Multithreaded local server

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Multithreaded local server



I'm writing several local servers which have almost the code in the main.cpp. Appreciate comments, improvement suggestions and especially notes on potential memory leaks. Thanks!

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "UdsServer.hpp"
#include "RequestManager.hpp"
#include "MSutils.hpp" //MS::log()

void pullRequests();

const std::string pathToSocket = "/var/run/SomeServer.sock";
const std::string SERVICE_NAME = "SomeServer";

RequestManager service; //Does the actual processing of the request

std::unordered_map<int, std::string> requestQueue;
std::mutex requestQueue_mutex;
std::condition_variable processorsThreadSwitch;
bool gotNewRequests = false;

int main()

UdsServer app; //Server listening on a Unix Domain Socket



catch (const std::string & err)

MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Failed to start the service. Error: " + err, MS::MessageType::FatalException);

return -1;

unsigned n_concThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

if (!n_concThreads) //if the query failed...

std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo");

n_concThreads = std::count(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(cpuinfo),

if (!n_concThreads)
n_concThreads = 6; // ~number of CPU cores. TODO: make the number of worker processes/threads configurable using a config file

for (int i = 0; i < n_concThreads; ++i)

std::thread t (pullRequests);

while ((int clientConnection = app.newConnectionEstablished()) > -1) //Uses accept() internally

std::string command = app.getMsg (clientConnection); //Uses read() internally

if (command.empty())
else if (command == "SHUTDOWN")


return 0;


//Anonymous scope just to get rid of the lock before notifying a thread
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

requestQueue[clientConnection] = std::move(command);

gotNewRequests = true;

processorsThreadSwitch.notify_one(); //nothing happens here if all threads are busy

void pullRequests()

UnixDomainSocket uds;

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

while (true) //Let the thread run "forever"

while (!gotNewRequests)

std::unordered_map<int, std::string> queueCopy (std::move(requestQueue));

gotNewRequests = false;

writeLock.unlock(); //Don't let the other threads wait when this threads doesn't need to access the shared data any more

if (queueCopy.empty())
else if (queueCopy.size() == 1)

std::string response = service.pullRequests(queueCopy.cbegin()->second);

if (response.length())

auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(queueCopy.cbegin()->first, response);

if (!sendResult.isValid())
MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + queueCopy.begin()->second, MS::MessageType::Error);

if (!uds.closeConnection(queueCopy.begin()->first))
MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);

else //Multiplex

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int>> multiplexedRequests;

for (auto & request : queueCopy)

for (const auto & request : multiplexedRequests)

std::string response = service.pullRequests(request.first);

if (response.length())
for (auto socket : request.second)

auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(socket, response);

if (!sendResult.isValid())
MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + request.first, MS::MessageType::Error);

if (!uds.closeConnection(socket))
MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);



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Sceptical Jule is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    I'm writing several local servers which have almost the code in the main.cpp. Appreciate comments, improvement suggestions and especially notes on potential memory leaks. Thanks!

    #include <iostream>
    #include <thread>
    #include <mutex>
    #include <condition_variable>
    #include <unordered_map>

    #include "UdsServer.hpp"
    #include "RequestManager.hpp"
    #include "MSutils.hpp" //MS::log()

    void pullRequests();

    const std::string pathToSocket = "/var/run/SomeServer.sock";
    const std::string SERVICE_NAME = "SomeServer";

    RequestManager service; //Does the actual processing of the request

    std::unordered_map<int, std::string> requestQueue;
    std::mutex requestQueue_mutex;
    std::condition_variable processorsThreadSwitch;
    bool gotNewRequests = false;

    int main()

    UdsServer app; //Server listening on a Unix Domain Socket



    catch (const std::string & err)

    MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Failed to start the service. Error: " + err, MS::MessageType::FatalException);

    return -1;

    unsigned n_concThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

    if (!n_concThreads) //if the query failed...

    std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo");

    n_concThreads = std::count(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(cpuinfo),

    if (!n_concThreads)
    n_concThreads = 6; // ~number of CPU cores. TODO: make the number of worker processes/threads configurable using a config file

    for (int i = 0; i < n_concThreads; ++i)

    std::thread t (pullRequests);

    while ((int clientConnection = app.newConnectionEstablished()) > -1) //Uses accept() internally

    std::string command = app.getMsg (clientConnection); //Uses read() internally

    if (command.empty())
    else if (command == "SHUTDOWN")


    return 0;


    //Anonymous scope just to get rid of the lock before notifying a thread
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

    requestQueue[clientConnection] = std::move(command);

    gotNewRequests = true;

    processorsThreadSwitch.notify_one(); //nothing happens here if all threads are busy

    void pullRequests()

    UnixDomainSocket uds;

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

    while (true) //Let the thread run "forever"

    while (!gotNewRequests)

    std::unordered_map<int, std::string> queueCopy (std::move(requestQueue));

    gotNewRequests = false;

    writeLock.unlock(); //Don't let the other threads wait when this threads doesn't need to access the shared data any more

    if (queueCopy.empty())
    else if (queueCopy.size() == 1)

    std::string response = service.pullRequests(queueCopy.cbegin()->second);

    if (response.length())

    auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(queueCopy.cbegin()->first, response);

    if (!sendResult.isValid())
    MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + queueCopy.begin()->second, MS::MessageType::Error);

    if (!uds.closeConnection(queueCopy.begin()->first))
    MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);

    else //Multiplex

    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int>> multiplexedRequests;

    for (auto & request : queueCopy)

    for (const auto & request : multiplexedRequests)

    std::string response = service.pullRequests(request.first);

    if (response.length())
    for (auto socket : request.second)

    auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(socket, response);

    if (!sendResult.isValid())
    MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + request.first, MS::MessageType::Error);

    if (!uds.closeConnection(socket))
    MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);



    New contributor

    Sceptical Jule is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      I'm writing several local servers which have almost the code in the main.cpp. Appreciate comments, improvement suggestions and especially notes on potential memory leaks. Thanks!

      #include <iostream>
      #include <thread>
      #include <mutex>
      #include <condition_variable>
      #include <unordered_map>

      #include "UdsServer.hpp"
      #include "RequestManager.hpp"
      #include "MSutils.hpp" //MS::log()

      void pullRequests();

      const std::string pathToSocket = "/var/run/SomeServer.sock";
      const std::string SERVICE_NAME = "SomeServer";

      RequestManager service; //Does the actual processing of the request

      std::unordered_map<int, std::string> requestQueue;
      std::mutex requestQueue_mutex;
      std::condition_variable processorsThreadSwitch;
      bool gotNewRequests = false;

      int main()

      UdsServer app; //Server listening on a Unix Domain Socket



      catch (const std::string & err)

      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Failed to start the service. Error: " + err, MS::MessageType::FatalException);

      return -1;

      unsigned n_concThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

      if (!n_concThreads) //if the query failed...

      std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo");

      n_concThreads = std::count(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(cpuinfo),

      if (!n_concThreads)
      n_concThreads = 6; // ~number of CPU cores. TODO: make the number of worker processes/threads configurable using a config file

      for (int i = 0; i < n_concThreads; ++i)

      std::thread t (pullRequests);

      while ((int clientConnection = app.newConnectionEstablished()) > -1) //Uses accept() internally

      std::string command = app.getMsg (clientConnection); //Uses read() internally

      if (command.empty())
      else if (command == "SHUTDOWN")


      return 0;


      //Anonymous scope just to get rid of the lock before notifying a thread
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

      requestQueue[clientConnection] = std::move(command);

      gotNewRequests = true;

      processorsThreadSwitch.notify_one(); //nothing happens here if all threads are busy

      void pullRequests()

      UnixDomainSocket uds;

      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

      while (true) //Let the thread run "forever"

      while (!gotNewRequests)

      std::unordered_map<int, std::string> queueCopy (std::move(requestQueue));

      gotNewRequests = false;

      writeLock.unlock(); //Don't let the other threads wait when this threads doesn't need to access the shared data any more

      if (queueCopy.empty())
      else if (queueCopy.size() == 1)

      std::string response = service.pullRequests(queueCopy.cbegin()->second);

      if (response.length())

      auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(queueCopy.cbegin()->first, response);

      if (!sendResult.isValid())
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + queueCopy.begin()->second, MS::MessageType::Error);

      if (!uds.closeConnection(queueCopy.begin()->first))
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);

      else //Multiplex

      std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int>> multiplexedRequests;

      for (auto & request : queueCopy)

      for (const auto & request : multiplexedRequests)

      std::string response = service.pullRequests(request.first);

      if (response.length())
      for (auto socket : request.second)

      auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(socket, response);

      if (!sendResult.isValid())
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + request.first, MS::MessageType::Error);

      if (!uds.closeConnection(socket))
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);



      New contributor

      Sceptical Jule is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      I'm writing several local servers which have almost the code in the main.cpp. Appreciate comments, improvement suggestions and especially notes on potential memory leaks. Thanks!

      #include <iostream>
      #include <thread>
      #include <mutex>
      #include <condition_variable>
      #include <unordered_map>

      #include "UdsServer.hpp"
      #include "RequestManager.hpp"
      #include "MSutils.hpp" //MS::log()

      void pullRequests();

      const std::string pathToSocket = "/var/run/SomeServer.sock";
      const std::string SERVICE_NAME = "SomeServer";

      RequestManager service; //Does the actual processing of the request

      std::unordered_map<int, std::string> requestQueue;
      std::mutex requestQueue_mutex;
      std::condition_variable processorsThreadSwitch;
      bool gotNewRequests = false;

      int main()

      UdsServer app; //Server listening on a Unix Domain Socket



      catch (const std::string & err)

      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Failed to start the service. Error: " + err, MS::MessageType::FatalException);

      return -1;

      unsigned n_concThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

      if (!n_concThreads) //if the query failed...

      std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo");

      n_concThreads = std::count(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(cpuinfo),

      if (!n_concThreads)
      n_concThreads = 6; // ~number of CPU cores. TODO: make the number of worker processes/threads configurable using a config file

      for (int i = 0; i < n_concThreads; ++i)

      std::thread t (pullRequests);

      while ((int clientConnection = app.newConnectionEstablished()) > -1) //Uses accept() internally

      std::string command = app.getMsg (clientConnection); //Uses read() internally

      if (command.empty())
      else if (command == "SHUTDOWN")


      return 0;


      //Anonymous scope just to get rid of the lock before notifying a thread
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

      requestQueue[clientConnection] = std::move(command);

      gotNewRequests = true;

      processorsThreadSwitch.notify_one(); //nothing happens here if all threads are busy

      void pullRequests()

      UnixDomainSocket uds;

      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> writeLock(requestQueue_mutex);

      while (true) //Let the thread run "forever"

      while (!gotNewRequests)

      std::unordered_map<int, std::string> queueCopy (std::move(requestQueue));

      gotNewRequests = false;

      writeLock.unlock(); //Don't let the other threads wait when this threads doesn't need to access the shared data any more

      if (queueCopy.empty())
      else if (queueCopy.size() == 1)

      std::string response = service.pullRequests(queueCopy.cbegin()->second);

      if (response.length())

      auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(queueCopy.cbegin()->first, response);

      if (!sendResult.isValid())
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + queueCopy.begin()->second, MS::MessageType::Error);

      if (!uds.closeConnection(queueCopy.begin()->first))
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);

      else //Multiplex

      std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int>> multiplexedRequests;

      for (auto & request : queueCopy)

      for (const auto & request : multiplexedRequests)

      std::string response = service.pullRequests(request.first);

      if (response.length())
      for (auto socket : request.second)

      auto sendResult = uds.sendMsg(socket, response);

      if (!sendResult.isValid())
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not send the response for request: " + request.first, MS::MessageType::Error);

      if (!uds.closeConnection(socket))
      MS::log(SERVICE_NAME, "Could not close the connection.", MS::MessageType::Error);


      c++ multithreading server


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      Sceptical Jule is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Sceptical Jule is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      asked 47 secs ago

      Sceptical JuleSceptical Jule



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