) the
            Java Naming Conventions

            E.g.: your methods and variables have names like switchOFF and isON which should better be switchOff and isOn.

            misleading naming

            Some of your methods have somewhat misleading names.

            E.g.: getMaxPower() implies the access to an objects property while it in deed calculates the max power. Therefore it should better be named calculatePowerConsuption().

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Oct 19 '17 at 8:51

            Timothy TruckleTimothy Truckle



            • $begingroup$
              Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 9:19

            • 1

              @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
              – Timothy Truckle
              Oct 19 '17 at 10:42

            • $begingroup$
              Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
              – Tiny Rick
              Oct 19 '17 at 9:19

            • 1

              @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
              – Timothy Truckle
              Oct 19 '17 at 10:42

            Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 9:19

            Thanks Timothy for taking you valuable time to review my code. While I agree on your suggestion on the Naming conventions, I am not quite convinced why Light and AirConditioner should be modelled by a single class just varying by the power meter parameter. The reason I can say is, we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs. If I model them by a single class I need to get and check the power meter every time. IMHO, I find it more comfortable and readable if we have seperate classes for them.
            – Tiny Rick
            Oct 19 '17 at 9:19



            @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
            – Timothy Truckle
            Oct 19 '17 at 10:42

            @TinyRick "we have to switch on lights in case of a motion event and switch off ACs." Your current implementation does not have this different behavior in the Light and AirConditioner classes. As mentioned this classes only differ in a constant value. Of cause you might move this behavior there but with your current design these two classes really are one.
            – Timothy Truckle
            Oct 19 '17 at 10:42



            how to execute this program on eclipse?

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              how to execute this program on eclipse?

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                how to execute this program on eclipse?

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                how to execute this program on eclipse?

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