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Poker Game: Unit testing different poker hands without violating DRY principles

Improve testability of constructorUnit testing IValueConverterUnit testing a CharGridUnit testing a service to return items from a databaseAlgorithms to find various kinds of paths in graphsTesting procedure with several nested yield statements in Unity3DGenerate pieces of an SQL queryOsherove TDD Kata 1: String CalculatorExercise to refactor a class with various credit limit rulesthreaded event loop “interrupt” unit test without deadlocks



I'm currently in the process of refactoring an old poker game which violates many of the SOLID principles.

I was trying to use the TDD approach to refactoring and I found myself having to hard code a player's hand every time I wrote a unit test for a specific poker hand check.

For example, here are the unit tests for a one pair poker hand check:

public void OnePair_IsLowPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Ace),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Five),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsLowerMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Eight),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHigherMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Queen),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHighPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Deuce),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Six),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Ace)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

This is what the class diagram (at the project's current stage) looks like:
enter image description here

My question is how I should go about extracting a method (or methods) out of the testHand initialization.

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New contributor

Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    Maybe make a "CreateHand()" function that takes a string like "AcAs5dJh3c"?
    – AShelly
    58 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    A CreateHand() is essentially what I'm trying to go for here but I'm not sure how to implement your idea. Can you please share some pseudocode or code?
    – Asel S
    52 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    You also need to post the code you are testing. The tests are worthless without it.
    – t3chb0t
    2 mins ago



I'm currently in the process of refactoring an old poker game which violates many of the SOLID principles.

I was trying to use the TDD approach to refactoring and I found myself having to hard code a player's hand every time I wrote a unit test for a specific poker hand check.

For example, here are the unit tests for a one pair poker hand check:

public void OnePair_IsLowPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Ace),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Five),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsLowerMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Eight),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHigherMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Queen),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHighPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Deuce),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Six),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Ace)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

This is what the class diagram (at the project's current stage) looks like:
enter image description here

My question is how I should go about extracting a method (or methods) out of the testHand initialization.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    Maybe make a "CreateHand()" function that takes a string like "AcAs5dJh3c"?
    – AShelly
    58 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    A CreateHand() is essentially what I'm trying to go for here but I'm not sure how to implement your idea. Can you please share some pseudocode or code?
    – Asel S
    52 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    You also need to post the code you are testing. The tests are worthless without it.
    – t3chb0t
    2 mins ago





I'm currently in the process of refactoring an old poker game which violates many of the SOLID principles.

I was trying to use the TDD approach to refactoring and I found myself having to hard code a player's hand every time I wrote a unit test for a specific poker hand check.

For example, here are the unit tests for a one pair poker hand check:

public void OnePair_IsLowPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Ace),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Five),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsLowerMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Eight),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHigherMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Queen),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHighPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Deuce),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Six),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Ace)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

This is what the class diagram (at the project's current stage) looks like:
enter image description here

My question is how I should go about extracting a method (or methods) out of the testHand initialization.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


I'm currently in the process of refactoring an old poker game which violates many of the SOLID principles.

I was trying to use the TDD approach to refactoring and I found myself having to hard code a player's hand every time I wrote a unit test for a specific poker hand check.

For example, here are the unit tests for a one pair poker hand check:

public void OnePair_IsLowPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Ace),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Five),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsLowerMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Eight),
new CardSpade(Rank.Ace),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Jack),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHigherMiddlePair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Queen),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Ace),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Three)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

public void OnePair_IsHighPair_ReturnsTrue()

SuperCard[] testHand =

new CardClub(Rank.Jack),
new CardSpade(Rank.Deuce),
new CardDiamond(Rank.Six),
new CardHeart(Rank.Ace),
new CardClub(Rank.Ace)

bool result = PokerHandEvaluator.OnePair(testHand);

Assert.That(result == true);

This is what the class diagram (at the project's current stage) looks like:
enter image description here

My question is how I should go about extracting a method (or methods) out of the testHand initialization.

c# unit-testing nunit

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Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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share|improve this question

edited 1 min ago




New contributor

Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 1 hour ago

Asel SAsel S



New contributor

Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Asel S is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • $begingroup$
    Maybe make a "CreateHand()" function that takes a string like "AcAs5dJh3c"?
    – AShelly
    58 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    A CreateHand() is essentially what I'm trying to go for here but I'm not sure how to implement your idea. Can you please share some pseudocode or code?
    – Asel S
    52 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    You also need to post the code you are testing. The tests are worthless without it.
    – t3chb0t
    2 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Maybe make a "CreateHand()" function that takes a string like "AcAs5dJh3c"?
    – AShelly
    58 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    A CreateHand() is essentially what I'm trying to go for here but I'm not sure how to implement your idea. Can you please share some pseudocode or code?
    – Asel S
    52 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    You also need to post the code you are testing. The tests are worthless without it.
    – t3chb0t
    2 mins ago

Maybe make a "CreateHand()" function that takes a string like "AcAs5dJh3c"?
– AShelly
58 mins ago

Maybe make a "CreateHand()" function that takes a string like "AcAs5dJh3c"?
– AShelly
58 mins ago

A CreateHand() is essentially what I'm trying to go for here but I'm not sure how to implement your idea. Can you please share some pseudocode or code?
– Asel S
52 mins ago

A CreateHand() is essentially what I'm trying to go for here but I'm not sure how to implement your idea. Can you please share some pseudocode or code?
– Asel S
52 mins ago

You also need to post the code you are testing. The tests are worthless without it.
– t3chb0t
2 mins ago

You also need to post the code you are testing. The tests are worthless without it.
– t3chb0t
2 mins ago





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